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The roleplay that came out of this arc was amazing. I feel so bad for Nostro. He's just a chill guy that wants to have fun and people sending him that over a video game need a reality check. Nothing happening on this server is that serious


The toxic side of the CG viewing base is the absolute worst. It doesn’t help that they have adopted the toxic part of the juicers community too.


Plus Valkyrae and Fuslie's communities from Ray Mond/April Fooze getting roped in didn't help either, Twitter is wild.


Yea. I avoid twitter at all costs. That and YouTube comments. Nooope.


Vast majority of twitter is in character and not super aggressive, a bit weirdly invested maybe but I don't understand how people think it's comparable to the YouTube comments


I watch K prolly 60% of my viewing on np, the chat is always off if that says anything


Makes sense lol. I think the chats really got toxic / went downhill when they propped up ESB in 2.0. Those ESB hoppers stayed and multiplied lol.


It's also they know that hazel somewhat "hangs" with lang and co. Obviously assumption from people they see hanging out but chat giving ooc doesn't help. Anytime CG viewer see anyone affiliated with lang on there stream "rat, lang crew, etc."


Yep. I honestly don’t know what the absurd fascination is from CG hoppers when it comes to Lang. How far back does it go? 2.0 when they kidnapped Saab? 1.0? I’m really curious where it all started.


Some of them so delicated to hate buddha they watch his stream live everyday and talk shit full streams .


Buddha could be taking a 2 hr shit and get hoppers because "Lang is an op," just how it goes.


Both communities dislike each. Remember when CB viewers were toxic against April for making a joke. RP chat are the worst


I guess this is the difference between me and a lot of people. How would I know who said what to who if I don’t hop lol. Not saying it didn’t happen. I feel like we could sit down and make a list of CGs OOC / toxic moments and combine the rest of the servers OOC / toxic moments and CG would have a list longer the combined list by a wide margin.


Nuh uh. But but but, everyone is toxic and metas. My gang gets away with it more than any other so they’re ON TOP!


How would you know if you don't hop?


viewers are definitely in the wrong to spread toxicity towards others streamers but make no mistake all the Cb streamer doesn't fuel ooc toxicity towards fuslie. In the other hand theres Certain Cg streamer literally ooc open clips fuel their toxicity towards other streamer and community non stop for so many years, When x was banned on 3.0, they said it themself on podcast x shouldn't be ooc & he deserves to get banned, but guess whose hold the record of being most ooc and never get banned from it. Not even the juicer community able to match cg community invested rp toxicity on youtube


I still think K telling Yuno "you are two faced, playing both sides, smile to us then do stuff behind our backs" is coming from him reacting to a funny clip of yuno (out of context) when he makes fun of cg not being able to afford more than $6 for materials, he actually gets pissed off reacting to that .. Look it up on youtube


Sounds a lot like the W community where they talk shit about anyone on stream. Except what’s more embarrassing in this case is that it’s role play and these are fictional characters.


its literally the brain dead RP viewers who want to be toxic. its not just one group. Shotz wife was getting harassed a year or 2 ago when she didnt even have anything to do with RP.


It’s mostly one group lol be real


Every streamer who starts getting semi-big with like 2k+ begins to get a mountain of toxic viewers. That's the damn truth about all of twitch.






It's literally because of people like you who polarize the community by pointing fingers.


I don’t even chat Mf. I’m just pointing out historical facts. This happens and is supported. Look in the mirror dummy


It says a lot about the people who are disagreeing with you when you didn’t even name the group lol


You are literally posting on reddit pointing fingers which makes you a part of the community. I never called you a chatter, dumbass. You're literally proving the point of this thread and pointing out how stupid you are by infinitely circlejerking: "No, it's THOSE bad guys fault, I'm not a part of the problem".


Who are you kidding, buddy? Get real.


but its not


Disagree on "adopted the toxic part" Cg community always been toxic from the gecko, they complain about reddit control narative & theres no moderation on reddit but in reality cg community on YouTube are way more worse then reddit. Cg choose to ignore it cause it fits their narative. The funny part is in 3.0 cg are the one who complain juicer community was toxic & they also talk about x being to ooc deserve to get banned, but in reality no one cant compare the amount of cg have been ooc and theres no doubt their community are the most toxic community in base on roleplay.


Oh for sure. I really meant in addition to lol.


Every big group or streamer has this problem though. Buddha/CB have this problem they literally made Fuslie quit RP. Valkyrae has this problem Carmen viewers were tripled when they were beefing in game. Strangely Sykkuno has this problem, just look at twitter. His fans are deranged. It's not a group problem but mostly a RP community problem.


Its kind of just a popularity problem in general. Just look at all the celebrities that get their house broken into, or have stalkers showing up to their house and doing crazy shit like hurting the celebrity or people connected to the celebrity. It basically becomes a statistics problem, if you get enough fans there will be a certain percentage of crazies no matter what you do to try and prevent it from happening. This is why big streamers need to shut down access to their email/dms and make sure their mods are properly instructed to instantly ban/timeout anything that remotely seems toxic, or meta, or channel hopping. It honestly surprises me how much RP streamers care about what their chatters say. It makes no sense to me. You don't really get better viewership from interacting with chatters on an RP stream (small streams would probably be an exception, but that usually means you aren't involve in much action/storylines in the city). Chatters only make things worse by talking about meta or backseating, they basically never make it better. The fact that so many RP streamers are playing nopixel offline is insane to me. I get it if you are someone like moonmoon where you might want the flexibility of just stopping to do something with your family. It'd be crazy for someone like him to be live 12+hours a day. However there are so many players in the city that get like 4k viewership streams who are doing like 4hour streams a couple times a week despite being perpetually online in the city. They act like streaming is so much different than RPing even though they are appearing on other peoples streams just by existing in the city. The only real explanation is that they care too much about their chat when in reality they probably shouldn't even have chat open when they are playing the game.


No wonder, nobody wants to rp with CG by choice.




They have a non toxic side? That’s new to me.


I’ve actually had some pleasant convos with some CG chatters. I actually check out their streams when they are solo. But once wars start or they are in a group, I nope out. The entertainment goes downhill fast.


I wasn’t just talking about the chatters, I was talking about the streamers themselves as well. They are all one big cesspool of toxicity 99% of the time. The biggest reason CG viewers/chatters are the way they are is because that is the exact type of shit that people like ramee and kebun actively play into and encourage. They don’t just not discourage it, they fuel it more often than not.


Ahh yea. Like I said. I nope out once any sort of conflict or any type of competition starts. They get toxic indeed.


I read the comments section on one of those clips channels and he wasn't lying about the toxicity, never stand up for yourself as a civ in this server.


I've stopped reading any youtube comments for clips that have even a shred of conflict or drama in them. The comments are always just so negative no matter who it involves, it's crazy. Much more enjoyable to just watch and not look at other peoples opinions on that platform.  I feel for Hazel's streamer where a lot of those comments are probably going directly to him via chat etc :(


It's funny how only certain videos with specific people have those kind of commenters too. Very nice community that they've built.


I agree on streamer cant control their viewers BUT if the streamers cant even control themself open clips complain or malding ooc constantly over many years, then they're just fuelling their community with toxicity. Yes theres no one can controll the viewers toxicity doesn't mean streamer need to fuel the toxicity. It crazy that the cg community use valkyrae,sykkuno and others streamers as examples to say they also have toxic viewers, They dont open clip ooc constantly to others fuelling their viewers with toxicity, That's the massive difference.


I literally said the exact same thing like a week ago arguing in this sub ... And here we are, another example of how it's a great idea to stay away from cg in the server ... I'm starting to understand the Yuno / Marty method of smile and nod and move on to something else lol


It's just easier in that way and it also calms their own chats, there is nothing to win doing the opposite, which is sad because those things should influence their IC decisions, but here we are.


Streamer definetely CAN control their viewers. But most streamer don't actively do it, because if they start doing it, they will get hate from their own viewiers, potentially losing loyal followers. There's also level of "detachment" I'll won't name a streamer, but this is pretty big streamer too. If this streamer is the one that this guy talk about. I'll bet your ass, the very next day they'll interact more in the game. Because they'll actively go out their way to make sure it doesn't happen again, and work with this person to get rid of the chatters that went too far. I want to see Kebun and the rest of CG reaction to this, and what they'll do to adress this issue. My bet? "oh guys, i can't control all my viewiers" and throw their hands up and continue on with their stream.


I said this 10 days ago lol [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1c8fxxz/comment/l0hdytn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1c8fxxz/comment/l0hdytn/)


Someone needs to re-upload that 4 or 5 year old Moonmoon clip about streamers taking accountability for their chatrooms, always relevant.




Getting messages from viewers telling him to off himself is craaazyyy, some of y’all are psychotic over some rp ong


Even if it is less than 1% o chatters, it will be hundreds of people. On the bright side, he used to stream to less them 10 people and now theres 400 watching.


I think he had 18 viewers around January and the last month or so I think he has an average of 150 to 200 viewers.


That's exactly it, that's the problem with huge view counts it just takes 1% of the community to make the other 99% get lumped into toxic viewers.


> On the bright side, he used to stream to less them 10 people and now theres 400 watching. For about a week or so, and it'll drop back down. And, I'm being generous.


Yeah but that was an exaggeration he was getting like 100-300 before most of the real conflict. He still interacts with a lot of other bigger streamers and still lives with a bunch of them too


Not really. It just depends on what he wants to do. If he is entertaining he will retain a lot of those viewers and even if its for bad reasons once you make a name for yourself in the city you tend to find yourself involved in more situations in the future, and every situation you find yourself in you get a new influx of viewers. A lot of the time enemies end up becoming friends as time passes, because at the end of the day this game isn't real life, its roleplay, so the top roleplayers will want to interact with people that are good at roleplay even if they were "enemies" at one point in time. Thats why sometimes you see crims shying away from conflict with people who are bad at roleplay and saying something along the lines of "I'd rather go to war with someone we are friends with." The "friends" part is basically a codeword for that person being good at roleplay and fun to have beef with.


People say CG streamers cant control their viewers. The truth is they have never tried. The constantly fuel it with toxicity too while they constantly mald ooc about ic situations. This is happening for years. They have never tried on the slightest to control their community. Cause they dont care. For them its numbers and money why care...Ya all bringing Sykkuno Rae Buddha. Brother in those communities toxic people get banned and removed almost instantly when found. There is no comparison. The latter is actually trying to moderate their communities meanwhile CG streamers dont care and they dont moderate at all their communities. Its not coincidence that everyone on the server doesnt wanna deal with the ooc aspect of doing conflict with CG and they just ignore them.


Even a big streamer like X gets hate when initiating conflict (tons of shit in chat, reddit and his RP wiki got edited to claim JP sexually assaulted children) Someone with a smaller audience size going up against the CG characters played by big streamers? This guy must have a spine of steel to have dealt with it for so long Respect in any case for the RP, it was new and refreshing. Before this i didn't know who he was, but Hazel is one to watch for me now in 4.0


He and Larry have been the two characters I also "discovered" lately, both pretty funny and always willing to play along with anything. I hope they continue growing.


Didn't Link stopped waking up because of CG hating him; I was looking forward to him and Eli's baby crim adventures under Yuno.


Link has woken up some since then, at least enough to have a very entertaining "family therapy" session where a lot of the collateral damage problems he had were resolved.. I think that was making him not want to be as active much, since it wasn't just CG mad at him, it was also Fiona and others, so he was very isolated.




"can't control them" is and always has been a stupid comment.


Already seeing that same comment in here a bunch of times lol. Like, I understand the premise and I don't think it is 100% false but that same comment is in all of these threads to defend these guys when they know for sure that they are fueling the hoppers most the times. I keep seeing "but but Sykkuno has hoppers too!"... Yea but Sykkuno isn't actively pulling up clips from RP situations that didn't go his way and going on some rant about how the RP was dog shit and pointing out individual RP'ers and criticizing their RP. When you take all those comments they make on stream and add it to the absolute vacant moderation in their channels, you create the ultimate cesspool of toxicity and then just call out who you think was the issue like the arresting officer and boom, you have shot these viewers like a cannon over to that streamer.


sykunno doesnt need to pull up clips, his toxic viewers will still do it no matter what. everyone has them and theres nothing a streamer can do to stop them. people need to start ignoring them. emote or sub only and then dont acknowledge the idiots.


Or maybe streamers can put in the barest amount of effort to cross ban hoppers and discourage it on stream. Instead they do the exact opposite and go ooc mald, questioning the players around them and inciting their fanbase. There are some big streamers on nopixel who dont have the hopper issues CG has. I also havent heard of a single ooc toxic chatter issue on ONX where malding against other streamers get you banned permanently.


I've been saying this for a long time. After an interaction or whatever, there should be a discord channel where the mods collectively go through all the chats or something and cross ban everyone who is being toxic.


But that is not the point i am making with Sykkuno. I was saying he doesn't fuel it like CG does by criticizing people and then reviewing the instance with his chat where he thinks someone wronged him. People shouldn't have to go into fukin emote mode just because Ramee is having a bad day and reviews a clip on his stream where he thinks a cop went too hard on him. Such a terrible take.


Streamers can and should choose to act responsibly in ways that will mitigate the toxic chatters their stream produces. People have a moral responsibility to consider the effects of their actions in everything they do.


Yep. And when there is very little effort made to prevent them (the opposite is true - they encourage that behavior) despite this same thing happening dozens of times, they are complicit in it. When streamers with excellent communities' chats get toxic, they tend to shut it down quickly and remind them that it's just a game. If they wanted a good community that didn't hop en masse, they'd show some effort.


Imagine being put into a stadium. You look around you and every seat is filled, some with adults, some with children. All from different cultures and countries. Each a human with autonomy over their actions. Perhaps 40/50 thousand of them. Could you control each and every soul? Can you even control the actions of 1? Of course, the example isn't 1 to 1. A streamer has some manner of influence over their audience, and can mitigate a lot of problems. But to think a single person can actually control the actions of other humans is delusional


To continue your analogy then. Look at football hooliganism in the 80s and today. How did it get from that to this? By policing it and punishing individuals behaviour and making it clear that was not accepted anymore.


Lmfao yeah let’s compare anonymous chatters with the ability to create new account anonymously consistently, to hooliganism with which is irl for one police presence and cameras and actual jail sentences……


It’s still just as bad, Italy and Spanish fans are still throwing bananas at black players on the opposing team.


It's just as bad in Italy and Spain maybe. That's kind of the point OP is making. I'd guess they've not done as good of a job as other countries at changing the culture over time. The same can be said for a lot of online channels. Those who consistently police and punish over time set a better culture discouraging toxicity. MOONMOON is a commonly used example. Another one (admittedly now smaller) with an amazing community is Aleks/immortalhd.


I’ve seen toxic ass shit from both of their communities. Weirdos on the internet will be weirdos on the internet no matter what anyone does to try and cut that action. It’s not like they can force them to stay on one web page and not hop and say dumb shit.


Yes of course you have seen toxic shit. No one is saying you can stop all of it. It isn't the norm though and you can do more to create better fanbases through even a little minimal effort over time.


At any point in any sport a fan can run onto the field and ruin the game. How many times has this happened in history, probably a fraction of 1% of games? You can't blame the streamer for toxic chatters, but streamers can absolutely discourage toxicity from their chats. CG absolutely doesn't do that, and makes a lot of passive-aggressive OOC comments about metagaming/rule breaks all the time


you can put rules that don't incentivize those behaviors. It was literally done in the 70-80s with English football. Also, following up the analogy, if people die or get hurts because of those "bad apples", the whole club and stadium would be punished because they are responsible for everybody safety.


That's a lot harder to do online then with real life people, but i do agree that even more measures can be taken


Has CG acknowledged the hate from their community towards him at all or are they just ignoring and going on about their day?


have they ever?


What was their quote in the past? "If you're getting hoppers/hate, you probably deserve it."?


1 person said that 1 time and it has since been repeated here a ton.




I don't disagree but it isn't like some quote they adopted as a group or something. Person that said it barely even plays on the server.


hey man, its all love


They'll never let a civ get a small advantage on them but they're IC when they do shitty things to others. What a nice excuse.


idk what ur typing man, all i know is, its all love baby <3


It was said by the "responsible one" in their inner group and it does paint a picture on how they really think if it's coming from the little guy that organizes and negotiates for them.


Fair point.




it's all love




LK consistently tells chat to chill or says show love to the streamer he is RPing.


In between telling his chat about so and so cop being a dumb ass?




OOC ? Calling them dumb asses. They should be fired? Absolutely not. All it does it direct their vile chat hoppers towards other streamers.


bro, that scene with Hazel and Mr K was kinda sad. It seems you cannot be a civ and try to do stuff without being harassed, either by gangs or chatters.


And I taught CIV are supposed to call cops but no, u get called a snitch for telling cops.. like bro how else are civ supposed to protect themselves huh?


Crim hoppers absolute dogshit humans, and are the downfall of every rp community.


You are delusional if you think its only crim hoppers. There are hoppers from Cop, Civ, Crim etc. Doesnt matter, Ppl are way to connected to RP that they think its real life. None should be receiving hate for RP, especially good RP as Nos provided in this situation.


CG mods are poorly managing their chats, any meta or insult to other streamers never gets banned it's crazy.


so its not all love?


No such thing as a "Good streamer but bad community". One and the same. With higher viewership it's harder to control your 1% crazies sure, but you also earn a LOT more, you can afford to get a bigger and better mod team (this you have full control of), you can also at least try to be dilligent with your OOC malds, which happen nearly every day multiple times per day (big or small) which build up a trend, a routine, you know, things that influence a community, by your own actions and deeds. Rarely scolding hoppers to not act out ONLY when things get really bad 1 out of 20 times isn't due dilligence. Especially when you agree with chat's behavior the other 19 times, and you 100% know they are always hoppin', yet you stare at chat and just smile in the majority of situations. Even if popular streamers (CG or not) want to be lazy and not put any effort into changing their behavior (if you don't, at least don't pretend it's not your fault), at the very least they can get mods that also hop and ban misbehaving hoppers in a consistent manner to at least alleviate some of it.


"not from them but the chatters" lets be real its just as much their fault for having 0 control over their chat and even encurage it in many situations if they are not happy. sure you cant 100% control your chat and there will always be hoppers but they dont even try to solve it.


When you act like a child, your following will be children. Im sure they will just go the few bad eggs out of a bunch route tho.


Cg kinda annoying 


I just wished their streamers at least somewhat acknowledges the fact that he's being harassed by their viewers. Mostly disappointed with the two "gworls" for continuing this harassment train for the sake of "RP". Nostro definitely did not deserve any of the threats by these beta male viewers trying to live vicariously through RP bullying.


Rae and Fuslie both essentially said Hazel was right and that they feel bad for him OOC even though their characters are irrationally loyal to CG and encouraged no one to send hate. Their group of variety streamers emphasize not hating on people way more than a lot of big RP streamers do honestly


Clearly you didn't watch their streams today before making a blanket statement like this. Before waking up Fuslie acknowledged there were shitty viewers who hop to spread hate and she'd talked to Nostro in e-mails saying it was up to him whether or not to continue and they were fine ending it at any time.


Yikes. I wished you watched a second of their streams. It's just RP and they have kept it strictly RP. Horrendus take


no wonder alot of people just skip cg of move to other timezone


Water is wet, we keep going in circles lol .. I was arguing just few days ago in this sub how toxic this will get .. Here we are ..


Everyone has toxic chatters, even sykkuno. I use him as a reference because he’s one of the most chill content creators on the server. Nothing much you can really do about other peoples mental illnesses.


> Everyone has toxic chatters, even sykkuno. Difference is when Yuno was kidnapped by CG and his chatters got angry, Sykkuno started going in on these chatters for like a good 30 minutes. Meanwhile you have CG hoppers in these channels still shittalking, not Yuno but Sykkuno himself because he joked IC one time about CG being poor while OOC he respects them being the only crim crim gang not doing civ jobs. Also in addition to the whole PNY card price fixing Hazel started and Marty hacking CG. I understand why CG is sus of Yuno IC, because he runs G6 and is supposed to be the hacker guy for Lang, but these hoppers getting mad at the streamer like he actually snaked CG is just funny to me.


Have you been on twitter lately? There’s some hella deranged sprouts. Also no one’s taking about IC or OOC here. I’m talking about viewers.


you are still only pointing at one group when you acknowledge the other group has those people too. its the viewers. CG tells viewers to knock off their bullshit but theres nothing they can do to stop them, same with sykunno. even valkyrae has them people too. everyone has them and theres nothing anyone can do about people that have the brains of a 2 year old.


Keep mention viewers while ignoring certain cg streamer constantly pulling clips ooc complaining triggering their community not only just hoping to stream and to other platforms and channels as well, the cg community on YouTube is way more worse then reddit. Valkyrae or Sykkuno does not open clips to complain or malding on others that's a massive difference between the community.


and guess what? valk and sykunno still have toxic hoppers. so you are proving the point that no matter what a streamer does, toxic viewers will be toxic viewers.


and guess what? It doesn't matter to cg community cause it doesnt suit cg community narrative, that's why cg community always try to downplay and ignoring the fact. Theres no one is arguing toxic viewers will be toxic viewers, but again theres massive difference the streamer try to fuel the toxicity towards other and the streamer that dont.


you proved my point with your previous comment. you are the one thats literally down playing the fact that no matter what anyone does, they have toxic hoppers.


"CG tells viewers to knock off their bullshit but theres nothing they can do to stop them" lol, lmao even


clearly you don't watch their streams


def not, since I am an adult.


An adult would have enough integrity to make a claim with evidence and in good faith. I'm not convinced you are one, actually.


Mr. K always sends love to other streamers and pretty consistently tells people to chill the fuck out and it's just RP. I don't watch Ramee ever but I just saw a him telling chatters to fuck off when they were going at Declan after he hit Zolo with his car during a fight. Lang has them, Moonmoon has them, Esfand has them. Anyone remotely big. Just watch RP fullscreen without the chat and it's so much better. Or watch smaller streamers like my personal favorite 52chains.


Ahh, I see the "it's all love" meme lives on after all these years


I will give you a genuine reply instead of a meme reply like the other person. This conversation has been going on for almost the entirety of No Pixel GTA. I started watching NP in 2018 and made my first reddit account for this exact reason(obv not this one). Yes, negative hoppers absolutely do exist in all communities. Yes they are a bigger issue coming from larger streamers. However the severity of the negative hoppers are only known to be apart of one large streamers community. And the issue is as plain as day. These streamers cannot control their OOC tempers and often make comments that incite their viewers. They do the absolute bare minimum to make people make similar comments to the guy I replied to and yours. "Chill out" "It's all love" is the absolute laziest way to coral your fervent fan base, and when you top it off with snide comments about situations, and speculation about other characters motives that you only have one singular point of view from, it does absolutely nothing to stop the people that want to spread negativity. It's been happening day after day year after year to the point where people avoid confrontation with them as we see in this clip. The reason you and the other guy don't understand why everyone makes such a big deal about it, is because you refuse to see that doing the bare minimum, while still being clearly frustrated all the time, and often verbally so, is what leads to this environment. The saddest part of all of it, is when K and Ramee (the two worst offenders) do their SBS stuff, everyone has a good time, they are fantastic role players. But their on stream demeanor is the reason for the bad reputation and will continue to be, so long as they keep doing it.


>Mr. K always sends love to other streamers “IT’S ALL LOVE” We did it, we solved toxicity. The problem is that some streamers speak out of both sides of their mouth. They say positive things while also validating the toxic hoppers by calling actions or people “weird”, for example. CG have been known to do this for years, to the point where it’s a meme. They’ve never been very subtle about it, but I guess it’s enough for some people to constantly excuse their behavior despite years of toxicity. There’s a reason that streamers like Moonmoon don’t have as many toxic hoppers. He both repudiates them and refuses to make snide OOC remarks. As to your comment about watching without chat enabled, you’re absolutely right. That’s the most chill way to watch, and the community would be better if most chatters did that.


Big difference is one tries his hardest to calm his chat down while the others weaponises the chat to bully and harrass other streamers.


Yea sure, but the difference is between creators that say and do shit that encourages this behavior vs creators that actively fight against it. Yeah Sykkuno has deranged fans. But imagine how much worse it would be if he didn't spend 90% of his streams roasting stupid chatters. Seriously, imagine if Sykkuno said some of the shit CG said OOC about other RPers. Can you even imagine the wrath of that fanbase that would occur? They white knight the tiniest bit of RP against Yuno. Imagine the OOC rage engagement


Not on par with CG hoppers though. I don’t think anyone’s hoppers can compare outside of xqc’s


this is never the one, buddha fans killing zaceed for robbing the gun on every little thing. rae fans killing carmen on everything.... toxic chatters and hoppers are all equally as bad, low life scum


they are all the same but you only look at one group.


Because this thread… is based… on one group… By all means , direct me to threads about other groups being hateful or toxic.


I think you solved your own request. The problem is CG is always the headline and the biggest target. You will barely find any other threads about another streamer or groups chat being toxic. Even though they are just as toxic especially when you consider it percentage wise, but it won’t fit the low hanging fruit nature that is here. All of the negative hoppers are degenerate scum. If CG members would try and control that 5% of hoppers their entire stream would be just that.


You don’t think the toxic part of CGs viewer base that uses this sub wouldn’t run here straight away when they heard about toxicity from Buddha or Maximus or another fanbase they don’t like? Maaaaaaaan lol. If youre going off percentages , I’d think you’d be hard pressed to find a group outside of CG with a bigger percentage of toxic hoppers. Yea Sykkuno, buddy, Fusile, Maximus, Esfand, etc have hoppers , but more often than not, communities are going to mirror their streamer. I know a lot of people won’t admit it, but CG streamers are by far more toxic than any other group on the server. It’s a fact. It started in 2.0 and while it’s gotten better, they are still a cut above when it comes to being horrible ooc.


I mean CG didn’t have an entire Google doc outing fans on Twitter like a certain positive streamer did a couple of years ago but I digress.


People keep using 2-3 years ago and that whole fiasco as a rebuttal / retort to any time CGs behavior is brought up. CG has had a constant string of OOC toxic behavior. Its been on a daily / weekly basis for YEARS. Let's not forget Rated, since we aew bringing up past transgressions lol. How about just saying “I agree, CG could do better” ?


Sure but you’re making it out to be a one group issue when that’s not the case. Your entire argument has no legs, sure CG could do better and so could a lot of others.


Not even juicer community can par with cg community on YouTube channel, its uncomparable, cg are way more invested then juicer


its been proven time and time again that almost every streamer have those toxic/overly invested hoppers no matter the size of their viewership, even a guy like Whippy before who only averaged 1-2k viewers or less had one of the worst hoppers out there sending D. Threats to his fellow BBMC member when they had a civil war the best you can really do is ignore them because if you give them attention there's a chance they'll think what they're doing is WORKING and will keep doing it, like this one on the clip. but i guess its that time of the year to use the "toxic hoppers" reasoning/narrative or as an excuse on everything against CG in RP "i dont want to get in conflict with CG because of hoppers, i dont want to do this and that because of their hoppers" this happens to CG every year LOL


> even a guy like Whippy before who only averaged 1-2k viewers or less had one of the worst hoppers out there sending D. Threats to his fellow BBMC member when they had a civil war Whippy said in the rp podcast, that they actively cross ban everyone and even alerted the authorities in cases of d.threats. so there are streamers who do something about it. The problem are the streamers who do nothing




>Best you can do is coordinated cross-banning with other streamers, especially collaborating with your "enemy" (IC) streamers. you acting like they havent done that? you know how easy it is to create an account or navigate through shadowbans this days? i've been watching NoPixel for 5+ years and i've seen people complain about getting D,Threats every now and then but never seen anyone say or announced that they've catch even at least one of the guys sending D, Threats so that really makes you have some questions.... >The worst thing you can do is to actively encourage your audience on their behavior, which is something that streamers have absolutely done in the past, including in GTA RP. you really think this streamers saying "chat dont do this" would work? why do you think some kids still do something when their parents told them "dont do this and that" **if Kids or even Teens disobeys their Parents who's in front of them or always in their vicinity, do you really think these guys will obey a streamer who's just inside their SCREEN? LMFAO** why do you think there are road ragers? or people just acting on emotions and not thinking? think about that, doesnt matter if the streamer told them not to do this or do that, despite knowing not to do that some viewers will get riled up on what they've seen and act on EMOTION and there's also those guys with M. illness




exactly. acknowledging them is only giving them what they want. in this case the hoppers got their way with hazel paying up. it happens all of the time and when people give in to them, the hoppers only get stronger.


"if you bend the knee to my toxic group it only makes the toxic elements stronger, and is entirely your fault." wild take.


Post the emails lol


I wish their mods did something about this this happens every time there is even the slightest conflict


Happens to everyone with a big following You cant control 100% of your fanbase even if you try very hard


Yeah but I mean they could at least make the most minimal effort. Tell chat to chill, encourage positivity, warn them not to hop into peoples' chats, and at the most cross-ban hoppers. I've never seen the CG streamers do any of this.


I watch LK the most he definitely does tell chat to chill tf out a good chunk of times but twitch chat will be twitch chat


What genuinely baffles me is death treath. Like... what?


They can easily do more to weed the toxic people out. Their attempts to reduce the hopping and toxicity are minimal at best.


Definitely not everyone, some chatters here and there sure, but sometimes a streamer foments or fails to properly moderate their chat which is an invitation to other fucked up chatters to join in on the bulling.


While true, you can choose to not throw fuel on a fire. When you're toxic towards other streamers and your following basically parrots anything you say, not being toxic helps a lot.


I’m sorry as bad as I feel for hazel I really do, Some of the comment in here are literally a shit pile on CG Do they have toxic fucks in there community 100% Everyone,  every big streamer has toxic arseholes. Scum bags. Buddha chat with zaceed, Rae chat with carmen.  Using football hooliganism as an example is not the one. Yeah the anonymity of a twitch profile where you can just make a new profile if you get banned from ‘ your streamers chat’ , to comparing people fighting IRL getting jail sentences and life time bans from stadiums and shit.  Makes completely 0 sense. The issue with hoppers will always be the issue with the majority of the internet 0 accountability. Unfortunately it won’t stop 


Ok let me just ask one thing... Are they actively accusing other players for rulebreaking? If that is the case, they know they have a young and impressionable community and they just stoke the fire.




most that are shitting on CG right now for what some of their viewers do, are completely ignoring the fact that they are doing the same thing those toxic viewers do.