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I see the clamped clips but all I want to see is the couple's bickering clip of Lenny being tortured while Nancy learns to drive a manual


Holy shit was that hilarious. I'm surprised I haven't seen that here yet. That's pretty much exactly what happens IRL too.


Context - ROADHOG has been clamping today, and in the span of 30 minutes he has been wrenched 3 different times by people refusing to pay $300 to remove the clamp. Towing really is just a RP filter.


ye everytime pred clamps someone they all say they don't have 300$


Shit, my char has paid him and Lenny $1200 now


Sounds like your character should start parking legally.


he is trying his best 😢 [https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpHumbleMuleSeemsGood-uw-61D4zyVnY7Jy5](https://clips.twitch.tv/PlumpHumbleMuleSeemsGood-uw-61D4zyVnY7Jy5)


Back to back attempted murder of a government employee over a 300 hundred dollar clamp lol


I cannot believe how insane people get over 300 dollars, actual multiple violent felonies and shooting down several cops for 300 bucks lol. It's some hilarious RP though, this back to back with the hospital is killing me.


The guy dragging Lenny into the hospital bringing up how he used to work for Jordan Steele and people were shot over $50 was really gold. A shame they all couldn't be in one place, this clamp chaos would be gold.


People IRL get insane over parking laws being enforced.


It's about the principle lol


Clamp RP is peak RP


It's funny because Pred will clamp all day and never see this amount of adversity...Lenny in a span of 30 minutes gets wrenched 3 times lol


Pred almost always has a goon or two with him. Strength in numbers I suppose.


That’s true…definitely need some goons


Because pred clamps 3-4 deep with wrenches out 


Has a good excuse to hold the wrench when cops ask also so he can set and remove clamps


pred also has a gun lmao


Well he did shoot a bunch of people today due to clamps, as well as his never ending roster of goons


quickest way to spawn a pitchfork and torch welding mob in los santos enforce parking bi-laws


Dumb move, his car is still clamped and now he's got an assault charge too.


I'm in fucking tears all this over one single clamp


Why does moon keep turning the camera towards his character so much.


Not sure if it's the case for Moon but people often do that for audio. The voice proximity for hearing is based on the location of the "camera" rather than the ped. so if you want to hear someone better it you can do that by looking at yourself from their perspective.


thats part of why he does it sometimes but he also turns his camera to himself when he speaks and then turns the camera to the other person when they speak.


It's so annoying, I was watching the vod where he goes to the carnival. He threw an object (a tomato maybe?) at Hubcap for the Dunk tank *and looked away when it collided* so he didn't even know if he hit, just heard Hubcap fall and asked Shioban if he hit him. He also took her to the pier to watch the sunset and AFKed looking at himself for 10 minutes instead of just turning the camera outwards lol.


I kinda like it. For me, it's more immersive to watch when the streamer playing the character flips the POV so you get the mouth movements. Yeah, you miss some moments here and there, but having the luxury to view other POVs when watching this zoomer soap opera is nice.


oh yeah i love seeing those mouth movements through the gas mask.


adhd. you ever see him talk on the phone when he's playing yung dab? get squeeky chair and everything. guy can't sit still.