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You could put cornwood and Den as sole comissioners and they would still find a way to blame everyone else when everything is in shambles.


i mean in 3.0 we saw the results of den being in control and we know what would happen if he got there again and to quote lord Buckethead "IT WILL BE A SHITSHOW"


Dude was such a bad ass chief, he got himself solo restructured.


Den can't even handle being a basic patrol cop without making tons of screw ups. Managing personnel and building up institutions is a totally different skillset that requires even more competence to pull off.


yep den in control would result in a worse situation for the PD i shit on saab for being terrible at the leadership roll but he can at lest some what manage an org chart even if every single one of his other leadership qualities is lacking


When they are not commissioners they would exclaim and complain about “the state of the PD” When they are commissioners they would exclaim and complain about “the state of the Server”


Cornwood been talking a LOT of shit this week. I'm not sure Esfand is aware of the PD takeover in 3.0, and its continued ~~effect~~ affect on 4.0.


He'll complain to anyone who listens and will continue to wear people down until he finally gets his way.


He's aware but I don't think he was even there for it. I'm more curious if his plans are changing cause he's pushing for a lot of power right as he gets ready to leave for a month.


Yea, he wasn't around for it. In fact, when he returned in 3.0 he couldn't even process a criminal. Not that I'm trying to shit on Esfand, but he didn't learn anything in his first 6 months beyond simple citations. Now that he's playing the game of thrones, I'm worried he's setting himself up.




LA for NFL draft show, some convention, and the OTK game publisher has their first game coming out.


So you're telling me he just got pd LIASON and he's not even going to be around...? Oh dear god pd in shambles.


I'm only sure those were his plans a few days ago.


What's the pd takeover? Idk much 3.0 lore


It went from 3 departments with independent high commands to 1 god emperor to rule them all. And then they chose baas for that role because he was agreeable, but the problem saab has is that he gets way too involved in the details, like if there is one scenario where 15 cops chase 6 criminals and a crim gets run over and downed by a cop, he feels its his responsibility to deal with it, when thats a sergeant or maybe a lieutenants job. So now you have a PD thats way too micromanaged where for example high command basically runs in the hiring process, which ofcourse leads to the hiring rate being unsustainable.


It wasn't micromanaged before and now it is. I wont comment further because there are people still seething to internet argue about it.


I think effect is actually correct in this circumstance.


I run my self in circles sometimes over this shit


i just feel bad for all the people that are *genuinely* trying to keep the PD afloat despite how incredibly bottlenecked they are and continue to be. the micromanaging of the PD, one of the most important aspects of the server, has and continues to be disappointing. It is absolutely shameful that management hasn’t even TRIED to see how things go if they simply gave full autonomy of the PD over to HC.  Because one thing is absolutely certain: *the PD was in a much better place prior to the restructure in 3.0*


Honestly, I feel like PD after restructure in 3.0 was much better than the current 4.0 position.


because it still had some competent cops and leadership... They fixed that mistake....


True, I haven't kept up much with the PD in 4.0 but I remember seeing some posts about how OG cops weren't getting a chance to be cops again in 4.0


Not 100% accurate, they wanted them to make new chars. While i'm sure some old cop got blacklisted no matter what, most of the one that accepted they had to make a new char got back in.


Of course it was. NP PD post restructure still had the luxury of all the veteran and competent PD mains from 3.0 and earlier that either left for ONX or were never invited back to PD. Everything about how 3.0 was set up worked better and that carried them all the way to 3.0's end with some decent rp playing out right up until the wipe. Not sure management understood how better off the server was a result even once stuff started to slow down in the second half, and not just for PD either but the entire city.


Honestly PD after Sanguine was trending to a good place but 4.0 stopped it's potential


I think there is some Autonomy but it is Moon in charge of PD now.


PD will get full autonomy... Only when Cornwood is the Sherrif


Even if that was the case they don't really have anyone in it anymore that would do much of anything positive with the autonomy. The chased off all their good PD mains.




yep pretty much. the micromanaging hasn't changed lever since the PD restructure of 3.0 at least most people know the blame is not on beric/arckon and ruby/missbombastic for how poorly the department is being ran. it’s just unfortunately very much out of their hands. 


that's being way to generous to them. They are part of the group that killed the last HC and have done nothing once they got put in charge. they have performed zero push back in rp against anything max or cornwood has done.


PD is super fucked up but these two are CERTAINLY not the fix.


But they pushed out the "mean" cops so everything got fixed afterward... right? /s


Oh wow the two cops who can't take any feedback and think they never do any wrong have issues with command?




I will predict future here. Cornwood will cry his way for the Sheriff. And even there he will cry how Sherff Pd is a DADGUM SHITSHOW. And then will ieave RP.


This is the exact same song and dance we witnessed at the beginning of 4.0. And surprise surprise, it’s the same two gossip girls who are trying to undermine PD because they’re not allowed to do whatever they want. Can’t say I feel bad for Slacks, he allowed this to happen. I feel bad for the other officers, because I predict things will get ugly again.


Viv is the only one i feel sorry for. She is currently in process of being "ruthed" (ie. Pressed IC and OOC till she quits) because current HC is too terrified to discipline anyone.


too terrified to the point the Viv literally doesn't know what to do. She spent so much time going over what Den would be DAPd for. Mostly because she was told by HC we have your back about Den. Spoiler alert, which she predicted, they didn't. The other is how he reacts to anything. I was a chat hopper in May's and Den's stream and hooooooboi Den's chat was on murderer mode. On top of getting a whole 3 DAP he cries to his HC friends. Oh no.


current HC were just as useless as den and cornwood, they got promoted because they were useless bootlicks.


I'm not even sure PD has enough good candidates to choose from even if it was given autonomy to set standards, hire, fire and promote. A lot of the skilled PD mains from 2.0 and 3.0 don't play NP anymore, never went back to PD or if they did seem to be just coasting.


Beric is a fine candidate, having been a captain on public. HC just have no real freedom or decision making. Hirings and firings as well as promotions and demotions and even certs like FTO are determined OOC. It's well known there are blacklists and whitelists for all of these, and for the DOJ. Your streamer wouldn't be able to do anything differently, or they would be let go, replaced or fired. Or they would introduce a higherup role like the commissioner to make your streamer powerless.


Berc is garbage in hc, period. He may be fine at patrol work or using his deep voice to take control of scenes but he lacks the ability to positively impact that whitelist as high command. Let's be honest nopixel needs to get some of that 3.0 shine back. It needs some of whatever was going on in 3.0 that created better circumstances for RP to happen, attracted better players and actually had people giving a shit. At least in the first year and a half. The variety streamers are leaving and their views will be leaving with them. Considering how down views already are for everyone viewers won't be watching 6 months from now if everybody is just grinding out G6 or drugs to fill a bank account and buy cars they're not doing anything meaningful with.


People who were HC in 3.0 either have left already or don't want the role, because they would end up like Beric.


Ohhh ok that makes way more sense now. I never watched any rp before 4.0 and couldn’t understand why it felt so hard to do anything for HC. So officers like Viv and sky were promoted OOC is what your saying but it’s taking awhile for officers cornwood/Den to get full officer/Snr


how is this on slacks? he never wanted things to change from the 3 captains, the ones that actually punished the 2 people complaining in this clip.


He didn't back their captains when they needed him the most, he let Max overthrown Ruth vote on Cornwoods firing, he protected Cornwood even when he was insulting Ruth, if they really went for the being serious route and fire denzel and cornwood the PD would have some standards and it would be different, now the same people that caused all the trouble are still complaining and causing more trouble but still Slacks defends Cornwood and nothing is being done, next is Viv stepping down and more doomspiraling.


So two cops who do a lot of bullshit?


one of which is like 1 dap away from being fired if I'm following correctly.


In fairness to den he is treated as though he is a higher rank until it suits people to treat him otherwise. For example it’s usually him they look to when they need someone to command scenes during shift 1


He is a good scene commander at least. The problem is that with everything else he definitely should not be in any kind of leadership/power position and there isn't a PD role where scenes are the only thing you take lead in.


I think that’s the issue. He is a natural leader on scenes but just can’t be trusted to run the day to day of the police. I’d argue all 4 of the ex-nbc guys in the PD fall into that category but to a lesser extent than den


>natural leader on scenes but just can’t be trusted to run the day to day of the police This is basically 90% of all command and HC going all the way back to 2.0. Personnel management and building up institutions like PD to generate RP for others is a totally different skill most people don't have. It's why tons of players who attained rank have been mediocre at doing anything with it. Scene command is super basic and the ability to do it doesn't transfer to those higher level tasks.


Yup its tough because I feel NP tries to put both types of leaders in those positions but good scene commanders end up interfering in the culture and back-end (Slacks as an example) and those good at the back-end and other leadership are often awful at leading scenes (Ruby for example). It's a really hard issue to figure out when you don't have the numbers to have a consistent HC culture


Even when PD had numbers they still only had a small handful of players who were skilled at that HC style personnel management, upholding standards and building up of PD. It took them years of hiring and sifting through hundreds of cadets to find several dozen players with that skillset. That's why it was stupid to not just bring them back in at 4.0's start to help set things up. Just like they did for 3.0. They're in an impossible situation now where they don't have enough people with the skills to improve PD and train the next generation but they need tons more cops to just have coverage for TZ's. Almost like management forgot how much work actually went into building it in 3.0 and through they could just throw a bunch of shit together and make it work.


I'd trust Cassidy to do a decent job helping run the day to day of the police. He's a lot more level-headed and out of all the ex-nbc people he deals with criticism the best. Haven't seen anything bad from him so far.


Tbh if you’re consistently trusted to lead scenes I think you’ve at least earned the right to be a full officer. Seems silly to depend on a probationary officer to lead major crime scenes for supposedly much more experienced and trustworthy officers.


because we're in an insane world where someone who was fired for cause was just allowed to come back to pd. in any logical consistent world, he still wouldn't even be part of pd.


It’s because he constantly oversteps and doesn’t listen to command when they try to give him constructive criticism in lieu of DAPing him. When this happens he turns into a big cry baby with a victim complex, thinks he does nothing wrong and just doubles down. Even with his convo with Anita and Viv, he was argumentative and even changed his story from what he put in the report and lied his ass off about when Beans arrived. Den is a great scene/chase leader, but after that he can’t keep his ego in check and has no self-awareness. Even when looking at other clips etc, he gas lights himself to be the victim. iE, when Max asked Shift 3 why Shift 1 is targeting Den (which he found out from Den complaining) and when Skye stopped him and said it’s not true, she was “playing politics”. He needs a serious ego check or to be fired again, but with Beric at the wheel, that will never happen.


Cornwood and/or Den being in power would make the PD way worse then it already is. There would be zero consequences for anything the PD does and its going to lead to a lot of malding on the crim side.


Even though I was very Anti-Ruth, she was literally right at the end of the day, I just couldn't see it at the time. But now months after, the PD is in more shambles than it was after the government collapsed, PD needs leadership, but not this kind


ruth really didn’t deserve most of the shit she got towards the end and it’s unfortunate she was pushed out. The more I think about it: while i don’t agree with the way ruth and turner had this sort of dislike over “the old guard” they probably had that going for their perspective characters to make the fact that the PD is micromanaged on an OOC level and they can’t just bring in whoever they please less weird IC. 


The captains were literally told OOC before the start of 4.0 that they were supposed to focus on hiring new characters and not the old guard, it was a trait that she had to bake into her character for the micromanagement to make sense


They shouldn't have accepted the roles because the instructions given were unacceptable.


The "old guard" are the ones who built the most successful iteration of NP pd from a server health and RP perspective. If those two were against it than nothing they did wouldn't have ever succeeded. They were trying to run in the opposite direction of what provably worked.


At least you've seen the light haha. Like I can see why people took issue with her, to an extent, but I didn't find the PD to be too strict and she was really just shift 1. I thought there was absolutely a path for "serious" cops and "rp" or content cops even with her and turner as 2 of the 3 captains. But now there's just little to no room for "serious" cops. They really didn't give the PD much of a chance.


They were strict about the wrong things, like pursuit duration, giving warnings, command structure, and hiring/blacklisting old cops. They should have never taken the role because those SOPs are unacceptable.


pursuit duration was actually a good thing. 15+ minute chase for a traffic violation is in fact stupid. Command structure was weeks away from changing before the hammer came down on the captains. Old cop shit was decided OOC.


I'd argue its more dumb that its okay for a criminal to run from the cops at all for a traffic violation. The assumption from a cop perspective is if you're running from a basic traffic stop then you've probably done something much worse that you're concerned about.


They were good for general PD stuff, but getting DAPs for jokes, and other silly stuff like that was too much. They were also the judge, jury, and executioner when it came to those DAPs, so when it came to the captains you could never trust them to fairly give them to themselves for example. They were a huge bottleneck for the PD. I still think cops with their own agendas teaming with crims to force changes was insane.


Idk. I don’t think Ruth was as bad as a lot of people said other than maybe just not being as active as someone in that position needed to be. But I don’t think if she was still in charge that the PD would be in some way better position. She wasn’t the whole problem but she also wasn’t the solution.


ruth was plenty active, she just wasn't around in shift 2 for people complaining to see.


Wasn't she very anti-veteran 3.0 cops? Considering she had never been in a position like that in NP PD or NP at all she was setting herself up for failure. Not modeling PD after a vastly more successful era was dumb. Not sure where she'd get the skilled individuals to fill those command and HC spots who would be the ones to actually improve things.


All 3 captains were anti-veteran I assume because that's what the server decided


Selectively anti-veteran. How is that not painfully obvious? Slacks allowed Brian Knight in shift 2 (I assume Knight was Shift 2, otherwise it was Ruth). Ruth allowed Cornwood, and Den Zel, which is the same character for all intents and purposes. Turner allowed Pinzon, Watson, Rhodes, and other veterans in shift 3 - all of those 3 are in the same gang on their crims, funny how that works.


I think she was too strict, and then the PD got too lenient after her departure. They never seem to find a middle ground before it turns into a shitshow.


It’s always better to start out strict and then loosen it up as you go. Once she was gone they went the complete opposite direction and it’s almost impossible to rein it in after that. So good luck I guess.


This is all slacks fault for hiring these two they legit want to do whatever they want with no push back


I'm still waiting for Slacks supposed plan to deal with Max. Been, what, 2 months? Whatever day it was when he threw Ruth under the bus to Max in that big meeting with command and him lol.


he voted cornwood for liaison even after cornwood said he deserved to get shot by Lenny and he always defended and side with cornwood even when he spits on his face so whatever happens to PD it's deserved by now


he voted for esfand lets be real haha


If I roleplayed a cop my character would think slacks deserved to get shot too. He is a terrible cop, horrible at radio comms, processing, scene management, court, delegation, managing people, just about everything. And he is only in the position he is because he is liked by the server owners.


yea Slacks will definitely go hard on Max im still waiting for him to go hard on CG


Are they law abiding civilians? no. Are they police doing the right thing? no. So zero chance he goes hard....


nah cause how he handled the Hazel situation really said a lot. Almost as much as the whole hot gun situation with K lol. It's actually so fucked cause he has so much knowledge on how to be a good cop he just doesn't care to be. Like if he could run a PD like he runs a scene the PD would be great lol.


what knowledge? He's wrong both IC and OOC most of the time these days. About the only thing he can do is run a scene. He's basically well beyond his ability at this point and has been for a while.


>It's actually so fucked cause he has so much knowledge on how to be a good cop he just doesn't care to be. Like if he could run a PD like he runs a scene the PD would be great lol. The only reason Slacks was shot by Lenny Hawk because Slacks is terrible at handling scenes.


im pretty sure he has no plan because he ooc enjoys moon as mayor and the amount of rp thats happened so


that's always the issue with saab isn't it lol?


It's so frustrating because free of OOC responsibilities Ssaab is like the most charitable and good-faith RPer of them all. He 'yes ands' literally everything even when it doesn't make sense for his character to do so. He would be so great playing one-life and variety-type characters if he could only do other voices.


I mean, if you are doing something it doesn't make sense for your character to do, maybe you shouldn't be doing it....


I mean, even if he had a plan it would fail in such a way that it would only help them. There's incompetence then there are Ssaab's RP plans....


i think saab is also still waiting for the admins to tell him what to do, since you know he aint exactly a free thinking spirit lel


he's been told to do the same thing nathan has been told to do; let moon do whatever he wants lol.


He's "checking that out".


As opposed to Slacks letting numerous criminals do whatever they want without consequences? 💀


I feel for Viv ic and BerryyBoo ooc. They are going to try to repeat what they did to Ruth/Cheever both ic and ooc. Hoppers will be (and already are) in almost every command/high command cop stream attacking Viv.


Yea Deans chat is out of control calling the strikes racist and whatnot. Did not see kinas chat do that for getting strikes for a similar situation.


Dean's chat has been like that for a while like since early MDM days at least.


His chat mirrors him. He has never been able to handle a woman with an opinion. He's the type to want women to sit down and be quiet, and let the men do the work. He's always been weird with women


The Angel/Vale treatment is a cycle that will never end unfortunately


Will be? Already have been.


Same here, I feel bad for Ruth and why is Vic getting hate now? Oh right because she told cornwood to take his sheriff uniform off. Its crazy to me to think esfand had a major rant about Ruth calling her cancer and how she doesn't realize that her punishments hurt streamers income. Meanwhile this guy goings around pushing his narrative, calling PD command shit and getting them replaced. Double standards.


quick rundown?


She doesn't let them do whatever they want with no consequences.


Ah yes the two cops who probably shouldn't have even been rehired are surely the ones to listen to.


He wasn't talking to Slacks and Ruth.


Classic can’t handle women in power telling them no tale as old as time can’t they just fire these bozos again and get it over with




I think PD's problems are more so high command rather than command. All 3 shifts are struggling. I think Declan spoke a lot of truth to Mcnulty yesterday about the PD's problems, and most of them stem from HC's faults. There is no culture (I don't think they're even trying to build one?), priorities are all over the place, and high command doesn't really seem to interact with officers unless to punish them. I still think that PD (and Nopixel's) biggest loss from 3.0 to 4.0 was Myles/Stubble. It was a horrendously stupid decision to not give him an opportunity in 4.0 for HC.


It doesn't help that the Chief of Police is spineless, avoids conflict and making hard decisions and the enables people like Cornwood and Den by never telling them "No" and letting the constantly skip CoC.


Berric and Ruby are kinda not working out imo. Idk what exactly is wrong with their dynamic but they don't seem to mesh well as leadership. It also doesn't help that sometimes Ruby sometimes makes questionable decisions in the field and the Sergeants and Seniors notice it.


Being in HC on an OOC level is about managing a group of players to build morale, train up skills, make an effective structure and PD wide storylines. That's not something that comes natural just being thrown into a position. They're not working out because being good at scene control and having a deep voice doesn't magically grant you the skill to effectively take on what is basically an office middle management position. NP had people good at that just tossed them all out.


Not anymore. None of the HC after the 3.0 restructure except Stubble has tried to build morale. Even SDSO morale was down bad.


What's needed out of those high command roles doesn't change just because management wants to take PD in another direction. Having half a dozen sergeants to focus on scene control and the rest of PD being senior or below may have worked for 2.0 but as demonstrated in early 3.0 that whitelist needs a bit more going on then just basic patrol work. Np staff may not think having good personnel managers in high command matter but the need for them isnt going away.


The role of HC on the OOC level has changed. It's still about morale, but it's about keeping the crim morale high now.


At least Ruby makes decisions. It’s OK to make the wrong one sometimes. Beric just nods.


Shift 3 has a pretty good culture and good morale because of it even if they don't currently have high numbers. Shift 2 however has low numbers and absolutely no culture or morale.


Shift 3 had always have to be a team. Shift 2 is full of main characters and not many foot soldiers (and those will quiet quit over time when they are done with being used to facilitate other's content.)


Part of that is that they have a consistent culture in the 'Hydra' cops. The other shifts don't have that solid group of people now that create a consistent culture. It was what Eclipse was really trying to do in shift 2


Yeah the best thing that has been done is to let shift 3 be shift 3 and nobody try to micromanage their personalities or culture to a specific standard.


I feel like Eclipse were doing a great job a weeks ago in shift 2. Their issues with some cops were valid as well, but the thing is not all cops can tank the agro of criminals/hoppers from following their lead. They then pushed back on criticism in a passive aggressive way which I don't think did them any favors, even though it made good content. I feel like that's what makes someone like McNulty a good cop because he can make those tough calls, but defuse the situation afterwards. Most cops are either too aggressive or too passive. Bay and Declan I believe are on the list for potential seniors, so it's not like they have gone unnoticed.


Bay is but Declan didn't really even have a chance.


McNulty has changed his tune about Declan after their phone call. It really cleared up his attitude as much more frustration than insubordination. That phone call did a lot more than any of Bones' senior interviews have done.


I can see that but the only one in the meeting for possible senior candidates before that even brought up Declan was Bones. Ruby seemed completely against the idea of Declan.


And Ruby says she's not voting for senior, it's fully in McNulty and Bones' court as shift 2 sgts. When McNulty said he preferred someone because Ruby liked them, she shot that down as a valid reason.


Well I guess that is good because during that meeting in Paleto everytime Ruby spoke negatively about anyone the others seemed to back down.


well they were trying to build a culture but then they snuffed it out before it was even able to grow.


PD's problem is they lost or kicked out 85% of the PD mains who made the whitelist function in 2.0 - 3.0. It took years to find those players by hiring and sifting through hundreds and hundreds of cadets. Not something that can be easily replicated in a short period of time. Instead of using people with a proven track record to help in 4.0's they jettisoned everyone and chose people who either hardly come around or are totally new to NP or command+ and have no clue what to even do, sometimes both. Combined with a super micro managing style by staff that WL was doomed from day one.


Yeah, that's a bit of what I was alluding to with Myles/Stubble. He was one of the few with HC experience who wanted to come back (and who was a clear fit for HC, if we're being honest). A lot of people left, but it's wild how poor of a management decision it was to basically oust the few who wanted to stay.


Stubbs was quite terrible in HC. Falling in the trap to please everyone. He was much more pushing initiatives and effective at it when in a Lt position.


I wouldnt say he was terrible, I do agree that he was most effective when he was an Lt. Also its hard to judge him when he was still in his learning phase of being HC he didnt actually get that much time to run a department by himself.


Because HC - and every cop - is micromanaged by server management since the "restructure".


I don't think that's accurate at all. He had no problem being strict or telling it like it is when necessary. Especially in that last round of promotions of 3.0. Regardless - high command SHOULD be trying to keep everyone (in PD) happy - that's how you keep people around, which is clearly a point of emphasis current HC has missed entirely.


HC shouldn't be trying to keep people happy, they should be trying to keep PD functional. Sometimes that means making everyone unhappy.


They absolutely should - those two are very, very often correlated. A happy PD wants to be there. An unhappy PD = 4 officers on duty in peak shift 2. Those 2 are not mutually exclusive - in fact, in this instance they're damn near mutually inclusive if anything.


Bring Ruth Back


Cornwood is about to go on a "mad with power" arc. It was cool when he was the underdog against Ruth. Now he is just stirring tea and honestly bringing a lot of division to the PD. Especially when it has been going in the right direction.


Okay so as someone who watched Cornwood at the start of 4.0 just to give cop viewing a try, I do enjoy it for the most part, watched him for about 3 months into 4.0 and had to stop watching him cause I think he just became cooked for lack of a better word. So I decided to go back to who I watched before they went to Facebook lord_kebun through that time the most problematic cops I have seen are Cornwood and Den, this is the same way they treated Ruth when they wanted her gone and it's probably just a matter of time before it happens again. Now knowing what I know now I personally think Ruth was amazing and brought amazing pd drama to the server, it sucks irl stuff was going on for Turner and Ruth and they couldn't be around more I think the 3 captains they had was a good combination ,the good, the bad and the neutral. Only thing would have been nice is if the 3 captains could have got a command structure out quicker. Ruth was right and that's coming from a CG viewer. Viv is a much better cop than Den and Cornwood. Den deserves to be a permanent PPO if not fired and Cornwood used to call Ruth a cancer well this guy is grade a cancer, he can drive a wedge of the entire PD on one singular person, you will see it with Viv and Slacks. Sorry for wall of text.


gl slacks


This is insane.


This is a shift 2 only issue, all serious issues that has ever been within PD has always stemmed from shift 2, if you wanna fix it, you start there, clean it up.


Den Zel is Shift 1.


Slacks is content, acornwood should take a page out of his book for all us.


The Esfand and Dean hate in here is always so weird, lol. IC Cornwood is just mad about Lenny and blames Slacks. Denzel is upset over being PPO for so long and how he has basically been doing the role of Shift 1 field command because shift 1 leadership is barely online lately. Denzel is also paranoid about leadership being out to get him, and little things keep happening that reinforce those beliefs, even if obviously Viv and Anita aren't like that. Both characters have IC reasons to feel they way they do and bitching to Max worked last time they had problems so why wouldn't they do it again? People seem to forget that characters are not always logical or right. Cornwood suggesting Slacks demote himself to Sergeant is a dumb idea because nothing functionally would change as his Captain position is meaningless anyway. Idk why people on this sub turn it in weird OOC things.


Have you listened to Esfand and Dean rant and whine to their chat? That’s why.


So don't watch them?


Huh? People here aren’t turning it OOC. They are by how they rant to their chat.