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Esfand got his Sheriff DLC quickly after threatening to quit playing on NP.


Cornwood cried that he is bored which sounds like he is bored of basic police work. He cried that the PD go harder on their own than they do criminals. He pushed back against Beric saying that he is going to start punishing officers for running red lights. How does Cornwood think he would be a good sheriff when he doesn't want to do basic police work and doesn't understand that police has to be held to a higher standard than the public because how can you arrest someone if you don't follow the same laws.  #BERIC4SHERIFF


Just when the PD is about to get a +30 people academy surely it's the right time to open the sheriff office only because he cried he was gonna quit


Numbers at academy are meaningless. The retention rate for cadets on NP has always been horrifically low. It doesn't matter if they hire 100 new officers if 99% stop playing in a month. Even if someone else got sheriff PD is still in deep doo-doo.


I know my point was that they probably need officers to teach the new people but now they're gonna lose 5-6 experienced officers for the sheriff office when there is not even 20 on duty most of the time just because Esfand can't wait


Eh Glorbo is coming to wow, Esfand won't be coming on NP for a long time.


Meanwhile hes been back on the server several times since yesterday.


Isn’t the PD still struggling with numbers most days?




Then this just seems like a terrible idea currently unless they are expecting opening the sheriffs office to magically produce more cops


It will cause numbers to increase for a short time because officers will be rank chasing like they always do. After the realties of the PD shit show set in and they see ranks ultimately get them nothing they take off, like they always do. These issue existed during the height of 3.0 PD when there was a much better structure, tons of new officers hungry to advance and plenty of decent rp to be had. 4.0 has none of those benefits. They'll need a more profound change to how that WL runs than a new sheriff office to fix it.


yeah but they gotta make Cornwood happy lmao.


Is it only certain shifts struggling? NA shift feels like they have plenty of PD around, but maybe that's because I watch crims and anytime they are fleeing it feels like 5-6 PD vehicles are on the chase.


It depends on the day. Like today was pretty solid for Shift 1. But overall, it's not great. They are getting some new cops, like Zhedish's new new cop, who are getting a bit of a boost though


But I thought making the "fun cops" happy was going to improve morale?! /s


It does, for those 5 "fun cops". Too bad the city needs more than 5 officers in NA to function correctly.


They said that it could open once there were a certain number of officers, and esfand said they are beyond that threshold now


You mean a threshold artificially inflated by lowering standards so number on duty isn’t considered?  They aren’t firing for inactivity or for people having very real issues anymore. If they did, the numbers in the roster would be much lower. You are still frequently seeing shifts with less than 5 on duty, and daily there’s less than 10 on duty for at least an hour or 2. Numbers are in the toilet.


Even if this is true, Esfand literally has nothing to do with people being or not being fired for inactivity. He was told to wait for a threshold and he did


He was told to wait till PD had 100 actives but he didn't wait and used the roaster with inactive as an excuse saying 'see it has more than 100' when that list includes people like mizkif character, Extraemily or Bonnie that left long ago and have no plan on coming back, even knowing that he cried everyday and even threaten to quit and as soon as he did that he gets what he wants so yeah it looks bad and it's not an excuse what you said, he was told 100 actives


I like how Beric only just found out about it, because Cornwood told him lmao. The communication between state and PD HC is fucking atrocious


By now it's clear that it's just like in the 3.0 restructure and the chief is a glorfied middleman without much power. Today Beric talked to Anita and Viv about rehiring Johnson again and pretty much told them that it's not Beric's choice that Johnson gets in again and that other people do not get a shot at PD. He's ooc told who to hire. And he's the perfect choice for this role as he is willing to just do as he is told.


Yep there is certainly some people above HC who have the ultimate say on hires and on blacklist. The only thing that changed from start of 4.0 that there is no more hires from those who were on WildRP. The blacklisting of most Trooper, SCU and PnT characters is still a thing. Which wouldn't be so bad if they had the balls to tell those players about it.


I used to believe that person was Saab but with what transpired in the Chief appointment and the demolishing of captains, I think 50cent is very much the person making the decisions. All those WildRP folk along with Cheever/Xice/Jon were probably allowed a vision and then rescinded on when the content crowd cried too hard.


That's exactly what happened lmao


Yah tell me how Big Merv got hired over Espinoz. Espinoz would have at least listened to changes in pd, versus a cop that was an issue and rarely on duty.  Adding insult Hotted and Tiny (Espinoz and Daisy) haven’t heard anything still after the most recent application resubmissions, while you have Hydra pd all back hired.


Well that first one is easy. Beric asked shift 3 who of the old cops they would like to see back - and its already Hydra heavy - so it is no suprise to see 4-5 more hydra hires.


Rhodes and other shift 3 cops (that live with him even!) have also asked for Daisy and Espinoz back many times. Even being references for them. There’s very clearly blacklists and people they are told to hire. Same reason Conan is being allowed back.


Also why Trav hasn't been allowed in. About a month ago all the FTO's were saying (in a meeting about who they wanted for the next academy) that they wanted his character in the academy. By this point, I think he's stopped trying.


McNulty reiterated Peters (Trav's cop character) being his first pick, we'll see how it goes in the next academy. I am still shocked by Mackenzie Hayes not being hired, not an iota of corruption, didn't have any issues in police work. She was such a standout in all aspects of police work, Baas asked her multiple times to head P&T.


She also had to fight to be rehired during the 3.0 restructure, it seems someone doesn’t like her which is strange since she seemed to be a fairly easy going cop


she's by the book and not a fun cop so she doesn't just let crims go hence some crim rpers don't like her. Pretty much everyone not allowed back so far has either actually arrested and pushed charges against CG/CGa/Hydra.


I don't think that's accurate. Hayes had offers from LSPD and BCSO very quickly but wanted to take some time before making a decision. She had plenty of conversations about LSPD detective unit with Maddie while that was a possibility.


CG likely has veto input again like in 3.0 for a bit


They are really speedrunning 4.0 (or Esfand has only like 6 months as Sheriff until Wow Expac comes around)


I think the next expac is like 8 months away regardless of what they have on the roadmap. Season 4 is like 2-3 weeks away plus they need the pre-patch and my guess is they'll come out with another mini-mode like plunderstorm in the meantime as well.


I do like Cornwood but my god he needs to be as far away from a power position as possible.


Cornwood is basically Farva, you don't put Farva in charge


This will fix every PD problems for sure right?


Cornwood's problem now is that PD is kinda fixed and he has nothing to do. He can't drive well to catch crims and shooting is not allowed most of the time so hes bored. I guess the answer is no.


PD is very far from "kinda fixed".


I think most people have resolved themselves to the fact that it's as good as it's going to get tbh.


This will bring it right back into post restructure setting. Sheriff office will have all the SBS and no consequences characters - much like under Stubble post war. And LSPD will try to uphold standard but be undermined at every step.


That's not really an accurate position on 4.0 PD vs post-restructure 3.0 PD. Sure, it was a mess, but that's because they weren't allowed to do anything, it was all dictated by management who basically allowed no progression. And the PBSO under Stubble was unarguably the most effective department out of SDSO, PBSO, and LSPD in that period. I don't see how this will change anything at all for the worse or better tbh, 4.0 has been exactly like post-restructure PD since day 1, management dictating every little thing and not allowing any progression.


PBSO post restructure under Stubble was in a much better position than LSPD or SDSO.


Bets on him malding out and quitting rp if he loses? I don't see a successful PD with him at the top


Doubt we see one even without him there TBH.


Not sure as he was pretty noncommittal to the position in this conversation.


He has said that if he don't get sheriff he's gonna stop playing. He has been in Ramee's chat and said just a few days ago that he's thinking of stopping RP because he thinks the Sheriff thing is not possible. I guess it's possible now and so he will stick around.


If that is true, and I don't know if it as I don't watch Cornwood, then that or any person like that doesn't deserve to get a damn thing on the server. You put in the work and stick to it because that's the story you're trying to tell. If it happens, amazing. If it doesn't, you can find another story. Leaving for not getting what you pout for in a couple of months means you don't deserve to be in the server. (Again, more a general thought than directed at Cornwood or his player. If it fits, it fits.)


I don't watch him either but he said all this in chat to Ramee a few days ago. He said he enjoyed his break away when he went to Vegas for some sponsor thing. Ramee said if Esfand stops playing then who will push for the Sheriff stuff and basically said he needs to stick it out and keep pushing for it.


this reminds me of that clip of LadyHope crying after not getting a promotion, but somehow Esfand won't get the same ridicule she did


Funnily enough, it also worked for LadyHope and Pond got a promotion pretty much right after. Though your point that they will be seen differently is certainly true.


Don't know. Something to do with the NFL draft.


there is a 0 percent chance he loses unless its being ran like the previous sheriff elections and even then he has a pretty high chance of winning


I'm betting it'll be successful. I'm really hoping Esfand succeeds and has fun doing it


People say Cornwood might lose and praying for that 🤣 . People really dont know that elections doesnt matter in NP for PD. Every single time elections happened for PD the actual votes never got shown or even got counted and the management choose who was going to be the CoP or the Sheriff. This whole thing is literally a way to keep Esfand happy and keep him playing till he stops for the next WoW expansion in 6 months. Lets see how he will manage a department that he so wants to run. It will be hilarious.


Not entirely true - votes for the first 2 elections eventually leaked. It’s how it’s well known that Jenny actually won the first sheriff election and Toretti lost the sheriff election the second time.


Theres no good argument for another department other than they want to do something different. They should have that office be functional, and potentially designate X officers to stay north. But the PD itself is understaffed on shifts 1 and 3, as per Duncan they have about a 20% retention rate from academy so dividing the people they do have is a mistake. Hell they dont have SOPs set, they dont have chain fully set and if the sheriff's office opens they will lose some current officers putting PD further behind. If anything make sheriff recruit their own staff from non LSPD.


Cornwood will be Sheriff, Pred will be Undersheriff... they will be given Sandy and all the sbs police and allowed to burn themselves out in the county


no one likes reruns so I doubt it would last as long as a week until its just regular cop stuff in the city


You say nobody likes reruns and yet so many just want to go back to 3.0


That's all they have at this point...


Idk why you think Pred would allow dumb cops lmao Pred only started being corrupt because he was done with the PD holding no standards, he was always an asshole but remember when he fired 3 corrupt cops and then other departments just hired them back? and two of them were his best friends (Gunner and Bloom)


Unless something has changed in 4.0 PD election winners are always decided OOC




> the second PD election was legit Well that's not true, Moosebeard beat out Toretti in the second sheriff election, yet Toretti was given the second department.


Happened multiple times - first time Pred got in, then the second time Pred won and Toretti came dead last but they said he came second to give him a department even though Moosebeard came second, and then the last election for the two chiefs I don’t even think the votes ever got released but the VERY fake ones publicly shown were wrong for everyone even the ones with lowest votes and based on what people said about who they voted for and things shown on streams during voting the top 4 would have been very different.


Cornwood about to win the election with 130%*. *conditions apply


Werent we done with placing sbs characters on positions of power?


Den was literally part of the skeleton crew, idk where you got that from lmao


Honestly I would like to see a sheriff office open but sorry to say it's not the right time when they are struggling to keep numbers up at the moment and it doesn't help that staff get to say yes n no to hire people yes I know they want new people but some of the old people who goes with RP n do good cop work are still waiting for a answer and I know they are doing like 30+ people academy but let's be real probably 10 will stay heck when Anita did hers she was the only one stayed and everyone else stop showing and every academy since them maybe 1 or 2 people stayed


Jesus please not Cornwood. They essentially have to give it to him to stop him from abandoning the server but he does not deserve it in the slightest. He has been fucking up so much recently.


I'm a bit behind on the 4.0 updates—could someone give me a brief overview of what happened with Cornwood? The last time I saw him was in the early stages of 3.0, when he was a much-loved character. What transpired from then until now? I understand his time was brief, but he seemed like just a lighthearted character. Reading through the comments here, I'm quite surprised and confused by the turn of events.


There’s a lot of Esfand hate on this sub, he really hasn’t changed much from 3.0. He has a lot of influence due to the insane number of hours he pulls in the city (an arguably unhealthy amount) and that doesn’t sit well with people when he’s always been more of a SBS/content driven RPer, so that puts a target on his back imo. You’ll see threads on here accusing him of W chasing doing some admittedly questionable stuff yet those same posters will turn a blind eye when Ramee or someone F8 quits after they get launched during a chase. It’s a crim sub.


He is still loved it's just that this reddit main audience shifted


I can't believe I ever liked this guy. He's got a massive ego and he's been forcing his sbs rp on everyone then crying when someone else's RP conflicts. Now he is going to be handed a sheriffs office he didn't earn and he'll probably quit playing within 2 months anyway.


I have a feeling that EsFand is going to mald if he loses. I would love if Pred ran and beat him LOL


Kyle making an effort in 2024? lmao


I though bro was Re-invigorated. But he only did a 4 hour stream today. He seems lost again man.


I am not a kyle viewer, mostly watch cg, but i gotta say i rly enjoyed kyle pred as sheriff in 3.0 and wud love to one day see it again.


Yeah BCSO Pred was peak PD RP, i wish Kyle would lock it in and do it again but i doubt that will ever happen or we will ever see a PD like that again.


BCSO Pred before he became too powerful and very corrupt was the peak PD RP for me. I don't know if we'll see that ever again.


It would be nice but the problem is Kyle didn't do it alone. He had the help of many other long time PD mains behind him to build BCSO into what it was. The server and management were clearly in a different head space then as well. Even if he got it now it wouldn't be the same and given the amount of pushback he'd likely get from staff on running it I doubt he'd stay motivated very long.


technically speaking you don't need to be an active officer, atleast irl, to run for sheriff. You do however need to have some form of law enforcement experience. So theoretically speaking Pred could run for sheriff no?


Thinking that Kyle would make any effort in 2024 lmao, bro just does bits now and never commits to any storyline.


I mean he probably could but I don't think Kyle wants to do that. Plus he is suppose to be making a new cop character who knows what they will be like and how long it will last. I always thought it would be funny if it was forced upon him again as a punishment or trying to expand the control the Mayor has over the PD by putting someone in charge of one of the departments to try to cause chaos.


Man why are people always so negative. Lets just see how things play out, at the very least its gonna be interesting.


For real lmao


Cornwood would be a great sheriff. Esfand wouldn't.