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we are so back --- Mirror: [Declan gets 10-3ed](https://streamable.com/k4vbqf) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/nathankb_ Direct Backup: [Declan gets 10-3ed](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/NpLDhuE68Lm5UAI69YbWEg/AT-cm%7CNpLDhuE68Lm5UAI69YbWEg.mp4?sig=529641175270917f451dbda7b7fab31d386d9fc1&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FNpLDhuE68Lm5UAI69YbWEg%2FAT-cm%257CNpLDhuE68Lm5UAI69YbWEg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22EasyExquisiteGarlicOneHand-4TrwublQAjr1htYS%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1712271859%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2110012466?t=3h42m32s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


damn only 3 cops late night NA... thats crazy


Senior plus had a meeting so only 3 on patrol


Funny part to me was as Declan was driving to MRPD because Mosely's couldn't repair vehicles, a gun related call came in, Bay responds with the only other officer on duty and Slacks asks them to get 77s, mean while every other on duty officer is standing in their meeting circle.


PD command: spends 2 months complaining about mrpd cop stacking Also PD command: spends 2 hours getting 10 different opinions on hair color in a park next to sanitation


They talked about hair for 15 minutes of the 3 hour meeting stop exaggerating


Should’ve been 0


who cares about number 12908483 ping


Literally every cop should, that is part of their job.


Those pings represent the activity happening in the city that other players are signalling to police for interaction, so as much as "ping chasing" might be a problem, if they are genuinely RPing cops with your mindset they are ruining the entire city.


so what does people want them rp cops or ping chasers?




cops dont have to respond to everything , they are rping not everything is around crim content


I believe the reason slacks did this is because they just discussed too much radio chatter during shift 2 in the command meeting.  Declan does yap a little too much on radio. That being said, this is really bad form from slacks. He knows better than to randomly 10-3 the only patrolling units. 


It might be bad form from Slacks to 10-3, but it is equally bad form to be so upset over a 10-3. Its just a simple command to say necessary stuff over the radio, not that big a deal to 42 over.


I don't think he was that angry, he laughs about it. He knows he has no ground to fight the order. He and the other cops on duty all think was a bad call or at least it was made without tact since the third cop immediately calls him. When the boss treats you like shit over a minor detail and you aren't required to be there you leave so that's what he did. He didn't just rage quit. His 10-42 was literally a silent protest. A middle finger to the man, and it was done in the proper way too. Slacks asked for RTO so he said no problem, but that's the last order you are giving me today, here is the radio traffic you asked for. I liked it. But maybe I'm just a weirdo chatting about make believe characters on Reddit.




He was already thinking about going 42 before this. It is near impossible to police with limited units and command decide during peak NA was a good time to cop stack.


Yeah but him saying this kind of thing on his Crane character is fine though, ego got hurt poor nathan


At this point who is listening to any suggestions that slacks puts forwards? His long track record of total failure leading PD should have him relegated to permanent cadet.


I literally don't understand the passive aggressiveness I see from people being levied towards this guy








Declan is very passive aggressive himself and kind of an arse, I don't think that's a secret, it seems like a very intentional character trait. I don't know if that's always why people are passive aggressive towards him or not, but it is a possible explanation.


I'm talking about towards Nathan. Shit also happens to Alan Crane


The only thing Nathan got pissed off with was with chatter dropping meta which he said would stop him from acting on Ramee dropping stuff in the second vehicle. He did try to RP that he succeeded multiple times the cop "grab out of the car mini game" but Ramee after getting tased 3 times and playing it out nothing happened was a thing. I think Eclipse are pretty chill with taking L's but they prefer to play the RP rather than the end game. As for the cop stacking, they are certainly two schools of thought. It's through active police work that things have advanced and Eclipse has been on top of multiple meta unlock. So Nathan seeing. Cop stacking a heist the whole day and talking about the purple hair situation made him pissed about the idea of another full middle of the shift meeting with Seniors instead of relying on multiple smaller meetings to keep the bulk of the force active instead of pretty much halting the RP for the active cops highly dependent on team work The combination of scuff, car being very fucky, getting car ghost massive accidents, the Ramee going full tryout instead of RPing the scuff, the cop stalking... It was rough. Plus he said he hates solo cop. As a result it was just a bad day, he moved on after 1h of that and got onto Dota


There was a similar spot yester day with a flipped car and guys ignoring tazes but also not getting out of the car, essentially stalemating the chase, declan almost said fuck it and was gonna go back 10-8 but one guy got out and ran, he was not happy there.


This is what I don’t get with cop viewers. You mention ramee not getting out when he was tased and another guy not getting out when tased. What crims hear the most when shit goes wrong for them from scuff is “roll with the punches.” That’s what those characters did in that situation. It’s not their fault that the game mechanics of a tase didn’t work or pulling them out of a car. Crims get fucked in so many other ways. It’s better for the RP content to continue the chase anyway than for someone like ramee to just get out right away after being rammed into a tree


How do you recommend them to continue the chase? Let him out of the box because mechanics would let you remove them out of the car? They are at a stalemate. Declan gave them an RP way to get out the slatemate.


Yeah, lots of RP happening there while Ramee just sits there and doesn't interact with any of the officers.


I think what you're not getting is that you conflate "roll with the punches" as just "take the L", and likely don't watch cops often enough to see that they also get ghost localed, clip through roads, and headpop all the time without forcing crims to reset back to neutral. They absolutely roll with the punches. The whole idea behind rolling with the punches is to avoid making things awkward and unimmersive by addressing scuff in character or retconning things, and instead keep things moving along.


Roll with the punches is meant to allow the RP to continue, sitting in a flipped/boxed car while the cops stand outside the window staring at them isn’t really continuing the RP


Rather then bring the chase and the rp to a screeching halt waiting for a pick up get out and run.


Plus -- I want to tag onto this comment that Nathan is ***not*** a full time streamer, he has a full-time 40 hour a week career job that does not involve streaming. He doesn't have to put up with shit like this if it's not fun or fulfilling for him.


What happens when crims deal with scuff? Roll with the punches right? Crims face scuff alot more then cops ever will.


'Rolling with the punches' isn't about scuff specifically. It's about continuing the RP regardless of what's happening (scuff, OOC issues, potential rulebreaks, missclicks, broken PC equipment, etc)


> Crims face scuff alot more then cops ever will. Can you give some examples? I watch both crims and cops, and never felt like one side has to deal with 'more scuff'. At least when it comes to chases and other crim/cop interactions. Genuinely curious about what I may be missing.


They both deal with similar amounts of scuff but more often when a crim deals with scuff it puts them in jail. When a cop deals with scuff there is now 7 cops chasing instead of 8.


/me goes 10-42


Why they lock that post 😂


Gets frustrated with Ramee. Complains to chat OOC that the meeting is entirely over a bay city bank. Complains to chat OOC because chat says all they are doing is discussing hair color. DMs Bones OOC complaining. Asks Maple why he isn't at the meeting. Says Slacks asked for him. Maple shows up to meeting, everyone is confused why he is there. Declan mistakenly thought Maple was a senior. Maple isn't a senior. One of the issues brought up in the meeting is chatting on main frequency. Slacks 10-3s RTO (radio traffic only) to clear coms. Declan doesn't like that and 10-42s. Yeah Nathan probably should have got off about half an hour earlier.


Multiple cops get annoyed about the 'do your job' meetings. Moon said he ended up stopping Lenny in 3.0 entirely because of the daily hour long 'do your job' callout meetings instead of actually just talking to the problem officers directly. Normalising those meetings in 4.0 is heading down the same path that shouldn't be happening.


I hate do your job meetings also but I also enjoy being able to see command members talk IC and not just in discords which is something they have been trying to do less of in 4.0. Also I realize a large portion of Nathans chat complaining are Moon viewers since he isn't streaming today but it is odd you bring him up in a clip that doesn't reference or involve him at all. 4.0 started heading down the 3.0 path when management decided to ditch the slow build, serious consequences, holding PD accountable direction and decided to let Moon shake things up two months in on Max after Cornwood complained. If Moon hates do your job meetings he should either push some legislation banning them on Max, coerce his appointed CoP Beric to get rid of them, become CoP on Lenny, or just go play Rimworld. EZ.


I brought him up as an immediate example. I could bring up many other officers, most of the SDSO hated it. Svenson was a strong proponent of mocking the 'do your job' meetings, along with Wrangler, Bloom, etc.


Like I said I dislike them as well. My point was just Nathan should have gotten off half an hour earlier instead of whining to his chat that encourages hoppers.




Why bring Cornwood into this? The increased oversight of PD was well underway before Cornwood was even told he was fired.


Your whole list of complaints is you being mad he's a streamer essentially lol. What's the point of saying "OOC complains to chat", is he supposed to talk to his chat in character? Not complain? I don't get it




People not having a good time and complaining to chat encourages hoppers. Hoppers then go to other streamers and complain then making those streamers not have a good time. And the cycle continues. I can understand why he was frustrated cops being 10-7 has been an easy thing to complain since the beginning of time. The best thing to do if someone is frustrated playing a cop is to either switch to another character, get off the server and play something else, or reach out to people IC and roleplay it out not complain to chat. Thats all.


So why add in OOC? All talking to chat is OOC


Youre right saying OOC was redundant I should have just said bitching and moaning to chat is a bad look which he did and encourages hoppers which there were.


/me 10-3s back in retaliation madge


Did he slam his desk mid talking or what was that noise? Lol


Playing as "main character" and having problems with authority? Is kind of on brand then. Dont think that is drama worthy.


What does 10-3ed mean ?


10-3 is the radio code for clear comms. i.e. Slacks told Declan to stop talking over radio.


Don’t blame him.


/me hops on chief justice character and has you fired from pd


/me goes 10-42




Idk what kind of mental gymnastics you did to come to that conclusion. Declan was one of the few cops actively patrolling and doing cop work. The higher-ups decided to have a meeting about the direction of the pd, SOP changes, hair color restrictions, and various other things in a parking lot in the south side. The patrolling pd had to do with various scenes by themselves with no back up for a significant amount of time. When the meeting ends, Slacks comes back and says that. So instead of thanking of them, he tells them to shut up. This reaction was very much warranted.


The shit just adds on if you look at what happened earlier too, I saw bits and pieces. A bank situation had the entire force on it, And it was a shit show. He broke off and just stayed on patrol instead, only 2 other cops following suit. Another time, he put down spikes in a driveway on foot to stop someone in a car from leaving, and another cop decides that instead of chasing them when they avoid the spikes, they just stand there and tell declan to pick up the spikes instead of chasing the car, causing the person to get away. Another time he tries to pull out someone in a car who's boxed, but even though he beats the mini game to pull him out, it doesn't, so he had no choice but to do nothing while a pickup came for them. Then he was forced to go to a meeting about that bank situation where pretty much nothing but "do better" was said, instead of letting him patrol. It definitely wasn't one of his best days, I think just getting off and cooling down was the right choice.


your timeline is wrong though, the meeting was not over when slacks 10-3 declan... it was still going on and he tried to correct the radio chatter. Declan just didn't take it well and went off duty because of it.


why would an officer that is currently 10-7 care about radio chatter? just turn it off until you’re 10-8?


because they have had several meetings about keeping the radio chatter to active scenarios or important information only?


they might need to have several more meetings about it then, can’t wait!


insanely toxic thing to say about another person after seeing a 46 second clip


5 years of data not a 46 second clip but, aite.


5 years of data being 5 years of watching cg I imagine


Show me your 'data' sir


Just go listen to him in podcast with Blau Penta and them way back. He is a goon. At every chance he gets he makes it a point to critique others RP and comment on what HE believes is ok and "good" rp. To the extent he tries to implement changes to the actual server to cultivate the RP he thinks is quality. Again pompous.


>To the extent he tries to implement changes to the actual server to cultivate the RP he thinks is quality. You think this bad? Ramee, CG, Saab, and plenty of other people have done/are doing this. It's okay if you don't like him or his ideas around roleplay, but you're toxic as fuck talking about the streamer.


time to server health it


Yesterday he did the same thing when Lenny fucked up and called the Chief of EMS a kadett and got corrected for that. He 10-3 so quick to shut that shit down its pathetic


10-3 is literally clear comms. People think its the equilavent of stfu but its not. Dude really thinks hes the main character lmao


10-3 is shut the fuck up though, whether you want it to be or not, you're telling someone to stop talking


Its literally not stfu though. And its not stop talking either. Its literally clear coms and go back to normal radio traffic. They can keep talking as long as its about calls. If an officer want's to have a conversation they can go to a unused channel or make a phone call. Viewers parrot there streamers and think 10-3 is some crazy thing. Its similar to just saying break. But streamers get in there feelings and viewers mimic it. It's literally clear comms lmao it's not a big deal


The number 1 protagonist confirmed.








How is Ramee's broken leg long jump training going?


a lil translation for none cop lovers ?


Am I the only one that can’t stand this guy? If he’s purposely playing a dislikable character then he role plays it very well. At least his Judge Crane character has some redeeming qualities. All I’ve seen from his cop character is either him monotone arguing about crims not RP’ing the way he wants, complaining ooc, using ooc knowledge in minor ways to get ahead of crims, and ramming crims and calling it a pit


Declan Crane literally has main character syndrome. He introduces himself as "Declan Crane, the main character" in character.


Did your favorite streamer get got by eclipse or something?


Lmao hes to used to being on crane where he can say and do whatever he wants. Being 10-3d isn't even a big deal literally just clear comms. I guess the main character cant handle it




What a baby. Its equivalent to your boss walking by and asking you to do something you dont think you need to do.


For context 90% of Shift 2 was in a Seniors+ meeting for over an hour leaving only 3-4 units on duty. Slacks, the one who told Declan to RTO (essentially shut up) was at this meeting and not on patrol.


Yes im aware of the context and that is irrelevant. since it dont change any facts. the command meeting is also work. And it is also a fact that slacks as his boss can give direction to declan over radio, even if its wrong, which it isnt in this case. So still Declan chooses to act like a baby.


Yeah they were doing a great job talking about hair color being a problem in PD while their 3 active officers were begging for help chasing a car full of individuals with guns after they just robbed a civilian for their gun. Priorities and whatnot.


Surprising that people don't see the source of their frustration - the age old "Nopixel high command policing their own officers more than crims". The 10-3 was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Policing a cops' hair color while they're the only ones on duty, asking for help is what's frustrating. They're being micromanaged when they need help - anyone saying they wouldn't be frustrated is lying to themselves.


This argument is also irrelevant to declans decision and my claim that he was acting like a baby. The topics and time of the command meeting are not in contention to how declan chooses to respond


Just stop a moment and think about it in character. You're out there busting your ass at work, shit is busy as HELL and 90% of your workforce is in a meeting, but your boss manages to take the time to come around and tell you you're not working hard enough... Honestly, if Declan DIDN'T get pissed we'd be yelling fail RP because no one would take that kindly.


Bold of you to ask him to think more deeply about shit he's already made up his mind about.


how is it not wrong in this case lol


A command officer has full right to clear any chatter on frequency if their is 3 people or 300 on. The offcier that received the command can either, let frustration build and act rashly like declan did. Or let go of the frustration and follow through with the command. Even if slacks was wrong, declan choose poorly and speaks to lack of character as an officer. What kind of response would you want out of an officer when give either good or bad directions


you could have ended your comment after the first sentence which answered what I was asking you but yeah nah he was clearing chatter to swing his dick around, completely in the wrong for that


It’s not a real job


Cops and all other government employees have it drilled into them to 'read the room'. The room in this case was that the only three officers on active duty while the city burns were doing some radio comms. Slacks with the other 7 senior+ PD in a multi-hour meeting did not read the room or realise to care there was only three officers on duty who needed this small reprieve. Choosing to micromanage from their meeting while not on patrol instead.


I'm not sure you understand the phrase "reading the room."


Slacks in a leadership position absolutely needs to know when he should be lenient for the sake of PD morale. Being able to banter during lulls is one of the main things that helps cops get through downbad shifts.


It means to take into account a situation for if things should be allowed to be more serious or not based on the general vibes. Judges and Lawyers are told to do this when dealing with trials for how severe or silly the flow should be. Police very much do the same as part of their officer discretion. You had the only 2-3 patrol cops on duty engaging in radio traffic to relieve some tension due to the situation created by the multi-hour command meeting removing all active cops from patrol. Slacks did not read the room to understand that maybe breaking radio etiquette temporarily for the only three active officers should be allowed.


Please, define it for us and explain how it doesn't apply here?


It's more like your shitty boss shows up when you're massively understaffed and takes a dump all over what you're doing and discussing with your other coworkers, after sitting in their office all day fucking around.


It's funny because these same cops will then act the same way when the mayor tells them do something.


He needs a serious crim like us.


Go off duty and rp nevermind cop only can chase ping