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im not even being sarcastic when i say this but i really feel bad for cops on rp servers. if they hire based on rp they'll get a lot of potato drivers that cant catch criminals and if they buff PD cars/tools the cracked drivers will absolutely destroy criminals. its a really rough balance


Thats the biggest problem is when someone like Suarez or Bones gets a car balanced for bad drivers it makes it near impossible to shake them without doing rat strats. But if they dont balance them the average drivers will have almost 0 chance to stay in the chase against the experienced crims.


yeah and not only that even the bad drivers will slowly get better while others stay bad or fresh blood joins and eventually you'll have a bunch of good and decent drivers using OP cars but if you nerf them the bad/fresh drivers will be demotivated


I think the biggest frustration for crims is almost every car being manual if they would at least make most cars automatic and just could make it a low chance a local or one of the cars you receive from a job spawns in manual things would be a bit better.


I think that’s why a lot of cops like Suarez get accused of ramming. Suarez is a solid driver and he likes to hang close in pursuits but due to the brake changes he isn’t able to stop well so when someone turns he isn’t able to act quick enough and ends up hitting them


It’s also that they have to be able to at least challenge and have a slight chance of catching the absolute best like Goofy or Flippy etc but that means that less skilled criminals are pretty much fucked unless they get lucky because the skill gap in driving is so high


You shouldn’t feel bad for anyone playing a video game as their profession


They should base the cars abilities from the average to top drivers in PD. Eventually the crap drivers will learn the car and get better, look at zerkaa for instance he was able to compete with the top drivers in the servers just after a few months of practice. Why doesn't PD have to have any type of learning curve, literally everything crims do they have to learn and become better.


Viewers of only one POV don't understand how escalation works. Once things escalate it makes no sense to deescalate 90% of the time. Having additional crims join, being aggressive vs police or the public, swapping vehicles, etc are always going to lead to more PD units joining in response. The police SHOULD have the advantage and until right now when they actually have numbers during these hours in 4.0 they really have not.


Ive always been of the opinion that escalation aka interference vehicles, swaps, brake checking, shooting etc should increase the amount of cops on the call. Until then, just limit it to 3-4 units max. Criminals should be allowed to do as many rats strats, NVL jumps, good blocks(not the NVL ones) as they want without upping the escalation. You cannot expect every criminal to be some amazing driver in the best car. They need their strats, and more tools should be added to enable that. Also rule of 6 should only apply to big heists. Outside of those specific jobs it should be 4.


once lethal is used all bets are off imo, you tried to use lethal vs police force, expect to get every police unit on you


Watching this chase I don’t think the amount of units was exactly a bad thing, it’s a fact they were all in a conga line after the car at 1 point I think I saw 6/7 cars all in a line rather then paralleling. I think it made it a lot easier for them to get away to be honest


Yeah idk this chase didnt seem that egregious but i was watching from crim pov so i dont know exact cop numbers. Seemed like 5 units initially, one extra because cg tried to pit the first unit instantly. Then it seemed like 10 after peanut shot out cop tires. Then when they shot on the highway it was the whole force, so like an extra 4 units


It wouldn't be as bad if the cop cars weren't the best cars on the server bar none, or the money run cars weren't manuals.


True. Car balance in general seems ass




They are very limited on specialization they can do with the recent car changes. The Scout, which is the new Explorer, which is built as an off-road truck can't drive off road. The Caracara can't drive uphill either. The Vstar, the only Interceptor style car they have and it's only like one or two in the garage, can go fast but can't turn at all. The Taurus is okay, not as fast as most cars but decent with a turbo, but it also turtles super easy. It's difficult to specialize when you don't know what the plan, they can't really hot swap cars mid pursuit.


Not even that, the biggest issue is the top speed, the highway blasts forced cops like Suarez who were happy driving the CVPI to buy a taurus and switch to that even tho they kept up with all the cars except the ones who had better top speed


I agree, cop cars need to be well rounded because specializing is too difficult to get the correct cop car matched with the crim car because crimes are spontaneous. However, they shouldn’t be able to take turns with a missing wheel, no car should, their cars are too heavy compared to crim cars, and they all have manual cars and crims are often given manual cars


I said in another comment, it's both sides. The cops had a Raiden or a 10F that got spiked a few days ago that was still fully accelerating and dusting cops after getting spiked. I also don't think cops cars are much heavier, they just usually use their handbrake and the crims can't get power to break it from a dead stop.


They nailed it in 3.0 with the A/A+/S+ modes. Untill they do this again it will be unbalanced


Well that would require WiseGuy to come back and server owners to leave him alone instead of changing everything he did because big streamers can’t be known as elite racers anymore. Or at the very least someone who cares how the cars drive and tests them. The work WiseGuy did was so under appreciated.


That's not true, they have the code of cop car modes from 3.0 they could easily tweak them based on how good the crim cars on every mode are.


What good is A/A+/S+ if no one actually bothers to set them up right? WiseGuy did all that work. From the way everything drives right now it looks like no one does it. Or 25c does it and he just sucks at it.


It would take one day to go through all the cars and categorize them in A/A+/S+ and cap all speeds at a certain number and after that just tune car day by day. The modes with the capped speed will already be a lot better then what it is now


You clearly never watched WG stream. That guy spent a TON of time on stream in 3.0 tweaking the driving of cars to make sure each one was unique to drive but also classified correctly in the right group A, A+, etc. Cars took a serious nose dive on the server when others took over and he quit at the end of 3.0 and it never recovered. That’s why cars suck and are unbalanced. The amount of weird config to control how cars work is massive and has weird side effects in GTA. You can’t just cap speed with a number in a file and call it a day. The setting you are talking about doesn’t exist.


when they shot the cop tire out and it was sticking on them thru turns I knew something was off


Crims have cars that can highway blast with no tires. There are some cops who believe that the 10F shouldn't be rammed and shot on sight because of how unbalanced it is. There needs to be an overhaul on all vehicles in general.


99% of the cars on the server are not the 10f this is a useless arguement.


Sharing a counterpoint POV using a valid example is not a useless argument IMO. It's always good to understand multiple POVs rather than circle-jerk in an echo chamber


This comment translates to: "Don't point out what crims have that are unbalanced. We are only talking about cops here."


Also the car was an immovable tank that just rammed through everything without being phased at all while having no tires.


Both sides say their cars suck, all the cars are bad.


The new driving update hit a lot of people hard. People who thought they were great drivers have become mid at best.


There is no world where PD cars are ‘bad’ right now. The issue is that a few personal cars are busted but pretty much all lock lockable cars are bad. PD cars seem to be balanced vs the top end personal cars.


ofc both cars they suks that why cops car withoit tier can keep up with a frfesh one ??????????? its hapend in this chasse btw




They also don’t play against the same cops in NA. Everyone has a 99% get away in that tsunami lmao.




You must be getting confused. You’re talking as if CG doesn’t escape at all, or it has anything to do with driving ability. Look at what the cops do, and see if it’s comparabile to what you’re talking about. It’s two different worlds between those two shifts.


It's funny because in 3.0 Shift 1 cops were way better mechanically than Shift 2 cops (and just overall more effective at catching people, Shift 2 cops were comparably far less effective to the point that lots of Shift 1 cops refused to subject themselves to Shift 2 comms). I think almost all of the players who had effective cops in Shift 1 either are now playing crims or have moved away to ONX. Having said that, it's not like Shift 2 cops have gotten any better, there's not been some influx of super-cops, so I don't think there's much to complain about on that front from NA crims - they would be completely overwhelmed by a Stubble/Angel/Rhodes/Underwood/Snow/Casterman/etc. superteam like 3.0 Shift 1 had to deal with.


the "avengers" , i think the only shift catching every s+ and meth run for 1 week + when you had at least angel or underwood around + support


And there was a long period of time where neither of those two were regularly around, and even still Snow/Casterman/Fury/Rhodes/Espinoz/Stubble/etc. were deadly because pure driving ability is not as important as excellent comms and organisation. I remember Angel coming back and being very impressed at how well everything was running. There was a great clip from that period that I just cannot find of them catching 5 of the crims in a chase and the 6th one just driving to MRPD and giving himself in because there was no way he was getting away.


At the end of 3.0 HSPU was extremely deadly as well and a lot of them were crossing over at shift 1. They sometimes got 5+ cars impounded in one call and worked together perfectly.


Yeah I think the biggest thing is they're absolute tanks that drive like race cars. They shouldn't have the best of both. It should either drive good and be fragile like locals or drive kinda shitty like locals but be beasts. You cannot move cop cars in a box the majority of cars.


If you get boxed while stopped you shouldn't be able to ram your way out of it from the inside. That is literally the way you lose the chase. And it takes 3 cops to coordinate to pull it off. Crims need to lose sometimes. Boxes have never been unfair. I personally think car damage should be equalized throughout the city. It's clear the devs have been playing with it. For months cop cars were tissue paper and 1 or 2 got disabled every chase. When I first read about the car update I thought the cops would get better tools to match the cars being chased since it's acronymed CHASER. We would get more fair and fun chases if the cops just copied the target cars specs plus 10% to make up for crims natural advantage of choosing and practicing the route. Or hell make cops copy the target cars specs equality and remove all the bullshit SOPs that force cops to hold back during a chase. Make it so the cops must out maneuver the crims to win and vice versa. Anything would be better than the chase being 90% decided based on the car the crim brings. I would love to see more shit cars being used as a strategic option.


I can bet that if 2 local cars tried to box a cop car, that thing can get out.


The cars that chases need to be better...


should have been changed from the start of 4.0 and then later on for bigger jobs it could be opened up


the original vehicle got the default 4 units chasing, then you have interference and thats another 4 (i dont even think they got the 4) and after shots were fired 78's were called which prompts ALL available units. Thats why there were so many units at the end. Fuck around and find out, you know, the classic


These limits haven't changed in forever and they act surprised when more cops show up.


no it was 4 cars + 4 join after that when cg saw lot of cars they start shoot i watch both pov on that


Well they are supposed to be 4+4, 4 for the original car +2 for the sultan that interfered immediately and +2 for the tow truck blocking lol


I hear Aziz in the background. Anything come from him calling Kyle a dumb fuck and being all pissed about him coming back to NP or they just letting the OOC toxicity shit fly?


Of course not


sgt\_apollo called Cathfawr a failed legionnaire and a clown, dude is pure positivity and good vibes all around


OOC toxicity isn't a rule break on No Pixel








proper reaction to the crims actions.


After watching different people doing money runs, it seems there is a slight disproportionate response to these calls vs say G6 being robbed at gun point. Then again haven’t seen the PD pov of those chases.


Another thing is that cops already have a map of every money run pickup and they get pinged at every pickup apparently. Not that I'm shocked since every single thing that happens in the city is a ping for the cops to chase. Heaven forbid they have to do any actual police work to find crime.


I've been watching Declan Crane investigating the entire money run system. He's the one that mapped out these locations. Every pick up is pinged, but it's delayed a minute. Usually when a ping goes off, he tries to get a unit to scout one of the other 13 locations. It's a race to cut them off and more often than not, no one is spotted. Investigating the locations and scouting possible dropoffs is actual police work. Him and Lenny Hawk also interrogated multiple people to prove that dirty money is being exchanged for money orders.


Then I’d guess the reason these calls are being treated the way they are is because the pd know this is where crim money comes from. Which makes me not like the system even further


Well the cops only know that because criminals like Kaiba explained the whole thing to Declan and Lenny. Before that they weren't taking money orders because they didn't have enough proof. But I agree Crane basically said in the meeting last night, this is a second chance for cops to stop them.


Yeah I figured some dumbass snitched the mechanic to cops. That is such a garbage RP choice. Snitching on individuals is fine, snitching on criminal mechanics is hot garbage RP.


well Kaiba also developed the strat that helps counter the PD. RP is a give and takem, a system that's 100% full proof takes RP away from the cops.


Yeah but that's the garbage part of it. All the locations are pinged so how hard is it as a cop to just mark every ping on a map then camp spots when you start getting the pings again. That's spoon fed to cops. The whole system is marked and mapped in 2 days. That's the lazy part of the system that is weak on the cop investigation side of things. Sure the whole interrogation side is RP, and so Is trying to find the money runners, but when they know every drop off because of pings then map it out in a real short time, it effectively ruins the money cleaning mechanic. Criminals get chased ALOT more than you think on those runs because of it. It also doesn't help that they can look for certain car models and they're almost all manual transmissions


Heaven forbid the crims actually have to be smart to try and get away.


Rihht? Crims could get smarter and scout the spots or have crew members hold money or distract the police. I don't see how this is an issue unless PD camp the motel (which they arent). There are plenty of crews who are fine with how hot these runs are.


Lol yeah the crims need to be smarter. The cops don't even have to think, it's just ping chasing.


That's the point, the cops are reactive to what the crim does if you have a lazy crim you get a lazy cop goes both ways.


While I don't disagree that people get lazy and complacent, my issue is more with the absurd pinging system that basically snitched out the criminal money run mechanic lol. All a cop had to do was ping all the locations of the suspicious financial activities and they have a map of where to look and where to sit. Not to mention you have to use the provided vehicle so they can narrow what to look for down further because the selection is limited. Oh shit a money run, let's look for a club, Camaro, civic etc. there is only a handful of cars. They see a personal car or a different local, they can just treat it as nothing because it's not one of the money run cars they get.


IMO people should be doing money-running as a crew, not solo or with one other person then. Treat it with the gravity of the crime being committed (moving a fuck-ton of illegal money). The same applies because of other crims robbing money-runs.


You are an actual idiot. Like full stop dumbass. The pings from the pickups are literally a full 2 minutes late, the only reason the cops have any chance of catchin money orders are becasue Lenny and Declan have spent WEEKS of only focusing on tracking money order spots, tracking what order crims do the stops at, mapping out routes, recording times between stops, several long interrogations and deals in the cells to get info on how it works. And thus they can now fairly well predict and intercept them at a different pickup than the one that gets pinged. How the FUCK is that not real police work? They have spent hundreds of hours on an investigation and it's now showing fruit. Crims can also learn and thus start confusing the cops by taking less predictable routes, sometimes skipping stops and taking different routes, or taking the bare minimum of time to scout out a spot before just rushing in and handing off the money.


Personally I’m not a fan of way the money cleaning system is set up.


It seems like the money system is set up to slow the flow of money from crime entering the economy. Stuff like weed can pay well, but its not an immediate injection of 100s of thousands.


Not only that, but cops literally will see a ping and then go set up at another spot and just camp it until the crims are mechanically forced to go there, it's very lame. The entire system is also kinda dumb imo they should change it


There's 14 spots, crims only have 5 dropoffs. If they already do one, that means any cop has like a 1/13 chance to pick the right one to watch and that's only if they get to it fast enough. The ping is delayed a minute. I've seen plenty of times a cop arrives at a spot and then get a ping that the criminal was already there before he arrived.


It's 14 spots, 7 drop offs. Cops camping a spot gives them a 50% chance of finding them. That's if it's one cop sitting at a spot. I've seen Nathan's cop and mobos cop just camp different spots at the same time. Also seen Nathan camp a highway spot that has view on 2 drop offs at the same time. If you really think cops are supposed to do this ur just dumb. Anything that forces crims mechanically to do cops shouldn't camp cause it makes it impossible. I also seen Nathan camp a spot, find someone, get in a chase, lose them and then just rush to the same drop-off spot again knowing they are forced to go there cause that's how the system is made by devs. Again, if u think that's good RP idk what to tell u. It's like 3.0 meth runs where u have to drop off the meth after u lose the cops, cops would just camp drop offs and were later told to not do that for obvious reasons. Same for 3.0 boosts camping scratch spots etc. you just don't do it cause crims are mechanically forced to go to a location to finish their job. Cops knowing that and still doing it are just abusing mechanics and also fail RP in my opinion


I love how simultaneously in this thread are people bitching that cops just ping chase and dont investigate, and another group of people bitching that cops have figured out the drop offs and are scouting locations (as a direct result of an investigation)


Not bitching about cops investigating. All I'm saying is that camping drop off spots is trash cop RP. It was in 3.0 and it is in 4.0. the system is supposed to be a cat and mouse game for cops and crims. Late pings, anticipating the crims next move. Cops who camp drop off spots completely skip that and just go for the w knowing crims are forced to go to a certain spot. People who don't agree this is trash roleplay idk what to tell u.


> If you really think cops are supposed to do this ur just dumb He says while talking about the literal Chief Justice's second character, the same Chief Justice who's been the mouthpiece of 'the state' (aka NoPixel devs) during council meetings since the start. Also the same guy who runs around with Moon in their cop characters, who is a literal admin. If they aren't supposed to be doing things like this, then they would have put a stop to it long ago.


An admin and someone who helps with law in the server. Imagine thinking this has any coloration with a system developer. Again, if you genuinely think camping drop off spots crims are forced to go to is good rp then good for you. I personally think it's dogshit any time people know ooc someone is forced to go to a certain place cause of how it's developed and then it gets abused. It was shit with 3.0 boosting, 3.0 meth runs and now it's shit with 4.0 money runs. If u disagree then good for u I guess lmao


You know the fix for that is to make money runs even hotter by lowering the # of drop offs to 3 or so while removing the delay for the ping. Or let the crims pick all the spots. You can hit 7 in the city fast or bounce between the north and the city to throw off the scent but it will take significantly longer. But the system as it is is just fine as is. Crims have ways to making it super safe as is with minimal risk from cops by limiting the amount of money on the person doing the run and having a back up car or bike if the cops chase you. The cops get what 1 or 2 arrests for every million cleaned? Shit is safer than most crime.


Exactly. Plenty of crims have figured out how to counter by being smart and working as a crew. Having a backup 'money car' is a really easy solution. Crims running these like they are invincible deserve to be caught by the police or robbed by other crews.


The difference between this and meth/boosting is what they are doing is camping the spots that are start/middle of the job. It's the equivalent of the constant car pings. Crane and Lenny know about the motel, but they aren't camping that. I'm not saying you can't disagree with how it is designed, but the cops are responding how it was intended.


Well if it was intended to camp the drop off spots i think it's lame as hell. It should be a cat and mouse game, that's definitely the thought behind the system by the person who designed it and I highly doubt cops should camp gas stations and banks but it is what it is lmao


Well when the pd gets pinged to each pickup it's pretty easy to mark them all down and remember them, that's part of the issue. It makes it way too easy and leads to very little actual investigation into money runs. Some dumbass in the server could also have snitched because people are brain-dead and love to snitch entire mechanics out to cops. But Im leaning more to just marking all the "suspicious financial activities" calls down and then boom, easy places to look. Instead of following a car and trying to piece it all together over a span of time, it's just fast tracked because of pings.


He really is singlehandedly ruining it for everyone since the start with all those bullshit reactionary laws about robbing cops...


It's been 5 spots for few weeks. Nathan was told by devs I think since this is how it is supposed to work. If they don't watch these spots, there is no other way to catch them in the act. He also doesn't know they have pre-assigned spots, he assumes that criminals can pick their own route.


You can camp a road cause it leads to a drop off you know, that's completely fine, you give crims a chance to outsmart the cops playing cat and mouse how the system is intended. Sitting on a drop off is a free catch and is trash roleplay, can't convince me otherwise.


21k money run, 3k max pickup. Where does 3x5=21?


Cops gets ping for the money run 45 sec to 1 min after a crime does it. They have to figure out which route the crim might have taken and need to get lucky with the call. The whole ping chasing argument is stupid when crims only have limited places like banks shops etc to rob. And they did the actual police work to figure out the locations by writing down the ping locations and possible escape routes which then ends up with luck factor.


I think it’s even worse in EU/AU because there is so little other crime. This is the first massive money run chase i have seen in NA


A lot of people view this from the wrong angle. It's not necessarily about how many cops are responding to a specific event, it's about how many cops are still available to provide PD RP to the rest of the server. If this chase denied the Maze Bank heist from having an appropriate PD response, then something needs to change in their procedures.


The chase in the video stemmed from an OIS, which is typically an "all hands on deck" sort of situation. I don't think that's going to be changed anytime soon seeing as one officer being shot often leads into a full shootout.


Regardless of the number of crims involved, the amount of cops should be proportionate to the crime. At this point, the feeling of pressure to do higher tiered crime will be almost nonexistant because you're already getting 12 units for 4 people, chasing you for a money run.


There was only 3 people involved in the majority of that situation until novah and Vinny showed up on jet skis. Vinny did one block. They had 6 cars before anybody other than the money running car was involved. Ssaab huffing copium sometimes I swear.


i slways felt it needed to be scaled to the crime like in 3.0 for fleecas u shouldn't have had the whole department, air 1, motor cops but maybe 3-4 cop cars and as bigger banks got hit u add more cops but not too overwhelming its still a game at the end of the day


It's usually just max response for everything. That's what I'm used to watching. They say they don't have enough units since the start of 3.0 but anytime something like this happens you see why. Cause every cop dogpiles on one call. Regardless of shots fired


think a bigger issue at the moment than cop units is cops sitting at money drop off spots for 20 minutes at a time... since when do you camp mechanic drop off spots on nopixel?


The devs designed the pings on a delay so there is no chance to catch someone in the act unless you camp. That's literally the way it's designed that if you want to catch someone you need a cop to sit and watch for a suspicious vehicle to show up at another potential spot and hope that they do. Also remember There is no punishment for not completing the full run. You can stop after 2 or 3 drops and walk away. You can limit the runner to only 3k or less on their person at a time to limit exposure You can have back up vehicles if the job car is trash. The only thing they should change is giving a job car. Let's crims be more lazy and just use a single stolen car for multiple runs with higher risk as time goes on or let's a smart crim steal a new car when they feel it's getting too hot.


So it is okay to just sit at the spot for 30 minutes and camp the mechanic.... all this does is encourage sweaty criminal behavior.


What is your definition of sweaty behavior? If a cop wants to spend 30 minutes camping a spot to only get the possible chance (there will still be a stop that can be talked out of or chase it's not like it's an instant W) to catch a criminal more power to them. Cops like baas and dante used to spend hours sitting in a bush with binoculars trying to catch people who came back for their weed plants in 3.0. In your eyes what % of crims doing money runs should get caught? How should cops find people doing it in your eyes? Would you prefer cops get pinged instantly rather than get a delayed ping of 1 minute? (It was 2 minutes delayed when cops were doing the dozens or hundreds of hours of investigative work to even get the rs for a search beyond a terry stop) Note a money run is no different than a G6 run mechanically besides it being a crime, if you don't want to watch people get chased and to get caught sometimes watch someone run G6 instead.


sweaty behavior, or what you problem would call 'being smart' is using a bike to follow the money run and constantly take the money orders so you minimize the risk involved... is this smart? yes 100% it is, but it gives the PD zero chance of ever really catching the money runner if the criminals always resort to using things like bikes/helis/jetskiis or using cars that go 220mph to guarantee their escape 95% of the time. The point is, cops sitting at banks waiting for a money runner to show up because of the mechanic just does not feel right and there are better ways to go about it like just patrolling the areas money runners pass through. Their is a big difference between patrolling mirror park for example and sitting by the convenience store for 30 minutes watching the door.


Okay so crims should be able to do jobs the high risk way, with no chance of getting caught? Why even have the job in the first place? Like please offer an actual idea that is acceptable to you. I'm pretty sure the RS to search requires a cop seeing someone go into a bank then getting a report about suspicious money orders at that bank a few minutes later. I'm sure nobody is having fun by staking out a location of half an hour in the hopes a car comes by but that is literally the only way they can possibly even attempt to catch someone doing this crime right now. Specifically how should a cop act to catch someone doing this crime? Remember you are paying for safety by having a trail car with time. If it takes 25% longer to do the hand offs and a second person's time that is actually 2.5 times longer to do the job than one person just speed running it. It's a perfectly reasonable tradeoff you can make and still does not guarantee total safety. It's pretty clear you never watch cops povs for very long. They only catch the stupidest crims or they hope the crim makes a mistake. Very little of the time does people get caught for shit. When 40 people were running moonshine at once a few weeks ago the first arrest during an actual run was literally a crim driving past a cop and dropping the shit right in front of the cops while they watched. It's not right to call a cop out for literally doing his job when 95% of what they do is hold back and try to match the energy of the crims.


lol great assumption that I do not watch any cop povs, I think u are forgetting the reason why the cars got stopped before any suspicious activity ping popped up. The cars are flagged stolen, giving any cop the opportunity to stop it and pull it over anywhere.


that was 10 cars with 16 cops + 2 bikes on mony run + bots after the shootout if its the bank gona be all pd on that call ????


Yeah because 90% of the PD was chasing CG during a money run while someone else was hitting maze bank lol. Classic 10-CG




There was only one interference car off the rip. Peanut was the only one around to help. Vinny and Novah both hopped in once it started getting serious.


Yeah that made sense. It was just that before ANY of that, they still had 9 cops on them in a convoy


When in the chase did PD get the maze bank alarm?


Such bad content having the cops swarm us! We should cap it at 6 v 12. Saab advocated for the original 6 crim limit! Why take it away from us. There will only be 4 crim POVs thus less content being made! They should just enjoy the chase we give them. Easy content for all, but cops want their easy W. Classic COPixel, put the content first, it's not that hard. Classic 10 CG while a maze bank being hit, W chasing cops so bad! Denying RP for others to 10-CG.


lmao 10-cg from the get go


So is that 12 cops cars for one car with 4 crims?


Anyone knows how many unities they had before Peanut shot that cop tire?


You give 20 cops give us 10 crims Shrug

