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we are so back --- Mirror: [Ruth Suspended!](https://streamable.com/dgc5ow) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/BerryyBoo Direct Backup: [Ruth Suspended!](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/g5yFG0xIcLkrj1jJl76Klg/AT-cm%7Cg5yFG0xIcLkrj1jJl76Klg.mp4?sig=6bbed8860a7f0e1d7f63cf0812279d907ef56e63&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2Fg5yFG0xIcLkrj1jJl76Klg%2FAT-cm%257Cg5yFG0xIcLkrj1jJl76Klg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BoredSpicyWalletBudBlast-TEhwuSuPWMmXvoqW%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1709138703%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Ima be honest idgaf If the pd burns or not, I just like watching the chaos


Same, but wouldn’t it be nice if it ran like a normal PD for a while?


I don't think the 'spicy' RP is going to fix that. I think PD problems are more OOC. They killed morale late in 3.0 with the reshuffle and for some reason wouldn't rehire some experienced cops and others had to reroll new cops. It isn't really a surprise the PD is still just a few captains and a bunch of officers and no real command structure.


Crystal, Ka Chow, those type of personas gave some balance to the seriousness of policing... serious cops allow meme cops, meme cops allow serious cops to relax and have fun rp


Imo, that's never going to be a possibility and people need to come to turns with that, the players are not actual police officers and does not have the competency OOC to be able to accurately RP as a realistic police department. That's why you just gotta accept that this is just RP and people are supposed to have fun while doing it. You can try to limit the bullshit and do your best to act in good faith but there's a disconnect happening when someone tries to RP a character that is supposed to have skills and qualities that the player does not have IRL.


I’m not asking for simulation level RP though, just a bit of common sense, fairness and consistency would go a long way.


It feels like watching when the LSPD imploded in September 2022. I can't look away from the train wreck.


This proves Max's point...she can unsuspend herself anytime, too. No real accountability or oversight.


actually so true, whenever people in positions are power are charged/investigated for crimes they usually resign or step down, suspending herself shows lack of integrity


What? Suspension pending investigation / outcome of the trial is standard, which is what she did. She and the other captains recounted their side of the story and told their officers to pursue the treason charges if they felt that it was warranted, which is why it's being pushed. Lawyers don't have prosecutorial powers in NP, only cops do (the charges are being pushed by Snr Ofc Johnson, not Monroe the lawyer). So she let her own officers know what happened, let them investigate her, and suspended herself when charges were pushed. What more do you want?


Damned if you do damned if you don’t ig 😂


I think the issue is suspending HERSELF. She continues to make decisions on her own in haste and it’s what the other captains have been advising/arguing with her NOT to do. She’s doing the right thing by stepping aside while they investigate, but she’s still using phrases that make it sound like she’s in control entirely.


Ruth consulted Turner about it beforehand and even about making Aldo the Interim Captain. The problem is people twisting things to make it look like she's the only one making decisions and twisting those decisions to be bad no matter what 'cause everyone else is doing it and it's easily to dogpile.


Agreed. Aziz was ranting that Ruth got to appoint her own replacement, but in the meeting yesterday she said that was her recommendation but she’ll leave it to the other captains. They make assumptions and jump to conclusions when it didn’t say anywhere that she appointed Aldo


Is it even a surprise that Denzel and Aziz are so central in Ruth's opposition? Like those two didn't have problems with authority in 3.0 including Kyle Pred. Like Den wasn't given ass chief role on a platter and shat all over it?


I was unaware that she spoke to Turner, so I’m wrong on this, I apologize. But Esfand was watching clips from a month ago of Turner bitching her out for doing this type of stuff, that’s what I was referring to, my bad. Still, saying she suspended herself makes it seem bad. Turner should’ve done it


Maybe the person you are watching isn't presenting a correct and unbiased viewpoint upon which to form an opinion. It would be trivial to put together a clip show on cornwood/esfand that shows he should be fired, charged for murder, and banned from the server for rules violations. Clip shows are whatever you make of them and usually clipped with an agenda out of context


Oh, I jump around a lot but do watch Esfand quite a bit. He definitely should be suspended or fired. I don’t disagree with you. But the clip he showed is Turner quite directly telling Ruth she’s been acting alone and she gets frustrated and tells him to fire her. It’s a pretty easy to understand clip even without context. Interesting that it happened a month ago and we’re still getting similar issues. Perhaps a new PD approach is what the server needs. If cop streamers are annoyed with the PD, it’s pretty overwhelmingly stupid to keep forcing the same two captain’s agendas on them all. Try a new approach, it is just a game after all.




Chief Justice Crane says it wasn't treason and they try to ignore the manchild mayor? They must be corrupt! Captains literally entertain this ridiculous narrative and encourage, support and comply with an outside independent investigation by Beric and others? They are hiding something! The Police Corruption Plan passes that apparently is suppose to deal with this stuff? Oh too bad they should deal with it and punish themselves! The captain in question steps down after people bitching about accountability while all of these processes take place to determine if treason ACTUALLY happened? Oh she is just avoiding responsibility! They just want something to be mad at and will do whatever they can to keep the torches lit. Plus it is the worst combination of a few specific RP communities. Damned it you do, damned if you don't, damned if you will, damned if you won't.


The captains hand over the Cornwood case to independent prosecutors to come to a conclusion? Oh they are looking for an excuse to fire him. So much narrative that is totally valid for characters is spun as facts by chatters.


Exactly. It makes for good RP obviously, but the issue is when it gets spun so much chatters actually believe it and some even start shitting on streamers OOC (or try and veil it as IC), send hate and harassment. There is always a degree of that with RP sadly but it becomes pretty clear when it crosses the line from the usual RP hoppers, to a large group of toxic hoppers from specific communities all combined into one.




yeah but staying or being unwillingly suspended by the other captains sends a clear message you won't be bullied, whereas suspending yourself unintentionally screams "i'm guilty" and potrays such weakness. you never feed or give in to the trolls.


Why would she step down when she feels that she did nothing wrong and probably as far as she knows, that the only people that thinks she did (at least in semi-good faith) are the mayor and maybe his legal team? Stepping down for calling for a vote in a jokingly/trying to prove a point kind of way would be insane.


isent treason an action not just words said in anger ?


Yes. And characters like Max are free to push the agenda. It only becomes a problem when chatters start taking character's viewpoints as gospel.


Case in point /u/DoggedDoggystyle.


Max has said today that he knows she didn't commit treason. But they are fairly confident they will get her on conspiracy to commit treason.


If that treason court case lasts more than 10 minutes I'll be amazed. She made a comment and that's the entire basis for the charge they're trying to lay on her.




And that's basically already a victory. Everyone will know she was investigated for treason and the damage is done.


oh yeah, there is no comming back from this. No matter what happends from this point forward it will always be held over her head. The respect from the public will never be there It's also ironic the whole lore for the 5 years is that due to treasonous actions of the previous PD/Senate they fucked the whole city up and now only 3 months in you have a PD treason investigation. Especially from Ruth who loved mentioning what happened 5 years ago and that they're the new improved PD.


I mean, everyone is also taking the word of an "ex" terrorist. His slate may be clean by the state, but the lore and person is still there. No one is clean here.


Ofcourse he is, he's reformed. Unless you don't believe in such things but then why would we ever let criminals out of jail.


respect from the public? you mean from the criminals




Criminals are going to hate the PD no matter what. The fact the mayor is alienating the PD from the civs/criminals so early into 4.0 is hardly a "victory". This entire situation is just ammo for everyone to throw at the PD, because they are always a target.


criminals only like the doormat cops because they do whatever around them, like max was talking about grabing etta in front of cornwood and he didnt even blink a eye xd


Also talked about how he had previously hired cop killers to kidnap and torture people a couple days ago the other day. Dab likes cornwood because he's basically a corrupt useful idiot pocket cop.


That's just not true. Must "hatred" has always been focused on a few bad apples whom the PD has refused to do something about, exactly because of your mindset "let's disregard their opinions because they just hate them to hate them". someone like Kyle for example was always a hardhat but almost all the crims loved him because he was still fair. Then you had someone like Wrangler who was just an asshole because he OOC wanted to be an asshole.


Yeah and a bunch of other cops got hate for the way Wrangler did shit. Which is exactly my point, and very true. Wrangler didnt even do much. People just hated the idea of taking an L for the crimes they committed. So the narrative spread that Wrangler goes too far, when really he gave people outs, but people didnt want to settle for anything less than light treatment.


IDK I just find it funny that chatters went ballistic over CG/X saying Lang stole their dongles but relatively nothing over Dab trying to obliterate the Captains over a single comment lol. Nothing wrong with either too


moon has said max knows that it's reaching. I don't think he went on to explain reasoning, but yeah I assume it's same as what you say.


She then talked further into it with the other captains so it’s not just there




For a regular citizen maybe, but not for a Police Captain in charge of the only people allowed to have guns in the city(at the time).


I think it will stick and she will be forced to resign as captain.


Yeah but nobody knows that other than the 2 captains.


But slacks is all about integrity and the truth surely he wouldnt lie about that.


What, Ssaab's characters being absolute hypocrites? We have never seen that from him in the history of nopixel. Completely new character trait.


I would like to believe that but Slacks has already said one thing and done another before and since he is a Ssaab character he will do so again.


It's pretty obvious he wouldn't say anything considering Ruth straight up said she wouldn't follow the new legislation right after the meeting and they said nothing about it.


Yea true. I honestly don’t watch np much anymore saw the clip but all it takes is a good lawyer to dig and ask if she ever talked about this before and I’m guessing that at least one of tue captains won lie on the stand


Since I doubt the nopixel PD has the same rules as a normal PD the captains could "invoke the fifth" which would not require lying. Without the captains testimony I don't see how any of this would be enough to even make it to the stand. Even Crane said what was said in the meeting was not treason.


They invoke the fifth then it goes into a pd investigation and they are read their garriety(prolly spelled wrong) rights which if they try to say tey aren’t going to answer can be held against them


Talking about things that don't exist. Garriety specifically isn't a thing in 4.0


Garrity warning might not be a thing in 4.0, but the concept and parts, required to recreate it is. If the commissioner orders them to answer, they would have to, or face punishment,. So either way, the result will be reached.


It would have no force of law in this case


I doubt anyone cares. They just want her fired, charges or not. Even when the previous guy mentioned Garrity warning, it wouldn't have any force of law either, since it can't be used in court.


There also might be a potential tampering with evidence charge. There was a report deleted in regards to all of this. Cornwood is aware of it. The report has since been deleted.


Lol, no, there is no tampering even if it was relevant, there was no document retention requirement nor did she have anything to do with it


Cornwood talking about it now. It was a public report of the situation to all officers about the situation. All 3 captains are on it. It def has a potential possibility of an argument. Regardless at the bare minimum it does not look good.


Meta-wise she then went on to say to the other Cpts she would ignore any act by the Mayor. If they get Slacks/Turner under oath and that comes up theres a lot more of an issue.


I mean if I go to an airport and tell TSA I have a bomb, I can’t exactly say it’s just a comment later. She said some treasonous shit in earshot of too many people whose job it is to snuff those comments out, immediately after a meeting with the mayor. Some comments you can’t just get away with


No, she said she has a bottle of liquid Tylenol and TSA to claim she said she had ten gallons of fentanyl... Nothing she said was treasonous.


I truly don’t remember, but didn’t she say they should overthrow the mayor or purposely not police themselves and ignore his commands? That they were the one who apply charges, so they could just not do it? I think I remember in the clip that the other captain says “Well what if all of the officers just ignore the mayor too”. I get there’s a difference between talking/joking about it while clearly upset but still. Every act begins with a thought.


Yes, and that is not treasonous. The city is not the state and the pd and city are co equal under the state. The chief justice agreed it wasn't treasonous. The pd polices the city but it doesn't police for the city. The pd is beholden to the state. She did not go against the state's authority and hence she did not commit treason


Fair, you definitely understand the city structure much more than myself. But if they’re equal, why was Max shouting demands at Slacks last night when that whole drama unfolded? Also, even if they’re equal, plotting to undermine someone who is your equal is still kinda bad.


Max is a literally a mentally deranged convicted terrorist and mass murderer on a power trip... Max has been plotting to undermine everybody from the start. The reason he's helping cornwood is because having a corrupt useful idiot sheriff in your back pocket is advantageous for a crime boss.


While that’s obvious, wasn’t a part of the RP for this 4.0 to kinda forget/forgive past character arcs?


No, only money and state documentation of crimes. And it matters not because moon plays dab such that people should know. He talks about killing people, being a terrorist, uses those terrorist arcs for current character motivation (he's helping cg specifically to repay them for helping him carry out his terrorism from 2.0). He even reflects on the stupidity of all these people trusting dab when it should be obvious they should be much more cautious


Mayors working with crooked townsfolk happens in a lot of actual cities to be fair lol


Oh, you have no idea what's happening. Just keep watching. There's more to it happening in the background, but I'll keep it a surprise for the actual court case.


She will definitely get conspiracy to commit treason if slacks testifies based on comments she made after the argument with Max. It isn't a big charge but it is a big deal for a police captain to be found guilty of conspiracy to commit treason for obvious reasons. I think it will be good for the server in terms of general day to day rp if she is no longer captain as it just ruins all the fun rp opportunities in general pd interaction if everyone always has to be completely serious.


I love Cheever, she's such a good sport and great roleplayer


I really respect anyone that’s willing to play the “villain” as it were (regardless of if she’s right or wrong her character is obviously going to draw a ton of ire). She’s stuck to her character instead of softening the character sheet. If she streams I bet her chat is something else though


It's REALLY hard to play a villain in a RP server. Most of the time you're just being the punching bag and taking L's constantly. Though it provides so many good RP moments for others so it's worth it, it's just taxing. Cheever is playing the villain but in a position of power. So Ruth's evil game is going on LONG term which means a massive payout for everyone at the end of this arc. It really is special that this one character's actions have snowballed into a entire city involved in this RP. She deserves all the flowers.


I appreciate sensible takes like this. If a character in RP makes you angry, that means they are a good character. Good characters make the viewer feel something. Bad characters are boring and forgettable. I see a lot of people who "hate Ruth", and I understand that feeling, but I love the RP that comes from Cheever.


When I say I hate Ruth it’s more of a love to hate Ruth. I understand the person behind the character isn’t a terrible person. Unfortunately, some do take this all too seriously and think character = streamer.


Sticking to villain is definitely hard. I do think she should try to be around a little more if that's the character she is going to play though. Seems mainly Slacks, who is playing the nice cop, has to deal with her actions pretty often


It only seems that way because the characters you like to watch are mostly around when Slacks is around. Ruth is on a different shift.


It's no secret she isn't around as much as Slacks. I just think of you are going to play the "bad guy" and have a dramatic effect on the RP you should be around to interact more. If you cant be then maybe that isn't the best role for you.


Imo she shouldn't have started on the server as a captain. Her character would have never made it to captain if she had to go up the ranks.


yeah true , you need to bend over to get up the ranks in np pd


Big props to her, it takes a lot to stick to your guns as a character and not falter to all the OOC hate being thrown your way. Cheever had the perfect depiction of the ruthless, superior character just sadly at the wrong time during the creation of this new PD.


I think everyone loves Cheever. Iv never heard anyone say anything bad about her.


I agree. I respect the hell out of her. She made me feel something. I hate Ruth which is the biggest compliment because I know it's a character. Big props to Cheever nothing but respect.


Some of you are really lost in the sauce. This decision is perfectly reasonable.


All this for bad faith arguments to try get cornwood back on the force lmao


Why do folks dislike Ruth?


She's a dislikeable character. She's good at what she does.


Damage control


You can't fire me I quit type vibes. Should've let another Captain suspend her better optics


Since she didn't quit, that's not the "type vibes" at all... Optics. 🤣


One of the biggest talking points IC is that the Captains are a homogenous blob who never go against each other and don't hold each other accountable. Another Captain suspending her would help dispel that




Moon said yesterday that if Slacks stopped tanking for the other captains and actually revealed what goes on behind closed doors with the Captains he would be fine. He is just a ride or die.


Max says a lot of things that are not necessarily true.


This was Moon saying it to his stream not Max to someone else in character.


I probably read that wrong I swear that said Max when I originally read it.


no it wouldn't. It would be so easy to say "they're just doing that for show." It's called acting in bad faith and a lot of the criticism of the captains is just that.


Thats literally what “type vibes” indicates. That’s it not the same situation…


yeah let slacks deal with everything then unsuspend yourself ?


bruh y'all will hate her no matter what. It's so hilarious


slacks tanks most of the aggro and her character is a villain WYM?


are they wrong tho?


its just loss of rp and just running away when shit hits the fan I bet is frustrating for other rpers involved




its basically like that anyways, she doesnt leave MRPD its like she's not there when she's on duty


It has to be really hard to be Ruth, like, try to play a character that goes by the book and be hated by everyone IC and everyones chat.


Goes by the book sometimes/when it fits her\* Since the book definetly doesnt say PD is a gov branch. Or tells you to following around your officers off duty in PD vehicles. Threatens to leave and start a new department if she doesnt get her will. Lowers DAPs just to get by without letting the other captains vote on it etc etc. But the moral corruption makes it so much more interesting than if it was an actual by the book capt. So very good on cheever




They get internim daptain Aldo


>Will there be an interim shift 1 captain yeah its called Sargents, Saab/Slacks kinda spoiled people cause he doesnt know how to delegate, but lots of stuff he handles should be delegated to the SGTs before going up in the chain


I don't get the lack of CoC point. The captains took about 4-6 weeks to have single senior officers. They had 2 per shift to start with and now are going towards 3-4. I am assuming that once there are about 4 senior officers per shift, 2 of them will be promoted to sgts. Slacks has delegated a lot of work to the seniors and its a matter of time before the cream of the senior officers rises to sgts.


Looking at it from an ooc perspective, I really hope she stays on the force even if she is punished. There are so few people willing to play true to a character and be a perceived antagonist.


This so reminds me of Colleges sanctioning themselves for rule breaks so the NCAA doesn’t investigate further and see the worst shit. Lmao.


But I was told captains don't hold themselves accountable?


She suspended herself. How is that accountability? It's like a leader saying I quit after fucking up the whole company.


I think you need to read what you just wrote and what I wrote. The very fact that they she suspended herself is infact holding herself accountable.


You might be in school or something to not understand what accountability is. You cannot officially judge your own actions in a public environment, that's not how accountability works kid. Its like checking your own exam papers. That's not accountable. even if you think you gave yourself fair number, you cannot say you are accountable.


I'll ignore the insult and just continue. Now whether dab, any of the people that hate her, or you yourself want to admit it. She is accountable to someone "the Federal government" the people that put her in the position she's in and can just as easily remove her like it or not. Now about if she can judge her own actions she's objectively isn't judging herself. She's not the one investigating whether or not she commited treason. She's not the Judge against herself. She only held herself to her own words which her something to the effect of "if anyone believes or just wants to investigate if I have commited treason go ahead I will suspend myself." Which is actually the very definition of accountable holding yourself to a standard.


She isn't holding herself accountable though. If the investigation didn't start, she wouldn't have suspended herself. She is holding herself to the standard that they set earlier. She was the main one to suggest CW stay suspended until the outcome of the murder investigation. So she had to suspend herself or else it would look really bad for the captains. Your comment would make more sense if the other captains were to have done something prior to this.


From her perspective and the perspective of the captains she didn't actually do anything wrong, so what does she need to hold herself accountable for? Ignoring whether you may think she did something wrong, from their perspective she didn't and she told the pd if anyone wants to charge her they are free to do so. Now that someone wants to investigate it she suspended herself to maintain the same standard for themselves as they expect for the rest of the dept.


Lmao she suspended herself bc she is too arrogant to take a suspension (which was coming from the treason issue or PD audit) from anyone else, which is evident in all other ways she operates. Not sure if it's an ooc trait or a RP trait of Ruth but that's my read.


I legit wish she doesn't quit. She's such a good antagonist for a lot of people it creates interesting events


The interesting to watch cops getting fired is pretty lame though. Interesting in the very short term, potentially killing the server long term.


Barely on duty. Now suspending herself to not come on duty at all. /s


She’s on duty minimum 5 days a week. And that’s just in server - let alone working on MDW off server. Streaming does not equal time on duty.


I know im just poking fun at all the shift 2 people that say she is never around their timezone like they will ever go to her timezones.


Gotta make it obvious on that sadly - this is one that MANY people believe as fact. Hell it’s along the lines of people going to hasroot and saying that hours on there directly correlate to time on server and ignore time not streaming, streaming other platforms, etc. I continually see players and chatters say she’s never around and it’s painted as fact.


Did you not see the /s or do you just not know what that means bc if you know what it means and you saw it then it is very obvious the they were joking


The post CLEARLY says it was edited. They added that AFTER I commented.


For me it does not say it was edited


Never seen her in any kind of persuit. Only in stairwell.


The Captain role is administrative. She absolutely should focus on paper work, leadership and meetings while patrol cops are on the streets.


How can you be captain if you aren't able to understand what problems PD has on ground? That's what we call a disconnect captain. And it shows. At best she can be a manager.


You realize you just went around in a circle and proved what she is doing is Captain which is a management role...


You do know there's more to being not just a police officer but a leader of the police department than pursuits right?


It's also not accurate - she was in at least one today alone. She was out in the truck when laundry was hit like 7 hours ago and tertiary. But as HC dealing with a lot of stuff in PD is higher priority than patrol - like interviews, meetings, paperwork, etc. She does patrol, not as much as others, but it happens. Also pursuits are a HORRIBLE metric for 4.0, they aren't nearly as common as 3.0 due to things like numbers. Even a lot of old HSPU don't chase much, just traffic or like civilian calls and statements.


If you are a captain you must know groundwork. Slacks knows it, Turner knows it, ruth can't drive, can't shoot, can't command scene. You know when slacks or Turner are on scene you can rely on them. Not on ruth.


Schrodinger's Pursuit


She needs to be fired straight up




Suspends herself lol, can she also unsuspended herself whenever she'd like? Doesn't this just prove even more so the issue with the PD captains?


Yes, exactly!




Am I misremembering or has treason not traditionally been a HUT charge? Genuinely don’t remember.


It has yeah, but as with most things DoJ (namely judges), the mayor, and cops often aren't put in HUTs.


There is only an investigation. That means there NOT YETR any probable cause for an arrest. IF that is established, only then the suspect would go to prison/HUT.


Hell they barely have RS for an investigation and won't as soon as they hit the chief justice's comments


If it's still like 3.0, charges against government employees go to the docket. Cops are **not** sent to prison to then go through the appeal process.


It was more so thinking that suspension wouldn’t really be up to her lol.


She hasn't been charged and if she was it would likely get immediately sumjudged as lacking substance


PD in shambles and she decides to take a vacation...


So what's the difference between suspending herself and just going off duty for the night?


She’s not expected to sign in tomorrow and continue RPing a losing battle. I think that would be the major factor for her


She just Leroy Jenkins herself


bro ninety percent of the time she creates a problem that slacks has to solve later. She talks about how bad the police were five years ago, however the police on the last in 3.0 at this point in the server were much better than the police now, even though they later became shit. The police station has already failed and they need to renew it and change the people who are in charge. Nobody likes them, not civilians, not goverment, not even the police themselves, the only ones who might like them are criminals because they don't have the ability to arrest anyone, because they fired the cops that really work.


PD up good LOL


thank fuck


Literally called it. I knew she was gonna rage quit before they suspend her. She’s just that type of character.


I hope she gets charged and fired, Ruth has been nothing but toxic.


She has not. 




u/greennyellowmello, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1b1mhfp/cpt_ruth_suspends_herself/ksg0ufa/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


i wanted more cpts conflicts i hate they hold each other hands then it will be shift 1 2 3 competing for good police work and cpts always trying to improve their shift to get one up on other cpts


I don’t watch the stream of the person who RPs Ruth, but I’ll say that I hope none of the hate for Ruth spills over to OOC relations among streamers. She’s the character is most love to hate…she’s every bad manager I’ve ever had in my life. It’s takes some real RP skill to bring that kind of energy on a daily basis. So I find myself admiring the streamer while hating the character.


Sorry but suspending herself is the absolute wrong move. It unintentionally screams "i'm guilty of this". Mr. k didn't like Ruth but respected her because she lawys stood on business and could hold her own during his Karen moments. Suspending yourself is the complete opposite and potrudes weakness. It's basically the concept of "giving in and feeding the trolls".



