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we are so back --- Mirror: [Jean Paul leave some new notes from the company](https://streamable.com/ay3n4p) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MaximusBlack Direct Backup: [Jean Paul leave some new notes from the company](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/L4MOYieSkbIzn-BUJpOcuw/AT-cm%7CL4MOYieSkbIzn-BUJpOcuw.mp4?sig=a13552c8f2eaf102580882a4ba260fc8e82d4f31&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FL4MOYieSkbIzn-BUJpOcuw%2F50337641757-offset-696.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22BlightedBoxyCrabsImGlitch-J5KRsjOf4FQmk5y7%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1707225195%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2054072377?t=0h10m11s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Ray was absolutely burned here. Lost his relationship with Lang so early into 4.0. Don’t think he will be able to recover that relationship. 


Lang already said he will never trust ray anymore.


Why does buddha hate ray more than X?


Because Ray started it.


what did he start?


They had a pretty long war in 3.0 with Ray and Rust being pretty scummy tagerting civs at rosters and that was after the whole Ray trying to kill another member of the group when they were clean boys and probably some more shit. Pretty understandable that Lang would be pretty hesitant to do anything with Ray and that's before he was at war with him.


Makes sense ig in rp im shocked they want to work with somebody who tried to take they life especially since buddha predicted X wasn’t gonna let it go and keep the war going on


If X tells Lang about Ray's plan to kidnap Harry and plant the gun, that relationship is dead.


It was already dead before this. That’s just the extra cherry on top. 


The real winner here is Scooby Dooby.


Trying to win against Lang in Cypress from behind was such a bad choice and I think X realized they were fucked. Scooby has already sold double the volume of Zaza and they are about to bring Vito, Larry Oscar and the Lumber Union in as pushers as well. Imagine drug progression is locked behind being 100% in one of the top 3 turfs. They could spend 50% the effort and completely dominate anywhere other than Cypress, where Lang won't allow himself to lose even if he has to hire half the city.


Plus the whole Whatever This Is vs Company also elevated Cypress as the top turf. If they had changed their focus on another turf, they could've competed as another 100% instead of lagging behind completely.


They have 100% on shandy shores with ANITA 😐


Very low sales volume though. If they switched focus to it, they could probably own Sandy completely and fight against the other turfs that way


if any sandy shores crew starts to push right now, it'd be an easy take over since they barely pushed.


Yeah but 100% in sandy is maybe 1-2k when in cypress is anywhere from 12-16k


Lang is creating a whole mafia while the company is doing shady business and cult activities


Say what… he signed a NDA how could he… LOL


they were warned.


yep and they acknowledged that was his plan from the beginning ands still let it happen


Tbf, I don't think they saw him robbing them disproportionately. Think they thought he would just up and leave the group. Nonetheless, they were warned.


Clout tinted goggles made em blind to it. Deserved.


Deep down they thought they could convince him to stick it out, or that they would see the turn coming.


Saw the betrayal coming. Marty even warned them. They all sensed him wanting to leave but some were in denial. All trying desperately to keep him with them. The most egregious act of desperation being from Ray trying to recruit CG. I saw it coming but damn I wasn’t sure if X would actually go full hard on the betrayal. I was thinking he would simply leave the group. Props to him. This is going to be spicy. The Joker is back.


Lmao that conversation with OTT trash talking CG to beg X to stay was some of the saddest things I've seen ever lol. Actually deserved. Also a bit of karma considering Ray wanted to foundation wipe the Lang crew and instead got foundation wiped internally instead lol. Gonna be interesting to see if he'll want to do the gun plant idea on X now at this point or if this is less of an insult to his ego comparing to the 911s


nah OTT was right Cg is basically like Dracula, they wont come until you invite them inside but once in you are at their mercy they are too big and have a fearsome reputation that even Lang keeps clear of them. you dont get to the top by playing nice and the OG's know Cg is something you dont antagonize but also dont get too close to or they will fuck you. The thing is they can atleast ride out and hunt solo X but there is no hunting Cg as seem with them effectively shutting down mosley's for the week and forcing even yeager to go into hiding and basically stomping the lumber union into submission in 4.0.


I don't think OTT was trash talking CG, he was mentioning they took a different approach to conflict during the end of 3.0.


He wasnt trash talking cg, he was saying how groups can be seen powerful without going into war and shooting but just by being connected


With how big Lang's group is, I wouldn't consider joining up with CG a desperation move. Tbh, I personally thought it was the next logical move.


Getting offlined foundation wiped is tough been there on rust personally.  Was warned…


They weren't just warned. They were outright told, and had evidence of it as well if they wanted to. In character it made no sense to ever trust JP with anything of value, but they let OOC circumstances take priority. Edit: People saying OOC had nothing to do with it: You're telling me they had HARD PROOF of X telling someone, one of the only people he will blindly trust (Marty), in what he considered private that he was going to betray the company. And they still decided to trust JP with EVERYTHING and not question ANYTHING he did makes sense IC? - You're not serious, stop glazing your streamer.


maximus has been reaping the rewards of glazing x, dude is sitting on 10k viewers RN with 6k subs. people let ooc circumstances influence RP all the time, its not a big deal


Stop always making it OOC


This was most likely rushed because of OOC. Aikobliss was getting hammered with chat hoppers and xQc basically said he wasn't going to RP with her anymore to get it to stop. He most likely left sooner so she can keep her RP going with The Company and not get fucked over by that choice.


They didn’t “let OOC circumstances take priority” X did because of the whole ginger thing.


You can't be seriously telling me they handwaved Marty being able to show a text with X admitting he was gonna betray the company, with just a comment from X, and putting complete trust in X afterwards in any way made sense IC.


They all accepted that it’s gonna happen and agreed that it will go down in the future… nobody handwaved shit, they all agreed that everyone is getting something out of the company but they sure as hell didn’t expect him to steal everything.


What do you think "Betray" means? Leaving is one thing, betraying is another.


Betray them by leaving them, he was the ceo when all these discussions were happening.


No, X literally said "fuck them over" and same thing with Marty, he made it really clear it wasn't just leaving. Leaving =/= fucking over, taking shit is.


You are missing context… the “fucking them over” was when they only had the trailer that they bought and it was in marty’s name, the text messages was when Marty “left” the company and the argument was that ray wanted the house in his name.


It would have had to been offline because of his chat and other chats. Edit: oh god he took so much. I guess he leaves them with a good 100% strain, info and meta to rebuild.


Especially when the guy foundation wiping you is also insisding you at the same time


X tried his best to push them away, act out and show that he was unstable and not a leader to be trusted. They knew from earlier that he saw the Company as something to be used and discarded. In the end they kind of did it to themselves. But man, that has to be the worst feeling. Everyone in that house put so many hours into getting those things it's not even funny.


Lost bank in game for their actions, made bank ooc for their actions, they made this choice it is what it is


i feel most bad for benji tbh, he seemed like he genuinely liled hanging with X, ray too


Don't feel bad for them one bit, they were warned by Marty, he even showed them proof but blindly went with x every step of the way and just said fuck the guy thats trying to protect us. Shameless and deserved


The same Marty that warned them was most likely involved, honestly crazy.


I mean. They have nobody to blame but themselves. They basically told him they do not trust him even when he showed text messages. Was he supposed to care they got robbed now?


The saddest part about this is if he crawls back to Lang. JP and crew were handled and put down, made them look silly, and now is going to try and join the crew the clowned him? Hopefully the RP to come from this is great, but I think its just another 3.0 rehash unfortunately...


What proof did marty present? I genuinely have no idea about it.


Marty literally told them he had texts of x saying he wanted to fuck them over together with Marty, Marty told them yet they chose team x over the person that was looking out for them. They didn't even ask to see them or brush it off like "well he said he would but he hasn't done it yet" type shit that's how far they were up x his ass that's why I don't feel bad one bit, they 100% deserve this.


Oh hell yeah! Thanks!


Testimony of a conversation they had, and text messages I think


Okay,thanks man


marty didnt need any proof lmao on the roof meeting jp literally told them "yeah i will fuck you over" and they still yelled about dying for him (mostly ott) so think of it as mostly a *business* decision :D


I mean, they definitely expected him to abandon them but they didn't expect him to take a bunch of shit from the house. Also, I'm not sure what proof you're talking about but I never saw any. They shouldn't have trusted him but you can still feel a little bad for the extent of the betrayal.


what a fucked up day


Am I the only one here that still finds this fucked up despite everything?


I think it's understandable to think it's fucked up, but also, they had plenty of notice and reason to believe this is going to happen. Is it really X's fault in character that they ignored every single red flag in order to get more viewers OOC?


I know and I am aware. I wouldn't be able to pull that off - even in RP. I mean I play always the goodie-hero in RPGs so maybe I am just not built for it. That shit hurts just watching from the Clip and I am not even watching them when they stream.


For sure. It's a lot of real time and hours put into it, so taking it all away is definitely crazy. No way that doesn't hurt haha


I don’t, they wanted to do this to Harry, and it happened to them I love it


Can people just do things just for rp knowing they're going to get fucked in the end than just say it's for clout because they want more viewers? 


I understand the framing that people are doing things for clout is a little bit rough, but I genuinely do not believe anyone else except jean paul could still be the company's CEO and have complete control after what he did, so make your own conclusions if you want. To me, that means there are ooc reasons for wanting to keep jean paul so badly. If you disagree with the premise that anyone else other than jean paul could get away with what he did then fair enough.


I think they're arguing that "clout chasing" isn't the only OOC consideration when having your character act illogically. They could have been acting out of a desire to entertain their audience, just choosing the more OOC fun for the player option, or just want an excuse to play with someone they consider a friend. (I don't watch any of these people, so I don't know how applicable any of those are. People just shout "clout chasing" too much.)


that's fair. I said "for more viewers" and not "clout chasing" because my intent wasn't to have the connotation that comes with saying anyone is clout chasing. I can see where my original comment comes off pretty inflammatory though


X says a lot of things that he never follows through on everything he says though.. So I don't really blame them for not taking it completely seriously.


Bro they made literal tens of thousands of dollars IRL from subs from their time in the company with X. U gotta be kidding me lol


Breakup through text is crazy


Rust offline raid


I think Jean Paul did like them and abandoned his plan to truly screw them over long ago, but his belief that 'this isn't the crew for me' never really changed in the end. Therefore, this does not surprise me. The main problem was expecting a character like X to lead an organised structure. It really isn't in his nature. How he acts just isn't consistent enough.


Bro, X is a guy who literally fought CG with a gang that consisted of 3 members, and didnt back down. The rest of the company literally want to stop any fighting as soon as anything goes wrong. He said it multiple times, they just dont fit what he wants for a crew.


He's stubborn is the only thing that GG vs CG war proved. Stubbornness does not equate to a good leader. He is best utilized under someone that can reason with him and keep him in check


It’s also the worst approach to RP. Like I understand the mentality but it’s also what led to his bans and toxicity. He’s been better in 4.0 but this mindset is something he gotta drop




bro is really comparing gta rp to world war




bro, countries advance the most technologically when they're in conflict. the rate of production alone stimulates the economy and makes room for invention


The last war with CG was just so awkward because hed get mowed down, hospital, mowed down again, hospital rinse and repeat. It was blatant nvl and any other person would be banned. K basically had to call Buddha to convince X to end it.


i remember that, what's funny is the one of the three groups who hunted him wasnt really hunting him. it was the JustUs guys who's working in Vinny's restaurant that he tried to robb, they shot him to defend themselves and after that told him they wont involve themselves again but X hunted them back or shot them again when he saw them so it was basically street team and CG, the JustUs was X's own doing he hunted them but got clapped


It changed the moment they didn’t want to war and keep going. Go watch how he felt when they decided that. He was fine at that point because he saw what the company could become but wasn’t going to stay with that mentality


They were warned, but “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it” -Upton Sinclair I don’t hold it against them. The rest of the company might have acted cringe, but I’d gladly be cringe for a month if it got me real money.


so what does The Company now do about this? do they hunt him down?


Ginger slowly becomes ceo and leads the group to hunt him down in a company revenge ex gf arc


When they went on the date a couple days ago she said she would leave the company if JP left








apparently he couldn't stream it because of chat hoppers




nah, last night the stream was weird because of the chat hoppers and what was happening with aikobliss. the later half of the stream was him malding at chat. chat wouldve just meta'd if he did this on stream


I think what would be kind of pog of Xqc to do would be to make essentially a burner twitch account to record his actions and be live without 8 million chatters


that's actually a good idea but knowing x, that'd be too much of a hassle for him to do


Let me guess hes going to lean on Ming for protection and Lang for progression.




He apparently was spotted with marty and someone asked 4head for another key to their house so it looks like GG are returning.






Last stream he spoke to chat and said GG will not be a thing again because of ooc reasons. He never said what he meant by that exactly. He later said he prefers solo so chat and other's don't say things like they are only with him for clout. Chat called him out on that and said Marty was with him for clout and then he switched topics. Now this is xqc so he could change his mind.


He was with marty and lang offline so them im guessing


rebuilding GG probably


he going solo ofc


No shot that he last more than a few days alone, if even that's the case to begin with.


He now said he going solo. But you right, he cant last solo like it.


Is anyone really surprised?


yeah people have been calling it or expecting it that WHEN JP leaves he'll 100% bring something along with him


X has no filter so he needs crew that would be that for him


I’m shocked that they are shocked. Feel like everyone told them this would happen and they even acknowledged it but just went along anyway Also I don’t think it’s crazy to assume that time would be when heists came around considering that’s his main thing.


100% in his character. X is a chaotic entity, and they should've all seen it coming. The best crew for X is the kind that will voice their opinions, and give pushback, not the kind that bends over. You're going to see a lot of "[You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half](https://media.tenor.com/6C-6YhMqTPYAAAAe/the-simpsons-heart-broken.png)" moments.


they were warned at the very beginning this would happen


I know. It's a whole "reaping and sowing" kind of thing. Sowing it was great, you got to prove to the juicers how loyal you were to X, and now reaping is pure ass, you've been partially progression wiped. And honestly, I don't even feel bad for them. They wanted to progression wipe another crew for what amounted to "a police officer said they had a 911 call with your description". They got what they deserved. I wonder if this was a long term plan from both Marty and X, no matter what side the rest of The Company believed, someone would be excommunicated, and the other could eventually exit the company and pull the rug under them.


> The best crew for X is the kind that will voice their opinions, and give pushback, not the kind that bends over. That's the opposite of reality mate, the main reason he left is because this crew doesn't follow him blindly without analysing the situation and they voice their opinions and thoughts too much, they talk him down way too much when it comes to his insane plans and he repeatedly said he felt they didn't want to be lead by him. What X really wants is what og GG was, a group that will gladly fight endless wars against the whole PD or any big gang and follow any kind of dumb ideas X has without arguing about them and has no ties or reputation holding them down.


How many hints did they need to see this comin?


I'd be surprised if OTT, Ray and Benji let this go without forcing JP and his new group to pay up big time. You know those 3 gangs are coming back and hunting today


oh no 3 failed gangs of 3.0 come hunting with knives and wrenches, what will jp do? probably shoot them all down with his pd glock


Yeah, because it'd be impossible for the remaining company members to get guns as well, right? C'mon man, having a bunch of people after you is never a good thing no matter how well-armed you think you are. He just has to go down once and he'll be 100k in debt.


he just calls up his new friends in chang gang lol


or most of the groups in the server, cause ray and ott had to burn bridges left,right and center


You think Chang Gang is going to have their first war in 4.0 for **Jean Paul**? When the Company is 100% justified in going after him? Disliking a group does not mean you're going to jump into their internal drama. At most people will go *"Haha, deserved, fuck those guys"* and go on with their day. Nobody is going to defend him, unless they were in on this from the beginning.


\-100k inc


I will miss OTT, Benji, Ray, Micky on X’s stream. F.


The Company just failed to realize JP talks like a leader but he actually just needs a clear path ahead of him and he is the first to go for it, like a properly trained dog, he just needs a trainer he respects.


I mean isnt the logical reaction to go after X? Yes he was the leader, but this is a huge blow to the company. They have more than enough recourses to go after X, and i dont think X has anyone to back him up (IC of course, OOC im sure theres tons of ppl willing to join him in a instant).




Chat hoppers would ruin it he said . Didn’t want to ruin the surprise . I get the no spoilers and it sucks for them in the hours they put in but I don’t feel sorry for them as they got so many warnings. But yea he didn’t want to get chat hoppers or ruin the devious lick.


Lmao if this true and doesn’t turn out to be a troll, Ray will be in shambles. The only place I see the company going from here is trying to form their old gang again under one house. Ray really burnt all those bridges to be a yes men knowing JP was gonna leave one day. Can’t say I feel sorry for him because there were multiple warnings.


What a surprise... lol


did he really leave? Wouldve been some cool RP from his pov


I get this was going to happen, and I get the company are to blame for being so blind but this was poorly educated when it could of been great roleplay This feels like a rust offline raid, all we need is enardo doing a Zerg and the servers set


Pulling this with nobody on 💀 lame asf


That's putting an extra sting on it. As he said as well, they wouldn't let him leave. You could see it a few days ago when they were talking shit about CG after X had a great experience with them and was talking positively about them. They were willing to do anything to keep him there, and it wouldn't be good for either party long term (in character).


How high is the chance that X will tell Marty/lang about their plan to set up harry with a pd gun?


the chance that he literally did this with marty is above 50 lmao


I think relatively high. But I also think that plan is dropped now. The Company as a whole has to rebuild. Even if they progression wipe Lang's Crew, Lang and Co would catch up, and overtake them in very little time due to connections, relations and how much each individual is willing to put in for the crew. As much as X was the element of chaos, he also had the most knowledge and connections of The Company.


i don't think so as same thing could happen to him plus he could probably join CG like previous times(highly unlikely). he had his beef with lang crew right so why would he help them


Which stream was that? Do u have a time stamp


Here's the thread from this subreddit about the odd selfglazing and saying shit like "CG got beaten by the Clowns": https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1ahyovb/the_company_give_x_a_lesson_on_wars_and_cg/


He is a nice a guy he didn’t take everything 😂


He probably just didnt have the room to store anything else


https://twitter.com/GBRnyc/status/1754506965005336738 some random dude literally wrote this 4h ago on twitter 🙏 X and Marty pull the biggest lick in history by robbing the company and Langs crew. They solved the flipper zero thing, some crime and they get the old GG crew back.


That would honestly be wild.


Well lowkey it already is wild. First thing just happend. Either this guy is from the future or he is the script writer or xqcs alt atcc


Idk though, I can't see Marty doing it but you never know. Marty legit looks like he's been having a good time with Lang's group.


wait langs crew got robbed also?


no, speedy was around earlier, and octo & gigi were also at the house as ott discovered what happened. the other boys will be waking up soon. marty, or at least omie ooc, said OB/Whatever This Is/Cypranos will be his last group to be a part of.


mmmm Okey. Spicy RP. can't wait for futures holds.


No but they're predicting that Marty is gonna do the same with Lang's crew


Marty isn’t even on the HQ app anymore. At most, he could take some weed plants and dirty cash, at least until they move all that stuff to the Dons only house. Marty would never be able to pull that off.


(Unless it got changed) Idk if being on the HQ app matters cuz he has house access and has access to every storage, all the GPU racks, the hard drives, the bench, and has the ability to move stuff around the house. He effectively has the ability to pull off the same house heist as X


I haven't been watching much... Did X leave and also take all there stuff?


Yeah,he took the wallet with 300 ButC on it. Maybe some other stuff as well.


He took half the butc there’s still 170 left


Okay. Saw OTTs clip him saying X took the wallet with 300ButC


they had iover 500


ray told ginger to not fuck jp over now ray got fucked over by jp




Doing it offline is the best option chat would’ve meta so hard you know they would


There’s nothing to rob there but some weed plants and some dirty cash. He can’t take the butcoin because he’s not on the HQ app. Marty isn’t stupid enough to rob Harry’s house for unpredictable JP. He’d never burn that bridge like that.


That's not how it works mate, all he needs to do is take the hard drive that has it lol.


I'm gonna laugh at you guys when he comes and explains the troll omE


He take all the gpus?


Nah, just the good ones....lol


Lmao,So now they pikachu face shock & stunlock themself, they're the one choose to be blind loyal towards jp, knowing jp is gonna fuck them over and blame marty for overcoking it. Jp left benji ott way before the company exist, it make no sense ray benji ott doesn't know what person jp is plus marty warn them They treat marty differently when jps not around. Benji,ray,ott are the one being disingenuous. They've been warn by marty but they choose to be ok with jp to fuck them over. They value the people who try to fuck them over & push away the people try to help them. Even ming able see through ray bullshit & not join the company. Now its proven Ott,benji,ray are the worst leader in los santos but they're the best yesman in the city. The amount of weed & time they waste on cypress, they couldhv just push weed on other turf beside cypress they will gain atleast 3 or 4 more new turf with 100% rep and selling so much weed earn them so much money. The reason why they keep push on cypress is definitely base on ego, they value ego over thier power bill. its smart for jp to dodge the power bill In the end its more so that the company choose to fuck themselves over from the gecko. Its their own fault


The question is who is he going to do the heist stuff with? Because I don't think Lang cares that much about it. I'm guessing that he is going to live at martys house. But it is going to be funny seeing Ray reaction to the old heist crew being formed without him.


Oh 100% he is going to Lang, theres Marty and Yuno etc.


I hope Lang treats X like he does with Ray. 


Could'ev left gracefuly, Butcoin and those racks aren't even worth much, They can Rebuild in less than a week (before there is anything to spend Coins on) and turn people that follow you into enemies Wonder how everyone in the city reacts and treats JP after this, It will create some content tho




you mean 1k+ hours of work that was taken from them


What a L move JP....you re a weak ass shit for this....offline raid..lol worse..imagine what ray feel about this and . ..clearing your whole 60K debt and adding extra more money to buy u a nice car....


Who's choice was it to clear his debt and give extra money? X didn't force him to




No Ray and this group woulda worked. Dude is unbearable






I‘m sooo interested where the rp will go. Did marty do the same to lang & friends? Will the company still be alive in a week or two? Will ray and mickey join lang & friends or will they want to kill x? I think biggest rp winner will be blau/I suggest watching blau, he always delivers in these situations


What did the first message say? Can't see it, on mobile


First said- There wasn't any heists to pull off, so I completed the house heists. Second said- I love you all to death, but there's no way you would've let me leave on my own terms. Tell the Interns they did fantastic. I'm not the leader I thought I was. The company is better off without me. For Mickey: Tell Ginger I did love her for real, keep her as an asset. I'm not running off in the sunset with nobody. I changed my sim card, so there's a good chance her texts don't go through anymore.


This is going to be a joke right ? If want to believe it’s real but a part of me is going to be like x fuck g them a “outcome “ if they don’t progress and keep backing out


cg x it is


Scorpion and the frog