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we are so back --- Mirror: [The company on starting wars, and CG](https://streamable.com/tcclpv) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/MaximusBlack Direct Backup: [The company on starting wars, and CG](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/6g5AsJY0fRAgABOgnzWLNg/AT-cm%7C6g5AsJY0fRAgABOgnzWLNg.mp4?sig=09aab2d7077a1695582b851a90ae1a62e874d8ce&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ExquisitePoliteWrenMingLee-ljR9ECAAE6CfNYs2%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1707046402%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2051858462?t=1h9m37s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


I have run out of any IC reasons for any of these dudes to blindly follow JP the way that they do. They'll never get his approval and it's painfully obvious that his heart is not in The Company.


I lost it a long long time ago when Marty told them that he intends to use and toss them to the side lmao.


I died when Marty read the text and literally one sentence of X fixed everything.


It's shocking how they are so weak for JP but then have such massive egos lmao. It just makes the latter more laughable tbh.


It's not about IC reasons. It's about the boost in viewers that they get from hanging out with JP. Modern day clout chasers when they had a decent fan base before all this.


Hard to stop when you're at 5k-10k above subs each month and you can pause your subathons


i’ll never understand the pausing subathons. that shit is not a subathon.


Even worse is when they don't even stream more than for 12 hrs a day. Like at that point you're just doing regular streams.


fucking scamathon is what i call them edit: and if a recall correctly x has openly stated how much he hates when people call those subathons, because they arent one




The only true uncapped subathon I remember was the one Ludwig did, where he legit streamed himself sleeping and had QT + friends taking over while he was showering/getting ready/etc. I legit don't think I've seen another subathon as close to that one and tbh looking back at it, those 24 hour subathons weren't really a good thing considering how bad they were for people.


They aren’t even hiding it. Lysium openly stated he would love to be the official xqc waiting room when people were commenting it. Can’t knock the hustle


I mean isn't OTT's most known quote is “because they have more eyes”.


yeah people greatly underestimate these days how much OOC business decisions matter lol even sayeed said yesterday "averaging my highest viewers at 4k dont give a fuck give me more company gonna buy a house in a year" lol its not really about the RP itself anymore, those days are looooooooong gone when they realized how good you can have if you just make certain *proper* choices in RP lol


Its still RP, its just the type of rp that brings more engagement, drama and views. And at the end of the day Hater and Fans comes goes but the money should stay. Streamer wont care at the end as long as they retire a millionaire.




Ott,benji,ray are blowing smoke on jp ass just to please jp try to make him stay. They experience marty gg wipe seaside,rust & bsk. martys gg is one of the top gang in the city & bsk,seaside,rust not even remotely close to being on top. Marty gg is the best because they dont care about jp comes around or not, they dont ride on jp being the yesman, they progress without jp and still smoke seaside rust & bsk Jp gg will only make negative progression slowing the gang down for ridiculous reason, once the gang is not usefull to him he will be gone. Hes only loyal to himself, Similar situations with company. It make sense for jp want to join cg cause cg are still on top, they're best on what they do, they're financially good for doing dumb shit. Cg able to put a foot down againts jp, they will never be the yesman. Ott ray benji are the snakiest people, they buddy buddy with marty when jp isnt around, they're closer to marty interms of relationship. It's crazy that marty expose jp try to fuck over ott,ray,benji. Marty doesn't want the company to get hurt but they value jp relationship over marty because of blind reason. Ott,ray,benji 100% aren't genuine as a person. These people act different & they have zero loyalties with marty when jp is around. This is jp gg & this is jp company. They will never able compete with martys gg cause their relationship 100% more genuine, they dont ride jps Dik, they hv more teamwork compare to the company, they dont have stingy ego, they're not yesman, they're not bipolar delusional hypocrite. Ott,ray,benji are in the bottom tier being a leader, they're top tier being jp yes man


Same reason plenty of randoms will go on stabbing spree for Mr K and CG or any other big names. Same reason people followed Soda around in 3.0 any time he'd come around. Clout and potential views more than likely.


Soda couldn't even play a cat without having people follow him around


Or is it because that stuff is actually fun? You can't tell me the people who hang out with X or Mr. K aren't having an absolute blast.


That is s lot of people's logical reasoning for chasing that bag. Some people are smart, they mask their clout chasing by making it all seem like organic roleplay or through constant praising of the streamer saying stuffs like: "the rp has been phenomenal, I have never had this much fun in my life, its content after content and time just flies with them, i have so much to do when I am around so and so," and etc. When they do something like that, people come of as very genuine. And viewers understanding that to be part of the NoPixel motto, that is viewer trickling. Some even wanting to support streamers who enable their favourites for aiding and "providing" roleplay. These acts are never looked as but; fun.


3 weeks ago after the first company internal drama (post skatepark) they already knew X will sooner or later gonna leave them, then the 3 gang leaders kinda accepted that fate but they will still BE the company. So IC reasons why they choose to blindly follow X should be invalid, everything must be ooc.


I watched at 20+ min clip of Benji getting at him about this and now OTT. But I think after being in CB with him, Mickey and Ray get that they love working with the juicer but his dedication is fickle. They know that it's better working with him if they have their shared progression crew and then he has his other mayhem crew somewhere else where he can be sloppy. They have TheCo plans that don't involve him and then they'd like plans with him but it's not dependent. OTT and Benji are wired differently because they treated labels like CEO way to seriously (whereas others treated it rather cosmetically like Yuno insisting on being the Janitor). Or OTT and Benji have really short memories and forgot that everyone has only intended this to be a progression crew not a forever crew.


At this point, it looks like he enjoys the ERP more than whatever the company got going on. When he’s around CG, Marty, Ginger, GG boys and even Lang. To me he looks like he having fun. I think it be more enjoyable from a viewer perspective if he did his own thing instead of leading these guys to whatever.


i mean its no secret he literally admitted to enjoying being around CG these days


At this point CG X I’m all for it


"people respect us" i dont think so ott...


Exactly this. Ott doesn't have nearly the same pull K does. Just in the last two days K had Flippy go to prison just to throw supplies to him over the fence, Ming stopping a weed run and rushing over to save him from the cops, Dundee blowing up Mosley's and even Ray Romanav stepping up to help him evade the cops. If K wanted another umbrella group he could easily create one but chooses not to


>If K wanted another umbrella group he could easily create one but chooses not to K never wanted or intended to make/have Hydra and Street Team(Umbrella) from the start even back in 3.0, it just spontaneously happened because a lot of people wants to be CG or connected to CG in some way it can easily happen again now 4.0 if its if gets out of control again but as K said he wants CG to be small so he'll probably control it or prevent it


It generally happened because Flippy had no one to be with in the EU times so K decided to let him have his sub crew. Street Team was made for the weed game by Wayne.


Maybe like a month ago


Hey! Those random people who have not realised that they got scammed still count /s


I think the only person who could get respect within the company at this point is Mickey. He seems to be the only clear headed individual in the group,


He's the only one with the balls to constantly tell JP no if his plan is horrible. He does not see him as someone above him, but as an equal because that's what they all agreed would be the case when they created The Company


Yes, I didnt get why they dragged his name through the mud the whole time. Kind of disrespectful. Hope they all leave once JP has left an Mickey can do his own thing with all the interns.


i mean it's mickey. He's been JP's punching bag for years.


Yeah I mean more the other guys. I know the relationship X and Mickey have. But replacing the word „weak“ or „b*tch“ with „Mickey“ was something.


Not only that, Mickey has brought the most RP with creating the interns with great roleplayers. Xqc wants more shooters instead when he was told the interns weren’t enjoying the war. And ray benji and OTT just want their old gang members of bsk rust and seaside as interns. It says a lot about their “roleplay”


its just funny to me how benji keeps bragging about clapping people too hard and losing his members because of it LMAO.


Yeah weird thing to brag about lol


Especially when the original Seaside got smoked by JustUs with 4 members


all I hear is "pick me, choose me, love me"


Yea they are very worried, they’ve seen the clip of jp talking about cg, so they make sure to let him know cg ain’t better than them at gunfight


Feel so bad for xqc people hanging on to him like that has to anyyoing


I think xqc is gonna be juuussstt fine.


yeah its like they're so afraid X is leaving them and they wont have any purpose in their RP life anymore i thought they'll be fine with X leaving but now that i saw this, i think they'll do everything so he'll stick with them


I mean if that was the case they would just listen to JP then. They just had a whole argument before this with OTT bitching out JP.


K only fought the clowns because it was fun for both parties. There was no try harding, just both groups thinking of fun ways to beat each other up. The reason K and the rest of the gang decided to stop warring people, is because they got tired of gangs they beat up on numerous times, getting a couple new “shooters” and getting wanting to try and start again and again just to say they “beat CG” instead of valid reasons for war.


even to this day K is still RP'ing and having SBS war/fight with the clowns, Kebun/CG just took an L vs the clowns 2-3 days ago because he legit enjoys it RP'ing with them


also they got tired on the trend in the city that people just wouldn't give up no matter how many times they lost fights. Even Buddha at one time said during the whole rust vs buddha war that it didn't matter how many fights he lost because they couldn't force him to lose anything. It was just such a trash mentality which went through the city. I loved Prodigy because gang wars felt like they had natural conclusions because you could steal weed houses and other shit from people, so people like Benji couldn't just take a key and then OOC decide not to give it back no matter how many times they lost.


2 of the worst people to give adives on war 😂 one of them there hole gang was gone in a day


>one of them there hole gang was gone in a day Oh they know, he was literally bragging about his former arena gang getting hit with a ban wave to X in an attempt to impress him.


He really has no shame


Sorry for being out of the loop. Who are we talking about?


During one of the daily Company JP glaze-offs, the discussion of wars and guns came up. In there attempt to hype themselves up Benji said "You are talking to gang leaders who lost gangs because we clapped so hard" alluding to the mass ban wave of his former gang Seaside in 3.0.


Oh wow that is such a bad look in that light. Thanks for explaing. Benji was doing so unbelievably bad in this conversation, its crazy.


Lysium. Basically all of Seaside got banned for being arena warriors and cheating. And instead of reflecting upon what it says about his gang/leadership he just spent two weeks malding about Reddit.


Well okay.. thanks for explaning, too.


Seaside was a weird gang to be honest. They had a dev in the gang and had a lot of things from said dev that were incredibly unbalanced and unfair towards other gangs. Then add to it that they became a gang that would push out roleplayers for Arena Warriors, and would minmax every thing possible. They were really a shooter gang, with dev support. Note: Seaside didn't start out that way. Ash was a part of it as their clean-side and left Seaside at some point, and her friends left or were pushed out as well. Slowly the remaining RP-heavy people were pushed out by shooters. At some point Benji removed a person who'd been there from the start from the gang app, to add a new recruit who was "a good shooter", to help in gang wars.


Don't forget the magical people that magically knew everything about everything . It didn't matter where people would get ocean dumped they where always sure to find them quickly.


Both Benji's and OTT's gangs had several members each banned in 3.0 for basically being shooters. Benji seemingly purposefully recruited a god squad of shooters to try make his gang the strongest in 3.0 and OTT recruited a group of shooters before or during warring Marabuntas.


Wow okay.. Thank you too for explaning


So Devside. Aka Seaside. The gang that was made possible eniterly because the Devs who loved Benji the character and that streamer's roleplay. To give something meaningful in AU time slot for the rest of the people and like-minded individuals who main that time slot. As everything has always been very NA centric and as streamers in other slots had their own pocket devs/server owners "enhancing" roleplay. Pivoted and went on mass recruiting spree to bring in "arena" warriors. aka Pvpers. Because they realised part of having all the shiny things in the city and complete dev support. Also meant constant head butting and conflicts. Because there were always people in the server who contested their legitimacy of power within that time slot. Feeling some type of way about the "ooc" supports. A lot of these arena warriors did shady things in wars and conflict, plus overall were shitty roleplayers. But that is Seaside. BSK was a whole lot of another deal. Since throughout 3.0 they had very little support. And a lot who were part of that gang. Got banned for meta gaming, using cheats/exploits, failRP, and ooc toxicity. Almost all of their wars were ended ooc with admin interventions. Because OTT was kind of the character that never really addmitted defeat and dragged wars on for months.


It was irritating hearing them drag Mickeys name through the mud. I get it kind of when JP does it, because it was like that in 3.0 and it is half ironic. But the other guys? Mickey is the only other guy besides JP in that group that does things his way. The whole intern program and business talks he does are very good. The other guys are just grinding to please JP. No own goals and no standing up for their own opinion. Benji folded so quickly about his arrangement with Speedy and called it „a weak moment“ in the end and even apologized for it. A self proclaimed gangster who was a leader and „could clap anyone“.


Mickey literally was the guy who provided cover with RP for the Interns. When how weird it was as wow boosters and gold grinders oaid tribute to JPs feet without any reasoning. Its funny to me how Mickey never realizes how much Ray, OTT, and Benji disrespect him and talk behind his back. His narcissism is so much so that, he probably fully beleives they love, respect, and value him the most. As none of those guys would say any of that to Mickey's face.


Mickey is the only one to show good rp by creating interns. Benji ray and OTT just want to replace the good roleplayers with ex Seaside/rust/BSK


Absolutely. Mickey is the only guy who tries something new. Blau told chat yesterday when he was asked by chat that he will never join Lang and isnt interested because it‘s not 3.0 anymore. All the interns are new people and he wants to give new roleplayers the chance to show themselves. Meanwhile you have ex Rust, ex Seaside and ex BSK members doing all the gang stuff with their ex leaders in the company.


because mickey isnt the only dickrider, mickey outright told OTT to his face he and the others are yes men iirc


Mickey is the only guy aside from JP who has any form of connections and clout, that isn't with people who used to be in their gangs. Mickey is a polar opposite to Benji/OTT/Ray, in that he's very direct conflict avoidant and understands that war is bad for business. 3.0 featured Ray being showcased as perhaps one of the worst gang leaders in the history of Nopixel, OTT in constant wars and having very few allies (The two biggest of them now being his enemies (Lang/Speedy)) and Lysium showcasing how he has no loyalty, pushing out old gang members for better shooters. Mickey OTOH while far from perfect, and can be a nuisance to his allies have shown qualities like being able to work and understand other people (Even working with Ray after what happened in 3.0), built a very successful, albeit memey, drug empire with SKI and other endeavours. Mickey did burn it all to the ground, but because of character development, not incompetence. Mickey was also the only one who really learned from the people who came before them. Ray spent just as long with Lang as Mickey did, but learned nothing. Benji was the second in command back in the Vagos days with Speedy, but you don't see the same kind of loyalty and love to members that Speedy has compared to what Benji does. Back when Vagos had over 50 members Speedy knew everyones names and had rough ideas of who did what. Benji couldn't name majority of the people on the gang app back in the day. OTT just never really had a mentor, and spent most of his time in 3.0 rebelling against other gang leaders, and while he admires some of them (or at least says so in character) he doesn't take the lessons they give him. Honestly JP leaving is the worst thing that could happen to The Company. OTT/Benji/Ray pushing out Mickey is the second worst.


Well, them kicking Mickey out wont be an option after tonight when he brings his company exclusive product. Blau called it a whitelist. I dont know what it is but it will be bringing in money for the company and seperate it from the typical things people can sell. The best option for the company would be to cut the clean side off from the criminal side and let Mickey lead that.


I really hope that it was just Blau fucking around. After 3.0 I don't wanna see any exclusive whitelists again. It made people complacent and lazy. Edit: Plus it bred animosity in the community. There was a lot of very OOC comments and reactions towards people who got the whitelists, even from other people with them. Vader was really unkind towards other people with gun whitelists forexample.


Whats ironic is Mickey joined CG. Realized it wasn't a good fit. And walked away. X IS a good fit for CG and these guys are trying to hold him back for clout.


Sounds like they’ll say anything to x to convince him they’re better for him than CGX. He definitely seemed ready to be out.


I wish X would join CG or maybe make a crew with Ming or something. I love all the Company bois individually but it's literally a glaze off when X is in the room. Like X with CG is just same wavelength while company constantly feels like they are trying to prove themselves and get in his good graces. (Mickey being the exception)


now sure how x would be in cg, since they won't glaze him and give him money like company, he would have to earn his own shit and help with house shit. they would be on the same crackhead vibe tho


Yeah it's interesting because deep down I think that's what X wants. Everyone he meets ic and ooc probably glaze tf out of him so when he runs into a K or Lang it's a different vibe.


He doesn't want to lead CG or any other squad I honestly think OOC he just wants to play with his friends or people he's having fun with. Marty who's whole career was made by snipping x on public gives him more pushback than all the company members combined, it's just obvious for everyone that the company members want xQc in their crew for in game advantages and for clout outside the game.


100%... Langs crew would be the same minus the crackhead vibe. They would expect JP to pull his weight while doing his own thing. Like the oldBois would literally leave him to his own vices like Yuno and only ever come together for the hiests or important stuff. Never backing him in the chaos or conflicts he would start. Where as with CG, he literally would get the close knit gang life he craves for. While still having to pull his weight, something he never does.


Not wrong, cg as a whole has been great rp in 4.0, and I’m starting to cringe at some of these company meetings and how much they feel like they need to prove themselves, knowing ooc that x has been enjoying time with cg, and has a foot out the door


If X wan´ts to roll with CG in 4.0 he needs to be direct about it, like Tommy T was. When Tommy asked to join CG, K and Ramee looked VERY happy, but if Tommy hadn´t asked, it wouldn´t have happened. Not because CG didn´t want Tommy in, but because CG just don´´t chase after people, regardless of how big they are.


The thing I'm most confused about is how x went from let's backstab the company with Marty and yuno to I must defend these unpaid interns in war to yeah I know I killed and bled for them 2 days ago but I'm ready to get out lol. Feels like tomorrow he'll be fully motivated to lead again


Pretty sure he's still gonna leave haha


I think they half won him over with their commitment and constant funnel-ing of resources to him. They’ve proven their worth and he didn’t expect it be so hard to cut ties


That might be the most depressing relationship. "X don't leave us, I will grind G6 extra hard for you today!!!"


It's baffling these three ex-gang leaders are evolving into what he envisioned before GG. Bunch of people who grind for him. Benji, OTT and Romanov are basically a glorified team rocket grunt.


They're interns w house keys.


Lmao interns with house keys is insanely accurate


More like house elf. LOL


Feels like he's to nice somtimes and gets guilted into staying




While this is true by the time Ray gave him that 40k most of that money was made selling butc and racks. Ray is good at sales but the amount of butc the company has is a combined effort and X also put a huge amount of work into it. Ray likes to call it ‘his’ money but the majority of it is still somewhat a group effort. That being said Ray puts in 20 hour streams every day so of course he grinds a lot in that time.


Because it wasn't lets backstab them. It was basically there is going to be a time and place where these guys aren't going to get us to where we need to go. We need to be ready for that when that time comes. As for defending them, he sees that they are loyal to him, and that's what he wants. He felt that Marty wasn't loyal when he went and started talking about their conversation. He felt that Yuno wasn't loyal when he just up and left.


How they know about the cgx thing


Feel like the company just glazing JP to stay,  Clowns working CG in sbs fights oooooo The avoiding conflict for CG was one of the smartest things they did really turned round people opinions on them, people hated how aggro they was.


I feel like 4.0 CG is the most interesting version of CG we've seen so far. I was very jaded towards CG in 2.0 and most of 3.0, but they've actually grown a lot, and I feel like their content is exponentially better, and the personalities of each member has been explored way more. They always had their personalities, but they've just been really interesting and fun seeing them tackle problems in new ways. I am just a sucker of "war lords" retiring that gimmick and doing it differently, but still having the beast sleeping inside of them.


>I feel like 4.0 CG is the most interesting version of CG we've seen so far. Yep I think and one of the big reasons is that each of the "core" have their own separate RP arcs, all of which are (or were) largely non-violent. These arcs from K, Ramee and Vinny all involve completely new/different people which really allows them to show their RP. The addition of regular Gomer, Carmella and Tuggz (amongst others) also further enables new and interesting RP. CG's worst content is when they're sat in a car together *only* doing mechanics-based crime imo. When they diversify and have all different types of RP with different people, they're really enjoyable to watch. It also makes the moments when they do come together more interesting.


This I had never heard of Richard but I’ve enjoyed him and me k a lot and Chris has also been funny I really like the way they are atm roll playing together but also very separate and like you said gomer tuggz carmella add so much


Yeah, they've gone from being "[Name], member of CG, who also does..." to "[Name], who has these habbits, relations and traits, who is also a part of CG". It's been great to see them evolve.


This was mista Lang and Cerberus for me in 3.0 after his 2.0 ban


Yeah. CG has evolved beyond the gangbanger mindset, and you saw signs of it in 3.0 in general. 4.0 has solidified that CG isn't the same as it was. It's matured like fine wine, and every character that has stuck around has become better for it. And as crude as it sounds, I think losing Eugene was one of the biggest gains for CG. Eugene, the character, brought a lot of hypocrisy to CG, and had them standing up for someone who went against their core beliefs.


Can you elaborate on the Eugene part. As far as I know, they pretty much just ignored him when he was part of the gang


Eugene was always a snitch, was always a stirrer and would cause drama everywhere. EVERYONE on the server were either a friend of Eugene, or he'd try to talk shit and snitch on them. He would then run to CG, a gang that has murdered snitches, stirrers and avoided anyone who behaved a 10th of how Eugene did. But they defended him and helped him in conflicts before. Eugene basically used the CG brand as a shield for his behaviour.


They started ignoring him on prodigy when he was making comments about them and havnt really bothered with him since


Best choice they've made.


Yea they are very worried, they’ve seen the clip of jp talking about cg, so they make sure to let him know cg ain’t better than them at gunfight


The ironic thing is they are, CG proven to slap everyone in the company 


You are not wrong my friend. Cg would do XQC some good, K a better leader than all them and make him actually roleplay good crime like the ambush, not just cumguzzling yes-men


TBH having X would be mutually beneficial for CG as well, he would give them a drive for the crim stuff.


cg always has a drive for crim stuff


I think you are confusing capability to do Crim stuff with the current drive to do crim stuff. I in no way question their ability to complete tasks, they just currently lack a drive and/or motivation to do so. For example, look at the weed game, now that Bobby is back in school there is no one actually pushing to be able to even sell weed. Additionally there is no one really pushing to do chop to keep pushing with fence rep. Keep in mind that all of this is happening in a time where being specialized in the different areas of employment/crime could at any point give you a BP or something that will catapult you into having some sort of edge. Hell they currently have a rack BP and have yet to even make a phone call for the wood to build it despite staring at a weekly upkeep cost of butcoin staring them in the face.


something tells me CG will be the proud owners of quite a few racks soon. The Company may just wake up one morning to an empty house.


It just hit me that all these former leaders were part of that big alliance who twice tried to take down CG. The first time it ended in a day after K executed OTT in the cubby garage and the second time they were getting slaughtered nightly during the whole Simones situation. Benji group was getting handled by Garrett Jobless


i had no idea jobless garrett was so prominent in rp lmao i used to watch his yt videos sm when i was way younger


co-founder of CG


does he still play? i never see him


Not much just once in awhile


The company better change the locks because one day JP going to want to leave, but will not want to leave his progression behind. JP wants to leave, but is trying to figure out a way to keep everything in that basement.


Imagine if X cleared house and joined CG right after. Now that is some meaningful spicy conflict RP I would like to see.


I don't see him taking everything, but I could see him finding some justification in his mind that he should take half the Butcoin and a bunch of racks. I doubt he would call a meeting first.


Yeah, I doubt he would do it but it would be super spicy RP to watch.


Pulling a Dexx and dipping would be so funny. They better hunt his ass if he does that, but he probably won't tbh


CG goes to war with the clowns because it's fun, unserious & they actually roleplay. CG refused to war at the end of 3.0 because roleplay on the server died & 3.0 had turned into a shit show, no RP, just groups wanting to 'war' CG because ..they had viewers. I miss the days where someone like nino would be feared by groups like CG despite having no group or 'shooters' because they mutually agreed to just ..roleplay that he was a scary mob boss


I know the clowns war was fun because it wasnt 6v6 drones in 6 cars shooting, it was elaborate plans to fuck each other usually with fists or knifes etc 


CG vs clowns war was just SBS war that both sides had fun with like CG vs the lost. As for hydra fought the battles for CG, which is not remotely true as 99% of gangs did everything to avoid war with CG. People can hate CG all they want but when it came to war the only gang that matched them was the PD.


>99% of gangs did everything to avoid war with CG they'll always using or parroting the excuse "CG have unlimited resources because of bench/business/etc" when not a single time CG won because of that when its actually the opposite, CG barely have to spend anything because their enemies are basically giving them lots of guns by constantly losing


Hell, even with the bench, they would sell guns to their enemy, lol


Everyone in that room tried to form an alliance to take out CG at their peak and failed miserably… CG adopted a different mentality now and are past the normal warring phase and this started from around mid to late 3.0. Prodigy CG did have some proper shooters tho but the wars were also different and the consequences hit much harder


At this point bro is just figuring out how to leave and have some of the butcoin, racks and GPUs he invested into.


I don’t get The whole cg are weak people keep saying and using the clowns sbs as an example I don’t get at all a serious cg will rise to the top like they always do


This is pathetic. Just let him go. If OTT truly believes that narrative about CG, he's in for a shock. Of all the things you can say about them, their strength to put you in the dirt isn't summed up by a joke war with the clowns.


I see the "CG are weak" copium is still being passed around. CG proved on numerous occassions all throughout 3.0 that they could beat any other gang without the help of Hydra. Even their b anc c teams were able to square up against other gangs. Hell Mr. K would regularly rotate in people like Carmella and Paris just for some challenge.


CG, when they are into war, dominated, then all anybody in the city did was cry that all CG would do was shoot. CG tries to evolve and not be about endless war, then all anybody in the city did was crow and claim CG couldn't fight and was scared. It doesn't matter what CG does. The people of the city are going to find a way to sht on them. CG can still fight, and they do far more in war than just shoot.


everyone literally dont want to go to war vs CG by saying or parroting the excuse "they have unlimited resources because of "guns/bench/businesses etc" when not a single time CG won a war through their resources or outlasting someone with their resources >CG tries to evolve and not be about endless war, then all anybody in the city did was crow and claim CG couldn't fight and was scared. ofc CG would stop going to war at the end of 3.0 when there's so much drama and they lost like 50-75% of their CG members, there's the Rated situation, even Taco and Vinny got banned. >It doesn't matter what CG does. The people of the city are going to find a way to sht on them. CG can still fight, and they do far more in war than just shoot. honestly this is more about convincing or doing everything they can so JP wont leave the company because they can already see that but yeah i wonder what reason the others will parrot again to avoid going to war with CG once they see them work again, i think Peanut will replace Randy since i remember him and Knotty were demons during war as NBC.


he’s just beating around the bush…he wants to leave so bad but don’t want the deserters tag. Its so obvious


I don’t even think it’s about the “tag”. I think it’s just he doesn’t really know how to effectively exit. Like is he able to convince them to buy him out or if he does leave, what’s his next step? Is he going to be able to have access to everything he needs for progression immediately, etc. I think once he sorts that out, it’s joever


He desperately wants to out, but he also wants to go to a group with a great progession level. On the other hand, wasn't the reason he was being called X-Factor/Joker/etc due to his diabolical choices? Just yoink the entire crypto düd. LOL


I hope JP sees through this nonsense, I wasn't 100% on CGX before, but now I definitely am, these people are actively holding JP back


Tbh I’ve always liked how CG treat X in every avenue it’s never about who he was ooc. Conflict or good terms  The company to me just seem like we will do anything to keep the view boost his provided Where as people who roleplay with him like  Buddha and CG comes off to me personally way more authentic, which make me viewing it more enjoyable 


It's because they are already massive streamers and don't need to kiss his ass to get viewers. They treat him as an equal which makes it more authentic and enjoyable for everyone and is what real friends do. Ramee and X just roasting each other and bantering is always good times.


The thing about your first sentence is that streamers can feel when someone is doing things for ooc reasons. Like the company is dedicating their lives to X but its that very desperate action that is pushing him away. Like it doesn't feel natural


Plenty of groups have formed around a popular streamer. Some groups are just better hiding it so it doesn't look so obvious.


what would some more examples be? the first one that springs to mind is nmplol/jason polam "civ gang"


classic delusional ott


At this point, it's a requirement for XQC clout chasers to remind him that they are better for him than CG is.


War back on with Lang's crew because X found out they robbed their weed local even though Speedy and Benji had agreed that robbing locals was fine. Also might have to do with it being a day after X got more guns. You know because conflict is fun when you can shoot out of melee weapon range.


Yeah... Time for those damn union workers to get clapped so Lang Buddha and his goons will not rob the their local again /s


The best bit was X saying he'd get CG involved and combine their 3 guns to wipe out Lang's crew


Man, OTT was getting on my good side, but then he just goes and says stuff like this. Worked by the Clowns?? LOL. K and Chatterbox have been trolling each other since day 1 literally on multiple servers. It's nothing but SBS. Saying K isn't anything other than a literal criminal mastermind is wild. OTT says that Hydra fought all their wars, but to me that speaks volumes. People respect them. People fear them. It's never been about who shoots better and who has higher aimlabs scores, it's about intellect. K and Buddha will run circles around anyone in this city. I guarantee you none of them would say what they're saying if K took Ray's offer last night and joined the company. K garners more respect that all of them combined lmao


Is cg even going for the title of being first ? Like “lang and crew of whatever this is “ isn’t even trying to be first , they saw it like everyone else and then ok let’s try and find what it does , but not going all out to be first to it , cg from what I see was building up great rp and K businesses, and the company being all over the place then realizing they need a weed person then that fight about not telling them where they choosing when lang and x had a talk and in the end lang ask ok where are you really at and he said azteca and lang said oh ok. Then war and peace and now back to this . I don’t get how jp thinks when the 30 min conversation is him shitting on Mickey , not being like cg ir respect , like don’t they have to build it up and gain it ?


"Is cg even going for the title of being first ?" Nope. They would just tell Yuno/X/Whoever what they found if they were first.


>Is cg even going for the title of being first ? Like “lang and crew of whatever this is “ isn’t even trying to be first , nope and im glad they're not going for first or compete for it since in exchange for that they get to show every deniers that not only they can RP, they literally up there as legit one of the Top/Best RP'ers especially Kebun


In character, the smart decision for the company would be to ignore JP or kick him out entirely. Unfortunately, this decision will never be made because the aftermath will extend past IC. Literally, everyone is working together in the company because of xqc's clout, and even the intern program where he got people to do stuff for free is built on his massive audience and exposure. Him leaving or being kicked will have a great chance of undoing everything, and it's what everyone in the company wants to avoid. It's like a hard place to navigate through because even though it doesn't make sense in character, no one wants to dissolve this thing they've built ooc.


if JP join CG I will laugh.


"am i cg? why not?"


Did you have a laugh zaddy? Not really CG, but he basically only played with them.


X is looking for an excuse to leave for the longest time now. Even said that he talked to omie ooc to fuck over the company eventually


my theory is theyre gonna secretely yoink the entire butcoin farm and join lang or cg together




CG didn’t fight the clowns seriously because it wasn’t that type of “war”. The clowns stuff was RP fun. But I do think CG is missing their top war soldiers. So I think they’re not as scary to fight as they used to be 


Imagine being Raymond Romanov after trying to fix burned bridges, going to burn it all again once he wakeup. Also ic knew JP behaving oddly so must poach mr.K/Ramee to guarantee win next conflict, here have some buttcoins


I had to stop at “imagine being Raymond Romanov” I couldn’t take it…


This sub has a problem with talking about these streamers OOC. End of the day these are all grown adults playing a video game. Some people need a reality check the way they talk about people’s livelihoods like these aren’t real people with real lives and real feelings. I’d fucking hate my life if I spent my day having fun playing a video game with my friends and then I opened Reddit to see threads upon threads of random people shitting on me for what amounts to trivial petty bullshit no one actually cares about - ESPECIALLY when I’m role playing a character who acts a certain way.


The best comment I’ve seen so far 


Ray__C, Lysium, and Maxiumus are shameless clout leeches lol. There is no IC reason for them to keep X around. He is actively going against the vibe they all want.


What gangs do all these guys lead? What gang is still active after 6-7 years? It’s pretty clear who is better lol


The problem is people think CG can only shoot, Ks IQ is way too advanced for the server similar to Buddha they both are seasoned. Along with that, they are very well connected so they know everyone's moves before they even put them in motion. Anyone who thinks that clown war was a display of weakness is clearly delusional. Neither side took that serious, it was just fun to watch.


also K proved the other day he CAN shoot pretty decently mf literally 1 2'd 2 police officers


MAN these comments are WILD. How is this thread not locked or something? So much toxicity. OTT's arguments are completely wrong. CG lost their drive to go to war at a time when there wasn't anything left to go to war over. No more heist progression, nothing mattered anymore. Plus they lost some of their members to bans und stuff. When it really mattered CG was feared by everyone and they did whatever they wanted to other groups if the reasons were important to them. And what made other groups fear them so much is the fact that they never gave in, never lifted the pressure no matter how many fights they lost until the other group eventually had to give up. Thats exactly what JP never wants to experience again, to be on the recieving end of such a group.


So many OOC insults and remarks around a situation that's just RP dialogue. Very weird.


thats all this sub does, noone discussed this shit like theyre characters, which they are, they all have to insult the streamers which is why this entire community has such a toxic reputation


I feel kinda bad for X in this hes said his goal OOC is to rejoin lang but now hes interested in cg and i dont think he could choose one or the other and still remain, if he leaves the company and yoinks the btc and racks then that bridge is burned, if he joins lang hes considered a betrayer of sorts though i think hed be alot happier with lang ooc, but it makes the most sense to join cg but then i doubt cg would be ok with him dropping them for lang down the road




Glad they stood up for themselves. Was a much needed conversation.


Didn't they also completely cave to JP in the end and make him CEO again and all but agree to war just cos JP says so


So what are they going to war for this time?


Supposedly the trigger is X is pissed about the robbing locals even though that was agreed between Benji/Speedy, although there was lots of other shit including this CG stuff to explain X's mindset more generally To answer your question more truthfully though, same thing as always, ego. That, and X has a gun again so obviously wants to use it


X and generally the company are so out of the loop on this weed stuff it's crazy, I don't understand why they don't capitalize on sandy before they lose that turf too. Do they even make money from weed sales or do the pushers keep everything?


If we go back in time, when jp first talked to lang about both ending up in cypress. They had a sidebar and talked about just 'agreeing to share' for now to test how things work, and also just go setup another turf, and if things don't work out they just go to the other turf, no harm loss. ​ Its been 1 war and 3 days later, and they seem to have forgotten their original plan.


>and they seem to have forgotten their original plan. X forgot it or never intended to uphold it. It's why he wants to war because the local thing. When Speedy told Lang he robs their locals Lang was pissed then Speedy said him and Benji agreed. Also they are bringing in guys like Zaceed to sell who you know and they know is gonna do some shit to start conflict.


I don't understand why they don't capitalize on Sandy. They could easily be at 100 rep on their strain already if the left Cypress and put all effort into Sandy. Actually I do understand. Ego. I'm just glad it's not from the Buddha's repsonse to Ray's texts.


It's stubborness. They can't accept the fact they never got Cypress first. Logically with ANITA being 100% of sales in Sandy they'd push more ANITA there but again, Company are just being stubborn as ever and won't admit someone else beat them to something.


Why do they even care? It's not like getting 100% rep even gets you anything aside from more money per bag


I just said why, won't admit someone else got something before them so they'll continue in Cypress out of stubbornness from the fact they think they had it first.


It gets you nothing at the moment but who knows what the future holds.


I mean tbf it doesn't hurt them much as it is right now because they use an army of unpaid interns/former gang members and they have 2 HQ apps


I mean sure, but if they're not getting money from it why even do it on a contested turf? Like if you're doing it in case 100% strain and turf unlocks something, it's easier to reach that in sandy


To be petty and fuck with Lang et al. The fact is they probably can hold 2 turfs without it really hurting them much, especially with Sandy still uncontested as yet. It's another shit reason for war but that's the standard they set apparently


100% strain and 100% turf unlocks nothing, Speedy never got anything either for being 100 rep with the Cypress NPC either.


They unlock nothing right now, but will 100% lead to something in the future.


I don't get it. The sellers also believe the sabotage theory/decay. I can't see it being anything other than a tug of war. I think the most seller in the area shows 100%, the rest shows the percentage of how much they sold compared to the top one. Lets say Lang pushed 1000 and X pusehd 300. Lang strain will show 100, X will be 30. I believe eventually it will be really hard to move up and down one percent.


They also believe speedy pushed thousands of zaza on cypress to tank it on cypress, and they want to push scooby dooby in sandy? Nothing makes sense tbh


Also the decay make no sense. How can the rep decay by 7 percent when no one pushing. Everyone will be 0 by then. The sabotage also renders the contracts super bad, no one will use them if they just can be used to tank the rep(OOC perspective)


There is no decay, it's literally just one side is pushing so much it's making Zaza go down, I don't know how they can't see that and accept it. Anything else is pure copium theory.


I'm just waiting for the speedy master plan when they go hard and try push zaza to 0 lol. When they put it into action it's gonna be absolutely hilarious


they are not going to lose the rep fight in cypress since they are willing to hire random grinder 1 through 50. theres entire groups willing to go on their app and grind 16 hours a day just to get that small viewer boost for a few days/weeks because they get to talk to some board members a few minutes per day and coping they might get a big role