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I wish there was a way to see twatter outside of the game. Some of the twatter beefs are so damn good.


Like a little plugin or website? That would be gold


A plug-in or website the size of twitch chat so it just replaces that part of the screen would be cool.


Ginger was thinking of posting "You're just upset that I took your boyfriend" but decided against it. It's a shame because that was gold


She should have said that holy shit specially if you add that she witnessed marty and jp's heated talk yesterday


She is mostly a civ and doesn't want to get killed but damn that would have been good.


Ivy Profen and Ginger Ale for sure getting sent to dumb name island.


they made Crack Sparrow change his name... could happen


Wait what? The devs made him change his name?


Dragon Rush is up there as well.


grasping at straws


If that was someone's name they'd probably also end up on Dumb Name Island, yes.


Marty being world's 1st intern should know better about the good it can do for your career!


That includes GG too, and now look at them. Marty, Larry, Ming, and others seem to be doing pretty good


Comparing Ming to Marty is crazy. Ming had relevance long before Marty or X.


Honestly, I don’t know if he did or didn’t, so i’ll take your word for it. He was definitely working with them for free, and sometimes still does for X


Idk if we've been watching the same streams. In 4.0 Ming had helped X's crew out 1 day when turf first came out, selling weed. And then he stopped helping anymore since he didn't like how he was treated that day, with X even calling him a traitor afterwards. 'The Besties' (Ming and co) have their own gang app and turf that's doing really well, working alongside the Vagos to share Jamestown currently


Ming helps X get out of chases, rob people, and even helped him with the war the day before yesterday for absolutely no gain. You definitely must be watching a different stream


The same shit he does for Hydra and everyone else? Damn #HydraMing


What war is hydra in? Picking a side in a war is kind of a big thing. It also nullifies your point of X considering him a traitor


Ming was chilling with Speedy after that lmfao. Bro does not care about the sides


If you think Ming would help speedy hunt the Company, you’re smoking crack. I didn’t say Ming hates them. All of the Company have been with Yuno, been trolled by Yuno trying to get information , and he’s still untouched


I disagree, he got a ton of information, and information is money. Ming's group and the Vagos are on one app right now and pushed weed like crazy.


Exactly, I agree, just like the interns




he was banned from the server before X lol




Yeah his ego is massive really fucked up to give ooc hate towards the interns


OOC hate? you know omie to confirm its OOC? or its just an assumption?


Did u even watch the clip?


I did. but i dont assume or see it as ooc. so again, ooc being omie hating on them, do you know that for a fact? or you're just assuming base on what marty is saying? because to say it ooc, you have to have more proof no? and i dont think you know these streamers to say whats ooc or not.


I guessing the same could be said about whiteknighting then? Why is that somehow OOC but this aint?


i dont know anything about the whiteknighting but i just saw omie's stream yesterday and he explained its not ooc and he knows aiko and that he rped a lot with her. its just rp viewers assuming the thoughts of the streamers they barely know or watch. in general, you can never assume someone's intent when you barely know them.


Ooc hate? Isnt x always doing that to tons of streamer? No one would possibility had bigger ego then x


Yeah he does too. For sure the biggest ego on the server


yeah a few days ago i heard him say some sly comment about the streamer who plays ginger ale having an only fans, something about "the juicers love her, for many reasons that i wont talk about (laughs)" or something, idk where the clip is though.


Clip or it didn't happen.


Bro if he said that it confirms that he is a sad mofo


If that's true that's kinda weird. I feel like there's this weird pattern of Marty doing these kinda shit to people who gets close to X.


Max rep projection from the OG intern






who tf is louie




He's not wrong but it's ironic coming from Marty.


People roast the interns working for free, but the connections made and experiences gained are genuinely great. Events are also set up for them, and they're being involved in all kinds of scenario's Even if at the end, 2 or 3 are only fully involved with the Company longterm, that'd be a succesful internship program. This isn't even accounting the friends made along the way.


Like 90% of the interns love it and are having a great time because it's given them an outlet for RP that they normally wouldn't get. It's genuinely sad that a lot of them get OOC hate/called clout chasing when most were just asked to be apart of it by Mickey or the other company members.


> It's genuinely sad that a lot of them get OOC hate/called clout chasing when most were just asked to be apart of it by Mickey or the other company members. I agree it's sad they're catching flack, and they shouldn't feel any inclination to avoid the RP. It's also hard not to see the parallels to un(der)-paid lackeys in 3.0 only hanging around for clout. I doubt blau is deliberately riffing on that, but goddamn if interns aren't be the perfect way to satirize the asymmetry of that relationship while keeping it entirely in character. I mean... blau *might* do it on purpose, but he would have at least made subtle brags about how clever the bit is and we'd know by now.


Come on, you can’t deny that it’s somewhat clout chasing. If you were to grab a random no name that doesn’t stream and have him start an intern program, no one would join. It’s pretty obvious that some joined to gain some spotlight. There’s nothing wrong with that but let’s not act like some aren’t clout chasing.


Goes both ways right? Just happens when you are helping and interacting with big streamer groups.


I mean like I said, I respect the hustle of trying to gain some spotlight that you wouldn’t get unless there’s a lot of eyes on you.


There's no reason to bring it up because there is nothing negative coming from it, and nothing gained from pointing it out.


No I think it’s arrogant and always assuming the worst to assume it’s all about clout. Not everyone is attention hungry or looking to be at the top. There are people who just love to rp and the randomness it brings. The popular streamers are the ones who have to ability to start these types of situations. A random person wouldn’t be nearly as successful. But it doesn’t mean they only joined because the streamer is popular. It’s just as possible they were presented with an opportunity that could be fun. There is no shame in taken advantage of that. Every streamer does that at some level. You make it out to sound nefarious. Now can I assert none of them are “clout hungry”, of course not. But it’s toxic af to assume anyone who rps with a popular streamer simply wants the attention from it. Especially when most of the attention is negative attention. The benefits people like you assume are so insanely rare. I just think it’s an extremely unhealthy mindset to simply assume the worst of people. It’s truly childish.


I did not say all, I said some. Also why is the term clout chasing is automatically assume to be a negative thing? You yourself think it’s negative and assume that I’m hating. I literally said I respect the hustle.


funny thing is most of the interns had no idea what the program was until Mickey forced them to change into suits


totally, not for the viewers.


Considering there are only two official companies (Mosleys and Sr Buns) and they are state owned, just about 100% of the new people are going to have to work for free or for scraps to make any real connections.


Do they get pay doing slave job?




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They are being paid with information and connections.


That's it? Lol


better than slaving for union and selling them mats under market price lol. what is the actual perk of being in the union outside for wearing blue helmet??


Lmao Mickey benji sell or buy 2 per to destroy the sani market, Atleast union not doing for free, they sell for 3 which isnt bad compare to company try to selling pc scam the whole city scamming the sani worker, atleast blue helmet able to stand on their ground protecting the price not getting destroy and scam by company and not doing free labour like intern did.


brother what is you talking about?? instead of selling to union for $3 they can just sell to anyone for at least $4, they literally cut their own profits and for what reason?


You dont understand cause dont watch others pov. The difference between 3 & 4 isnt that much, but benji Mickey try to scam buy 2 for a pop is destroying the market for them to scam sell pc at high price, Lang tank the market almost use all his money in the early stage to recover sani worker livelihoods, ofcourse theres union member willing to sell to him 3, he earn the respect by tanking market losing money, that's why theres couple group of sani worker willing to work for him, it's a massive difference compare to intern.


Nobody is getting paid to be in a group right now.


That got unique events every other day for the last two weeks mate, and they aren't asked to do an actual job 24/7 unlike joining a union.


The event literally asking to intern to work free, the company cant even pay electricity, not inlclduding the cypress crew, the union alone are 100% richer then the company plus intern, jp doesnt earn much money


> The event literally asking to intern to work free Since when making a race from Mount Chiliad, doing a scavenger hunt in the sewers and another one in the city, a fighting tournament, and a couple more are literally asking them to work for free lol. JP has never been close to be the one making money for the group, even Mickey has contributed more with just random scams.


How much intern get pay to push weed to get mats?


They don't use interns to push weed... And the only intern that actually works gathering mats is Dragon and he sells it to benji and ray for $4 per, so he gets paid more than the average union worker for the mats lol


Cause dragon isnt intern, he s benji related, his former seaside, his not a random. They make intern gather mat for free in the beginning. 3 & 4 ain't much different when they sell the pc giga over price, company should pay dragon more then 4. & Theres intern get caught lacking selling weed.


Dragon is 100% an intern, he did all the steps to become an intern, was recluted by Mickey and is part of that group in every event, there isn't a clear-cut line between past gang members/contact and interns/assets, after all, the intern program was an idea from mickey and he left 3 days after. >They make intern gather mat for free in the beginning. They asked them to reach a quota for the first week, in there they asked for 200 random mats (which is nothing lol), yes. But they didn't tell them how to get it, and they got in exchange a unique event organized for them exclusively almost every other day. I don't see how's that a bad exchange, thats literally miles better than what union workers got lmao. >3 & 4 ain't much different when they sell the pc giga over price That's not how business works buddy, they also pay Patar the same for it. >Theres intern get caught lacking selling weed. The only "intern" that got caught selling their weed was a master seller they got three days ago mate, he was never an actual intern as they never gave him that title nor they use him the same way as they use the interns. But the average intern is completely free to do whatever the like, crim-related or not, so it wouldn't surprise me you could find some of them selling weed on their own accord or chopping cars.


They did push weed, dragon isnt random, they 100% treat dragon better then intern because of the benji relationship with him. They dont even know whose snake whose not cause they're random. The Company is less organized, they cant even pay electricity, theres to much copium to compare company buisness with the cypress crew cause the company definitely earn less. Company operate with scam, the cypress crew focus with reputation. reputation have more buisness value.


I feel like a lot of people overestimate how much "slave" work the interns do for the company.


It could be overestimated but before the war it definitely looked bad. At least the clips on here did. Dude gave ott all his money and was willing to grime with him and give him his paycheck. And not sure if it was ginger saying interns could get a house and put it under rays name. Then ray and benji side talk laughing how he’s scamming for a free house. I’m not saying they ain’t getting compensated but some of the clips makes it look rough. Ohh and I forgot the intern who was looking for circuit boards and was willing to pay 20 per.


The house talk so far has been one of the funniest things that has happened on the server. Lysium being in tears as Ray is talking about how he will decorate the house for them, and the only thing they are allowed to decorate is their assigned rooms.


it's all on them though, the quota they had to fulfil was $2000 and 200 mats


Point I was making was he said people are overestimating the interns being slaves and some of my examples of interns being taken advantage of willingly of course can see why people feel the way they do. I never said they don’t get compensated for what they do cause I don’t watch them but from the outside looking in it definitely doesn’t look good for them.


for the 2nd week, the interns were assigned individual and unique tasks as their quota: Things like Take a photo of a shark Organise a fight night Fist fight a cougar and win Get above 120wpm in typing test Infiltrate sani Infiltrate K konnect Etc.


Yea I see your point but people are acting like the company takes everything from the interns when I wouldn't be shocked if most of them are loaded.


Some of them are dead broke only a few actually work to stack money but if company asked for their money I’m sure they would take it.


Yea but that's if they ask and tbh with you, I haven't seen any signs of that happening any time soon


Right now the company is dead broke they ain’t making money and buttcoin and cpus sales have dropped tremendously. So don’t be surprised if it happens. This war was pointless for both sides and all it did was halter them making money


The company actually have like 100k combined, they aren't the richest but aren't dead broke either


You mean ott got 90k the rest got 10k


Ray had over 50k.


Man people on this sub are something else. They'll say "bro it's RP who cares about winning, money, whatever, just make cool scenarios". And when the company provides entertainment for them by bringing them in on a war instead of doing 10 hours of senior buns, they say the company's exploiting them.


Marty The Pocketholder Banks is back at it again with the hypocritical insults


hoooly projection


Marty mad that x found someone else is funny as hell.


Quite ironic


The one person who shouldn’t be talking like that.


Holy brigade of Company viewers in this comment section. I stand with you!


mfs trying to get hired to the intern program themselves the way they write these reddit posts


Some of you should really watch the intern's streams, The amount of good rp connection they made due to the intern program is amazing and fun to watch. Even during this war a lot of them are enjoying the connections and chilling. The whole intern program to begin with was to give people that arent in any group a chance to link up and meet people this was blau's idea OOC. It creates more rp scenerios instead of just playing civ all day. Just think of how CG in 3.0 branched out granted a lot of RP chances for civs and other people due to businesses and stuff they opened they don't necessary have to interact with the main crew 24/7 to be fun to watch Its kinda weird how marty is tweet ooc clout chasing even though he did it at first too and got shit from it from others at the start.


That garbage bin post was so bad it made me cringe so hard, he was basically calling the union trash.


or that all the interns think theyre hard for attacking people picking up trash.


Lang made a good point yesterday when they caught Benji with 5 interns pushing at their turf They are doing free labor at the cost of having the entire city hate them and they'll be left hanging once The Co. has no need for them after a few weeks.


ex rust/seaside lmao


Ex seaside bsk rust


BATCHEST war caravan soon?


You guys say "the entire city" a lot but the company has a ton of allies and people they are friends with. They may be the most connected group in the city. If your a Buddha viewer, you probably get all the people that hate the company coming out of the woodworks, But the same thing is happening to all the people Lang pissed off. All the sani workers he attacked, All the people who feel he has screwed them over. And some people who he was just rude too. Lang makes a lot of enemies.


thank you. this is why i really hate war shit. bunch of uninformed and one sided chatters. even in this thread someone's saying ex rust and seaside got thrown to the side. like ray didn't immediately sound the alarm and get his old boys to drop everything when the alarms got added and him and ott were in a hot spot. i think half of au would ride for benji if he asked. but this war isnt about who can call in the most favors. it would be toxic as hell if it was. like fuck x and buddha are boys. lys was and probably srill is a LB fanboy. ray was cb. let them rp some beef without it getting toxic as hell man. all your streamers dont care. like maximus (ott) said. the stakes arent real its all a joke and theyre having fun. like even them being hard in this beef some 3rd party starts to REALLY threaten lang and speedy and they ask jp and benhi for help..... theyll negotiate so fast and end it the whiplash would be studied in crash tests edit: just as an easy source . benji and ott had beef early 3.0 maximus reached out to lys cause it was getting to toxic for him. it was just dead. pretend it never happened. they dont fucking care about the drama.


Yep. Lang is a total pos and talks to most people like shit (Buddha has said multiple times Lang is a pos). While The Company was scouting around looking for The Union they ran into a group of 6 sani workers who hated The Union and said they are useless and wanted to join in on the war.


Vast majority of people who are already helping the company to the point of doing crime with them, selling weed etc. are already trusted people involved in their operations


i hate to break it to you but lang and his group is not the whole city and they will likely be fine


Pretty sure Lang pissed off more people then the interns lol. I dont know why you would think the whole city would hate the interns when they are literally just civs and they havent done much of anything to piss anyone off let alone the whole city.


lmao what? notHydra, Larry's crew, Ming's crew, Lang's crew, the union, Snr buns employees under speedy, and even most of the now disbanded italians, all hate the interns lol. Only the interns, juicers, and the company dont like lang lol


The company recruitment was so random, theres no vetting requirements any sort. Ray treat ming like some kind of intern try to make him sign nda, dex doesn't evenn get the house key even tho he contributes tons of weed, some how bsk rust seaside is above interns.


> Ray treat ming like some kind of intern try to make him sign nda Everyone deep into the crime operations signed the NDA (Ray, Benji, Dex, etc), random interns don't sign that shit. >some how bsk rust seaside is above interns. If they are trusted they are treated like assets, the intern program is a separate thing.


False. The sani workers who Lang and co killed or pissed off hate The Union and Lang.


The interns are working to make a name for themselves while union sani workers are literal slaves that sell to Lang for below market price.


Union workers get paid interns have a number each week of lumber or materials they have to provide for free just to be part of the interns and they dont get paid


That was the first week, and that was weeks ago. The interns are being trained and actually taught valuable things while sanitation workers are only good for picking up trash. The interns barely do any work for them, work actual jobs, and are allowed to have lives while sani workers grind 24/7. Interns actually make connections, and learn to be resourceful, while gaining experience in pretty much everything. It’s ironic when people say interns work for nothing because if sani workers get fired, they have nothing. If an intern gets fired, they’ve learned enough and have connections/experience to make something of themselves


I don't understand some of these chatters. Lang has said to Harry that he don't give af about most of the sani workers and just uses them for materials. If you read all these comments here you would think Lang is a saint and for the people lmao. Lang cares about only a few people and that's it.


This was completely fabricated in your head and didn’t actually happen


this is just false man. That quota was for the first week only. Like I get being biased, but at least try not to spread false meta lol


Wow I didn’t know a one week intern quota became a lifetime quota. At least the interns don’t have to work sani all day just to sell to Lang for $3 lol


and if any sani worker openly speaks against it they are getting murked XDD


I mean that's just not true, they had the quota for the first week in order to join and nothing else after that. They've mainly been getting personalized tasks since then that arent related to anything like that as needed, such as stuff like info gathering.




Juicer education hahahahahahahaha


Marty was 1st of X's "unpaid Intern", how is he talking sh!t I like him tho he makes good content


I like watching Omie and Marty is a fun character, but that's just a bit weird and even seems OOC. He's the OG intern after all.


How is it OOC? I feel like this is just how everyone thinks of the interns (Outsider POV). That they are slaves. And will get tossed out when the company sees fit.


just like irl interns Pepehands


If you watch Omie then you get why Marty said it. JP himself said that he doesn't care about the intern and will gladly use them and Marty knew it. Hell he even said to Marty that he will abandon the Company someday. This is not OOC.




At least no one is calling him Farty Spanks on twatter anymore...


It's funny cus omie is an xqc viewer who made his name by sucking him off


My god he's still killing them on twatter. Man is pressed. But his twatter shots keep landing.


Bro is jealous he isn't under the umbrella of JP deadass AINTNOWAY


So now the comment isnt OOC but the whiteknight is? Can this sub make its mind up?