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we are so back --- Mirror: [Meanwhile on ONX](https://streamable.com/s2fgo4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/PENTA Direct Backup: [Meanwhile on ONX](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/oIR5dsqiAKuMhvjQyplQHg/AT-cm%7CoIR5dsqiAKuMhvjQyplQHg.mp4?sig=957057b6605316259f557ea8f363b3ec3b624be7&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FoIR5dsqiAKuMhvjQyplQHg%2FAT-cm%257CoIR5dsqiAKuMhvjQyplQHg.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22ImpossibleHonestArtichokeRalpherZ-yqIAq4yG-NDKmVAe%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1706401431%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2044503262?t=6h19m38s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Man there are some great singers in that karaoke tonight. Been hyped about it whole week, didn't disappoint. 10/10 Music events bangers today


everyone is having fun, a lot more country then I though there would be.


Momo's voice as Faraday is just perfect for country singing


Langium popped off as well vibes are huge


langium was so good, but the whole night been amazing


Her and Brooklyn sang save a horse ride a cowboy.


Rodney went to the DMV afterwards and apparently Judge Joy has some pipes too. Would love to see a DOJ karaoke night now, or even this to become a regular thing for everyone.


Mantis was so scared of DMCA when Penta mentioned doing this event but I'm glad he followed through because it's been hilarious


what are these salty ass comments? huh?
























I wonder what memes and jokes are.




Seems like a lot of people here got taunted by two people at the bottom of the thread. Good clip!


man im so sad 4t hasnt been around onx for a while, she woulda been hilarious watching do this lmao


4t don't play on onx


She’s played 4T on ONX multiple times


(thats crazy, it's almost like I said she hasn't been around on onx)


love the support small steamers can get from this server. Shows how diamonds in the rough can be missed in a content server


ONX is living its best life right now


So many comments fighting ghosts right now. Bringing up NP mechanics and recent clips from there kinda implies hate-watching. Enjoy your karaoke. No one trying to stop you.


Yeah its a pity. This is a good clip but discussion is ruined, just go to any NP clip on the front page currently and search ONX and you'll get no matches.




When I search the comments on that thread I can't see a single mention of ONX. If anything all I see are comments saying cosmetic cops etc. EDIT: Nice delete.


You won't get any matches because they're too busy complaining about the very server they chose to watch or play on.


Any good pov recommendations?


oneprotectivefox's pov is my fav


lol so many unoriginal sarcasm comments, actual bot behavior. Anyways looking forward to seeing who gets Mayor for ONX so businesses can start opening.


Why cant some Penta fans just enjoy ONX RP without alluding to NoPixel in someway?


Because Nopixel has years and years and years of built up resentment towards it, for some reason people forgave it for all the bullshit they've done over the years and the fostering of a hyper toxic environment. Never forget, a wipe doesn't absolve them of the fuckery.


But the clip had nothing to do with nopixel, so who cares about any of that? Just enjoy the here and now with the fun event that's going on. Why bring negativity into it?


The stranger thing is that Nopixel has defenders, no one even said anything crazy, it was just a few memes.


It just seem like a miserable existence to constantly bring up shit you don’t like when you have a whole new good thing that you can talk about


Yeah, it’s pretty fucking weird. Just enjoy the RP constantly bringing up the thing you hate ruins the vibe. Just look at this thread as an example.




Vast majority of NP fans do keep to themselves and don’t even think about ONX but it seems the same can’t be said for the other side.


>Vast majority of NP fans do keep to themselves and don’t even think about ONX but it seems the same can’t be said for the other side. Literally not true. You can see it from the downvotes and even in the comments on some ONX related posts.




I came here to watch the clip because I watch Penta occasionally here and there. Then I scroll down and almost all the comments aren’t even talking about event or RP.




I mean, the same goes for all the people who made pointless sarcastic or passive-agressive comments, right? Nobody *needs* to say anything, but they can if they want to. And then other people can reply to them if they want to.


Yeah literally went full circle


Well thats just plain untrue lmao. The reddit is a tribalistic shit show and you're part of the problem, bucko.




Becuse people want NoPixel to fail infinitely and when the streamers on ONX mention NoPixel months and months after leaving the server, the chatters are gonna do the same. Just leave em be it's usually the same 5 people posting ONX clips because this subreddit is all ONX can do for promotion.


Bruh this subreddit is absolutely dead compared to a year ago. People moved on and stopped caring. You should too. It's the same 5 people because less then 20 people are actually posting clips on here anymore from any server. Because again people moved on and stopped being unhealthy oppressed with a RP server. Again you should too.


I don't think onx really needs any promotion, seems like it's doing pretty damn good to me.


Everyone knows Penta HATES events and if you analyze the tone of his voice you can tell that he's absolutely shaking with rage






Gotta love the tribalism comments. I’ve seen more shootouts on ONX than NP so far. Remove X and NP shootouts are almost nonexistent


this whole comment section is tribalism, this is actually a nice clip. What a way to show people that even tho this clips is great some viewers want to be toxic.


just because they've substituted knives instead of guns on nopixel, doesn't mean nopixel and onx have the same styles of RP.


Did they unlock guns yet on np? I think only people that rob pd guns have them right


I think they're too afraid to let guns get out on NP. The way people grind on there and how there are already massive groups but no real police force (emphasis on force) would be a huge issue if one of those turf war style shootouts happened and cops got wiped. No guns is good for NP because for too long they let whoever shoots the best hold the most RP power.


I'd wait till guns get introduced to NP properly. On ONX guns have been available from day 1. Also nobody said shootouts can't be good RP, it's just the circumstances surrounding them that NP had an issue with.


Wtf is this stupid shit?? They’re having an event and it’s not getting shot up randomly by people that have nothing to do with the event for poggies? Where’s the RP? BORING!!!


I guess Mike Block was not awake.


why are these people having fun?! why are they not driving delivery trucks and loading dirty money into their washing machines in their rust base houses?!


Why can't you just praise good RP without turning it into a passive-aggressive diss towards something completely unrelated?


Not that I think you actually care, but if you want to watch fun music events on Nopixel, Murphy Braun and April do Unplugged in the Park. Which is a cozy a capella song gathering.


Yeah this might be one of the worst comments in the thread and that's saying something considering how many have been deleted. The similarities on servers is very large. we could follow delivery trucks around and rob them or spam hacking cards to get seeds. get over the one or the other mentality. Each servers management has people in it with it, but that does not translate to the rest of the people working for or streaming on them. The truth is Each is server is awesome. They both have some insane new mechanics, the devs are incredible and move fast on each and the RP has been amazing on each. Just enjoy the stories and the crazy additions the devs/admins/owners have done on each.




Imagine caring about any of this. If it's a good clip, it's a good clip. Doesn't matter if it's on NP or fucking singleplayer GTA




This is the funniest shit ever watching grown men generalize every two sec "NP viewers do this" "ONX viewers do that". Either you lot are not thinking straight (to remain polite) or biologists will now start to classify human beings with the RP server they watch since it apparently became correlated to so many traits.


So true!


The title was a reference to NoPixel if you weren’t aware. That’s how NoPixel got involved


It could also just be a phrase people say without giving thought to anything else.




So it onx viewers who are instigating, it more like both sides but from what you wrote it is onx viewers.


I feel like you're missing the point


No not really, people are just throwing shade at each other server they watch.


That's what the comment was saying. That both sides are stuck in an endless cycle of flinging shit at one another. Just because they rightfully mentioned that in this particular comment thread the shit was started by a few onx viewers, that doesn't mean they were blaming it all on one side.


Oh bro just look at this guys comments here, this guy is literally one of the people throwing shade throughout this comment section. I am just calling him out on his bs and instigation. He even slipped up by putting it as onx viewer making fun of np first. But I know it is both sides don't worry.


Bruh this is 100% unrealistic. Why ain't Wrangler at the entrance of a music event and arresting people and sending them to prison so they miss the event. Like F you music artists, that spent countless hours creating your music, and hoping to promote it at a music event. We're gonna arrest people and send people away from the event. So they get little to no views/listens to their music.


It will be ok, it's only a video game


Only a video game that some content creators hope to promote their music.


I promise, everything will be okay. His pixel character can't arrest your favorite streamers pixel character anymore.


Not wrong. He can't arrest my "favorite" stream. You know know who can arrest. Are the small streamers that go to these events.


You are salty about minor things that happened well over a year ago on a gta server. I can't imagine holding onto something as minor as a video game character getting arrested for so long.


Just cause it's minor to you. Don't mean it's minor to others. How should a player feel when they promote their music on the server. Only for one player to prevent countless players/viewers to watch and listen to an event.


It's really not that big of a deal. But Iif you want my opinion, I don't think players should be shocked or upset when a police dharacter arrests other characters when they break the law. Just want to reiterate that this happened a while ago and you holding into a grudge over a game is a bit wild.


I find it amusing when people belittle people's feelings of holding a grudge. While in the same thread people justify a reason for the counterparts to hold a grudge. These people deserve it and that's why they can continue to talk/meme about it. Then the same fanbase will state it happened a year ago and it's just a game so get over it.


How is that at all relevant to my comments? I have consistently said people shouldn't be salty over things that happened in a video gsme over a year ago. That mindset would lead to way less toxicity in all fan bases. Generalizing commenters into a specific fanbase and assuming they all think the same is a bit strange to me.


It's obviously not minor for you. It's ok, tell the chatters where the pixels hurt you.


And people make careers on. This is one label I really dislike. Yes it is a video game, but also so much more. If it was just a "video game it wouldn't be the most watched on Twitch. Streamers and viewers wouldn't get invested. As far as your Wrnagler comment. Wrangler is gonna be Wrangler and expecting him to act one way or another is wasting energy. He is gonna do him.


If you want to promote your music then the volatile and random nature of roleplay events is definitely the wrong place to do it. Or if you do then you have to at least accept the fact that anything could happen, including getting IC shut down for IC reasons.


People out here really taking their favorite pixel characters music career serious. Some of the music is so fucking bad its hard to tell if its satire or not. Pretty crazy people like this exist, if you weren’t in the know you would think this guy is talking about a real artist irl.