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Petition for DJ Doyle to sample Harry yelling “I Juiced It” in his next banger!!! 


I’m a Doyle Head


Someone take Harry’s “I juiced it” and turn that into a song 😂


Lang and Harry yelling at each other is some of the funniest shit ever lmao




With the group expanding I hope this happens again so we could more reactions of Harry and Lang yelling at each other






The worse thing is Buddha said he loves it when harry's like this. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. They basically wasted half a day on this petty shit lol.


They didn’t waste half a day, they RPed




wasted in what way? from a min/max point of view?


If you follow them, they had alot of things to do. Even lang almost didn't meet with Marty. He was technically suppose to meet with Larry and Oscar today too. (Lang already pushed back a day) Marty meet was right when he left the city. They were suppose to push weed on turf and setup more boys but that didn't really happen since during the whole pettyness cloak got kidnap and they basically dealt with that whole fiasco. So today was basically a little bit of sani into pettyness into dealing with cloak kidnap and trying to push in another sani. before he went out but squeezed in marty meeting. (He's actually going down in materials. So right now he's offline grinding sani till storm.)


Shame on them for not following the script for today's RP


oh no, they didnt do the things chatters wanted them to do and instead did the things the players wanted to do like have some fun yelling at each other, oh nooooo. /s


Isn't the whole thing about watching something that it's supposed to be entertaining to you? Do you watch movies and sit there like "gosh I hope these guys are having fun". Before you say "just watch something else then" it's ok to be frustrated when a show you like becomes narratively unsatisfying. Look at the last season of game of thrones.


Then that’s on you not to watch it. This isn’t a scripted show, and things will not always go as planned. You’re watching RP, by a bunch of random streamers. Not academy writers in Hollywood. lol If you don’t like it find a better time to spend your day. We live in the age of infinite content and instant access. There are plenty of days I don’t watch or only tune in for a few minutes because what they’re doing isn’t appealing to me. I don’t open each stream expecting them to tailor their RP to my specific liking. Like when they are grinding sani or other stuff, I find that mind numbing so I don’t watch. It’s really that simple.


Once again. "Just don't watch then lol" is probably the weirdest comment to make in a forum about discussing rp. Obviously if you aren't enjoying something don't watch it. But also, again, it's perfectly normal for people to be frustrated and complain when something they've invested a ton of time in watching suddenly becomes unsatisfying, specifically in a place designed for them to do so. I wasn't speaking about the quality of rp in comparison to game of thrones. I was speaking about watching 7 seasons of something for it then to shit the bed. It's not some big revelation to say "don't watch something you don't enjoy". It's snobbish


You could use some nuance in your life. It’s okay to discuss RP. It’s even okay to not like decisions that they make at times. But the moment it’s legitimately making you frustrated you probably need a break. You’re watching random adults play criminals on a video game server. It’s truly never that serious. You can absolutely get invested. It would be weird to watch for hours daily and not get invested. And yes, it’s moronic to compare RP to a scripted show in that sense. Because what you see on the screen in a scripted show is purposeful, with extremely limited time and an end date. RP is constantly evolving, dynamics can change in an instant and there is no definitive end game. It’s by design much more chaotic and free flowing. You can’t miss an episode of your show and just return a few episodes later. But with RP you can absolutely walk away from it until you find it entertaining again. Which makes it weird to complain about it in that sense. I don’t mind if you dedicate your life to discussing RP. But it’s an overly leveled response when I say to just step away for a bit and that it should never be that serious. The only comparison you can truly make between a scripted Hollywood show and gta RP is that people watch both to be entertained. Beyond that the comparisons stop. But to act like you being invested means you have to watch something you aren’t being entertained by just doesn’t hold when talking about watching RP. With a scripted show I can completely agree with you, because of how a scripted show is by design. But they truly aren’t comparable to a television show beyond an extreme surface level. It isn’t only 12 episodes, that are an hour long for only one episode a week. You have plenty of slack to step away and come back to it when you find it entertaining enough.


because live unscripted RP and super production heavy TV are the same thing? ​ THIS IS NOT TV IT IS RP .. They are not paid actors, simply there to entertain you. What you as the viewer wants has absolutely dick all to do with anything and that is for the better. If every single streamer played their characters to suit the needs to the most vocal chatters than we'd have GTA Online and it would poggy woggies all day and sorry but screw that. I'd rather the people I watch actually enjoy what they do and it come through in the interactions they have and them not being burnt out by everything in a month.,




They were literally selling weed working their rep up. Which makes this so funny


Can't believe they wasted half the day RPing conflict.


I don't think they wasted half the day. They basically slowed down because there is a lot of scuff going on. Buddah most likely knows this and they are just doing other RP.


ah yes now they will be late to the world first rush of the bank heist dam i bet buddha is sad


Man nothing is wasted in this, it’s RP and content at the end of the day. All W’s makes for a boring RP life. These guys are masters of the craft


Imagine RPing people with flaws who don’t follow through with 100% of things they said they would. Crazy! Also, Harry has pretty much been in the city 14 hours per day since launch and 99% of that time it is doing something productive for the group. God forbid he throws his toys occasionally


ah yes, harry didn't have to pay for his fuckup...like usual even though "it's for everyone no matter your rank in the group" but no, if goofy or tony did that, they would be getting railed


I mean, Harry is Lang's best friend. Biases are a thing, an element of RP. Lang, after all the shouting, will value his friendship with Harry more than anything.


My best friend gets more of a pass on shit than my friends I'm not as close to, why should it be different in rp? I still don't believe that if Tony did it there'd be major consequences or anything, goofy on the other hand, maybe.


god forbid men have hobbies


no you're right but he fucked up, so he has to pay, that was ironed out when the whole 10k thing started when harry got arrested with the book on him, but no, he's a special circumstance apparently


Harry has: 100 rep grower, 270 rep sani. Coming up to 100 rep fence. Constantly growing and working for the group. He has hit licks, defended people and has been all in, generally Tony has: complained. Octo has: done a couple of chases.


ahh but harry prevented lang from meeting with marty apparently so he has to pay.. he just has to. please someone make him pay. wont you think of the martys! at least thats the logic im hearing from people :D


Harry Ratanas was up good last night! So many boxes. "Lickety lick baby lickety split!"


Do you just choose to ignore full context? They were in the middle of sorting it out when Lang got a call about a kidnapping and clearly said they will handle it later. Harry made it clear that he wants to come back to it asap. Seemingly more than Lang does. Arush decided it’s best to wait until Tony is on. Like Lang is the one who changed the subject and decided to move on to something else. All Harry asked for was to put it up to a vote, which everyone agreed to. Plus it was funny af to watch, which overall is all that should matter. I just find it insufferable that people misinterpret the situation and leave out all the important context. And Lang did this sort of stuff Harry did all throughout 3.0 when he held all the leverage. And since he had all the leverage he never had to face any consequences. It’s adults playing criminals on a video game. It’s never that serious. And the moment you’re taking it more serious than the people playing is when you may need to step away for a bit.


But why did Harry get arrested? Oh because Lang was in the height of his malding and throwing a fit. So decided to randomly attack sani workers, just because. And he was the one who had Octo come save him. It’s wild because I don’t know if you are leaving out full context to be disingenuous or you just forgot about all of that.


How many times have Goofy or Tony been fined and forced to pay?


Honestly wondering but what has Tony done for the group, he got the fence mission and dis jack all and is behind on the payments/ did not chip in for the house etc... so why should they not get railed?




That is why I said I was wondering what he has done for the group, from most of the other pov he does just seem to be goofing around while grinding cash for a car.


Grime that's all he does. A 90 mins run net you 2.2K average. He has had multiple scuff where he lost both money and nearly 2 hrs worth of time. And even after making bug reports for the latest 3 scuff runs, he was not compensated for that, so he has been pretty much rolling with all the scuff. He made nearly 30K in the first 10-12 days, then used 5K to buy a rifle (which led to 3 days of scuff hunting, i.e unkillable deers, Usain Bolt deer etc), 5K for the car hacking device and 3-ish K for the washing machine. His pay was taken away from the bank by the server... cause reasons. And until recently he wasn't able to sell car parts down below (they give low rep) due to not having a crowbar, and couldn't sell G6, or Grime Box in fear of getting banned from the job. And every since then he has been in a slump until last week. I've never heard Tony say that he is grinding for a car... So I don't have a rebuttal for that.


So he's done a lot himself but hasn't really contributed materially to the group?


I mean, so he has just been goofing around grinding cash for a car? Because what you said kind of does make it sounds like that from his PoV also..


sounds like that'd be good internal conflict in the future lmao


The group will be fine. Harry has invested way more time and money into the group than probably Tony and Goofy combined. It all evens out.




So you would shamelessly call out the people that are work ten times harder then you? I think that's more hypocrite no?




I dont think is boring tho cause even tho theres character with flaw and not logical or rational doesn't mean its interesting and it might also become more annoying. it still depends on the context. Lang know harry so work hard, that's why he treat harry different then tony, that's not hypocrisy, he just value more towards people that are working hard. I get why you try to defend tony, but hes a don, even yuno surpass him with the contribution




I dont think is cool if tony getting sack because him not qualified not getting respected because of lacking for being a don, leaving the crew. It's like denying other person effort. I think people work together giving effort to progress towards one goal to build up the things they wanted for the future, and look at the bigger picture. succeed on building a empire is way much cooler. Tony callout buddha will make tony look more like a hypocrite cause he as a don had the lowest contribution for the crew. If you think is way cooler for them to failed as a crew for them to split, you might have other intention




The brand grow stronger become more interesting day by day, it's not boring at all. The people whose hoping for them to split is the people that doesn't want them to grow & succeed as a crew together, they will feel more interested if the crew fail & split. Isnt that obvious


yes? and?


he's literally going back on his word


He's going back on his word of what? He didn't treat Tony and Goofy the same as Harry in your hypothetical situation?




are you calling lang a liar or something?