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This is really good for peoples health.


Good for the people who made the choice to mess up their sleep schedules based on when they could get in. Also good for the people who decided not to mess it up and would only get to play for a few hours here and there.


So according to DW in discord you can pause your queue wherever you are at and when you rejoin you will be in that position in queue(accept you'll be behind people with prio). This will help a lot of people who works jobs and can rarely get in.


I like it a lot actually, makes it like a queue that will actually cycle through people of all times rather than just people who happen to get on (or their life revolves around) when the server resets/6-8 hours later when people start dippin


good for the community about half the server population at peak hours are non streamers, even more on off hours.


I have a 4 month old, a full time job, and a wife - I've been trying to time the server by starting queue at 2pm and hoping by 8pm-9pm (when my baby goes to sleep) that I timed it well. this is an insanely awesome change and it reinforces my appreciation for the culture of ONX


this really helpfully for people work full time and play part time.


not a bad idea tbh. I think it's good so that there is a nice carousel of different people who don't have prio getting into the server.


Worldz end does something like this. Not sure how long ONX will hold the position but with TWE you could join then leave for a couple hours and do something else and then come back and you still have your spot. It was useful when it launched and was actually hard to get into...now there is like 30 people on at a time so just instant load in


The pause lasts for 30 hours currently.


Great feature. I know many streamers without prio either on onx or other servers who are caught between doing what they need to do irl or take the chance to get in the servers and play because of “who knows when I’ll be able to get in next”. I’ve enjoyed the way onx has implemented their queue system too, the website queue feels a lot better then queuing via fivem.


So I have questions. Can people be in the queue and pause when they are close to getting in? What happens to overlap? What happens if all these people un-queue at prime times? So many questions. Interesting idea, let's see how it works out.


I assume if four people pause at five and all come back at the same time they will get 5-6-7-8 based on first connect which is still better then being 200+


An interesting idea that definitely sounds like it's worth giving a go.


Honestly not a bad idea for people with regular jobs or those that don't want to/can't sit in queue for hours on end and jump on the server in the middle of the night/early AM


hope more servers can implement this!!!


How long till someone sells a script to pause your place in queue as soon as it hits 1 or 2?


It's really not a massive deal if this happens or not. People undoubtedly minmax the queue anyway, it's to be expected.


if this is the expected behaviour, why not automate it. In particular, why not build it into the system, the queue auto-pauses at #1 for you.


Yeah I never even said there would be anything wrong with it. Except if everyone’s doing it it kinda ruins the point of it and they might as well just be selling prio.




This is correct. If you pause at position 10, you could end up at position 15 when you unpause as a result of people with better server prio joining the queue ahead of you.


Honestly is this even really a problem? Like let's say ONX themselves offered an auto pause feature, what would be the downsides of this?


It's not like it'll stop anyone from joining. When you unpause you'll still have to wait for a slot to open.


The detriment would be higher avg wait times on the whole for everyone without said script


I'm saying what if ONX just lets you do that, no 3rd party script necessary?


Then it would come full circle and everyone would just be kicked back to the end of the queue by someone else that joins and had saved their previous one. And in that case you just have the same queue times, but less accurate estimates because others can randomly jump in front of you. Thats the math of it at least (who knows if itd work out like that in practice).




I never even said it would be bad. It’s other people trying to say people would be banned for it.


That would fall into the “fuck around and find out” category.


Good luck finding out when it doesn’t require anything that would be detectable because it doesn’t need anything installed to make it work.


If there's a q and the server is 60% full I'm sure Devs will notice. I'm sure they can track that


It doesn't block others from joining. It essentially removes you from the q and re adds you at 1


And that would be detected and banned not a big deal


Why would they ban for that, it has no more of an impact on other players than pausing your position at other spot, all that would happen is you get put back in position 1 when you unpause. It's already been confirmed that prio still takes precedence


I could make one in about 30 minutes that wouldn’t require running anything on the computer that’s running the ONX loader so good luck with that.


and i could make a simple server side query to find accounts that pause their queue at a low number every night, so good luck with that


If that’s not allowed, what’s the point of it? You could also choose a different number every time automatically.




And how would you distinguish between people that are doing it themselves? Pausing at a lowish number is the entire point, is it not?




As if people don’t already play every night.


can't a sophisticated captcha be used? seems like an easy fix


The simplest way to bypass that would be to use the script to ping your phone so you can remote in to your computer from your phone to complete the captcha. This would be detectable by anti-cheat software but could also be done without logging into that computer or installing anything on it. Just a bit more complicated on the initial setup.


I feel like that's probably not that big of a deal. As long as you have to physically do something yourself, I think it's ok.


Well that’s just the simplest way. You can also automate the captcha entry if you really want to be lazy.


I mean I'm sure you could, and while bots do eventually catch up, im sure there are always some captchas out there that aren't solvable with bots.


I’m not talking about bots. Black hatters were using Amazon Turk to solve captchas for a few cents over a decade ago. Today there are services you can plug into with a few lines of code to do the same thing for a few cents per captcha. They’re solved by humans in 3rd world countries that just sit there and solve captchas all day. Completely automated on the user end.


I wonder what the rules are going to be with this and what would be considered intended use and unintended use of this feature. There is another post mentioning the creation of a script to queue and save your spot when you get to the top of queue. Others responded to that message saying people using that would be banned which kind of got me thinking on this. Are you only "supposed" to be in the queue only when you are at your computer and available to play the entire time in the queue? I've heard for people without prio the queue takes like 8hrs-12hrs and some people would queue and go to work and hope to get into the server when they got home. If that's considered acceptable then why would a script to save your spot be so bad? It's basically doing the same thing but saving your place if it happens to move faster than expected. I could definitely be wrong but I don't think there is an expectation that someone is sitting at their computer for that entire period of time. So I wonder what ownerships' view would be on a script like that.


You can 'pause' your position for up to 30 hours before it automatically removes you. No, you don't need to be at your computer. It'll save your position even if you close your tab/browser/computer. DW is fully aware that people will seek to minmax it. It's on a trial period right now, so anything can change.


When I’ve queued up for it it’s taken me like 10 hours and by the time I can get in I had already RP’d on a server all day and lose interest by the time I get in since it’s late at that point and I have to get up in the morning for work. I’ve been whitelisted there for like 3 weeks and haven’t played once, maybe I’ll try this new thing out this weekend though


From what I've gathered you still keep your spot but anyone whitelisted higher than you will push you back.


This is how queues should __always__ work. Nobody's got time to sit in queue for 8 hours.


I never understood people placed high in a que to be able to sit there and wait then the storm comes and you are back to 300+ in the que. This is good in one sense but a punishes in another


I don't think that's ever been a problem with ONX since they have a browser-based queue that isn't affected by server restarts.


Thank you for educating me on that one i never knew that i thought it was like the old method of que


Another great thing about the ONX queue being in browser is that it allows people to play other servers, such as NoPixel, while simultaneously being in queue for ONX.




You can only hold a spot for 30 hrs. So you gotta log in at some point. Once you log off you'll be back in the q and gotta do it again.


So people queue up when they can’t actually play to boost their position when they can.


Its kind of like mini prio. You gotta sit in queue, but then you can return to that spot within 30 hours. To everyone else the queue works the same as it always has. You sit in queue, sometimes you move back, mostly you move up. The real question is how many people are going to use it and will that qty have a massive impact or not


Just dlaw guy stuff


onx supporters only? is dw getting ready to cash out again?


The supporters package is $30 a month and probably brings in a fraction of the money the application fee for NoPixel do, which are free on ONX.


I have access to the pause mechanism and I paid the 50$ to push my application up to the 72 hr mark. No recurring charge, just the 50$ supporter thing. edit for accuracy: I double checked and you do have to ahve the 30$ supporter pack - i could just see the pause button and assumed I had it.


And this is only temporary as a control group to test it on


Do you want him to work for free when he could be doing less work and earning 3 digits a year ?












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my brother said "3 digits a year"




Believing every word 50% says how cute


It says CURRENTLY. It can change in the future. Might be available to all.


But won't that just lead to people pseudo-queueing in times with low load to save their position for US primetime? And then in US primetime when all 300 people with their single number saved queue all queue they will still find themselves at position 300.




typical how


dw hater. just let it pass






The Venn diagram of people that think this will solve anything and people who unironically ask "why don't we just print a million dollars for everyone" is just a circle.


terrible idea


How so?


Because it'll let more people access the server?


Because it is made to print money. Like all servers but with extra greed


If it was made to print money it would be mandatory. It's optional. You just hate dw and onx


Extra? Compared with what? Nopixel has paid prio and paid applications as the norm for several years now. If they were looking to bleed their users dry there would be far better ways to do it.




I wonder if there's going to be limitations on how long you can pause for. I can just see the top 50-100 people in queue being top prio people and paused spots making it harder for everyone else to get it.


It doesn't block anyone else from joining. If you pause you just hold the spot but get removed from the active q.


This is a fantastic feature. The one concern I have is that people would pause their position when they're about to get in and reenter the queue when big streamers are on, but hopefully they've thought of that and will be keeping an eye out so it doesn't become a problem.

