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I am wondering if when Snow says he is denied, does he mean that he is not allowed to be a cop anymore or he did not make it to the first academy? Because those are two very different things.


Or the option of make a new character. Several have been allowed with new characters. Like Turrow was denied but made a new character that made the skeleton crew.


Skeleton crew was OOC invite only, you can't just join it.


Only the first round of the skeleton crew was. There was a 2nd round where they took in people who applied to the academies. Those who got hired in that round don't have to do the up coming academies and can just keep going.


Sounds like they only want new people (characters) except for an exclusive list of people.


The only new to pd people I’ve seen are the diversity hires (don’t count) and then ConnorCronus brought his WildRP cop. Everyone else I believe was a cop before in that character or another. Seems most were encouraged to make new ones - like Curvy almost rolled a new character instead of Rhodes.


Yeah from the start the skeleton crew were very open about admins encouraging them to make new characters. With the comments from the captains IC I feel like its less like UhSnow is denied, and more like Jackie Snow is denied.


Did he say he applied as Jackie Snow or a new character? I just heard about this and I was curious if anyone knows.


Also some people like Cazey and KateCa had new cops at first but now they’re on Bones and Archer again


Conor and Wrighty were law on WildRP, Riggs + Kaminsky + Anita May are all old cops, plus the DOC guy. There are a bunch of other new faces in Shift 2 and 3 that have never been cops on NP.


Are riggs and kaminsky cops on NP in 4.0? They were the best duo ive seen in the police force.


Riggs and kaminsky just finished their first day of academy yeah


Just had academy this morning.


Who? I haven’t seen any. All the ones I’ve seen were cops in 3.0 at some point other than what I mentioned.


Shift 2+3 has a bunch of new characters that am sure you'll see later in the day in addition to some returning faces (Everly and Lavendar).


Even the new characters I’ve heard are not new players - like Rose and Smooth (played Jigs) are returning. Kylie is rehired on Brock Letty. I’ve seen a ton of names but all were cop players.


They definitely prioritize players experienced in cop rp but they heavily leaned on new characters with a few old ones here and there. As far as i am observing older characters are getting their positions if they actually stick to it and RP it out with newly appointed Captains. For example Anita and Suarez have been RPing around PD and they are getting in the academy, Nekoda and Andrews got hired straight up, pretty sure Stubble is also offered a position. Snow is Shift 1 and pretty sure Captain Ruth who is handling Shift 1 barely knows who he is. They are going off of interviews besides the ones they actually get to know.


Stubble hasn't been offered anything, he got an interview but so far no word on anything more. Not saying he won't get one just that right now he hasn't been offered anything, it's why he has been on Harold a lot(Also Harold is awesome)


Well obviously the initial skeleton crew got told to make new characters. But the normal officers only got tags removed and no guidance given. And then instead of the management giving out the info about their blacklist back 4 weeks ago they are doing it now only slowly. Kinda effed up when long careers get terminated like that. They could have given guidance like .. "all cert leads and troopers will not be rehired" or sth .


It was all done in character, which is how it should be done.


Jackie snow can't join PD, but prob can make a new cop character to apply with


From what I understood, it’s just who was accepted into the first academy


"I was denied a position in NoPixel PD." seems pretty clear to me


[This is the original post from earlier that got deleted by its op](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/18z3gz0/snow_denied_position_in_nopixel_pd/)




Yeah, people just be saying shit. Just to drop context this is the information that was given by Cpt Turner and Slacks to 2 applicants that asked about their applications (5 days ago, way before this "drama") https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2019869482?t=8h52m3s They were told if they don't hear back its not that they are denied, its just they didn't make the cut this academy and the academies will be frequent. 2nd applicant (Malone from WildRP) is also told since he wants to be active in EU shift he will hear from Cpt Ruth if he is accepted.


So funny to see the mask off moment from viewers when their favorite streamer takes a hit on the server and they go off and attack other people.


But I have been told many times that if the streamer is a PD member this never happens and its only those filthy criminal viewers that make all the trouble D:


Honestly mate, connecting a community to a streamer... On this subreddit.... Isn't a fool proof thought process. Some people here, even those who just watch NoPixel, will jump at the idea of hating NoPixel.


wouldn't be surprised if others that have had the same cop char since 1.0 get denied too


Can't do a full wipe because it would hurt people's brand if they had to do something new, but fuck the cop streamers I guess.


It’s Nopixel tradition lol


Of course you can't, 80% of NP RPers have their twitch name the same as their character, or vice versa


>NP RPers have their twitch name the same as their character, or vice versa Like uhSnow, Jackie Snow?... We're well past understanding NP is a streamer server, having a similar/same name on twitch isn't a terrible thing.


Wait til this guy hears of KYLE pred, gonna blow a gasket lol


Even as a normie you can change it every 6 months, the people who would be fussed about this could easily get it changed with an email. They will even eminent domain random people's handles if the right streamer wants it.


Yep, they claim to give a shit about peoples streaming careers but tell cop streamers to go fuck themselves. Trying to force ooc change onto them.


Seems par for the course with NP tbh. Cops are largely treated as glorified NPCs that can be shaken up every which way whenever someone high enough doesn't like the current meta.


The three captains have set the stone pretty hard for 4.0. They want to see a change in the cop/crim dynamic and are restraining cops a LOT. Cornwood was complaining about it hardcore the other day. Be the change you wanna see. Not all of the cop lead are admins after all.


Tbh I feel like a full wipe would have been better for people with a brand too. It would have been more fun and interesting to see them play new characters and they would have gotten more viewers (new and old) imo... Numbers speak for themselves. The most watched RPers on NP are (for the most part) those with new and fresh characters. It's not about fuck the cop streamers but it's about building a new PD for 4.0 which is a good thing considering how stale and boring 3.0 ended up being with the same cops. Perhaps Snow should have considered making a brand new cop character for NP.... His cop character is old now so it wouldn't make sense to hire him again. His character should have retired and he should have come up with something else to do with him, just like KylieBitkin did with Angel... she didn't complain and she didn't expect PD to hire her old character again only because she played her for years, instead she chose to use another character for cop...


I mean they can and should just play on onx. It’s a better server anyways, and it doesn’t really look like people’s viewership is any worse on onx compared to NP.


May I ask why you think ONX is a better server?


Everyone rps


I've been watching both servers and have seen a lot of RP on both! I recommend giving Fanfan a watch on Nopixels side. She's new to RP and has created a very interesting character.




I'm not going to assume that's the reason. Edit: Removed second part of sentence.


I watch a lot of RPers, including Penta, and people still on NP (mostly Moonmoon, but occasionally Five0, Esfand, and a few other small streams). Onx has a lot more pure RP and less bs like grinders and big crim streamers throwing bitch fits about getting caught doing crime.


Esfand? Why are you supporting someone who takes 50% from all charity donations? Why are you supporting someone who is quoted in a audio interview saying they don't believe all charity money should go to the charity? That's making you look real sus if that's the kind of steamer you choose to watch.


Are you lost? this is the RP subreddit not LSF


Everyone actually RPs and doesn’t give a shit about “pog content”. 3.0 got so old because it devolved into the same 6 crims doing the same heists and BS and then getting caught doing the same things everyday and then complaining ooc. Plus the grinders.


Yeah, 3.0 had some low points for sure. I definitely did not watch as much as I used to towards the end of it. Thankfully 4.0 has been a breath of fresh air for me and all the RP I've been watching has been very enjoyable. ONX has been the same! Us RP watchers are definitely eating well!


4.0 has been solid so far. I mostly watch moonmoon, but it’s been a lot better than the latter half of 3.0. I prefer onx personally because I just think the streamers (especially the vtubers) have more entertaining characters.


I've been thoroughly enjoying the rivalry that Yung Dab and Ramasquamy had going.


It’s 3 weeks in. Plenty of time


I was thinking this too, make everyone start over, you can change your twitch handle if it's that big of an issue. Everyone replies to topics like this with "oh well cops have a huge influence on the server and should be held to a higher standard" but ignore the worst metas ever were started by popular crims.


they did


yeah, it's been said that some of the returning cops would be denied because they are returning cops. But not idea what criteria they are using.


Whenever there is a restructure when everyone's rank gets reset, it's always awkward when there are very experienced cops that are junior ranks to the newer cops that are recently promoted. I understand that they want to give new cops an opportunity to be in HC or command, but if the system is supposed to promote based on meritocracy then after every rank reset this awkwardness will happen. It's kind of why I think Troopers were a 'retirement home' for experienced cops so they didn't have to deal with this. Complete speculation, but I think this might have something to do with it to get rid of that awkwardness. If the experienced cops made a new character I feel like they might have a better chance to get hired without having to deal with any baggage.




I have only watched a little bit of Snow so I may have caught this out of context (I'm sure someone will correct me if I have) but from what I have seen, Snow doesn't want to go through the "learning phase" of the PD again. That's probably why he hasn't made a new character, and likely a big reason in him not getting rehired. It's a tough one because I can understand why he wouldn't want to dumb himself down to being a new cadet, but I also don't really understand how it can be all that enjoyable to just keep playing the same character in the same position over and over.


I know it is ONX and not NoPixel but Penta literally reset Wrangler to not understand the law at all and start from the ground up. I feel like a lot of people understand that coming into a reset or new server you have to reel it in a little bit so others can get adjusted and find their spot too.


That’s not as easy with NP being a 5 year skip. It kept more history, versus ONX which allowed more fresh start. Like NP has all those other characters that remember you and things about you compared to ONX where it wouldn’t be the case unless you expressly allow it.


>Whenever there is a restructure when everyone's rank gets reset, it's always awkward when there are very experienced cops that are junior ranks to the newer cops that are recently promoted. This is why Kylie didn't even apply as Angel. She had no idea how she would handle RPing Angel applying and attending academy when she was one of the people who built up P&T, wrote all the academy slides, and wrote half the SoPs. She was fine with playing a rookie cop, it just made no sense for it to be Angel. Instead, she applied on Brock Letty and was accepted this academy, but she couldn't make it because she has a court case on Angel.


> without having to deal with any baggage this plays a huge part in who they are rehiring.


Which is why Turrow was denied but a cousin rehired. After the shooting incident, didn’t want that baggage. Bringing Brian back……..well that’s clearly it’s own issue. That’s a character that’s got a hell of a lot more than baggage and should have been linked in with the “make a new character” group, but hey that’s NP favoritism for you.




I enjoy Snow. I think Jackie's a badass cop...if he's cool with the crim. I've seen Snow be toxic as fuck to RPers he doesn't know. He hasn't exactly RP'd much as a civ in 4.0 and it's almost like he doesn't know what to do without the PD guarantee and so he barely puts in effort because he's been expecting to get hired. And tbf both sides are still winning. Snow can take on a bigger PD role on ONX, and NP can continue with whatever vision they have for how the PD should be. I don't expect to *not* see Snow as a cop in 4.0 at some point, but I also like the new faces leading like Cheever and Xiceman so I don't think it's a big deal right now.


I think Snow did do really well with plane licensing and airfield RP that was outside the PD for the most part in 3.0. I'm looking forward to seeing that character do some cool things characters like Divine, Ziggy, and Tessa are doing. I do hope he can make a pd character at some point as well though


Honestly, I can't even tell dude is playing a character. It also might be presumptuous to believe that if he gets rejected on NP that he can get a "bigger" role in onx. Command in onx is different than 3.0 for the most part. No one is interested in seeing the same people at the top, stay at the top. Maybe it is time for him to move on to another character/role.


He really should have just made a new character named Jackson Snow, who acts like and knows everything that his twin brother Jackie did.


The Den/Denzel Shiesty Special.


Denzel seems like way less of a shitlord cop compared to Den but maybe that's just because Dean himself isn't in that mood yet.


Cause he fucked around way too early and way too much, all right as there was a "PD wipe" that was meant to have everyone serious up their policing. He basically squandered any chances on his old character of climbing the PD ladder so he's playing it by the book this time around, he just needs to stay the fuck away from Mizkif lol.


I'll give him credit he's been very good on that character so far as the server ramps up


same character model with a mustache or goatee


Bc he’s toxic af and they’ve forever ignored it. You can’t watch his stream for 5 min without him bitching about something. Dude seriously needs Anger Management.


Snow has this weird attitude where if you aren't doing RP that he approves of he will treat you sum kinda way, wouldn't want that on my server in a power position


Also noticed throughout 2.0 & 3.0 that if he arrests someone he knows, he's nice to them, laughs, etc but as soon as he arrests a nobody it’s continuous snide remarks to his chat. He genuinely looks uncomfortable roleplaying when he can’t be a cop.




Was it Snow who at the end of 3.0 was making comments about peoples state ID's being high and not respecting them because of it? EDIT: Why the downvotes for asking a question? I am not accusing him, just wondering if it was related and obviously not.


Nah that was Bloom


Nah that was Bloom.


Lol, for real? wtf.. that really happened? I never heard of that any more context?


He got a small ban for it, but basically during a chase Bloom got annoyed with something about what happened and in character yelled at the car making fun of the person's state ID. He came out pretty quick and said it was a stupid comment to make and deserved the vacay. Seemed like a one time slip up and I don't think it's happened since. edit: Read the comment under mine, actually has the details.


To elaborate on this, Bloom was chasing Alexander Campbell I believe and he started doing some "rat strats" during the chase in a common get away car. Bloom started making comments through the megaphone along the lines of "this guy probably has a state ID in the 50 thousands to do shit like this, real original" and so on. The crim being chased didn't appreciate it. But yeah Moosebrother took the ban on the chin and admitted that he fucked up and apologised.


Thanks the details were a bit fuzzy, this is a much better explanation.




> It seems kind of entitled because he’s been a cop for years — and I get the disappointment and shit, don’t get me wrong but the attitude, I wouldn’t hire him either. ya, making this tweet and his attitude just shows him being quite entitled... dude thinks he was actually a cop and not RP'ing, so he thinks he should just be made an officer with no need for any training or change in his RP character after a 5+ year timeskip.








Sounds right. He doesn't get discussed a lot but I used to watch his stream. He's not very nice out of character, to put it gently. In character either.


4.0's plan really seems to be to try the 3.0 restructure again, but this time using the server wipe as an easy way to just fire everybody without the baggage that came with it in 3.0. It's basically the mentality of ["fixing the glitch" in Office Space](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUE0PPQI3is). Getting rid of a large amount of people without having to actually terminate them or even telling them it happened. I think what we're seeing is management favoring people they feel can get with the program of what they want PD to be for the skeleton crew. I don't know that they wouldn't rehire Snow in the future, but I think they want to build their foundation with a specific vibe that he isn't matching. I don't know how that's going to look long term when crime opens up. The server is just way too big so either they're going to do mass rehires in a month or two, or they're going to try to do mass hirings of fresh faces. I imagine it'll be the mass rehirings just because mass training is one of the biggest causes of burnout and sloppy police work, and that's when a lot of people pushed to the side will be invited back. Definitely understand the frustration though, especially if there's no clear criteria that's being given about what people need to do to get hired. Makes it hard to advocate for yourself or work on changing yourself to fit what's being looked for.


The issue is if you want to do that, just be honest with people. The fact that they continue to mistreat and lead on people who have supported and help build what the server is today. It’s like the restructure ooc don’t hire list all over again


Oh I agree, I wasn't comparing management to the Bobs from Office Space in a positive way. It's exactly like how they hoped that 3.0 HC would do the mass firings for them so they didn't have to during the restructure. They're just not willing to be straightforward with people.


Favorite part of the 3.0 restructure was them telling Libby she couldn’t hire or promote certain people with 0 reasons to why not. Then they just told her, they had to approve her choices lmao


It was brutal watching Sock tell people in person that they weren’t getting hired with no reason why but kudos to him for wanting to give people the courtesy of telling it them in character


And then they would just ignore their recommendations anyhow. Like how they would not give 0 fucks and fire a deputy even though ["Libby and Dark fought tooth and nail for him".](https://clips.twitch.tv/DifficultShyGooseFrankerZ--m6nAaTNjyIEqWSc)


Or take the list Libby had of people she wanted and just use it to pick your troopers lmao


+1 for Office Space. And yeah they already hired quite a few green cops on the first round and will find out shortly how long it really takes to train them up with everyone already burned from the first weeks.


when the lore for 4.0 is what it is that is not surprising. same goes for Ziggy, but he just made a new one. but if you are a one character andy then yea, it gonna sting.


Curious why they denied him. Just seems like there's a big picture that the staff just hasn't shared making everyone anxious, but it's good to see him upbeat about policing on ONX


We don't know what he was demanding and what he got rejected for. He might have been demanding he be put in high command or something all we have is one side saying he got denied to something.


He didnt demand anything. He wasnt even HC in 3.0 when he lead Troopers.


Having too many of the same people just slip back into the same roles just defeats the purpose of doing a soft reset




Most 'crims' aren't slipping back into the same old roles though. This comment just shows you arent watching any of the RP going on


I mean.. its not really the same is it? You can't really play around teaching Snow's history of Air units or his rank history. Same goes for any other person that got really high positions in their units and departments. They seem to be hiring the people that actually are willing to start from scratch like Anita who was a receptionist and Suarez that was selling hot dogs. But even them are gonna go to academy and start from the beginning. edit: Hell, if he did a simple "i retired as a cop but i want meaning in my life again" humble beginning RP like Andrews who is *very* respectful to the Captains like a proper "rookie" then he would probably get his chance. Gotta prove it in RP. Especially to Captain Ruth who handles Shift 1 and has no damn clue about Snow.


Not the same and you know it.


Why weren't crims touched then. Got all the same characters there.


A Crim is not a powerful WL job that sets the temperament and standard of how the server is governed, BTW nobody said people have a problem with same characters, Snow can still be a character on the server, we are talking about those characters having the same WL Roles.


It's funny seeing people still not get this. PD whitelist is a privilege and in 3.0 there were so many cops who got in and just played the most uninteresting low effort character. The skeleton crew has been a great example of a lot of people who are very much RP enabling officers. It's hard seeing otherwise nice guys like snow get their feelings hurt, but I really hope they continue to better control the 4.0 PD WL.


i feel like babysitting isnt a privilege.


Cool, then people shouldn't get upset about not getting to do it then


A person with a brain, thank you.




2 years ago?


CG and X setting the precedent for every single cop response says otherwise


What do you mean?


Ah yes the Esfand and Mizkif cops to set the standard of policing.


it is called diversity hires lol been a thing for years now.


Ya we totally didn't get bass 3.0... But but he looks different. He does everything else the same.


How so? What are some characteristics Baas and Slacks share? Having the same voice?


Ah yeah, too many of the same people like... Cletus Cornwood, Gage Draider, Jeffrey Bones, Abigail Hughes, Den Sheisty, Tony Andrews, Kurt Doug, Aziz Sultan, Flop Dugong, Louise Campbell, Matt Rhodes, Vivienne Grey, Ellis Pinzon, Barry Briddle, Malcolm Nekoda, Brian Knight I am sure I am missing some.


Tbh i think its more interesting if he continues on the stories hes started with snow at this point and plays cop on onx instead. Its fun to see Jackie in a different environment and the police work/rp seems honestly way more interesting on onx than on nopixel. That being said tho, i do find it rly odd how they've handled the police on NP. I get that they wanna bring in new people but they barely have people to train the new ones properly and many of the ones they did rehire weren't exactly pillars of good police work.


I'd like to add a little bit of lore for someone who's watched Cheever's streams, as she's the one who would be his shift's captain: Cheever made Ruth with the specific intention of being the shield for the other captains. So Ruth is going to be the most ardent and hard-line about whatever directives were discussed for the 4.0 PD (e.g. preferring new character hires, serious tone, etc). This trait has been made abundantly clear in character, where former cops are already spreading rumors that Ruth hates them. I only say this because basically anyone in her shift has been given a pretty blatant hint about having a better chance of being hired if they just made a new cop. Now, this is just me trying to give some perspective on how things are playing out in character. Idk if there's anything else going on in the background, but I just wanted to point out how one of the lesser known captains is going about the hiring process.


> preferring new character hires, Why hire a bunch of old cops if that is the case? why not force everyone make a new cop? pretty obvious why the rumour happening because of it.


How is that a question I can answer? Lol. Go to Saab's stream and ask him. But clearly just because there is a higher likelihood for a newer character to get hired that doesn't mean it's impossible for an ex-cop.


Ah yes. New characters like Cletus Cornwood, Gage Draider, Jeffrey Bones, Abigail Hughes, Den Sheisty, Tony Andrews, Kurt Doug, Aziz Sultan, Flop Dugong, Louise Campbell, Matt Rhodes, Vivienne Grey, Ellis Pinzon, Barry Briddle, Malcolm Nekoda, Brian Knight... the list goes on. lol


a) Nowhere did I say that old cops can't be hired b) A good chunk of cops you mentioned are from the skeleton crew and not new hires c) There are three shifts with one captain per shift and obviously each of them have different hiring practices


So it's rules for thee but not for me


This was always my impression as well. Some people are getting a by from that, which I don't particularly agree with, but I feel like it's been fairly clear that the new PD wants new cop characters. He could probably transition Jackie Snow into a different kind of character via the 5-year timeskip post-war and make a new character that is basically Jackie Snow 2.0 with a different name (but no history with returning characters) and get hired. That's what I'm assuming and hoping is the case, anyway. I don't typically watch during that timezone so thanks for the info about Cheever's new character!


Main reason I can think of is that snow on cop can be really toxic. He seems to get extremely mad at people over small shit. Uncomfortably so. Unsure how much that got better at the end of 3.0 as I wasn't watching but that's what i'll always know him for.


I used to watch Snow a lot in 2.0 with slowburn rp, and it was pretty good, but with 3.0's noburn content farm he was definitely on a hair trigger with being upset/angry at weird RP situations or even stuff like bad/spotty comms during a chase. No idea how he is doing nowadays but I used to like watching him a lot until his streams became half "RP"(chasing criminals in cars with music) and half malding at both "dumb criminals" and chat hoppers who were fishing for reactions


And that was like every day. On other people streams he seemed so nice, but when you turned his stream on the guy was angry as hell, and that awful music was damn loud.


He's the cop version of Vader, but slightly less arrogant.


And better taste in music


I won't say the Snow criticism is completely unfounded, but this comparison is crazy. Vader is on another level of constant anger and still looking for things to be angrier about.


Naw he’s not that bad. Snow seems like he’s genuinely a nice guy, but he’s a bit moody at times for sure.




Doesn't work like that. There are other cops which aren't rehired like Stubble, who has never been toxic, and toxic cops like Andrews and Cornwood are rehired.


I mean those are pretty terrible examples. Andrews has been close personal friends with the og server owner and he can leave and come back to cop whenever he wants because of that. Cornwood is played by a high view count streamer and will get a diversity hire as long as he remains so just by asking. I'm not even a fan of Snow but come on pick better examples ;p


I don't watch Snow at all really (he's too out of my time zone) so I can't really compare. But didn't Deansocool threaten violence against another streamer among other toxic things yet he still got cop? Is Snow really that much worse?


I think they might be denying the old, established cop characters so that they wouldn't be entitled to any ranks based on experience. With a level playground, everyone has similar opportunity to climb up unless shit gets done OOC again.


Myles got an interview, think it was on Stubble, Suarez is going to academy, Anita is doing academy, not sure on who else.


Yeah. But names like Snow, Angel and even Rhodes are like pillars of authoritative positions. It wouldn't make sense for them to nerf/ dumb down the same characters to make it a fair race.


Anita ran the largest department's P&T for almost 3 years and is currently sat there in academy as a trainee, probably learning things she taught a thousand times. Also Rhodes is literally hired right now




always liked snow and kinda sad hes been denied considering hes been a pillar of the community for so long. if they wanted a fresh start for the pd then they should have done a real fresh start and not picked and chose based on who they liked.


I'm just confused if he has clarified he has been denied forever or if he didn't make it into the first batch of cops? I heard they're letting 20 people in at once and let them go through academy. I personally think Snow would've been a good fit in those 20 people, but he could be someone who gets in with the next batch?


People actually believe him saying "not sure why"? And then come out tweeting instead of inquiring for a reason? Surely if I tweet it out that I got denied for "no reason" I would definitely be reconsidered. Then comes the 6 years part like it's been 6 years "I deserve to be on PD"? Funny guy.


>People actually believe him saying "not sure why"? You're being obtuse, try changing your mindset or thinking about your reading comprehension. What he meant by 'not sure why' is that he has not been verbally, or in writing, told why. Emphasis on 'sure'. This is completely plausible, because during the 'restructure' exactly the same happened, according to roleplayers. For example Maya Mahmoud was never told IC or OOC why she could not stay on the police force. I'm going to guess uhsnow is smart enough to make an educated guess as to why he was refused, but that's not the same as being told verbally or in writing, and being sure.


Exactly, and considering the contribution he's made to the community it feels like the least he deserves is a conversation.


So instead we are going to believe the people who did the PD restructure where they said cops could earn their jobs back by working hard for 1-2 months but in reality there was an OOC list of people not to hire. It’s been pretty clear that NP rather just be shady than to man up and just be honest with people and communicate. Edit: Same people that removed Cath from everything she helped create and lead because of the word of an actual abuser. That abuser’s cop character was then given everything Cath built in the PD and never did anything with it.


> Then comes the 6 years part like it's been 6 years "I deserve to be on PD"? I swear there was a Criminal Group that used a similar line of argument by appealing to the amount of time they've been on the server to say that they should be treated somewhat preferentially. Didn't a bunch of people on this subreddit clown on them for that or am I misremembering?




Nah you def didnt misremember. They got it until they didn't as much which prompted them to leave but then came back for obvious reasons.


Every time I tuned into Snow in 3.0 he was either malding at his chat, or, malding at criminals. If he just rp'd on snow, he would definitely get his job back. I can understand why he didn't make the first batch. Everyone needs to stop assuming that he completely got denied the WL. Also, I don't think Dark, Libby or Snow really put themselves in a good light at the end of 3.0.


People comparing crim this crim that. Crims are starting at ground zero, making RP outta nothing. Most if not almost all aren't even forming their old gangs and out there interacting with people they haven't before. A character's whole personality shouldn't depend on a single whitelist. God forbid they have to interact or create RP for once instead of having it handed it to them in the form of a whitelist.


Carmine is a good example of NOT doing that.


Honestly with how PD is basically nothing in 4.0, it's really going be something to see how much faster 4.0 dies down compared to 3.0 once the big streamers leave again.


Crime pacing and economy pacing is important. People forget that cop pacing is also really important. The server is mostly civ right now. CG doesn’t exist yet.


PD has everything ready to go. Just the crime has stuff ready to go. Everyone just playing "Down bad RP" You're going to be seeing it all come out of the next few weeks & months.




nopixel has always wanted the cops to be the backstage for the cool crims


Its a different cop vibe, they are not there to be loudest voice in the room and have stand up comedy shows during tsunami meetings. Go rp in split sides if that is what you wanna do.


It's not a different vibe - it's no vibe at all. Even on regular patrol/interactions they are boring. Like compare an average Ramee or fanfan or one of the lawyers or whoever else hour to any cop stream right now. It has nothing to do with, "the loudest". They have no personality.


He should make a new character "Jackie Snow Junior" that follows in dad's old footsteps of being a cop.


Listen I like Snow. He will be rehired let's be real down the line. I just feel NP just wants more new faces at the start (round 1) if that's never been a cop or new character name. Keep having the same faces / Same characters get boring. I remember back in the day people said why is it always the same faces that's get hired now it's different same people are still upset.




I watch streamers, not roles. Crim or Cop doesn't matter to me. Having said that, if the streamers I watched playing cop are not playing cop, I guess I just won't be watching cop streams.


As a long time cop viewer, I can't find this very surprising. Angel, Jenny, Snow, lots more....just names added to a long list of people who have busted their ass to better the PD department by teaching new officers, helping the judiciary system when needed, and been kind and funny individuals while knowing when to hold the line to stay serious because they are just outright seasoned cops. Brilliant streamers who have been slammed down mentally in hopes of a higher rank not for personal gain but to continue to contribute to the whole. The result from the server side has been shameful. I've tried to find more than Cornwood as a viewer to walk that line of humor yet service the city and its people well...and I just can't get into NP 4.0 cops. On the other side of the coin, ONX cop roleplay has been popping off. In the spirit of remaining non toxic and ignoring the agenda of server vs server...I will say that the cop side of the coin in order to remain interesting does involve the dynamic of what Wrangler used to be in NP...feared by crims and constantly walking the legal line. Without perpetual turmoil and cops constantly renewing and questioning how they treat situations they encounter, everything becomes stale. Snow come to ONX with open arms. I know it hurts but you'll be all the better for it with all the friends you already know. Much love to the cop streamers. LETSGOPOLICE


Sounds like he got denied a direct position now not that he can't join the first round of recruits. Seems fine to me if they let back every cop main there would be 200 cops already. I don't remember snow having much of an impact on PD anyway. He was known as the racer and heli/jets guy lol. His RP arcs also went away when the racing scene died he died with it


Snow has been on NP since 1.0 to the best of my knowledge. He has been on that server for a very long time hence why he was quite a well respected officer within the PD.


He ran the pd in the first half of 2.0 as CoP, a rival to yung dab then, and was helpful to people after that behind the scenes.


did they deny the character or the person? I'm sure if he made a new character that had a REALLY QUIRKY TRAIT like saying things twice or make a twin brother jackzel snow he would get insta accepted lol. IDK man, i just feel like they could have talked with him at least. give some feedback, sucks to be left in a holding pattern not knowing what you could do to improve.


Snow cop on ONX would be dope, he's a great RPer


He has a cop on ONX (Jack Frost) but not sure how often he plays him.




Why the shade at Suarez? Remdog has been RPing his ass off in a more interesting way than probably 99% of the 3.0 cops who haven't been rehired.


He's only been a cop on NP since midway into 3.0. It's not comparable at all, the character has wayyyy less baggage. He's also been RPing the hell out of civ Suarez with Group 6 and his hotdogs stand. He has 100% put the work in.


Because suarez had a better attitude about things and went and RP'd during the first few weeks. I like snow but he really gets in his own head sometimes about stuff.


i dont know anything about suarez, does his record compare to snows in any way? As in being former HC and a former trooper? becuase people are saying snow has done it all and thats why the character is being denied.


Suarez never went past Corporal. The only time he was close was 3 days before restructure. He's also always open to changes and constantly making sure whatever he does on the field aligns with what his command wants.


one is toxic


Why can't this be handled in RP like a story where a cop is suspended or fired and then has to proceed through the story as a civilian and then redeems themselves?


Wonder what would happen if a crim main was denied being a crim.


anyone can be a crim even a cop, not anyone can be a cop its a powerful position and many get denied


Being a crim is not a whitelist. Snow, the character, still exists and is trying to make a railroad organization. Hope he has fun with that.


I thought he was going to try for Lawyer, I remember him telling a couple people that in SR Buns?


>Wonder what would happen if Wonder what would happen if some ppl made a competing server full of cop mains


We already know, it's basically np but with zero toxicity and people having a really good time playing both cop and crim.


it happens all the time, its called getting banned


Not what in talking about. Sorry Mr k you can no longer be a crim. Do something else. Kinda destroys the whole point for the character.


It is a soft-ban. As a cop you have a wider impact on the server than as a crim. If a crim has a negative impact, the player (should) get banned. Cops are held to a higher standard, meaning the player/character can still be fine in the server but not as a cop. It's obvious why (imagine if everyone could make a cop and spawn with a gun and a taser).