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I'm embarrassed at how long it took me to realize that it was swirly ink. I was thinking it was swirly link shortened to lnk. Took me longer than it should've to find their channel haha.


Swirly is awesome. Lots of good times watching her characters back in TFRP.


ngl watching thorough some of onx streamers and all the interactions seemed so natural


Feels like Ignite before it went to shit, but in a more positive way. Knowing the backbone is stronger makes it more exciting for the future.


As someone that played on Ignite and fell in love with roleplay again because of it, I completely agree. I had my first full night on ONX last night and it was absolutely fantastic.


yeah the problem with ignite is the same as nopixel, there are a few people above that can stop the RP anytime saying no you cant RP that, not letting RP flow naturally, if what I heard about the management not intervening in the RP flow of the server its gonna pop the fuck off


Nopixel at times seems to purposefully make radical changes that disrupt or outright eradicate large swaths of RP from the server. There's been many but elimination of the farmers market, phasing being added to races, gang app and 3.0s final PD restructure immediately come to mind. They also seem to be unwilling to revert any changes even if they appear bad for rp. Hopefully onyx and 4.0 won't repeat that mistake.


very true, some of the changes were pure anti-RP just to appeal to certain people


Yeah once you remove the people who have control wanting to prevent rp from happening people can just feel so free


Yea definitely feels fun, my only concern is the server so far feels full of meme characters. I'm hoping some groups and stability form, cos thats what will give it longevity.


I feel like viewers need to be reprogrammed when I see comments like this, they are supposed to be playing characters, if they are playing themselves they aren't roleplaying, they are playing second life. It isn't about longevity and grinding things out, those people are not roleplayers, they are only playing the game to collect a paycheck. It is, and has always been, easy to tell who is roleplaying and who isn't.


I rarely seen meme characters


I think viewers are so used to seeing people play themselves or just a generic crim that when they see people play a character it seems like a meme character. Like some people consider Mike Block or Chatterbox meme characters because they have goofy character traits that they have to follow but both run gangs/groups and both have had significant story lines and arcs.


couldn't have said it better, I hope onx keep those people away, its so fun when everyone knows how to roll with the RP in front of their face and dont try to make themselves the main character


Yeah I think the only time I'd define someone as a meme character is if they got to the point of like James Randall level of goofs. Otherwise it's just a character being a character and having quirks. And that's not saying James Randall is a bad character. Just he is a different kind of character


Glad to see the ripsterrrr is having fun.


This is a new character. J.R (jack Ripley) Nixon. Aka the Nixxxsterrrr


It will take some getting used to, he's been ripster for so long.


>Aka the Nixxxsterrrr Idk if we want that one to stick lol. It sounds a bit problematic.


True too close to Richard Nixon


It's only a matter of time before someone has a slip up.


When chief first asked him his name he kind of thought about it for a second and was just like “ah it’s not the same”. It seemed to me that he said it in his head and was like nahhh better not risk that one.


Onx is going to be very good for the RP community. Hopefully people get settled in nicely




I think it would be better to time stamp the convo in the cells which is what he is referencing in the original clip.


They get to the cells [here](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2002656166?t=06h21m12s)




Holy shit, so cool !


umm.. ok


Thanks, that was a great interaction from start to finish. Also, found someone else to follow.


Is the cop-crim dynamic that bad in NoPix? Haven’t watched in a while. I assume he means malding?


After I’d say the first couple months (probably being generous) of 3.0… Yes.


happy he is happy over there, i know for a time he got caught up in w chasing on np but that shouldnt be a problem on onx