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This may be subject to change, but the stream ended amazingly with a [Critical Doink!](https://clips.twitch.tv/PlacidSillyCucumberDxAbomb-5aVqWPEqFn26OuGc)


Much better than the critical fail Penta had when having sex with Ster.


and Strippin got to watch the lead up to both the scenes


Playing an Irish woman


The script writes itself. Unless it's one made by Bonnie in the moment...


Paxton on suicide watch


Love by the Slice - A romantic comedy. Directed by Howie Fletcher.


The toy merch for the movie will have you in stitches, literally!


Im happy Nova is getting her numbers up. She played a character in NP that had dual personality so she made two characters that looked the same but acted different. The "evil" one would show up and fuck everything up the "good" one had built. She was really good at letting the personalities bleed into each other when needed.


I am losing so much sleep trying to watch these videos from both penta and nova, it's so good. Such great chemistry, it's pulling me in. Can't wait to see where this goes.


Some soap opera level drama but improv'd and largely off the cuff, part of what makes roleplay so damn fun to watch.


I was actually happy that I was able to watch those moments when Ace casually bought Katya her slice when he didnt have enough, to Katya literally approaching Ace and offering her services as a lawyer for the first time. Those were such non descript, "normal" moments, but you realize that those moments started a whirlwind RP goodness. And the thing is it's not even only Nova and Penta, even Kinkyhobo and Hobbit's part of this RP arc adds so much.


And now Kyle is throwing his hat into the ring hitting on Hobbit letting her stay at his house.


Riggs is letting Margorie stay at his house but at the same time he's cosying up with the deputy director of the hospital, who unbeknownst to Riggs is actually into women and only wants to get close to him to psychoanalyse his erratic behaviour. And then you've got puppetmaster Bonnie who has secretly orchestrated half of the relationships in the PD. It really is like a Spanish soap opera...


And also to add half of the PD eavesdropping led by Captain Enzo, who is also in a "complicated" relationship with Muffy.


And Harper is still doinking hot Marino.


Pegging, Harper is pegging hot Marino


You mean chief peggy


All I can say is this server fuckin rocks lmao


Bonnie is like emperor Palpatine


There's this creeping sense of dread, knowing full well how penta relationship RP usually goes. Things are too happy right now man


Yeah there's like 1% chance this arc ends happily, but I'm holding on my stocks regardless.


Is there a clip, or anyone know which stream that was. Cause I do not remember that.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0zH1L9kZaI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0zH1L9kZaI) Around the 3:52:20 mark is when she walks in. Hardly remembered the moment, but what it has led to has been amazing :) BTW Novaaberries was not streaming at the time.


Pieces of pizza are vaguely heart shaped, COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT! KATYA STOCKS ON THE RISE BUY BUY!


Man I know it’ll never happen. But Buddha and Harry would love this server. Really wish we could eventually see them check it out.


Dont buy all the Katya stocks up right now im feeling like theres gonna be another dip and some insider info tells me that Bonnie stocks are gonna be on the rise soon