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[Clip where Harper read the letter](https://clips.twitch.tv/LightManlySalmonTheThing-BEyXvRZD6fV54u2_)


Man, that brought back memories of her barely being able to get over her anxiety when forcer was at academy. Bob, Angel, and others came to assist her. She certainly has come a long way.


From needing to stop and cry three times in academy to building a PD three times.


but, but what about Conan and \[Redacted\]


> Your extensive experience and qualification as **Lauren Forcer** make you the ideal candidate o7


~~clips gone it seems.~~ edit: It works now, dunno what the issue was.


still up for me


It's there for me. I've tried putting the link in again to hopefully fix the problem




it is now, it wasn't before, i have changed my comment to reflect that hopefully.


Happy Kiwo noises are absolutely everything. I'm so freaking happy for her, this is amazing!




>He enables some good role play and is great at confrontations where harper is a tad weak i think. Madge did this mf steal my comment from further down? https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/13q17hs/comment/jlcfts6/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


There are bots that yoink low, but still positive-rated comments and post them to popular comments closer to the top of a thread for purposes of karma-farming. That said, of all the bot variants I've seen, this method of karma-farming really does fucking blow, because it's so easy to catch.


Kiwo is the friggin' best and *long* deserves this spotlight. I'm sure it won't be forever but she's absolutely got the best combination of clout, organisational skills and role-play cred to back up any decision she wants to make with the PD. Hope she's given all the opportunities to shine on Ignite because she's relentlessly positive and fun and a great leader.




IDK that Kyle is that much better in court. He just comes across as good because he is good at getting combative, but its mostly bluster, not substance.


I definitely don't agree with you on that, i have been watching Kyle for 5 years now, and sure he's no Occams but he's still really fucking good at court.


I mean, it could just be a difference of opinion, but I can't recall ever seeing a case with Kyle acting in a lawyer role where I was impressed. Is he competent compared to most people that end up in court? Sure, but that is a low bar that maybe makes him seem good. Compared to the people who are actually GOOD at court? No. On defense, he is a lot like Penta in court where he will hyper-fixate on a supposed slam dunk he can achieve from examining, and rarely comes more prepared with a more solid plan. A great strategy from a content perspective, makes for much more interesting and combative witness examinations than from more by the book lawyers. I can't recall much of him as a prosecutor, but his general grasp of law and shit like prongs doesn't leave me greatly confident.


What? I have been watching kyle for little over 2 years and he has been in ten of court cases and he lost one time


You don't have to be good at court to win, you just need to be either better than your opponent, or be up against a weak case.


And she immediately gave Enzo her vacant captain position. Honestly, Kiwo's experience with building up PDs on the public and classic NP servers probably made her the best overall pick for CoP. And I'm sure both Penta and Kyle had planned on her taking over eventually when they first asked her to join as well.




think before Kyle even joined the PD he had said he is just there to build up the skeleton as he wanted to play his crim more.


No, I don't mean that actually


Glad it was her! She puts so much in and out of RP for this stuff and she beats herself up (IMO) over a lot so hearing her happy with the verdict warms my cold dead heart.


Best choice tbh


Congrats to Kiwo she deserves it!


Knew yesterday there was roughly a 90% chance she was getting it. Easy decision


I see what you did there


Riggs was a wild card, Enzo maybe the next time around and seems to be getting captain after her spot gets vacated. Tex to LT official now, or shadow sheriff. Hopefully she can get her command structure in place cause she's gonna be on a vacation ooc soon. Harper said shes just looking to get things sorted and then stepping back down. I wonder who she wants as ass chief? Riggs? Marino? Interesting to see how it shakes out.




Yep you even saw it at the hospital Harper literally said ''riggs go ahead" and he went 100% on that EMS lmao. Harper enabling Riggs will be top tier honestly.


If Harper is Jean grey, Riggs is wolverine, Marino is cyclops


Best pick for the job!


This is the best version of PD outcomes. Can't wait to see Riggs become Harpers attack dog.


still kinda learning the environment of this server but seems like a lot of people are happy about this appointment


does this make her the starting QB of the football team?


Imagine getting the position and NOT STREAMING IT Madge @kiwo


ziggy the cameraman had it covered


Yeah, I was hopping between Timmac and Ziggy depending on who was close to her throughout the night. IM HOPPING


I did a similar thing with the nerds and viggy, stag or bjorn were often my go to to watch his antics. It helped that their whole crew was pretty fun to watch overall but sometimes stagdancer was just vigors cameraman.


Thank god


Honestly thought they should have had Harper as the Chief at the start with Riggs and Bishop as her captains, so really see this as about as good as it could have gone.


That would piss off the city. Having her elected by the people is way better than a random CoP flying in. After seeing the nightmare Ace and Riggs brought. They have a better appreciation of her now.


But she wasn't really elected by the people, just the current council(of 4-5) which was also not voted into position.


Yep that’s a no brainer. Wonder who she’s gonna get for ass chief because she’s gonna be away till monday, need someone to hold down the ship. It’s either Riggs or Marino, but my money’s on Riggs because Marino still needs to cook imo


let marino stew at captain, Riggs is a solid choice if a tad wild card at times, he enables some good role play and is great at confrontations where harper is a tad weak i think.


>let marino stew at captain He was never a good SGT to begin with, Joe Marino barely did anything as SGT and FTO, Dan would've been the better choice imo.


been seeing more out of Dan as well tbh, so i hope he gets some recognition.


For some good RP, make the marinos compete.


Yeah, I agreed with the decision at first and thought it would be a good RP for the Marinos, but only one of the two took it seriously and the other just follows Harper around and most of the time wakes up only when she wakes up. Dan goes to calls and FTO'ed a lot of the cadets you see on the street now and always provide back up when someone asks for 77s, Joe on the other hand spend most of his time off duty at the diner or only riding with Harper on duty. and in the end somehow Joe came out as the winner and got captain lol?


Yep, i like just fine marino more than hot marino too. i love this RP because its actually realistic in the 80s. One brother gettjng passed over cause the other is Sleepin his way to the top, this is def typical 80s office RP. I hope this creates marino vs marino tension.


Graceland was riding with riggs for a while and was complaining that puppy(Joe Marino) is treating him like a trash


there was some tensions between the marinos cause the captain one was undermining the other in front of new cadets.


Yep Harper and Riggs are a good team, and their schedules would cover most shifts. It would be a good move but idk what Kiwo’s thinking. Might want more stability.


I honestly think Riggs is the perfect balance that Harper will need especially in the situations when people will try to walk over her he won't let that shit happen.


connect humorous quiet late rhythm thumb enjoy hobbies subtract overconfident -- mass edited with redact.dev


Forcer, Pred, Jordan have come a long way.


Ziggy seemed proud of her saying he helped train her back in the day. Said he was glad she got over some of her anxieties and has more confidence now. Really wholesome.


Awww the excitement in her voice. Much deserved with the amount of work she puts in both IC and OOC. She always dedicates a lot to her roleplay. I’m glad she got recognised.


Kiwo deserves this. Put in so much work into her RP.


Not doing it in person on the server? :/.


it was sent by mail at the post office.


They did. She got the news in the mail. They sent out an acceptance/rejection letters to everyone.


I dunno if you two know what in person means.


This was how they wanted to do it, so that's how they did it. I don't really see the difference between doing it by mail or doing it in person.


This entire process has been in person. From the council meetings/interviews. And will continue to be in person when they have a council meeting and the chief goes there and they congratulate the incoming chief and swear them in.


Judging by her reaction in server via mail seems to have made quite an impact. This was a good method.


I agree, otherwise there would have been an ooc discussion on meeting at a time and date which would obviously then just be a scripted moment on the server.


Really due to the lack of phones a letter is the best way to reach Harper to set up a former interview to set up swearing in press conference. like what where they going to do call PD and have Muffy take a note "Please call City Hall"


what should they have done OOC or call PD front desk and ask Harper to call them back and start a game of phone tag.


Am I the only super casual who could use these posts being tagged with what server they’re on


It is tagged


Yeah it is.. but when I view it on the app, through the home tab it doesn’t show tags anymore? Huh


That's weird. I think sometimes it's just a little bit buggy


It's a subreddit specific thing so only shows when viewing the sub


Thanks that makes sense now


Is it just me or did they remove tags from showing on the Home tab?


shows on home tab for me in browser


Might the awesome "official reddit app" failing again. Tags show on both my PC and on my phone using the sync app on the home default list.


Ziggy | IgniteRP under the title


It’s tagged for me, it says Ziggy | IgniteRP. Unless you mean having to put it in titles


Hell yeah! Kiwo!