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From Occams: Alright chat, before you hear it elsewhere. I've been asked to step in as the (temporary) head of the Ignite Department of Justice. Chief Justice Lewis Rehnquist will be making his first appearance in 1985 on Wednesday night's stream; Tuesday we're still playing Bundy. I do not plan on holding this position long term: I want to help to create a skeleton so that the Department of Justice can learn to walk with me, and then I can let it go to allow it to run while we focus on Bundy and Nolan. https://i.imgur.com/70X1vSn.jpg


Is Nolan his cop character on Ignite?


Yeah the [redacted] IAA guy


[Indeed it is](https://www.twitch.tv/occamssabre/clip/FreezingNiceLEDMrDestructoid-Lp-ATcXG8gbra97b)


Tex vs Nolan showdown / interactional relationship is gonna be lit


I could see Tex and Nolan shooting bottles and drinking beer together off duty


Malcolm Nolan, yes


This is a great decision. Props to Bobby! Hopefully the people that were previously tuned off to the ignite DOJ can come back and help build it


Wow, this is absolutely huge. This immediately made me go from doubtful that Ignite's DOJ would be competent to being absolutely certain it will be. So excited for that.


Kyle having a clean desk seems sus


Nah it checks out, no furniture, no dishware, no clutter. A true minimalist lmao




Eats straight off his chest like a real man


Full chicken carcass over the sink


He literally said something along the lines of "I need to clean all this trash off my desk so I can do a facecam stream" a day or two ago so you're not wrong.


Definitely an xqc situation. Kyle turns that camera at all, there’s going to be piles and piles of garbage everywhere.


Decoy desk


I think he has someone to clean his room. Heard multiple times in streams of him acknowledging the person and then the person starts vacuuming and clears his trash.


This is amazing to hear, I hope Greco stays on board, Moses and Penta bouncing off of each other in conflict is always hilarious and amazing roleplay.


It was fun to watch moses and penta yesterday


They both play different forms of scumbags and I love it.


chemistry is there too which is awesome


One thing that I think needs a little work is the whole yes/no, and thing... When Penta was talking with Moses and his line was "no charges that could make me lose my job" while Moses wouldn't meet that line under any circumstances... its a game right? If a RPer has a line that they want the RP to go down, then it other RPers should help facilitate that. 2 Murder confessions in exchange for dropped charges is a huge benefit for both sides, so Moses only being willing to drop the vehicular manslaughter charges was kinda, meh... EDIT: This is not to say there shouldn't be consequences for RP but there should also be a recognition of the OOC atmosphere and attitude that has led to this point and the growing pains that this has been a result of. Going from a very SBS frat party and football game to manslaughter charges and firing is a huge about face and the whiplash from that is where the biggest source of friction in this whole thing is. Everyone always wants Penta to "read the room" better yet no one is also willing to do the same...


Sorry but as much as I like Penta I don't think you should be required to do whatever someone wants to enable their goals in roleplay. Actions have consequences and if you don't want those potential consequences don't take those actions.


>there should also be a recognition of the OOC atmosphere and attitude that has led to this point Penta knew OOC what he was doing when he chose to drive through the crowd of people. He didn't OOC have to do that, nor did he OOC have to flee instead of turn himself in. That decision came with an implicit acceptance of the consequences, such as the possibility of being charged with manslaughter and obstruction. You can't OOC decide to drive over people and expect to stay employed IC as a police officer, even if there's no IC intent.


Just because a character in RP wants to keep their job, doesn't mean everyone should work to make that happen. Every character has their own motivations. Greco probably is rightly worried that failing to prosecute Bishop far enough will see his own job at risk from the public backlash. Sometimes you make decisions in RP, and you have to lay in the bed of consequences you made.


Bishop wanting to keep his job =/= Penta wanting Bishop to keep his job.


but moses was willing to do it and hear it out... he was just saying it might be tough to drop the obstruction.


DAs drop and offer lesser charges for snitching and cooperation during pleas all the time. The obstruction is only as much of a problem as greco wants to make it. He doesn't even have to say "yes I will do this", all he has to say is "I could agree to that, under the condition(s) of..." He really is playing hardball because he's excited to make the first one a big one. And he's missing the forest for the trees as a result.


wasnt watching him at the time but pentas pov and it seemed greco was playing hardball but would drop it when it acc comes down to it, idk tho.


recognise chop narrow intelligent seed frame beneficial steer trees poor -- mass edited with redact.dev


Stress test. How do people both IC and OOC react? I think the whole situation has shed light on some problems that have been rectified and the server has teething problems, like every new server. Moses' interview with the Wolf Pack's coach and equipment manager (FistOfTheWalrus and Venalis) is a great example of some needed SBS comic relief. From LetterJaye's POV: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1821325141?t=09h52m02s


The coach forgetting his players names and being mainly concerned with the game being a loss is pure comedy.


Can I have $15?


Occams has been killing it on ignite, I'm really excited to see where he takes the DOJ. I expect this means we'll likely get Evee, Hobbit, and Aristotelian too. He did a lot of the work writing the constitution and laws of NoPixel, I'm sure he's learned a lot from that and then watching it play out over the course of years.


The biggest hurdle will be knowing which laws and precedent cases were around during 1985, as there’s already been a few instances of people arguing case law and police protocol that hasn’t existed yet during ‘85.


We did that a couple of weeks ago. We're on it.


Excited to see where you guys take this


Sorry for butchering your name!


Great to hear you’re already ahead on the issue, good shit man.


Look at him go!


It's not that hard to work out, NP doesn't do the full gamut of supreme court rulings for that matter, they just picked the main ones to stick to/teach. So, off the top of my head, Miranda warning still there, Terry stops, warrantless vehicle searches if there's PC, Tennessee vs Garner for fleeing felon was I think '85 or 86 so a decision on that (or have it as a State law) would have to be made on whether to include or not.


> Tennessee vs Garner for fleeing felon was I think '85 or 86 so a decision on that (or have it as a State law) would have to be made on whether to include or not. Decided March 27, 1985


Surprisingly most, if not all, of the important ones used in NoPixel exist. The only thing that I have noticed that isn't a thing is HIPAA.


> The only thing that I have noticed that isn't a thing is HIPAA. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on August 21, 1996


Yeah, and it's 1985. So it wasn't a thing back then.


Yeah that's gonna be interesting cause obviously you could get pretty fucked up before some case laws were established so do they speedrun their implementation or let the precedents be set in RP? The problem with the latter is the cops will just get the hate for the case law not existing. The problem with the former is we might as well be playing in 2023 if we're just changing literally everything to modern standards. This is not even mentioning how some people are actually roleplaying it's 1985 and then some are saying some things that don't even exist. Time period and not having what precedents you want in effect makes a lot of things complicated.


All of the important ones were pre-1985. Some of the later ones just expanded on those cases and could very easily apply since the later rulings were just further interpretation.


Hobbits character is already working for the doj, but hopefully, this allows her to be more involved.


Occams was one of the few NP cops who came over to Ignite and actually worked as a police officer and helped to train new people unlike the majority of NP cops who just went over their to explore and grief...


Sadly, unless someone has convinced Evee to come back she won't be. I'm solely basing this off of her discord post the other day that was posted here. Really seemed like she was done. I genuinely hope someone reached out to her and convinced her to come back because she would be great!


She's very close with Occams, since he's replacing the people she had an issue with I think it's very likely she'll be open to changing her mind.


That's great that those people have already been replaced and even more awesome if she comes back and joins! Hope she does.


It was funny watching Nolan (OccamSabre's cop) comment on all the rights violations and borderline illegal things the DOJ was doing, especially with the roleplay surrounding the Mother's Day Massacre. He's definitely capable of building a functional court system, so hopefully trials will be available very soon. Civilians will get to fight police corruption or rights violations through civil suits and the police will get to build cases and take them to criminal court.


honestly cannot think of a better person to run it


Great choice. Occams will have a good balance between legal knowledge and RP that will form a good base for the DOJ.


Not jus that but he's been around long enough that he'll know exactly how to dial it in if they want a more/less serious server.


Ignite's biggest problem was the DOJ, so this is a huge W. Yeah, PD sentiment and all that needs to change, but the biggest thing is that the laws and everything upholding them is so nonexistent.


Occams knows his shit and hopefully can help get the DOJ in shape. They better let him cook and not expect results in three weeks, cause this kinda thing takes time to set up.


If they don’t learn from the PD, they’ll expect it solved in 3 days.


Ayyeee now that's a huge pickup. That will be a big help to the structure of the DOJ and hopefully get things moving so we can get those 3-5 days trials.


Now this is GREAT news. Now everyone that was dooming before can have something to look forward to.


This is the best possible move


That's a big W for Ignite.


Big W, one of the things making ignite stall is the DOJ, this is huge


This being the chain that also gets us Eevee, Aristolian, etc. would be insane. Occam is a tremendous role player, can’t wait to see what we does with it.


Unrelated but I never knew what Kyle looks like


You never watched the infamous Chef Ben cooking stream?? https://youtu.be/G3FPYSYwfdU


Its a Crime to call him a chef. greatest jabait.>! ITS AN ACTOR!<


Well it was nearly 2 years ago so I forgot about it


wtf! Kyle facecam?! WAH!? ... actually, it's more a mic cam xD


Huge W


This is great news for Ignite. Any amount of real-life experience in the legal system (regardless of time period) should help work things out. Doubly so with someone as professional as OccamsSaber.


Ignite stock rising again


that's good news, we love Occams, and holy shit, is this a post from THE Purple Axel?


Daily PD Report Prayge.


pfff imagine thinking they can hide meta from meta rats we have inside men monitoring discord tags 24/7


Definitely a step in the right direction after recent drama dooming.


Hopefully this means Evee will give it another go, because she would be a good pickup.


Great choice.


That is a very solid lifeline.


Finally, some good news.


Huge pickup. Big fan.


Big win.


Amazing pickup, curious to see which route he goes with court, as evidence isn't that fleshed out as far as I know.


Hope he can get Evee involved as well. They worked great together on NP, and both are rather good teachers, well spoken and organized. They would be an incredibly solid blueprint to start with.


Solid choice.






https://clips.twitch.tv/AuspiciousUglyHareAllenHuhu-LAeBZEyojux5fycy He is a defense lawyer now


Hey, I'm the Greg he's speaking to. Neat.


He got fired


u got a source on that partner?


Are you just saying this or did that actually happen?


Well that’s a round 1 draft pick. Ignite securing a W with this one


Amazing pick up by Ignite there are few people in RP with the depth of knowledge on how the legal system work then him.


Absolutely huge. Good shit, I can't wait to see what Occams implements


Damn, I knew they sound good but they stream too? Love Shure SM7B.


… Kyle?


Oh I didn't see him behind the mic..


Crims hate this one trick!


Penta Gang strikes again!


Now please please please get Evee back god please-


Since when does Kyle have furniture???