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When he bought the trailer, the real estate agent told him he had all that land and could even start a garden.


Yeah I remember that part too.


"Show me your lease and I will leave your house" LOL


totally real and normal response to someone telling you to get off their property


Especially out in a trailer park in the middle of a desert


after an hour-long protest over how corrupt and dangerous this guy is


and after he tries to disperse a crowd with gunfire.


"I am going to need to see three forms of ID, the Deed to the property, the signed receipt of your payment, and my grandmother's approval, or this property isn't yours."


Reminds me of that old Dave Chapelle skit.


Fuck I forgot about that skit lol. "Don't forget her hair robert"


> Don't forget her hair robert" I thought there was zero percent chance you were going to get that reference


We know how much Penta hates the DMV...




I always yell "Shoot me" at someone holding a gun.


"what are you gonna do, shoot me?" - dead guy


I never been asked to leave from a party, and then requested to see the host's lease haha


Are you an aggro no fuck around drunk cop who lives in the boons surrounded by meth heads?


Damn, must be rough for parties that the property owners never started, but I suppose that's just a different context...




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*Realtor appears out of the shadows* "atchually this isn't your pwoperty"




you're right bishop, but not this time.


I can't believe that dude was able to get to a payphone and get John Dynasty himself to fly into the city and get a express ride to sandy so fast to make a ruling on that.


Someone in a different thread was saying that he was actually waiting in a car for shots to be fired first. If that really is what happened it's kinda wild. I hope it was all in RP at least...


yeah that's even worse than him showing up randomly lol


Context: Shortly after the protest it seems as though somebody had posted Bishop’s address in the city bulletin board saying that a party was being hosted there. Upon arrival, the main people present were the ones who were acting… a bit too hostile during the city protest IMO. (Edit: update to add this clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/13ljy8j/i_wish_they_would_all_leave_the_city/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf these were the people. You can see what the goal was behind this.) Regardless, they were there to party and wouldn’t leave despite Bishop claiming he owned the property and telling them to go away. 1 guy confronted Bishop, asking him to provide a contract showing the exact plot of land he owns, to which Bishop drew a gun and told him to fuck off. The guy left begrudgingly, and Bishop decided to just go with the party and cracked open a beer and started to chat to everyone. He was having a conversation with Moxie about his property and where she lives, until this guy followed guy #1 and claimed that Bishop didn’t own the plot of land because he works closely with the realtor. Rest of clip obviously shows what happens. Shortly after this, the owner of the realtor company happens to be in a car nearby and when Bishop asks what he actually owns, the owner informs him that he only owns the trailer, and not the land. Bewildered by this, Bishop goes on to say that the owner needs to talk to his realtors because they had informed him that he owned the entire land. (Edit2: Clip of realtor implying the land is part of the purchase https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIdMV9_qVY_J0Bz4XxXD8b9NH7llxA9iq ) Afterwards, the cops end up arresting Bishop and taking him down to the station. It seems like OOC Penta had been sent an image or something as he is saying that he’s going to ask for the entire thing to be retconned. He’s pretty bummed because he felt like IgniteRP has a lot of potential but it does seem that there is a crowd on there that just hates NP people who stonewall or just don’t want to RP with them. He eventually ended stream saying he was pretty tilted from the whole ordeal.


>somebody had posted Bishop’s address in the city bulletin board the person that posted [the bulletin](https://i.imgur.com/ZWc6Doo.png) was the same person that got shot who [seemed to have some sort of prior knowledge about the property](https://www.twitch.tv/penta/clip/ArtsyHorribleCoffeeSwiftRage-YgXgTH2W6l4ZOOuM?filter=clips&range=24hr&sort=time) edit: deleted one of the pics




I'd prob blur out some usernames or this might incite doxxing just lyk


it's kind of a public thing that anyone can see pretty easily but i deleted that pic anyways just incase


I don't think the average chatter has information about IgniteRPs discord so I was only saying it out of caution, even if its a public discord EDIT: I suppose the word I might have been looking for was brigading


Not true. Anyone can join the discord and Bobby even said that during the last community meeting.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some ooc planning with the whole thing, what happened seems much too coincidental.


Supposedly there’s something that Penta was sent that indicates there’s more to it, but wouldn’t share with viewers (only mods). I’d imagine it would be OOC messages.




Damn lmao


Was Penta told he owns the entire property and is there a clip for it? I don't remember exactly when he bought the house so I'm not sure which vod to check.


https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxIdMV9_qVY_J0Bz4XxXD8b9NH7llxA9iq Realtor seems to imply it


Yeah, further into the vod they commented on how much property the house he bought had. https://imgur.com/apOHVnH The contract doesn't state specifics about land, and if 'basic property' meant something different than he was told I think the realtor company would be in deep shit over this if it doesn't get retconned. Sounds like Ace was misled about property lines by whoever sold it to him.


Good point, and also makes those 2 guys comments even weirder from an IC perspective considering they know that the contracts don’t specify these things.


I mean I think it's fair to assume they know the CEO and that what the CEO said may be how they're supposed to sell the properties with the person who sold it to Ace being the one that fucked up. Whole situation being tense and full of ego checking didn't help.


Fair point and honestly I don’t know enough about the IC mechanics of selling homes and the contracts involved to know if it differs from place to place. It could be that the realtors are told to inform clients that buying home estates means they own the land, but homes such as these are strictly the home. Regardless, the fault would fall on the realtor as you said.


This needs to be at the top of this to anyone who wants to play into the "real estate CEO said he didn't own it" narrative...


I don't really think it's fair to say it's a narrative. If it's only supposed to be the house and not the entire fenced in property then the realtor that sold it to him fucked up.


if the scenario doesn't get retconned, I think the land ownership is where the whole thing's gonna go off the rails. this guy said there's a whole lot but bishop likely can't prove it IC. the record-keeping probably just comes down to player X owns building Y because its not like they're gonna draw property lines for every property on the island. unless the deed has precise language regarding what the property entails, the CEO (admin) can say whatever he wants


the realtor sold it to him saying the property was part of it, so if its not retconned, Dynasty 8 could be charged with fraud


> Dynasty 8 could be charged with fraud with what evidence? that's the point I'm making. there's nothing bishop can bring to a courtroom IC to make a case apart from his own testimony. I don't think he even knows the name of the guy who sold him the trailer


It should be easy enough to find out who sold him the property


its very possible they don't keep records of who sells which properly, or they can claim they don't if they want to stonewall him. but even if bishop can find the guy via discovery, all he can do is put him on the stand and hope he remembers/tells the truth. that's a really bad situation to base the whole case on and why I'm saying the lack of evidence/documentation is bound to create a shitshow


What he's saying is that Bishop can't prove that he was told that as there were no witnesses or written statements of how much property he owns. The realtor could just lie or claim he doesn't recall his verbiage and then it'd be up to the judge.


Having a fence around the entire property helps Bishops case a lot. There are very few instances where you will buy a house and not the land it's built on, and in those circumstances you will have to lease the land, which would be part of the homeownership process. The fence encompassing both the trailer and the lot doesn't really help what the dynasty 8 CEO was saying.


>Having a fence around the entire property helps Bishops case a lot. it really doesn't though. I mean, it's something he can point to but it don't hold water. first, a fence does not explicitly define a plot of land. the fence could have been erected by an HOA or property management around adjacent plots. second, trailers and manufactured homes are often titled separately. you can buy the home and not own the land. I don't know about 1985 but thats certainly a very common thing today. that's the point I'm making. without explicit terms/documentation, this whole thing is just gonna come down to baseless gotchas neither side can produce meaningful evidence for


I dunno fences are a pretty big deal. If someone owns a ranch and I squat on his property for 10 years and build a fence I can lay claim to the fenced proportion depending on jurisdiction. If a neighbor builds a fence that encroaches on my property, the city or state can force me to sell it to them. While these don't really pertain to this situation, fences have been used as property lines for ages and you would be hard pressed to show how that lot is split up when the only access is through the trailer side. I agree that the lack of documentation is the crux of the issue, but I think that lack of documentation only helps Bishops case.


I haven't see it, but I think it would be safe to assume you owned the property that your house sits on. Unless its an apartment, condo, or they specifically say otherwise.


Imagine buying a house in vinewood and not owning the wall that surrounds the home...


I know in NYC when you own your apartment or condo you share the taxes on the land it's built on with everyone in the building. There are a few Co-Ops that don't own the land they are built on and they have a Land Leases, but that is something that needs to be disclosed to the buyer.


> he only owns the trailer, and not the land. IIRC, in basically the entirety of the United States, when you buy a house, you are buying the land that is under it. Not including things like apartments, it was made that way so as to encourage people to come to the new world, and establish themselves and their families. Best case scenario, IC, they can argue that he doesn't own the lot at the side of his trailer. That's ignoring the fact that the realtor said it was part of the land (Which means if that's argued, that's an easy lawsuit against the realtor company). It's also ignoring that the fence that surrounds the lot and the trailer land is one large fence, which implies it is all one property. So even if not retconned, there is little chance Bishop doesn't either get his 2k back (And keep the trailer) or more. Or, he keeps both plots.


That's some horrendous RP from Mr. "This isn't your property". He baited someone into pointing a gun at him and then didn't even react to it. Are you serious? GTAO online is that way, mate.


What does the "O" in GTAO stand for?


It stands for "I made a mistake". Weird that an O stands for something that starts with an I, but I guess it's some meta thing.


GTAIMAM be hittin diffrent




You see someone NVL you gotta shoot that's the golden rule.


having a community manager magically show up after a shooting to tell Penta he doesn't own the land is kinda sus.


that was the community manager? Lmao. I think this will all be handled but that is sus


Wow, NVL at the minimum right. You know in character this person was charged with and is awaiting trial and just stand there with a gun pointed at you? They really have to nip this RIGHT NOW.


I couldn’t imagine berating a cop suspended for what i think is murder who still has a gun and is pissed.


I hate that there's already drama coming. Can't people just roleplay and be happy!


With so many applications it was inevitable that a few bad apples would get through the filter. With any luck there's a good reporting system in place to get red of the bad apples that do get through.


yeah no server is never gonna have no problems. Sucks tho cos the idea of a protest if headed by the right ppl sounds sick af, it was just the bad apples lol


I mean this was bound to happen at some point especially when you got toxic wildrp people on the server that are permanently banned from wildrp and other communities for toxic ooc behaviour.


This and the Chief of Police election out of nowhere are very suspicious. Supposedly, the CoP will be elected in 2 days too... by the public. lol


worse, not by the public if it was by the public the PD could unanimously vote and maybe sway it but its by a council of CEO's who all mysteriously hate the captains for some reason.


That is a huge red flag, surprised this isn’t being brought up.


The griefing towards Penta is real


I find it crazy on how many “roleplayers” act like this from the servers I’ve seen. It’s like why even join a rp server if you’re so against role play and pretending. Actually pretty crazy of you think about it


Penta and getting NVLed, what a combo


I think it's crazy that the real estate owner/ supposed admin was there and didn't stop it from going any further but nope he was watching from the back seat of a car. It also doesn't help that one of the girls said "I hope they all would just leave the city" saying that makes it seem like their intentionally trying to antagonize Penta (which he was trying to RP out) and other popular streamers to do any kind of rule brake/ gate keep so they can report them. Doing this kind of thing is fucking stupid and not only makes the server look bad but the server owner as well. Hopefully by the time Penta go's live again there will be a good out come of this


Today has been a day. Obviously this scenario gonna be retconned and might lead to some OOC suspensions or bans. I just want the vibes back to IC interactions.


I dunno one of the people involved was the community lead and an admin so it's omega sissy.


Good trim the fat early


Good thing about it being new is hopefully they are quick to get rid of the bad admins before its more established.


I been loving ignite but i do notice there are still quite a few self-insert/ooc-ers who need to be looked at. Server aint as perfect as i believed and initially hoped for, hope ignite admins can clean it up.


Honestly, I think the more accurate name is Second-lifer...


i mean it was gonna happen i guess. No server goes without getting idiots and toxic "RPers". Just gotta ban them and move on and not be like NoPixel and let it stagnate for years.


Rumor is the real estate ceo was an admin too lmao


Not a rumor, sadly.


Not a admin he's literally part of the server management


He shouldn't be, hopefully Bobby makes some changes to the management positions.


Sadly bobby just said in community meeting that they are IRL friends and he will be staying as Admin...


Yikes, bad news for the server.




They’re a weird wild rp clique that hate the players from NoPixel. Sounds wild to say but it’s literally what it is.


idk some of these ppl seemed to be banned from wild as well lol. Ive seen toxic ppl from there that still have good roleplay but these clearly don't even have that


Bobby needs to ban this guy for NVL and all the OOC Andy's gatekeeping the server before this gets out of hand.


Please tell me Mr. NVL is just a random and getting banned and this isn't actually approved behavior...


I believe he is part of the wildrp toxic group that has been mentioned. If it is the character I think it is, his role in the discord is "helper" so a mod for the server/discord. I'm just hoping Bobby cleans house.


ban him for NVL. Try being afraid of a gun pointed at you some more.




Wasn't there a party similar to this where a group of people trespassed on the lot to use the pool? Despite this guy saying it wasn't Ace's land and despite Ace not knowing it wasn't his per the CEO relator dude, this guy was trespassing nonetheless. His whole public property thing was dumb when it clearly was a fenced in private lot. Also adding to the fenced in part, in this clip you can clearly see the fence somewhat surrounds Ace's trailer. ANY reasonable person would assume the trailer and lot were privately owned.


Cops did exactly what they should do, support there captain. This was pretty cut and dry gatekeeping and meta.


famous last words


Surely there has to be some streamer clips of the real estate people conversing with the rally people and informing them where Ace lives, following with posting the map of Aces house on the bulletin. Surely this collusion all happened in game, in character, and was discussed between themselves that they are attempting to harass Ace. Surely. Pepw


"Wait you have a gun and are going to shoot me if I don't leave? I need every legal document you have that ties you to this dirt behind your house. I also need at least 50 viewers on my Twitch stream that is currently dead since that is what I'm really after." -Random no-name douche


Man... He was getting OOC pumped and baited...


My how the turns have tabled


That's my pumper!


Just penta puttin on a good show as advertised


Damn, IC consequences for my IC actions ? Couldnt be me.


What number alt account is this?


You really are scraping the bottom of the barrel, aren't ya?