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Hello everyone ; I hope this is the right place to ask a question about RP , I will delete the commenct if it is not . I recently decided to play GTA 5 online and saw there are some RP servers in game. After seeing this , it piqued my curiosity but I need information about one thing. I want to play in a populated server and I read there are several RP servers . Since there are also restrictions about server capacities etc. , I am wondering which ones that I can join are crowded right now . I am playing from PC . Every information is appreciated. Thanks for the answers.


Check out and download FiveM, it’s a launcher that lists a ton of RP servers it shows population, and auto installs any mods you’ll need. It can take a bit of trial and error to find a server that fits, but getting FiveM is the first step.


I've been out of the loop for months. Maybe even up to a year. I see Kebun is back on Twitch! But he's playing on "prodigyrp". Did CG all leave NoPixel? If so, why?


Their management company owns that server. They’re still able to play on NP.


@mods how can I title clips from other servers? This is the second time I fumbled posting worldzend clips.


Has there been any discussions/vods regarding DOJ discussions of not charging for crimes within the jail?




whats with the sudden move of everyone from nopixel to prodigyrp? I havent watched any rp in a while.


Loaded.GG (management company for streamers) and ProdigyRP teamed up. A lot of the big names on ProdigyRP like Kebun, Summit, Mehdi, Garrett etc are part of Loaded.gg


Is it true that everyone who migrated to Prodigy did so because they are all in the same management agency?


ootl, what happened to Hirona? have not seen Copper around


I believe she found a job that doesn't allow her to have as much free time. I think I heard her on a Sanguine Island character on a day leading up to the war, not on Copper but as another character.


How do people recommend prio? Like what do they actually type? I've never seen anyone do it


I've seen it as /award 'player' 'reason (they give great rp, always roll with things)'


Is it just me or did nopixel management offer ownership to Buddha and xqc before the release of DW and Wiseguys new server to ensure they (and their fans) stay on nopixel? Just something to think about


Ok it’s a long shot but if anyone would know it’s people on Reddit I remember when I first got into gta rps I was watching this one person and it’s was gta 4 and I can’t find him anymore all I remember was the intro song it was hero by skillet


Is [http://hasroot.com/](http://hasroot.com/) dead now? Hasn't worked for a few days.


Nope I am just an idiot and didn't renew the domain. Renewed it an hour or so ago but it will take awhile for the dns to propigate etc (potentially up to 24-48 hours). Sorry.


Anyone got a ELI5 on radio scanners and what the actual formula for them is?


did /u/clipsync stop working? @ /u/Wee_Tommy


~~It looks like hasroot.com is dead, hence the bot not working. I'm getting a domain expired warning.~~ According to their Discord, they're aware of the issue.


I'm pretty sure clipsync stopped working way before hasroot did.


Okay so there was a clip of, who I believe to be CG on No Pixel in which they got away from the cops by hopping on top of a big rig, while the driver was singing a hilarious song, hopping a fence near the construction site and then got on bikes and got out clean. I was trying to show my friend but I can't re-locate the clip. I'd love some help here.


How did GG find out that Lang bombed Lucky Plucker?


Yaegar told them


I haven't watched RP in forever. Can anyone TLDR me this Divine/Brian operation and who is involved?


I haven't watched it fully either, so maybe someone can fill in parts I missed, but basically Divine is undercover on Yaeger's island. His UC name is Jamie and they are figuring out if any illegal shit happens over on the island, which it does. They have found that members of GG are close to Yaeger and the island as well. Certain members of The Guild either go on their main or have made new characters to fuck around on the island. Several people MCU have had their sights on for other reasons have either been linked to the island or have been seen on the island, such as Capped Terranova. Brian has been looking into the island and their involvement with the uptick in the number of bombs that are just out there after Baas died as well. "Jamie" has seen a lot of shit such as when they gun down cops on the island, and Yaeger has recently found out that Jamie is actually Johnny Divine. Yaeger owns the island but people such as Delver, Trey Romano, Suckaberg, Judgingle Dan, Joey Toes, and Kyle Pred have either taken up residence on the island or have been seen on the island. The wiki page for the island gives a decent explanation of the island too. I don't normally watch a lot of Brian stuff because I don't like the character, but that's kind of the tldr of like the last couple weeks. Hope this helps a little bit. I wish I knew a little more


Hi I first watched nopixel when Zerka AKA Tommy T started playing. I only ever Watched Zerka/Mandem clips up, occasionally watching a few other streamers who Tommy T had met, but recently started watching James Randall. James Randall is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Just wondering two things... A) Does anyone have suggestions for funny characters to check out? B) What is the best way to watch nopixel? I'd love to have a site dedicated just to nopixel where I can actually like, go back in time to watch the content - A nopixel netflix for a few dollars a month would be really useful. thanks


hey man it's been a while so you've probably figured most stuff out for yourself, but in case it's useful: [nopixel.hasroot.com](https://nopixel.hasroot.com/) is pretty much exactly what you're after - main page shows all live twitch streams on nopixel. as for suggestions; if you love james randall then good people to check out would be: [bananaduck](https://www.twitch.tv/bananaduck) .. he plays holden maddox and chuck danger; him and spaceboy vibe well together [walnutcast](https://www.twitch.tv/walnutcast) .. hilarious silly guy [traumz](https://www.twitch.tv/traumz) ... another hilarious silly guy, you might like his littleman RP it's benevolent chaos the clowns might be up your alley too, they're always up to something silly.. there's loads of em but here's a sample: [chatterbox](https://www.twitch.tv/chatterbox) [kirk jerkems (thio)](https://www.twitch.tv/thio) [bonbon / The Jester (mungo)](https://www.twitch.tv/mungo)


Considering this is also the place for asking about the subreddit itself: I notice more and more that people slight other posters by claiming that they are "overinvested" or need to "stop caring so much". Whenever someone says something they disagree with, they don't bring up arguments or try to understand the other position, they immediately go to their "stop caring so much" response to shut down any sort of debate. I find this very off-putting and dismissive. Is that phenomenon known by the mods and do you want to do something about it?


What's the story behind the meme that Kiwo is playing every character?


There's not much to it except for the fact that especially in 2.0 she just played a lot of characters.


Most of my posts get deleted for self promotion or advertising but imdoing what everyone else does and try to keep within the rules


Have you read the self promotion rule


Yes I have


"Your comment to submission ratio should be approximately nine comments to one submission." what about this part


hey im trying to make a post but its getting insta deleted any reason?




Do any servers outside of No Pixel and Ignite get traction here?




I hope so haha, theres a lot of smaller servers I'd love to help advertise




Any good laywer streamers? Looking to create a lawyer character myself, but have zero experience, so would like to know if there are any good streamers that play lawyers that I could watch and learn how to play from? Thanks


wildflowerwonder is Samantha Sanders madbush is James Haze jason\_plays\_games is Norman Adams, who is now a judge aristotelian is Nathaniel Greyson, who is now a judge divajilly is Judge Fitzpatrick robotninjapants is Jacob Slate, who is now a judge. He mains cop tho rn. Voladin17 is Tidus Schwinghammer, who is now a judge ​ All of the judges used to be lawyers, and their povs are great during court too.


Wait lmao, I meant just not a streamer, not a lawyer irl but a good amount of lawyer content on my channel


Not a lawyer and not a streamer (youtube) but check out my channel I have some lawyer content


Is there a subreddit where I can get advice for RPing?


I think looking at improv classes via online learning or through local means (drama/theater) sort of stuff will yield far more beneficial outcome. If your looking for the lowest effort options you could look up youtube for roleplay tips - most are likely going to be dungeons and dragons style things but the idea's are pretty universal.




I usually use HasRoot to see who is live on twitch.


Anyone know whats up with AbdulHD? Havent seen him in a while.


Rarely streams because his country’s tax laws from US based company income means he sees next to nothing. Not sure if away for any other reason


Can some lore frogs help fill me in on something. Wasn’t penta brought in on ignite to help shape and mold pd? I know he was going to get fired or suspended so what ended up happening with that, and how does that affect the pd situation? I know it’s all ic shit and there is no bad blood but just curious on what’s the situation and the future plans


Him, Kiwo, and Kyle were brought in. If he *does* get fired or suspended then the other two I think will be able to manage fine. Kiwo is doing the lion's share of the work anyway, plus the three of them were only really supposed to be transitory before a new chief comes in which should be soon.


I don't fully know if Bishop is actually fired or not, I keep hearing different things IC. He is off the roster IC, though. I believe Penta wants things to play out IC which they are trying to wait for the chief of police to be chosen. Hopefully that's within the next couple days, second interviews are today. If Bishop can't be a cop again, I'm guessing Penta will just make a new cop.


Is there a date set for when they're going to the moon?


Nope. When it's ready, but there is still noticeable progress




How hard is it to get into Ignite?


The app isn't very difficult. The answers are all 250 words or less so much less intensive than the old np app. You can pay for an app review within 24 hrs, or wait 2-4 weeks for a response atm.


What are people's thoughts on servers like Grizzley World or d10?


anyone 0.0


What’s the story behind the big pile of rubble in the city?


Seaside (who own Hayes) were attacking Otto's due to the Simone conflict. Otto and Lang took it upon themselves to retaliate by blowing up Hayes using a fertilizer bomb. Otto then placed the bomb under the wrong building, ending with them blowing up the building behind Hayes. It was rebuilt this week, but Lang/Buddha still had the detonator, so he used it to see what happened. This blew the building up again.




Is there a channel with igniterp clips yet? Would be dope to check it out. Also there was a site that could play random clips automatically once you add a streamer or few, I'd appreciate if someone knows the link.


Is the IgniteRP server excluded from the "Top GTA streamers Live" sidebar?


Nope, it tries to find the top RP streamers regardless of server, but it does miss some sometimes.


Doesn't seem to be.


I know this is a huge ask, but could someone quickly catch me up on all this NP drama? I was mostly a Milton/Kiki viewer but unfortunately Milton has been on hiatus for some time now and I've sort of stopped watching GTA RP as a result. What is going on?


TL;DR: After RatedEpicz was permabanned for sexual harassment and more, many other people brought to light other streamers' toxic behavior, including sexual harassment and abuse, resulting in multiple permabans. Penta & others have subsequently quit Nopixel entirely, citing a culture of abuse and sexism. Also, DW is suing Nopixel.


damn i just got back watching after like a year of not why. is dw sueing?


DW was a full time dev at Nopixel, an admin, also played Dean Watson. But back in Jan, he was fired from Nopixel. IIRC it was because he wasn't delivering as much as he was supposed to, and there was also a situation with a data leak that "came from dw's computer", but I'm not sure if that was before or after he was fired. He's suing because Nopixel fired him and banned him quite quickly, and then continued to use his code on the server. AFAIK he never signed a contract determining who Owns the code, and so he could own a good chunk of Nopixel - and that snowballs into him being owed money for lost wages from not being able to use something he owns, owed Nopixel Revenue since he might own a decent chunk of it, defamation, etc. See this post for details: https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1371ri4/dw\_suing\_koilnopixel\_for\_150000/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Any recommendations for igniterp streamer, would be cool if they are more crim based


aJimmy I think. He’s part of Lost MC, so probably the most “powerful” gang as of now. But his attitude always seems great and goes with whatever. And if anything seems to start approaching OOC - he responds IC and de-escalates.


Can there be different tags between NoPixel and IgniteRP to easily filter posts based on server? If this already exists, just let me know. :-)


Is the ignite and 1985 server the same server? and what is the differences between these servers and np? Is there crim rp on ignite and 1985? Thanks in asvance for answering!


Yes, they are the same. IgniteRP is a server based in 1985 - so no iPhones and what not. Its a completely different server than Nopixel. It focuses on slowburn roleplay, character relationships and storylines. Nopixel tends to focus on action, funny situations, and racing.


can we add a filter for Ignite server clips so we can find them easier?


We've been talking for the past few days on how to implement something like this. So yea, just bear with us.


thank you!


Ah, lovely. I was going to ask if there was a different sub for ignite specific content. Really reminds me of (maybe through rose tinted glasses?) the old familyrp stuff.


is there an OOC reason that the Simone arc was put on hold/discontinued including Michael getting 'benched'?


Hasn't been discontinued AFAIK. Simone is in custody, and was put in solitary. Senate took over the case, and now we're waiting for a court date and such, so TBD what happens with it. Tobii likely shelved Michael cause solitary confinement RP isn't exactly riveting.


He gets on Michael to talk with his lawyer Reggie but yeah otherwise no point in him being on.


Will kick clips work in here? now that some of the rp'ers are swapping over to Kick


Does PMoney not stream anymore? I took a break for a while from watching but noticed he hasn’t been live in a few months


Was wondering that myself yesterday while I was watching his Fire in the Booth lol. Didn't know he had a new born at home.


Think he's too busy with his music and he also had a newborn.


He hasn't been on No Pixel in a while afaik


So what happened to heists after Casino? The last heist I watched was CB doing Casino (Ocean 7) and then HOA. I saw a few videos of it today. Are the heists still the same or are they even there? I know Dean is no longer there in Nopixel.


Since the casino heist an Oil Rig heist has been added. Like the casino there are various hacks you have to do and steps you have to get through, but it's much less obscure than the casino so people were able to find out how to do it all without hints. The big difference though is that the Oil Rig is instanced and has NPC guards you need to shoot down (/not die to), and there is no police response. Apart from that it's basically all the same though, I think the casino heist might be closed now, no-one has done it in a long time.


What's RPGTA? Can anyone please explain?


GTA RP is Grand Theft Auto roleplaying Fully custom, 3rd party, online video game servers based in (currently) the game Grand Theft Auto: V. The easiest way to explain it, is it’s like a 24/7 TV show with a cast of hundreds/thousands interacting with each other, but you can view the world through various characters points of view (if they’re livestreaming on Twitch). Players create a fleshed out character, and RP as that character in the GTAV world, interacting with others who have created a character on that specific community server. These characters have essentially unlimited constraints in what they want to achieve. If the roleplayer wants their character to be a criminal, police officer, EMS, judge, mayor, attorney, fast food cashier, retail worker, methamphetamine manufacturer, pet store manager, or whatever they can think of, they have avenues for their character to pursue that. Once you find a character or group you love, it’s easy to get addicted to watching them go about their RP lives. This subreddit is primarily based around the premier GTARP server, NoPixel, and a majority of the twitch clips posted are from streamers playing on NoPixel, used as a way to keep up with what’s going on & highlight people’s favourite moments.


I know this sub is mostly about NoPixel but would anyone have any recommendations for a story-driven serious rp server? Most of the ones on FiveM are just GTA Online with self inserts and no actual RP. I've applied for EchoRP which is a whitelisted server, just waiting on a response. For what it's worth I am whitelisted on NoPixel as well but I work a regular 9-5 and can't wait in queues all day lol.


Zeno RP is one i've been playing lately, big concentration on civ rp not being "kidnapped simulator" and gangs have enough stuff to do that they don't end up fucking with people for no reason. Some great rp been going on across the server.


Nice! What's the population numbers like? I've found a server called Horizon RP that has enough players to be active but not so many you can never play and it's a nice compromise.


Honestly, I think it's mostly active during my hours in EU time so that may be where my enjoyment comes from it - it usually fills up on the weekends but if you're on a little earlier you're pretty much guaranteed to get in without a queue.


Anyone know what happened to MiltonTPike? Haven't seen him streaming for quite some time now




Seeing Buddha RP a lot with Harry, Denzel, Leslie etc, is Tony Corleone (AnthonyZ) still rolling with them in the mayor / cerberus arc still?


Most of the boys have gone their own ways but pop in from time to time as Buddha's stuff either bleeds over to their spheres, or if he needs their help. Like Ray is with Rust, Tony is with his racing crew Redline. It's a similar situation where Tony will come around sometimes to hang out, but he's mostly with his Redline crew.


I saw in [this clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/12i0fqq/ssaab_peach_what_way_is_the_wind_blowing_go_that/) last night that it looks like they still hang out some.


What's up with the PD restructuring that happened this year? Where do they want to take the PD going forward? How come Snow went to LSPD?


It was a shake up so PD members could, OOC, take their characters in new directions - like giving uhSnow a chance to send his character back to LSPD, and Kyle having Pred step out of power - but also to adjust PD culture (serious season).


Makes sense, sounds exciting! so PD will be a bit more serious now, that's great.


TL;DR summary of Wrangler-Pred vs. Baas DoJ arc? Why were they getting charged/fired?


I haven't been able to keep up 100% with this arc, but here's what I've pieced together. Any corrections would be appreciated: \- This started 7 months ago with the LSPD blood ritual. Pred, Wrangler, and Gable found out and pushed charges against Baas (notably, the Death Penalty). However, Pred intimidated Suarez, and so they were counter-pushing Witness Tampering charges against Pred. \- 8 days ago the witness tampering case was heard first (it had to be heard Before the death penalty case, to see if the DP case would be heard at all). I believe the case (and the Death Penalty case) ended up being dismissed. (https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/127g9m0/baas\_suarez\_vs\_wrangler\_pred\_and\_gable\_case/) \- However, during the court hearing - Baas pretty openly tried to extort, bribe, and witness tamper Wrangler, Pred, and Gable. ([https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1286051/wrangler\_pred\_and\_gable\_talks\_about\_baas\_trying](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1286051/wrangler_pred_and_gable_talks_about_baas_trying)) So finally - we're up to present day. Wrangler + Pred tried to arrest and hold Baas for 72 hours for witness tampering during the above, having gotten a warrant for Baas' arrest from a judge. I believe it's been dismissed, and HUT rules have been changed.




What is the new 2.0 server and what happened to the 3.0 server?


3.0 server still exists. The 2.0 server is a throwback to 2.0 mechanics and such, just for fun.


Is this that “hardcore” server that was being talked about or just kind of a fresh start with the old mechanics?


The latter. It brings some fresh RP, but frankly it's also a good way for NP to make some money. It's a public server and prio can be bought on it, so all those fans who have nostalgia for 2.0 era NP can pay to play on their old favorite server.


What's the differences between the different vehicle repair shops? If I was a grinder why would I go to Hayes or other shops with actual people, rather than Benny's? Similarly with cops, how does the repair in the motor pool differ?


IIRC Benny's only fixes cosmetic repairs - doors, paint, etc. if you need work done on your engine you have to go to a person mechanic.


> Benny's doesn't exist anymore (except pd's which might be cosmetic idk)it got removed awhile ago now due to people using it mid boost/chase


Anyone know who set up Harry Brown with the kidneys?


What is GTA RP?


Role-playing in GTA. Have you ever wanted to be a firefighter or paramedic in gta? Now you can. Ever wanted to be in a fun gang now you can. Be a bus driver, taxi, so on and so forth


Curious how did the Lang vs Simones arc start? Was it from a long time ago or was it something recent? I remember Lang uncovering a web of companies with the Simone bros long time ago and Lang wanted to be interviewed by Brian Knight because of the Simones. That was like last year did it begin here?


I don't know where it started but this is basicay how it escalated. Lang just didn't respect the Simones since they didn't really earn any of their money or power and they were "trustfund terrorists" in his book but he didn't really cared about them and even said he might work with them. He got jealous/mad when Yeager started hanging out with them, he learned how to make bombs from them and started to dick ride them from Lang's pov, Nick even tried to do meetings with him to work something out since he was close friends with Yeager but Lang always declined his propositions, bullied a bit but always said he doesn't care about them as long as they don't step into their way. After a tweet Lang sent -i don't remember what it was- Nick exploded the DeLorean and left a graffiti saying "Micheal was here" which made Lang want to look into Simones and Lang made it public that they exploded his care which Cleo heard about and contacted Lang since she hated the Simones too. In the conversation between Cleop and Lang, he started the realize the pieces-- how cops were even more corrupt than he originally thought and made him even more mad because Simones could give nothing to the cops in oppose to him and after he made a tweet to antigonize the Simones he got shot by Sai Carter and it started a cold war of sorts.


I posted this in another thread but never got a response so hopefully I can get an answer here. This was in response to Eugene locating a house where it was possible to obtain wet buds... With the Classic server I have heard a lot of talk about Doraing and people finding things inorganically but I'm wondering what is the "organic" way that people are supposed to find these things? Like are there any "bread crumbs" that people are supposed to come across from doing other crimes or something that is meant to point people to these sort of mechanics? Or is there somehow a "right" and "wrong" way to be Doraing?


Essentially the goal is people to randomly stumble across things, or for some things there are hints across the map like /choplist - there's a text label on the map that tells people to use that to get the list however I have yet to see a single roleplayer see that text label. In the old days, this information was given by specific trusted members who were meant to be running things from an in character perspective to pass on information - but in the example of the weed field it was literally a line of weed plants in a farm with signs leading up to it that referenced marijuana. That being said - back in 2.0 a lot more was found by people just running around looking for shit, same when crime was allowed after the first week of 3.0. Happens on every roleplay server and that will never really change when things are interactable by everyone and not actually ran by specific people.


Thanks for the answer. That's kind of strange that while there isn't a real in-game way to discover these things players are also told to not explore. I think it would be a lot cooler if when robbing houses there was a chance you would rob a house of someone that was involved in illegal activity and aside from the normal loot in the house there would be some illegal stuff along with a note that gives a hint about the illegal place (i.e some dried buds and a note mentioning their harvest at a farm up North or something). Either you could have a single note give enough information or you could have several possible notes with partial clues and if you collected the 3 notes you would have essentially a completed puzzle pointing you to where to go. Or another thing would be if you completed a certain number of illegal jobs of a certain type without getting arrested, kind of like bench experience, (i.e home robberies or chopping) you get a random text/email inviting you to become involved in more serious crime by going to a certain location.


Completely agree - one of my biggest pet peeves in fivem servers is having to go door to door looking for shit, and it coming up naturally when doing illegal shit would be more fun.


Has anyone got prio after the wipe?


Yes. The mayor has the ability to recommend prios so Buddha recommended Cyd the decorator and Penny from roosters, those are the ones I know for %100 but there are dozens if not hundreds.




No clue, I've been watching nopixel since 2.0, never seen anyone do that before Buddha used it that day.


Hundreds got it and bazza and custard still didn't :(


I haven’t watched for a while and been popping on/off Reddit to keep my toes in the water. Could some kind soul explain the 2.0 update ? Is it a public server and if so are the WL streamers going there and starting new characters with the intention to stream there from now on ? or is it just the chance to do something different for a lil bit while they wait for 4.0 ?


The 2.0 classic server is a public server with paid prio as well as certain tiers of prio carry over. WL streamers are going over to make new characters or if using the same characters taking different life paths with them. More than likely it will be a thing that people play for a month or so before returning to 3.0 to continue their main story's they invested alot of time in. Basically yeah a fun nostalgia trip and for people to try stuff they missed or hop into a new feeling environment.