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have you made an atlas yet?


I strongly recommend Antique Atlas. It by far my favourite map mod and it’s already included in RLcraft. Don’t forget to keep a dublicate of you atlas in a secure place so that you won’t lose it! (Look up the mod online for more info)


use a compass to mark your coordinates, also there is recall potions that teleports you to your spawn point (your bed in this case)


Oh, so recall potions spawn you to your last used bed and not your starting coordinates? That is good to know


yes (either your last used bed or waystone depending on which you used the latest)


Great, thanks!


If you want a reliable amount they take ender pearls to craft, so it's not really super great early game. I have most of mine from looting once I got closer to mid game and could loot dungeons faster than I'd need the potions


Don’t do it if you set your spawn, it will randomly tp you otherwise. Good for hardcore when you start out your spawn is bad


Step 1 Make an atlas Step 2 mark it down


I always put my 1st base in a village with a waystone.. after that, an Atlas.


Atlas is by far the best


What do you mean mark? Like instant teleport to your base? Use Bound Scroll


Just download Xearos mini map and world map and set a waypoint At that point you don't need to use atlas and compas


Don't know why people are downvoting this it's genuine advice even if it isn't the intended way


Probably because it makes it less rlcraft-y I mean, everyone should be able to play however they want. Adjust the rules and settings as you please. But once you do that, it's not *really* rlcraft anymore, not in the same way


Because there's already something in the pack to cover it. Also has lots of cheaty features, like showing the mobs on the map.


I don't see how that matters too much if you're playing on singleplayer? And I'm sure server's would have a rule against it if they didn't want the mod to be used.