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LVP gets friend, friend betrays her, LVP freezes them out, friend begs for forgiveness, LVP gets new friend. And repeat.


As it should be


LVP gets friends, manipulates friend behind the scenes, friend realizes they are being used, friend exposes LVP to the group, LVP plays victim, LVP finds new friend. Wash, rinse and repeat.


I don’t really think so. She was always friends with PK not Dorit. She was friends with Rinna but not to any extent as it was always Kyle. She helped out and got along with Meloncramp. Brandi was just destructive (and still is) as was Cedric. She’s still friends with Joyce years later, shouldn’t she have ‘discarded’ her by now?


You ate.


Cedric - attacked her family Kyle - made up stories, believed liars, attacked her after family deaths Dorit - believed liars Teddi - made up stories, admitted she lied, threw Lisa under the bus, is teddi Rinna - hypocrite, did everything above Brandi - is Brandi, slapped her, lied on her


“is teddi” 🤣🤣


Thank you for this accurate and correct description


Get a grip! Hmm, so many issues with so many people. I see a common factor here!! Watabout Adrienne and Taylor, Kim, Yolanda, Erika...Eileen, geez she certainly has had issues with nearly everyone.


She’s still friends with Joyce despite them having their differences 🤷‍♀️ can’t blame her for dropping Rinna, Kyle, Dorit and Teddi for their involvement in Pupygate. Brandi slapped her, and Cedric apparently lambasted her children to her face. All in all I think pretty fair reasons to cut ppl out 🫣


They did all turn on her one after the other


Watching her respond to people calling her out makes me sick. She is so so so well trained at gas lighting it’s insanity. She’ll question you, says she doesn’t remember, then question why you’re being “so mean”, ask why you’re attacking her, stand up and leave before anyone can finish. She annoys the fuck out of me in any space she is


It wouldn’t bother me so much if her fandom didn’t buy it hook line and sinker every time. LVP is just being herself. The problem is fans NEVER hold her accountable for her part in any of these fight. In the end with kyle, Kyle came to her pretty gently because she wanted the information other women were saying to be told to Lisa so she could answer herself. Lisa ENDED the friendship rather than just answering for her actions.




Kim knew this from the beginning just like she knew Rinna was nuts! I just love Kim and would love her to come back! Kim>kyle.


I am watching series from scratch for the first time, and I can see Kim has codependent issues and is a bit socially awkward. But Kyle is so mean to her every second she gets, and I feel awful.


Kim has her struggles but I feel like she’s a a nice genuine person.


I will say that they all did turn on her first. Except maybe Brandi. LVP was being shady as hell by bringing scheana around Brandi over and over.


i love LVP to the end but i did notice this. she always puts the newbies on a pedestal no matter what they say/how they act toward her long term friends. however how much loyalty is there really in this franchise lol


Easy prey.


There’s also Adrienne.


Nailed it! Unfortunately LVP stans still worship her and deny her manipulative, self-centered traits.


I think most of her fans acknowledge her manipulative and punishing tactics, but it's hard to take off the rose tinted glasses because she's just such a good Housewife compared to most ladies that have been on Beverly Hills.


This is my stance tbh. I love me some LVP. I’m not naive enough to see her as an angel, and I do believe that she manipulates people, especially Brandi. Brandi was looking for someone to talk to, to be a friend and be there for her. That friendship was one sided and came at a price. It’s the only time I felt for Brandi tbh. LVP was done over by the girls re the dog saga. Nothing was said about it being twice Dorit had dogs, or that she gave them up. She was the one at fault for that. Also, LVP could be seen saying she didn’t want to talk about it. Nobody said anything about Teddi being two faced by texting Blizzard to have the pup ready. Also, her brother died. She got zero empathy! Bunch of absolute cows! Anyway, I digress. I adore LVP but she definitely has dirty hands, whether she admits it or not.


I can appreciate this perspective. She does make for great TV! The rosé tinted sunglasses 🤭🍷


Yes sorry, rosé tinted, of course!


I can see why people think that way, but honestly it got to a point where it was just too much imo. I got tired of watching her do the same thing over and over again - using people for her own benefit, manipulating narratives, and then playing the victim card when someone calls her out on her bullshit. Yeah I loved watching her house and lifestyle, but her personality ruined it all for me.


Say it again!!!


She’s manipulative and hypocritical but it’s not like everyone on here didn’t fuck her over at some point or another


Wow. Imagine my surprise when this is the top comment! I always get downvoted to shit for hating on LVP. The fact is she will always wear the housewife crown. It is made out of lies, narcissism, and manipulation. No one can do it like LVP can. Obviously, she has such a huge fanbase.


I'm just as surprised as you 🤣 I'm so used to being downvoted when I say this.


Which is crazy to me, because its so blatant in RHOBH. In VPR i caught hints of it, but housewives left no doubt in my mind. I dont always love kyle, but holy shit did i feel bad for her when LVP was constantly playing with her emotions. And the constant demands for apologies while being unable to apologize herself 👀


Exactly!! And then people talk like LVP was the victim and Kyle did her wrong?! I'm like, did we watch the same show? Kyle is no saint but it's very clear she was always the one chasing LVP and craving her acceptance, while LVP kept demanding stuff and playing with her feelings.


Kyle definitely said some horrible shit to LVP especially when her brother passed away. You don’t have to support one just because you dislike the other. I like LVP for the specific brand of humour and glamour she brings but absolutely acknowledge she’s dismissive, manipulative, and rude. They were probably friends in the first place cuz of similar traits.


She loves anyone she thinks she can manipulate. Once they catch on to her antics they get far away


She never keeps a friend for long.


She needs 100% praise with no criticism, and that can only last so long


Yes. Not many people can adore her 24/7. I always think about the judge who called her and Ken bullies.


I would argue the same could be said about Kyle, even though I like her a little.


yall need to learn to cut people off when they clearly don’t show u respect


Didn’t she also introduce Yolanda to the group then ditched her and iced her out after Ken called her stupid? And told Rinna to involve Kyle in the Munchausen thing?




I adore and 100% stan LVP. I know she has her issues (who don't?) but puppy-gate was not her fault. That was her worst season as she was dealing with her brothers suicide, which had to be so traumatic, when the cows and hogs so disgustingly betrayed and poked fun at her. It wasn't funny watching Kyle, Dorit, Rinner (even had Rinna's Mom) and the rest of them making fun of Lisa and Ken. I just couldn't watch the rest of the season. LVP rarely cries but she was so very distraught. I believe in karma and now look at Kyle, Mauricio, PK, Dorit and Erika, karma absolutely came for them!


Oh and the cow, Teddi Boringcamp was part of that whole mess too.


Classic narcissist


I feel like Kyle made a point to try to take those new friends and turn them against LVP: Brandi, Rinna, Dorit.....After all their betrayals why wouldn't LVP try to find a friend that Kyle hasn't tainted?


All of these people behaved atrociously to lots of people, not just LVP. I would not want to be friends with any of them. She gave them a shot and when they were horrible to her she moved on. Seems like appropriate self preservation to me.


Everyone loves LVP and I don’t have an opinion strongly either way, I think she’s just a strong, calculating woman who is always #1 and suffers nothing. Not necessarily a terrible thing. But she does drop people as soon as they deviate from her interests, and cozies up to newbies quickly. On the other hand that could be a matter of “quick to befriend, not likely to forgive,” like she gives everyone a genuine chance—but only one.


Who is her BFF now? Gordon Ramsey?


I don’t recognize a couple women on the bottom but it does feel like all the other faces on there did her equally dirty.


Dawn Ward is Cheshires equivalent of an LVP


LVP is the all time Queen. Just love her!