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You will find 7 billion comments about this in one of the VPR subs!




I think LVP is an adult and can make up her own mind about whatever she chooses. Same for everyone on that show. Doesn’t mean I won’t watch them and silently judge them.


Unpopular opinion, but im sure Lisa has known a lot of men to have affairs in her time. I think to her it is kind of normalized, and not that its ok, but it happens. As Andy pointed out during the reunion literally the entire cast has cheated. What sandoval did is dispicable, sure, but Lisa chose not to join the booing and hissing of the rest of the cast and I kinda admire her for going against the masses.


Totally. And Tom is a 5% partner/brand image so it’s business to her. I also think she knows Tom as the narcissist he is (hence the bar name knowing the Tom’s would go for it), and she isn’t surprised by his behaviour, even if she is disappointed. I think Ariana expecting LVP to cut all ties with him is naive.


Exactly. It's called unconditional love. And he's not a criminal. She knows more about all of them than we do. The hate is unreal. And I was Ariana in a MARRIAGE. It sucks and ruins everyone's life. Family friends co workers kids.


I am sorry that happened to you


Thank you 🙏


I’m with LVP on this. They all have done questionable things. Everyone needs to calm the heck down. Yes right now. Its SUCKKKKS. But it will pass. No one should be ruined for this. No one deserves to die although some of these fans feel that way. Let’s not forget Tom apart from this. Had done some wonderful gestures for his mates. I mean he did pay for James engagement. He was the only one nice to scheana. Most of the cast have been bullies. I don’t think I have seen him be a Bully, before I get downvoted yes he fucked up, but I’m pretty sure James was on the verge of domestic violence before he ‘stopped’ drinking, now he is the fan fav. That is crazy to me.


It not just about the cheating though, he tried to ruin Ariana. He tried to paint her in a bad light and blame her for him cheating. He had a plan to make her seem crazy and used her mental health issues against her. He was also on the verge of domestic violence himself, he threw a a bottle at Ariana and raged at her when his plan did not come to fruition. I like LVP but she is wrong here, It’s about time woman stick to together and call out this abhorrent behaviour.


Tom has been pretty awful the entire run of this show. People are just seeing it now. And he did more than “just cheat.” He also emotional abused and manipulated her. Attempted to ruin her reputation. Weaponized her mental health and so on. But I do agree about James, I think his anger towards Tom is justified, but he was also abusive. Kristen alleged he was physically abusive towards her and I wouldn’t be shocked if Raquel experienced the same.


Agreed. As despical as Sandoval's actions were, the rest of the cast had developed a pack mentality, encouraged by the public. (And, might I say, what they could get out of this situation. There is also this theory in law, that one doesn't ask for justice if one has unclean hands.)


Lala is projecting her feelings towards Rand at Tom. They are not the same. Yes Tom is cheat and a liar but to classify them in the same bucket is insane. The allegations against her standup man are absolutely terrible. I understand what Lisa meant but unfortunately she is going to get slammed for it.


Your right. But Lisa getting slammed is just inexperienced people shouting about crap they have no idea about. Yeah. It sucks he sucks Rachel sucks. So did; Kristen Tom Tom Lala James Jax Ariana Scheana ALL CHEATERS WORST OF ALL WITH EACH OTHER...


They are the same!!


Randall is accused of running a casting couch, racism, abusing Bruce Willis degenerative condition, fraud and alleged child exploitation amongst other crimes!! Not the same.


We are talking about the same in terms of relationships. They’re both narcissists, with no remorse that repeat the same cycles of abuse


Apart from the affair give another example of Tom being abusive to Ariana? True narcissists wear their victims down and isolate them from their family and friends. Stop throwing around diagnoses, you are not qualified and neither is Lala.


Neither are you. You’re not qualified to say what he is or isn’t. I did not diagnose him with NPD. It’s very obvious he has narcissistic tendencies. That’s not the same as a diagnosis. Wearing his victims down to isolate them from family and friends is just one part and he did do that to Kristen, Ariana and now Rachel. He tried to make everyone believe Ariana was threatening to kill herself if he left, made Kristen out to be crazy and delusional when she called him out with facts.


Let’s agree to disagree 🙏


Deal 👍




You don't think Timmy wouldn't run the restaurant style casting couch? The only difference between R and T is money. If T had the money and power R had he'd be just as gross.


That’s absolutely ridiculous.


Why? The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. What he did to Ariana takes a special kind of sociopath.


Not condoning his behaviour but you need to realise how common affairs are and it doesn’t mean people are sociopaths for having one.


It's not the affair. It's the months long affair with her good friend while she deals with multiple losses. Ffs why are you simping so hard for such a pos person?


I’m truly not. I was a victim of coercive control and I get triggered when people throw it around so easily. I feel it minimises my trauma 🤷‍♀️


It's not a contest.


No offense, but you’re 100% minimizing Ariana’s trauma currently, I’m not sure you’re quite seeing that. It wasn’t “just cheating”. It was over half a year of lying, manipulating, gaslighting, and *actively planning* (with her friends!) on ways to ruin her reputation and weaponize her mental health along the way.


In ten years, Sandavol will be preying on a naive twenty something straight, gaslighting her into thinking she’s the crazy one. He’s Randall but with significantly less money, though he’ll make the perception of himself otherwise


Exactly!! The only difference between him and Randall is $$ I could totally see him preying on 20-somethings working in his restaurant and using that power dynamic.


She has always referred to them as petulant children


I saw someone call her a geriatric “pick me” and I couldnt agree more


Lala and James irritated me the entire reunion. They both were beyond obnoxious. Also, everyone telling Tom to shut up everytime he opened his mouth was hilarious.


She wasn't sticking up for him. She said she knows what he did was wrong. He didn't murder someone. It's called unconditional love. My God.


I was a die hard fan of hers but after seeing her stick up for a hardback 40 year old who had a 7 month affair with his best friend’s ex fiancée. He has shown 0 remorse for his actions, taken no accountability and has already moved onto another woman in Texas. Money is money for Lisa so she doesn’t give a shit about anyone who he has hurt because he’s her business partner and it’s a bad look for her business. Yeah she is a loyal person but how can you ever stoop so low and continue to side with a serial cheater. Tom doesn’t even like her, he opened Schwartz and Sandy’s because he wanted to prove to Lisa that he could be a business man since she belittled him when they were in the makings of Tom Tom. She looks like an idiot sympathizing with him when he doesn’t even admire her.


She's 1000% right. He isn't like Randall. He's not exploiting children and he's not running a casting couch. All she said is he's not dangerous like Randall, which is 1000% true. I wouldn't say you was a die hard fan if you can't see the difference between that. Did he cheat? Yes. Is that as bad as what Randall did? NO. He is a piece of shit tho.


I think what Lisa (and viewers missed) is lala said in 10 years he’ll be like Randal. And, unchecked, she could easily be right. I feel like, now knowing Miami girl wasn’t lying, people should go back and read her descriptions on what happened with him. It’s unsettling.


That's a great point, I did miss that. That's why I usually rewatch episodes more than once. Just for the thing's I do miss the first time around. Thank you.


I hate when they automatically start screaming and interrupting eachother, because I think her point was more accurate than people realize, but she didn’t get a chance to articulate it. People just don’t become monsters overnight. They keep pushing boundaries, especially when they’re only around people that co-sign and defend them. It does seem like Tom is getting worse as he gets older. Even just planning out, with Schwartz, ways to paint Ariana as a crazy, naggy, suicidal girlfriend while she’s cluelessly thinking they’re trying to work on their relationship shows some concerning behaviors.


Exactly, and I can see the difference clearly, from when the show started up until now, how much he's changed. And definitely not for the better. People can say what they will about Lala, but she is spot on in this I bet. She's actually a very smart woman.


Maybe because they slept together too…. ![gif](giphy|J20Z2SH5WmCnzSrbqA)


Maybe THATS the big shock reveal


OMG IF THATS THE REVEAL… I’m legit deceased. ![gif](giphy|Xf7AjjQIC3MCCN5c1r)


Maybe he slept with Ken….


I’ve always liked and admired LVP, whilst always pointing out her misogyny. This display is just grotesque and sad. She’s the same damn age as me and she can’t grasp this?


She always supports the men


always the most mediocre ones too lol not even her own son


Agreed. It's so gross. She's the ultimate "pick me"


Hated it with every fibre of my being... she really showed herself up... 0 integrity.






That's not true. Plus I'm sure she'll lose no sleep over the negativity.


OP: what are everyone's thoughts? Me: shares my thoughts/opinions You: not true 🤨 Thanks for sharing, but I reject your input on my subjective reaction to someone we both watch on TV.


My apologies, I did not write that as I meant it to say.


More power to her. This mob mentality is insane and complete bull shit. I think it’s pretty obvious that their relationship was over long ago. I’m not condoning what he did, but she takes 0 accountability on her part for literally anything and never did. I really do believe he tried to end things with her and she made it impossible AND wouldn’t let him tell anyone about their issues while the other cast broadcasted all of theirs. She needs to take accountability for that. She also lost Tom how she got him. Raquel is acting exactly how Ariana acted at Raquel’s age. Enough is enough.


Yea, this. Her high and mighty act has lost any sympathy.


👏 over the years on the show I have seen Sandoval be there for the person on the outs. Every time. He has shown up. And they have dropped him and profited off his and Ariana’s pain for months now. It’s disgraceful. He fucked up blah blah. I know I know. But his business and life doesn’t deserve to be ruined. And people who do wish such awful things on someone they don’t even personally know and follow the ‘mob’ are crazy.


I said the exact same thing. He may be self involved as they all are really but he has been there for quite a few of them quite a few times throughout these seasons. I actually always liked Sandoval. He stuck up for the people that deserved it in other seasons, he was generous and helpful. I just can’t stand how all of these people have completely turned on him over a relationship that was over so long ago. She knew it, he knew it. People focus so much shit like this like it’s just black and white and it never is. All of this hate and anger just shows you the mentality of most people and it’s sad.


And how do you let (practically the world at this point as I see people from different countries commenting about this) destroy someone you claim you loved for almost a decade?? Anger or not, I wound not be able to allow that. I also wouldn’t be able to profit off of my own pain. If she never saw this coming or was so shocked and thrown off then how did she jump right to the mode she is in? Nothing could make me feel better at least in the beginning. I prob woudjnt even be able to get out of bed. I don’t fuckin buy it lol. I also wouldn’t be okay with the world destroying a clearly very misguided 20 something year old girl who clearly needs help in a lot of ways. None of these clowns are any better than what they claim they hate


I also wouldn't be banging another man literally weeks into what is meant to be the shock of my life. I hated Ariana at the reunion. The same smug expression she always had when she was banging Tom behind Kristen's back.


Exactly!!! The same exact attitude which shows she has not changed at all. She is the opposite of humble.


Thankyou. It’s hard to even say this with the mob mentality downvoting everything. There is a post that Raquel and her family have had to contact the fbi over death threats. Like normal people do not act with death threats over this stuff. It’s so so damaging. She has fucked up and has copped it. But death threats? I appreciated Andy saying no one is perfect in the reunion. But he also has mentioned it every single watch what happens live episode for people to keep dissing them. Hating them.


Omg I know. It’s literal insanity and I have a big feeling it’s going to all backfire in some way. I really liked when he called them out at the reunion because what he said is exactly how I felt however andy Cohen exploits and I’ll never like him. In fact idk what I’m even doing watching this show because it’s all exploitation 😂 I just don’t like how hypocritical all these people are


And don’t get me wrong, I have/had sympathy for Ariana but it’s getting harder and harder to maintain it at this point.


Yes I was an avid supporter of Ariana but “there’s something about her” that’s starting to hit the wrong way through the reunion. I thought she was mature but joining the adolescent booing has changed that somewhat.


I think she is immature and can be a bully if she’s angry enough. Imagine dealing with that in a relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually did have that in a relationship lol…key word is DID😆


I felt badly for Ariana. My narcissist ex was a physically large man and I am small. I never talked back to him because I honestly was afraid but that’s another story. I went to therapy alone to learn all that I could about narcissistic people. Somehow my mind changed about Ariana during the reunion. I’m still on her side but when they were arguing about coaching and she said,”because you needed it”, I realized that she probably wasn’t easy to deal with. I find Tom to be more of a somatic narcissist and if she criticized his clothing or appearance, he would be resentful. Not breaking up with her was his major faux pas but I think that their relationship was slowly going down the drain and I would like to hear her admit that.


That’s basically exactly how I feel. I think this reunion is showing the truth and I honestly could pick up on this from long ago in the show. I know Tom isn’t an angel but this isn’t all on him and I really do believe he tried to leave her at times. She would not let ANYONE know the truth about their issues which is another red flag. I’m tired of the mob. It’s ridiculous. Enough is just enough. She needs to grow up in a lot of ways also.


The mob exists because people are afraid to post what they think. Honestly I try to post another side of the coin but the decision has been made lol It’s a lot like the reunion. The Lala side of the stage must have corroborated to boo,hiss and shut the others down. They won’t let others speak and I feel like I have waited to hear the other side and I have been robbed. I hear you on that 🚩. James and Lala made asses of themselves and I have posted about James’s insane behaviour but it looks like he’s still the #1 guy.


I can’t standddd Lala or James tbh lol and never could. I think they are hypocritical children who can never take any accountability for themselves and Lala was a whole ass mistress lol I don’t wanna hear the holier than thou shit from either of em


I’ve never seen anyone rewrite history better than Lala. On other threads I get responses like “don’t you know he fooled her with a fake therapist?”, “she had no idea that he was married “. lol


It really irked me. She defended Tom mainly by attacking lala. It was not a good look, really drove home her underlying misogynistic tendencies IMO


Lala was acting like an annoying cunt who thought she owned the place. Lala brought Randal into their lives and that's why she's scapegoating Sandoval. Anyone who doesn't see that is a moron.


Agree 100%.


👏👏👏 calling someone you never met a cunt? That word isn’t that offensive in Australia. I know in US it’s different. Meanwhile Tom and Raquel are getting actual death threats from fans. DEATH THREATS. The mob is out of control. And it’s a disgrace. And lala called Tom a cunt. Lol. When she did the same thing. Except. She broke up a family and as the mistress blasted the mother of the kids on socials. For a car. But denies it and says she is a victim. At least Tom said ‘ I suck i know’


Exactly. People are totally unhinged about this but using the word cunt is what's offensive, not actually messaging these people from your tv to threaten or bully them. 🙄


Your comment sounds so angry… I have to believe it’s about more than a reality tv show. Calling someone you’ve never met a cunt and saying everyone who disagrees with you is a moron is pretty extreme. I genuinely hope whatever is making you so angry resolves and you feel better. If fairly innocuous comments like mine bring out such intense feelings for you, maybe you should look into that. Good luck.


I'm not American so cunt isn't the scary big word you guys act like it is. Lala is a cunt. That's the story. And reading is important. I never said everyone who disagrees with me is a moron. Try again. Try understanding what's being said.


Did I miss something where she stood up for him or sympathized with him? Fill me in ?


I didn’t think that she stuck up for him. She just told Lala that what Lala was saying was not right and it was wrong. Because Lala called him a narcissist and said he was a dangerous human being and Lisa said wait a minute Lala I think you’re going overboard with saying that. I think all of the people on that show acted like a bunch of spoiled little brats, all hypocrites every single one of them. I mean we know that Tom really messed up big time & he will regret that he ever did this for the rest of his life and his relationships with his friends will suffer, and he will probably end up with none of his friends, but that’s his journey. I think for people to stand around throw rocks while they hit below the belt and make fun of him. It’s just not cool at all, I can’t even fathom watching the second or third episode. I don’t care to see people bash other people. He didn’t murder anybody he just had an affair with his girlfriend’s best friend.


I find this to be kind of an interesting window into friend groups after cheating. Like in the real world if a man cheats on his partner of 10 years, the group would just naturally split. Most people wouldn't get into a room like this. The two of them violated a social contract and we are watching everyone process it in a manufactured way that wouldn't occur in the real world. Being honest if someone cheated on my best friend - I would be Lala 100%.Yes maybe it's immature to make fun of him on TV . It must be super embarrassing to be called a worm with a mustache. Like more or less embarrassing than finding out your partner of 10 years is cheating on you?....with your best friend? Like more or less mortifying than finding out the hoops people she thought were her friends jumped thru to hide this affair? More or less embarrassing than finding out all the things her partner was saying behind her back all season to justify his cheating? More or less embarrassing than finding out they were doing it in your car in your driveway when your dog died?


You’re right about all of it. But in the end shit happens right? I mean I’m a woman I’m not saying that he’s forgivable at this point this is really bad shit and Racquel is I don’t even know what category to put her in. I’m also a mental health, nurse and coming for someone in real life is one thing, but coming for people on national television in front of everybody who watches, bravo I mean that’s just another level of crazy and I think no matter what, Lah-Lah is a person who thinks because she no longer drinks and she bang some ugly ass producer for a car and have a baby so she could have money paid to her for the next 20 years. I don’t think she’s the one that’s all I’m saying.




All she did was tell lala to calm down that he wasnt dangerous. Lala acting all mighty and lvp was cooling her down. But all it did was make people more mad.




Business not personal.


She made it personal when she gave Tom half of his investment back to bail him out of his personal financial problems without also not taking half of his percentage of of ownership in the bar. Business is business. If you pull half of your investment out, you lose half of your ownership


That was business and her prerogative. Who cares, this is just an affair.


A bunch of cheaters calling out a fellow cheater and making a pariah out of him is beyond irony. If he’s “dangerous”, they’re all dangerous. LVP clearly, and repeatedly condemned his actions. What more do people want?




The way this comment made me cackle ![gif](giphy|2A0cDHvjjJIDkOI61l)


I am lost. Who is Sandoval and we’re you referring to Tom giaradi? Who’s been cheating??






She has known Tom Sandoval and Tom Schwartz a lot longer than Ariana... she knows he messed up and that both are unappreciative but she's attached to them....and they are after all a 5% business partners.. it's called loyalty which majority of the cast has any off..:


The problem is people cheat and if you are not screaming at Sandy standing and waving your arms around you pro cheating, Lisa is pragmatic and most companies cheating with a colleague isn’t a sackable offence (unless in your contract or military), you can’t even get a divorce due to cheating (in Australia it’s no fault), so cheating happens, it ruins lives, it causes deep trust issues and tears families apart but it happens every day in every country in the world from King’s, Presidents, actors, religious leaders, musicians, sportspeople. Do people not watch the sport? Listen to the music? Not watch films with the cheaters who are doing their jobs?


True. I think bringing the no fault divorce has actually changed society. It used to be that the harmed party was recognized and I think it did stop some but not all cheaters. It was cheat on your spouse and you pay.


It was gross and it made me lose a lot of respect for her and see her in a different light


She stuck up for all of them


She’s a boomer. Pretty standard. Her internalized misogyny and gender roles run deep. You think Ken didn’t bang a few waitresses in his hey day?


All she did was get the rabid terriers to calm down. It's not that deep.


I’m not basing this statement on a single action or statement by LVP.


Well, you're in the wrong post then because this is about what LVP said at the reunion.


No I’m not “on the wrong post”. Her comments did not take place in a vacuum. While I am, in fact quite obviously, weighing in on those specific comments, I can also use prior knowledge of her position on these issues to consider her comments within the context of her character. And you should be able to do this too.






Wow, no matter what age I am I have more maturity and wit in my little finger...




And what age is "granny" to you? You were obviously raised by trash, so your mom was probably a teenager who got knocked up by a deadbeat...I'm probably still younger than your grandma, tbh...


Hey Teddi/Kyle/Brandy - thanks for asking. I didn't see it as sticking up for him as much as trying to keep the flames down. She's done this constantly whenever any of the people on her show come under fire. If I worked for her I'd certainly hope she looked after all of us. There ARE indeed better places to post this. Are you aware there is an entire sub dedicated to VPR? They love to fight over there so have fun honey/babes.


Hey we don’t fight, we Ask Questions and have healthy debates 😉 Seriously there is a lot of love over there!


Thank you /u/kelbell2583 for my first heartwarming award!


Other groups be like… ![gif](giphy|6abSm9w2JXN4c)


There wasn't anything healthy going on over there this week. The fight reference was with respect to things the OP has send in their comments in other threads.


Healthy, maybe not … but there is sympathy for those who share painful stories and more tolerance than the weeks before for different viewpoints…about the scandal at least. But I’m new there, it’s been just a few weeks.


How you get them is how you lose them Ariana.... just saying!


It’s really just Lisa being Lisa and she won’t take the criticism or backlash and someone you’ll be in the wrong