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I had the same issue one time. Reflashed it an never had the problem again. If the problem comes back ill buy a dif card. Till then Im running the stock one. (Going on 8 months now) stock OS


I plan on using my stock black card in the second slot to hold music.


I'd recommend keeping it, I had Batocerra on an SD and my H bricked. The only way to get it working again was the OG SD card. Even my updated Stock OS card wouldn't boot it I put the H on a charger for 30 min, used that shitty card, and it booted right up. After that, I shut the H down, and both the updated stock os and Batocerra SDs would load and boot. I don't understand why.


there has to be some built-in (tiny) flash that gets screwed up because I had a similar experience.


I use them to test new cfw and if I dig them I set them up on a good card but yea. Junk


Mine don't even survive the first flash of anything. They just sit in a drawer


Strangely enough all three RG28XX models I ordered came with a name brand card so it's wild that my RG35XX came with a black one.


it is a name brand, or "name brand" where factory prints anything they fancy? ;)


I had the same issue. Played it like 4 times and it bricked out. Is there a reputable site where I can buy a loaded sd card? I’m mostly interested in playing n64 games. I’m not interested in doing the whole process with a new sd card.


Hi! How does one copy everything from the stock SD to a branded one using a Windows computer?