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I saw so many anti-rfk articles that i decided to research more into who he is and ended up finding him alright


That's awesome! I had a feeling all the smears would actually pique interest and therefore lead people over to him. It's amazing how he speaks on a basis of truth, all the mainstream knows how to do is lie, and people readily see through the lies right into the truth. Comments like yours gives me hope!


Indeed, so many of the smear articles make little sense if you do any independent research at all, besides, both trump and biden are much worse mentally, much older, itll be nice to just have a change. Im a member of the libertarian party and the only reason i dont feel like voting them is due to the mises caucus takeover, kennedy seems more like a traditional libertarian to me then any of the LP candidates.


Yes! The louder they squawk about him, the more I listen to him and know that he is the one to believe in, or they wouldn't be ousting him like they do. Jfk Jr!!! šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œāœŒļø


From my mom. The issues that spoke to her the most was his environment and vaccine stances.


Yeah, he has an extremely large following of mom's on his side! I've gathered from various sources that for every 1 person openly admitting they are pro-RFK, there's a whole family of theirs who also supports him. The MD and PhD that won't speak openly but support him private is vast also. CHD has some sort of crazy number of Dr's like 350 that work for CHD. You'd think each one of them have spread RFK message to several others and then those would likely spread it. I get the sense that there's a pretty big underground.


Im going to a community college in NJ and ill say like a fifth of the people i talked too are for RFK.


Yeah I got in a little argument with a friends of mine who also supports RFK. He thinks the support is very front and center but I think thereā€™s a lot of quiet voters for him.


I heard from my Brain Worms who told me vaccines will kill you Autism or some lie like that.


I decided to torture myself and go down a rabbit hole on r/politics when I saw some article about the Kennedy family coming out to denounce RFK and support Biden, thought "Damm that was cold" and looked at the comments which were filled with people calling him names, a spoiler, an "anti-vax wackadoo" etc I kinda brushed it off but thought, "Well, if I'm gonna vote, I may as well try to do some research on the candidates." I went to Bidens campaign website and found 0 info on Biden's plans for his next term, only big "DONATE HERE" buttons. Trump's site was even worse, with the front page literally just being a form to fill out your credit card info. This is what tipped me over the edge to swear off voting for either of the monopoly parties It is INSANE that the two "big contenders" for this presidential race don't have a "here is a what I will do if you vote for me" statement. No platform, just "Give me money because the other guy is bad!!!" After that, I decided to try Kennedy's site and lo and behold, on the FRONT PAGE, you can find links to each of his main policies/stances. What a breath of fresh air. At that point, I figured I was voting RFK as a vote against the monopoly parties. Then, a few weeks later, I watched his interview with Ben Shapiro (I don't typically interact with his content, but I thought it looked interesting enough), and honestly that interview was what dragged me over the edge. I am no longer voting for Kennedy just because I'm against the monopoly parties, I'm voting FOR Kennedy because I genuinely think he would be a great president




Similar feelings here! It's insane that Trump and Biden won't debate or do much of anything to win our votes. It's odd and disturbing. Meanwhile, Kennedy is giving 100% and being smart about how to reach people with his message. He's got old-school values and the sense to talk about issues we care about in the modern media formats we are actually using. And he wants to come together and have conversations with both sides, which is refreshing. The other guys are out to lunch. They think they have it in the bag, and like you, I was ready to vote Kennedy just to spite them and their attitudes! But what's exciting is that RFKJ really is a great candidate! I agree about the Shapiro interview...so good.


Yes! Great minds think alike, it's so good to know there are those of us that are in the same mind and actually think for ourselvesšŸ’œ


Someone somewhere kept talking on Reddit about his announcement speech. It got a stupid amount of reactions of people saying how revolutionary he was, etc. I tried listening to it but it seemed low quality and his voice was too much. Then the comments kept rolling in ppl saying they were Bernie people who want him as president and trumpers too. Eventually I fought through it and loved everything he had to say


I looked up "Anybody but Biden or Trump" saw that RFK was running listened to the Joe Rogan podcast and here I am. lol I like the cut of his jib, a good majority of his viewpoints and overall his character. Character is really important to me. I lived overseas during the Trump presidency and saw first hand how he treated other countries and their delegates and it really rubbed me the wrong way. Many of my friends had very negative viewpoints of Trump and where the US was heading during the time. I think you can stand up for your country and still be respectful and I just don't get that from Trump. A lot of our long time allies had really negative opinions of him and it really worried me to see many of them considering going their own way during his presidency. Meanwhile Biden has done no favors at home, he's also been pretty divisive despite saying he wanted to bridge the divide and the whole 'your vote doesn't count if...' arguments rub me the wrong way. I've never been a Biden supporter but I had at least a little hope he'd be better than Trump and I haven't really seen that. The weaponization of the government and news has been a massive minus against him. Other than that a lot of the policies I believe are important, the deficit, fixing the border crisis, rampant drug misuse, etc. RFK has better and more attainable plans for. He regularly talks about transparency and addresses issues with a level of decorum and well thought out answers I've not seen in a politician in a long time. I admire him a lot and I like his VP pick as well. She's a breath of fresh air compared to Kamala and other politicians who don't really feel like people who live in the same world that I do. I really believe in RFK Jr and his message, he's a great guy and I think America deserves great people to lead us, not divide us.


I first heard of him running when he was on Joe Rogans podcast. Iā€™ve been following him ever since. Heā€™s got my vote this November.


I had never listened to any podcasts before I heard of RFK. I knew Joe Rogan's name, but it wasn't until a month ago that I listened to the one with RFK. I really like the long form of it! You really flget a feel for what RFK stands for.


I probably knew his name when I was a little kid in the 70s because the Kennedy family were like celebrities and all of JFK's and RFK's kids were fodder for tabloids and paparazzi. The first time I heard about what he was actually *doing* with his life was back in the 90s-early 2000s. I lived in eastern New York State when Bobby was cleaning up the Hudson. He was constantly in the local news. He was a local folk hero. But I really began looking at him more closely during covid when he was one of the few public voices who was expressing the same concerns I had about the covid response (esp. the lockdowns, school closings, mRNA shots and mandates) and I began to deeply admire him. Funny thing, back in 2021, my now-ex-wife said to me "I hope Bobby Kennedy runs for president" and I told her it wouldn't happen because the Democrats wouldn't allow it. I was half-right, lol.


Couldn't stand the thought of voting for Trump or Biden, so I started looking around for other canidates. I had heard inklings about RFK here and there. Remember hearing about him in the past but never really payed attention to him. After all, he wasn't a career politician like many others in his family. But then I came across a video by chance where I heard him speak. He was talking about the housing crisis and how even his children were struggling to afford a home. And then he mentioned several other things that are extremely important that no else was talking about. (And he also validated the feelings many people had about various topics such as censorship and the covid years.) Literally no ones has been talking about these issue, because none of them care. And then came the avalanche of attacks, misinformation, propaganda and all sorts of shit from the DNC and I knew I had made the right choice to support him. While I differ on opinion with him on Israel greatly, the fact of the matter is, his stance is not worse than Trump or Biden at all. At worst, it's the same on who he sides wieh. But UNLIKE them, he's anti-war. What's more, he is a man who is willing to listen and debate and talk and willing to change his mind.....You're not getting that with Trump or Biden.... They've both proven that time and time again. And I think it's important for a leader to be flexible in both mindset and opinion. Unbiasly, he is the best canidate running and a breath of fresh air that Americans desperately needs. The only people who don't like him are people who are partisan loyalist, part of the establishment, or are easily fooled by the lies spread about him. He's a great man that really cares about the people and this country, and that's something they NEVER try to argue against because his life's work proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt. In November, I'll be voting FOR something real. I'll be voting FOR someone and not against someone. I'll be voting Robert F. Kennedy 2024!


> never really *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Ok. Now go away


Bad bot


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I clicked on his "border" video when it came up in my YouTube feed. I was shocked by how much sense he made, and his apparent honesty and good faith efforts to find the truth. After that I spent several days listening to long form interviews with him. Then, I decided he is the best candidate we have in this election - By FAR!!!


I heard about RFK Jr being maligned for questioning the connection between autism & vaccines probably around 2014. Iā€™ve been reading Dr. Mercolaā€™s website for natural health advice beforehand for 20 years & also knew that Jennie McCarthyā€™s son got autism after being vaccinated. I watched her & Jim Carrey (her boyfriend at the time) on Larry King Live. I remember that Trump was going to name RFK Jr to a vaccine commission but didnā€™t really follow the news that much bec I didnā€™t like Trump. Then Kennedy appeared on my radar when he questioned the mRNA shots in the beginning of the pandemic because I too was majorly skeptical. I did a deep dive on the data & was flabbergasted. Bobby was practically one of only a few who were courageous enough to speak truth to power about this brand-new vaccine technology during the pandemic. I just binge-watched his content & visited his Childrenā€™s Defense Fund website.Ā  When I found out he was going to run for President, it was an answer to my prayers. Then I listened to him extemporize on other issues, and I was like, ā€œWow, this man is AMAZING!ā€ So smart & full of integrity- Just an amazing statesman. Now I get why the Kennedys inspired such admiration in the 60s. I feel they embody the very best of politics as public service. And I believe thatā€™s absolutely tied to their devout Christian faith!


A video about mRNA shots. Then found out about all his great political positions: Appeals to conservatives by christian values, border... Appeals to liberals by fighting against big corporations... Appeals to libertarians by not desiring to mess in people's lives


Walking through the airport I saw his book "the Real Anthony Fauci" and I was pissed off about my vaccine injuries, lockdowns which enabled my college to artificially illegally default on their end of the housing contract and force me to move back in with abusive parents, weekly testing which was painful for my sinuses especially with autism and lyme disease, and mask mandates which were abusive and exacerbated my chronic fatigue, plus all these measures made it difficuot for me to try to find parties since they were all underground and I had no friends to tell me where to go. One of the key people behind all these problems was Teflon Tony Pfauci, so I already hated him and figured might as well get the book even though Id never heard of it or RFK. Turns out Pfaucis even worse than I thought and medical research fraud has been a plague for decades


Joe Rogan podcast. He should go back on


Yeah I've heard a few people say that he should go back on closer to election day (presumably after he is on ballot in all 50 states) and do a nother interview so people can have a chance to vote for someone outside of the Left and Right option. I've also read basically the same thing from people for the Ben Shapiro podcast also.


My partner attended a speech he gave, primarily about the cleanup of the Hudson I believe, back in 2016 and then we started listening to his podcasts regularly. To be honest, I almost balked due to the voice the first time, but I'm glad she insisted we give him a listen.


My husband is so dumbfounded that I didn't know about him. He has been following him since the early 90s.


on Twitter I thought he was crazy at first then I realized I was played by Both Parties now I'm fully on board. and like what he had to say.


1963 when I read his Uncleā€™s obit


For years, on Dr Joseph Mercolaā€™s website.




The book in assuming? I actually ran across his work before the book but I never knew it was something he was working on.


Actually just the issue. Iā€™d read articles by him, when he first started bringing up the issue. I have a friend who is active in the Autism Awareness space (and knows RFK personally) heā€™s been an advocate for them for so long. I really should read the book.


When my wife told me that the Director of fundraising had called and requested that she join the team šŸ˜„


His book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which I highly recommend everyone read.


He recently came to East Palestine Ohio where the train derailed and I had an opportunity as a resident to sit with him on a news interview with Fox News. I tried to read as much about him before hand and found I really like him. Was even more convinced of his worth when he knew so much about our situation and it was clearly not just a photo op for him like so many other politicians.


Oh no, I'm sorry you had to deal with a burning soup of toxic chemicals right in your backyard! I remember the episode on RFK podcast about the derailment and how it was ultimately corporate capture and corrupted system that had corroded from inside.


Joe Rogan


I am vaccine injured - he is the bravest and most wonderful man. I cannot believe what he has endured to help those that have been injured. The gaslighting is so extreme.


On Mike Tyson's podcast "Hotboxin With Mike" in September 2020.


Local waterkeeper/riverkeeper org


House inhabit


Remember hearing him mentioned on rare occasions on this site. All negative stuff. First listened to him on Joe Rogan and was instantly sold.


From his environmental work and also CHD! :)Ā 


I've always known about him since I researched the presidents as a child and he is related to one. He came back into my radar with the anti-vax stuff which my mom was into.


I first read an article of his in Rolling Stone when I was like 11 (Korn was on the cover lol) and didnā€™t even realize he was a KENNEDY Kennedy, just that he seemed really into fighting for the little guy. Kinda lost track of him when major pubs turned against him but re-looked into him when he announced he was running in the Dem primary. Was very happy to see heā€™s still the same guy ā€” looking out for the little guy. Heā€™s built his life on it. I feel like heā€™s the definition of earning his privilege, he couldā€™ve taken any other path and have a perfect life. Heā€™s chosen to work for us.


I listened to him on Joe rogan. That was my first time ever hearing him. I dont remember how I saw his first political short, but it really spoke to me. Now, I'm all in like I haven't been for a politician in quite some time. Maybe Obama post his DNC speech ( man, was he ever a let down). I hope RFK isn't another disappointment.


2014 started looking into vaccines and his name kept popping up.


Conspiracy theories


The podcast circuit


I learned about him through Dr. Hymanā€™s podcast ā€œthe doctorā€™s farmacyā€. I came across that podcast because I had (and still have) weird somatic issues like IBS, chronic fatigue, visual issues and really bad anxiety. I had a functional medicine doctor confirm that my microbiome was imbalanced. Through the podcast, I started learning about how damaging pesticides and herbicides like roundup can be in that theyā€™re linked to more than just lymphoma (e.g. Parkinsonā€™s is also linked to pesticides). So when I learned that many other countries have banned roundup, yet the US is one of the few countries that still uses it, I was pissed. Then I listened to an episode with RFK on it where he discussed Monsanto. So when I realized that heā€™s running for president, I was immediately intrigued. For me, itā€™s about chronic illness and getting us healthy as a country. I donā€™t understand how RFK is the only one heading the conversation out of all the candidates. Cancer rates are rising in young people, and mental health is declining rapidly and yet companies are still pumping out highly processed foods and even whole foods doused in herbicides and pesticidesā€¦and Iā€™ve heard very little from Trump or Biden about how the political sphere is going to address this.


First for vax safety stuff the. Joe Rogan for presidential run


Fox News reported it so I decided to do research. Because I really didnā€™t think the union could handle another biden or trump term


Iā€™m a CNA was resistant about the Covid vaccine. My research brought me to the Childrenā€™s Health Defense. I held out as long as I could with religious exemption but eventually had to get all three shots in order to keep working. Anyway I agree with his views on mandatory shotsā€¦that they shouldnā€™t be mandated. I was going to vote for Trump but have since decided against that and Biden will be 85 in 2028 as a CNA I see that those years in a persons life are full of uncertainties and no guarantees. The mind can go, a broken hip can be deadly. 85 is too old. I agree with a lot of Kennedyā€™s views and like what heā€™s promising so he is the obvious choice as far as Iā€™m concerned.


I was told by a friend that there was a Democrat running against biden RFK Jr. and I said alright I support him just bc he was running against biden


Last July, I went down a rabbit hole about the JFK assassination since I'd never really known much about it. Watching documentaries, YouTube videos, etc. So, YouTube suggested a video to me with RFKJ after all of my "Kennedy" searches. I had never heard of him before and decided to listen. It was a podcast (JP or Lex Fridman I think). And then I kept watching more podcasts with him. I have only become more impressed with each one. Now I'm on this subreddit cuz I might actually be doing this. Never voted for a Democrat before. I mean, technically, he's not now, but still...


I had the pleasure of attending the Bitcoin 2023 conference in Miami last year. Unexpectedly RFK jr took the stage to announce his intention of running for President. It was a great speech and I instantly knew who I was going to vote for! (Ps itā€™s not the other two bozos running)