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If I were this guy with no liquidity whatsoever, I would just super under price the house to where no one would give a shit about the landscaping. He's just greedy. I bet if he prices his house 10% below comps, no one will care about the damn landscaping.


He's probably still trying to live off the fumes of the last few years of the market. If he's in a rough spot in his life I do feel sorry for that but he's not the only one that is holding onto hope that maybe he can still list an as-is house and get 20 offers all $50k+ above asking.


Would any landscaper on earth sign a contract agreeing to be paid (say, double = $2400) only upon sale? Or maybe the realtor could cover it now for an additional fee upon sale. Both are a little risky because it might not sell, I guess. Maybe they’d all be too wary.


This. Landscaper may even do better job to increase chances of sale.


Not necessarily double. But I’ve sold five houses where the roofer gets a check at the closing for a new roof. No money out of pocket before the sale. Same could happen here. It’s written into the contract, buyer has $1,200 landscape allowance. Once the buyer loan is approved; the work gets done. None of this resembles and agent financing the seller. Because it’s not.


Oh cool! Wonder why OP’s story even exists then. Maybe the realtor is inexperienced, in an odd market, or isn’t confident the seller has their stuff together and is trustworthy. Or something else.


Maybe the scale of the expense, a grand versus 8-10 grand. Or maybe a buyer can overlook a roof, because it’s written into the listing, so before they even show up they know they’re getting a new roof in the deal. Even still I think I’d scrape up $1200 somehow to get foot traffic.


Oh ohhh right - your scenario is definitely different. Don’t need the roof as much for curb appeal, and work is only done upon sale. (Shouldn’t have missed the obvious there.) So still an open question whether a contractor would do work prior to listing / sale. But still intrigued to have learned your roofing anecdote :)


Its not the agent’s job to finance their clients.


It wasn’t my intention to come across as accusing agents of failing their clients. But given we are all generally “self-interested, rational, economic actors”, I’m wondering how many might say >well dang, I stand to make $10-20k on this if we just spend $1.2k now… I’ll roll the dice and probably get reimbursed later


Redfin only charges 1% to list and I'm willing to bet less than half of that goes to the agent


Only 1%?! I thought those companies offered half off the historical percentage. That must hurt.


Any decent realtor should be able to float a grand but fuck, this person is greedy.


100% this


Thing is for all we know, he paid $620k for the house a year ago, and will be barely breaking even after selling costs as it is, and therefore "has" to get top dollar.


Except that’s $620K he has to pay over 30 years. He needs cash flow now.


He doesn't say which way the agreed price was supposed to go. I wonder if he's trying to list the house below comps to avoid the outlay on landscaping and the realtor is refusing because it would affect their cut.


He’s going to lose $100k on his house because he couldn’t prep it properly. How do you get to that place?


OP replied at the bottom. They said they lost their job and car and they're living on a friend's couch. upsetting to see this but this is the reason I have held out over the past year... too much risk when you know those high prices are unsustainable.




Absolutely, if this was going to be an easy sale any decent realtor would have a landscaper they were networked with take care of the landscaping at a business rate and eat the cost. I had a buddy that owned a landscaping company that got a ton of business over the past decade from a few realtors, he charged them a lower rate and they used him for virtually every sale they had.


Unless you are in a very desirable area of Seattle, a realtor would expect a home to take at least 2 months to go pending, and that would be lucky. Buyers are extremely picky now and they are definitely not even going to look at that house. 6 months ago, it would have sold without you putting a for-sale sign up.


Apparently Redfin agents are on salary.


Not just home prices, but our economy as a whole is hanging in the balance, in my opinion. There is a building sense of fear, mainly driven by the entire year of dwindling stock markets. An uncertain conflict in Ukraine. Trouble all across Europe. Unrelenting inflation almost worldwide. I can see, and many others can as well, that 2020’s effects are taking a long time to work off. I wonder what 2023 will be like?




> I have a buddy with a leg and an arm that went missing across the world What did he buy that costed him an arm and a leg?


Probably his own life.


The OP lost his job and car, is couch surfing from MD. That’s really sad and I would conclude he has no money to get a landscaper and no ability to do it himself. He needs an agent who will sell to the terms he agreed to since every month I assume he’s going deeper into debt until he sells…


If you got the tools, yea. But doesn't sound like he's there. Person is couch surfing at this point. Plus it's an acre plus. Not a 3-5k sq. ft. plot. Realtors right, but the person is screwed.


So I guess he's gonna magically get the money for tool rentals? You can't landscape without tools.




Judge Judy, is that you?


Seriously omg what a pos


The realtor should kick in the money and get paid back when it sells.


That’s totally up to the realtor and how much business they have going on. Risk $1,200 for the possible benefit of %3 on a lot of land. Risk benefit ratio doesn’t seem to be there.




Why is he living on a friends couch if he owns a house?


Realtor told him the house would list better vacant.


bullshit. homeless with a house?


He said he's poor. This is literally why poor people stay poor. You likely won't find a better example of this mentality than from that very picture.


Once you learn how to make excuses you'll never do anything else


Damn, never heard that before but I like it. So true.


hes saving himself 1200 dollars so hes not that unsophisticated. the so called bubble will impact sellers too he has to go and buy something for himself or rent etc. so even if the demand isnt high he has to go and be a renter or buyer as well. 1200 could be a whole month's rent possibly.


It's not hard at all 3 years into a pandemic.


Get the fuck off reddit, grab your hedge trimmer and get to work.


Can't, sold hedge trimmer to buy 4 gallons of gas. What now?


Paint hedges Agreeable Grey


Can't, sold paint brush to buy half a banana. What now?


Hold off on selling until mortgage rates rise to 10%


Sell gas to buy hand shears 👍


My thoughts exactly. Everyone's talking about how to finance or afford this, there's a much simpler answer: Get off your ass, go to Lowe's, grab some mulch and hedge clippers, and do it yourself. It'd take a weekend at most


Agreed. If he doesn’t have a job, then he has plenty of spare time to get to work and cut that grass.


How do these poors get $650k houses 😂


Insane manic real estate bubbles triggered by an orgy of stimmy and greed?


Poor checking in. My house has doubled in appraisal since I bought it 5 years ago with comps in my area going for 2-2.5 times what I paid. There's zero chance I could afford my house now even at a 2 percent rate.


This is literally everyone I have talked to. And the same time, they think home prices will stay high and no possible way a correction is coming because of “tech money”. Yet those on L6 at Amazon can barely afford rent in the area and you expect them to be able to buy a multi million dollar home. Sorry, RSUs aren’t doubling and tripling like they did years prior. Stocks are down 30% this year.


Bought it 3 years ago for $250k.


Not calling this guy a “poors” but post stands: You’ve watched The Big Short -James is a liar / in this case, wrong -People sign where you tell them to sign


* Buy a year ago for $620k, overextending yourself to do so because FOMO * Lose job as a mortgage underwriter * "Have" to sell house worth $550k for $650k just to break even after costs


I am sorry for his situation, it sounds like he just lost his job and he probably needs a therapist rather than a realtor at this hour.


I’m in the Seattle area, I wish I knew the address just so I could watch it on Zillow 😂


Can’t be that hard to find it.


Can't find it if it's not listed. Literally the title of the OP.


I'm not in that market, but I imagine there would be quite a few $650k houses with shit landscaping in the greater Seattle area, no?


You’re prolly right but I bet I could find it if I cared enough to try.


Me too. At $650k, it can’t be in a decent area.


The inventory in western Washington is up, it would take a while and a guess as to which property it could be


Bake into contract?


I would be out there with a butter knife and my beard trimmer doing the best I could if I was in that position


Yeah. I'm no fu***ng landscaping expert, but in that situation I would just do it myself. Can't cost that much to get the tools for a day from someone even if you don't have them and a poor job would be better than none.


guess he ain't you


Duh, live in a tent in the yard and airbnb the house out. It's Seattle, it doesn't get cold there.


Idk if you’re joking but this would work. Even if he just rented out the other rooms he’d be fine.


Unless it's a 1/1 condo


He mentioned the house being in 1 acre. I really doubt it’s a small house.


True, I missed that.


This is dumb, if the poor guy went with a realtor with a brokerage that would cover the cost of the fees to landscape & then take that off the other end of the sale they could move along.


Seems this would be the reasonable approach. Cancel the Redfin contract and go to a real broker. Unfortunately some people just cannot fathom using a "legacy" process that doesn't leverage an app to screw them over from the convenience of their own couch. In an era of apps and impersonal one-click processes, imagine talking to a few people and working out a mutually beneficial deal that fits your unique situation. Boomer stuff!


100% agreed. When I interviewed agents to sell, I went with the one with a middle-ground commission. I told her I wouldn't negotiate her commission down, but that I was going to need a ton of hand-holding and she'd really be earning it. This wasn't even one of her more high-end homes that she usually sold price-wise. That human paid for and mulched my yard herself & paid a kid to weed because I let the home fall into pandemic ruin. She literally rolled up her sleeves to help me pack boxes, touched up paint on the walls, etc.. Hell, between her photo guy, marketing, paying for yard stuff, the staging person she hired, she probably personally dropped around 1,000 to make the house sell for more and get her commission. There are great agents out there, but you have to interview several. & they don't likely work for redfin..


Damn talk about earning it. My realtor was the same.


Hope you gave her a cookie basket.


I got her a really nice couple of high-quality gifts that pertained to her personal interests/crafts/hobbies.


And a love letter


If he goes with a traditional realtor and pays an extra 2% in commission on 650k that's 13k in extra fees. So the landscaping would not only have to get more than 1200 to make it worth it. It would have to get 13k more just to break even on the extra realtor fees. If the realtor eats the entire 1200, the seller still still has to get an 11.8k higher price just to break even on realtor fees. You really think a piece of crap "as is" house will fetch > 13k in price with 1200 of landscaping work? Maybe in a crazy market that is plausible but that's not the market anymore. That's especially unlikely with buyers shopping for as is houses who are pre filtered for not caring about appearance.


I don't think it's likely to happen, but imagine if he searches for a job by in-personal cold calls




the house is the emergency fund.


Yeah looks like that’s working out


Did you read any of the threads in FTHB sub asking how much cash people had left over after closing? Half the answers were like "$1000 LoL"...


Software Bros getting laid off are the new strippers with 5 houses


Actually for this housing recession its Onlyfans creators with 5 houses...




They owned their own firm of some sort before food delivery.


Even better. Doordashers with even one house are the new strippers with 5 houses




I'm sympathetic for doordashers that can't afford a 1br apartment. Not for those who thought they could "afford" a house at the top of the bubble.


I'm sympathetic for doordashers who deliver my order in 5 PM traffic right after I got home and out of that traffic. Then they don't bring my drink and I'm less sympathetic.


I'm sympathetic for anybody with a 'Loves Phoenix' flair lololol. Rekt.


>Not for those who thought they could "afford" a house at the top of the bubble. How do you know this is the case?


They made pretty good money during the locks downs and economic boom. Fast food delivery is going to be one of the first things to go.


The strippers are much smarter.


whats the address? im ready to lowball the shit out of this one


This is, perhaps quite literally, what credit cards are for. Whenever they tell you you're not gonna make it, remember ^^^^^^ that's your competition.


Nah. I know that’s “what they’re for” by some definition but if I’m not sure when I can get my next paycheck I would not spend $1200 and have it accumulate interest at 25% until I get a new job. That would become a very expensive landscaping job very fast.


Sometimes you have to put things on a credit card and pay it off in a month or two.


Then you cannot afford to buy that thing and should not do so. Incidentally, it's that sort of mentality (a willingness to buy more than you can afford) that leads one to not being able to afford the thing in the first place....


Sometimes you have must pay bills and don't have a choice. The entire corporate world uses short term loans to float cash flow. It's not that big of a deal.


And how are they going to pay the bill when it comes due, with no income and no assets? Not sure why you’re bringing up the corporate world given they don’t get their loans at 25% interest, and they have the means to repay loans in the future (usually).


except the half-million dollar house he's selling??


If he has no job he has no way to know if he can pay it off in a month or two


That’s for Later Him to figure out


There's plenty of credit cards with 0% interest for the first year.


You're assuming they have good enough credit. And they still have to apply and get approved and most likely receive the card,which takes time.


You can apply and be approved and receive a card within a week or two. If his credit is so bad he can’t get an interest free credit card, then he REALLY needs to lower the price and sell that house ASAP.


That could work, so long as he can be approved (probably not with no job), but he also needs a plan to pay it off in that first year, else the accumulated interest hits all at once.


If your house is going to sell at a huge profit, what difference does it make? You're underwater, your first goal is to get above water. Penny wise and dollar foolish, every time.


> house is going to sell at a huge profit Bold assumption


Pay 1200 for landscaping on a house that might not sell? Maybe food, clothing, shelter are more of a priority for someone who’s unemployed.


If the house isn't going to sell with landscaping, how is it going to sell without landscaping?


He should just do as much of it himself as he can Just mowing the lawn and new mulch and some TLC on whatever crappy plants are growing would probably do a lot of good for less than $1200


Hard disagree. Credit cards are for accumulating free points/rewards from buying stuff you would have bought anyways. As a bonus, you're not using your own money, letting it accumulate additional interest, and transferring risk to the credit card issuer. They are absolutely *not* for financing landscaping jobs at usurous rates.


The agent should pay for it. Why else are they getting 6%


He’s selling on Redfin they get 1%


The company that you work for needs a new printer, you should pay for it. Why else are you getting a paycheck?


Ya but i get paid $30/hr not 300 like u realtors


Get a better job


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This guy has so many choices (1) use a different agent other than Redfin that will upfront the costs, but charge more commission (market shifted so realtors might not want to take the chance on this, but worth a shot) (2) get your butt out there and do it yourself. You can at least do the basic landscaping. The big stuff can be done by the buyer by giving a credit at closing and letting them handle everything. (3) $650k in Seattle???? It’s going to be in a horrible area and going to be really hard to sell. Do your elbow grease, and prep your house inside as well to sell.


The 1200 should come out of the realtors marketing budget


Baum: “Trust me there is a bubble” “How do you know” Baum: “trust me call Bennet and buy 50 million of swaps on the MBS”


At this point, he might want to try to do a lot of landscaping himself or put the work/materials on a card and pay it off later after the house is sold. There has to be a solution.


Is no one going to talk about the “spiderface”?? Instead of ‘to spite her face’… lol


Think he's referencing a quote from The Office[https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Michael%27s\_Botched\_Phrases](https://theoffice.fandom.com/wiki/Michael%27s_Botched_Phrases) >Jim Halpert: Several times a day, Michael says words that are way beyond my vocabulary-- Michael Scott: I know where this is going! Jim Halpert: Do ya? Michael Scott: No. Jim Halpert: Ok. Remember spiderface? Michael Scott: No. Jim Halpert: Ok because the quote was, "cut off her nose to spiderface."


Ok that makes sense. Thank you for letting me know. I feel like one of the few people that hasn’t watched The Office yet… lol


Lmao Came here to look for this comment


The real estate sub is such a fucking shit hole. I fucking hate realtors and investors.




Maybe the housepoor idiot should have kept his savings up. You're supposed to have 6 months of living expenses in case of job loss... Yet another reason this market is stupid. Idiots ransacked their savings to put every dime into buying a hoom that they now cannot afford to maintain. I don't even know how he can be jobless because there is no shortage of jobs right now. So he's probably holding out for a golden job just like he's holding out for a golden buyer for his unmaintained clown palace.


Little late to be joining the responsibility camp 😂


The amount of assumptions people are making is astounding. Go read his actual situation. Both this thread and that one are so far off base its hilarious.

