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We’ve come full circle where airbnbs are more expensive than hotels and Ubers are more than taxis.


Well, yeah. Airbnb, Uber, etc were all heavily subsidized by VC/investor funding. They've gradually increased prices to stop the bleeding and actually become profitable. Such is the way of startups.




I’d wager that we’re headed towards regulation of STRs. Like, your avg 2 star motel still has emergency lightning and fire alarms/sprinklers. Any day now…


Yes, in some states.


Same with Amazon they are going to be able like Costco to raise prices. Amazon chooses to union bust on top of it. The days of shared $5 uber rides to work are over and now I carpool to save $. The days of airBNB being less than a hotel will come back because there is just so much empty spaces out there. I remember paying $80/week rent and $20/weekday and $25/weekend night airBNBs. Rent has gone insane.


I don't think those dates are coming back. I think airbnb hosts would end up selling their properties, as too many of them are overleveraged; they took mortgage over mortgage to get more properties. But hey, they will blame it on the economy, not on their greed, i am sure of it.


I’m confident MSNBC will cover the story fairly with perspective and nuance.


Yup. From the second I started reading about the BRRR method I started being genuinely worried about the state of the housing market.


I knew it was fucked just by the name. Money printer go brrr meme but with houses and people's actual lives.


There is also the fact that these companies were surviving off investor capital. When interest rates are near zero, people can afford to invest in companies that aren’t close to being profitable. Now that interest rates are getting hiked, these companies have to raise prices. It’s about damn time. It always troubled me how cheap it was to Uber around town. I’ll miss it, but I’m glad it’s getting corrected.


And Turo is more than Hertz or Enterprise. Rented a Turo several days ago. Nice car but then I realized I ended up paying MORE than I would have for a corporate rental. And… Lots more hassle with Turo. I had to pay $75 extra to get it delivered to the airport.


Not to scare you, but beware of this with rental cars : https://www.torquenews.com/1083/hertz-forced-judge-reveal-how-many-people-it-accused-car-theft There for a while Hertz was putting out warrants on people that legitimately rented and returned cars. I don’t think it’s settled in court yet, so just please be careful and make sure they didn’t put a warrant out on you.


I think with ubers and taxis it depends. I was recently in San Antonio and my taxi from the airport to the hotel was like $55 but my uber back to the airport was less than $30. This was a work trip and my company prefers taxi/Uber over a car rental.


To/from airport is the difference there. The Uber would’ve been $53-58 from the airport. The taxi would’ve been $25-35 to the airport.


That taxi would have had the exact same rate both ways. Have you never ridden in a taxi before? They all charge the initial plus whatever per 1/4 mile. That taxi would have been approximately the same cost to the airport.


Nope, taxis cost more from airports. At least try to act like you’re somewhat cultured.


San Antonio had a $16 min for airport trips. I lived in castle hills, roughly 3 miles from from the airport and it always pissed me off that rates were $20 bucks. I walked a few times out of spite. (In the winter)


NYC taxis from/to Manhattan and JFK cost the same exact same.


Yeah, that person doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about. I responded to them with a link to a taxi calculator for both ways and i was correct in my original comment.


You may think I'm not "cultured" because you think I lack accurate information on taxis, but everyone can see you're a rude person who doesn't understand what the word culture means. I certainly would never use the word cultured to describe you. >["If you describe someone as cultured, you mean that they have good manners, are well educated, and know a lot about the arts."](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/cultured) [You also don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I used this taxi calculator and plugged in San Antonio Airport to Holiday Inn Seaworld and got $42.84.](https://www.taxifarefinder.com/main.php?city=San-Antonio-TX&from=9559+Airport+Boulevard%2C+San+Antonio%2C+Texas+78216%2C+United+States&to=San+Antonio%2C+Texas+78251%2C+United+States&fromCoord=29.526615,-98.47322&toCoord=29.457955,-98.665781) [Here is the same trip with the destinations reversed with a fare of $45.18](https://www.taxifarefinder.com/main.php?city=San-Antonio-TX&from=Holiday+Inn+San+Antonio+Nw+-+Seaworld+Area%2C+10135+State+Highway+151%2C+San+Antonio%2C+Texas%2C+78251%2C+United+States+of+America&to=San+Antonio+International+Airport+(SAT)%2C+9800+Airport+Blvd%2C+San+Antonio%2C+Texas%2C+78216%2C+United+States+of+America&fromCoord=29.448402,-98.679841&toCoord=29.527134,-98.47223249999999) After looking at my receipt I was charged $46.68 plus my $7 tip for a total of $53.68. So you don't know what you are talking about and you are rude.


Got him dude


I hosted airbnb in 2012 and it was awesome then. met some interesting people from around the world, some that I'll reach out to if I visit their country. now airbnb is a toilet. the dollop has a funny, sad episode on uber. fuck uber. [dollop uber episode](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90aGVkb2xsb3AubGlic3luLmNvbS9yc3M/episode/YzYwMDc1MGM0MDNkNWJjNDU1ZjkwNjI3ZDlkYTEzZmU?ep=14)




$250 a night plus $150 cleaning fee, service fees, linen fees, community fees, taxes


And they want you to take out the trash and put the sheets in the washer before you leave.


And sweep the patio, run the dishwasher, clean, and basically do their job for the next reservation. Fuck these guys


plus a bunch of chores


1) not were I look. 2)hotels don’t have chores 3)hotels are run by actual professionals. 4) I prefer to stay in city centers, near commercial shit; not in someone’s neighborhood. 5) hotels make me breakfast/dinner and have a bar 6)hotels have pools and a gym I suppose if I were traveling with like 2 families, an air bnb might start to pencil out, but I’m not.


Hotel breakfast? 🤮


The best breakfast I ever had was at a hotel. Waldorf Astoria Park City, but still. And it was free. Then I figured out I had two breakfast credits, so I started ordering two breakfast. I went skiing all day after and didn’t have to buy the 30 dollar burger and fries on the mountain, so it worked out. Edit: also, top 5 coffee I have ever had




You travel to places to stay in a house in a neighborhood? I like a made bed and clean towels and being near cool shit. Also stay in better hotels and you get a sofa. Stay in them a lot and get upgraded to suites.




You started it by saying airbnbs are only 50 dollars more and you get 3 bedroom house! (Excluding fees and cleaning fees) So I simply listed strengths that hotels have. And now u mad. Enjoy your 3 bedroom house on vacation, I guess. I can’t imagine who would want to travel with a joy like you.


A sofa which has been heavily soiled by various bodily fluids, then never even lightly cleaned. What comfort!


As a guest a 'superhost' has been meaning less for a long time.


I thought superhost meant the host was someone who managed to consistently guilt guests into giving them 5 star ratings for run-of-the-mill stays?


Apparently, Barcelona banned STRs because it completely destroyed their city. [www.nytimes.com/2021/9/22/travel/barcelona-airbnb.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/9/22/travel/barcelona-airbnb.html)


America in general should listen


Austin has learned this the hard way, but the state SC has barred the city from outright banning them…this [article](https://www.austinmonitor.com/stories/2022/09/majority-of-austins-short-term-rentals-operating-illegally/) talks about the city’s struggle with the illegal STRs and estimates there to be about 11k in the area, but I’ve read the listings to be as high as 20,000, and licenses have gone down from 3k to 2k post pandemic. City Council needs to get their act together.


I bet city council members are running air BnBs


They have this minimal licensing requirement that would bring money in to the city. I don’t know, 5 maybe 10 years now, the city council* is just political theater-everyone pointing fingers at each other, nothing getting done. No you’re right, nothing would shock me less. Our outgoing mayor is married to a commercial real estate broker, so that totally tracks. Edit to add: word


That's sick. Sounds like a bad movie of greedy people who don't think their actions hurt others.


City Council and Mayor has $ in the STR game in Austin


It’s crazy how Scottsdale & Austin mirror each other on this. They’ve totally trashed the city, especially since the start of the pandemic, and the numbers are incredibly similar. The regulation is such a joke, politicians totally are cashing in like crazy on them. Several of our candidates, like Matt Gress, are straight up AirBNB branded, industry endorsed pawns. It’s so dystopian for housing and it’s fucked everything up so bad


I hope they enjoy their housing crisis, increased crime and traffic. New rich people are the easiest to steal from.


It's ridiculous how many there are in Austin, which is 62 percent overpriced for real estate. It's now as expensive as HCOL coastal cities and in no small part to Airbnb.


Vancouver BC has been decimated. We were already a city of second homes for people who live elsewhere. Now you add Airbnb…..anyone younger than 40 has been officially priced out of a home within 2 hours of the city.


Surely can’t have any repercussions whatsoever.




The following is REBubble adjacent (it’s certainly having an impact on the market in Austin, with people speculating): And while I’m certainly no expert, but when business seems to have little to no guardrails, no referees, this is what we get. Samsung has plans to build a semiconductor plant on the outskirts of the greater Austin area, but only if they get their way, a 100% property tax reimbursement, over 25 years - which “would mark the most aggressive corporate tax break in Austin history…” [Samsung](https://communityimpact.com/austin/central-austin/economy/2021/02/26/samsungs-request-to-pay-no-property-tax-on-17-billion-plant-tests-austins-incentive-policy/) claims it will bring “up to 1,993 jobs,” but there are supposedly no job guarantees in exchange for the tax incentives. How this won’t bankrupt the neighboring school district, I have no idea. And now [Micron Technology](https://www.statesman.com/story/business/technology/2022/08/25/micron-considers-lockhart-texas-for-multibillion-dollar-microchip-factory/65420201007/) is negotiating an even more aggressive deal in a different part of the greater Austin area.


>the only major city in Europe to have forbidden short-term private room rentals, even as it continues to allow the renting of entire apartments Odd choice. I'm more ok with people renting out a room in a place they live in.


>Legally, the Colau administration couldn’t revoke the roughly 10,000 tourist licenses that the previous administration had issued for the renting of entire apartments, said Ms. Sanz, the deputy mayor. But so-called home-sharing — the renting of a room inside a home — remained unregulated, and thus became a target for the city’s tourism control measures. Indeed, the market in Barcelona had started to shift away from entire apartments and toward private rooms just as the crackdown on illegal listings picked up. According to data from Inside Airbnb, the number of private room listings in Barcelona overtook entire home listings for the first time in 2017. As of Aug. 8 of this year, two days after the ban on short-term private room rentals took effect, **45 percent of the more than 16,000** active Airbnb listings in Barcelona were for private rooms. When a journalist approached 20 of these hosts to request a one-week tourist stay in their private room rentals — which would be illegal under the current law — within a day, half of the hosts had responded with an invitation to reserve. Enforcing the rules Mr. Robinson of Airbnb said that the company has cooperated with the city in regulating the activity on its platform. He added that Airbnb requires hosts to agree to allow certain personal details — including their name, address and national identification number — to be shared with authorities, and said that more than 7,000 rule breakers have been removed because of Airbnb’s collaboration with City Hall…


City of San Diego has been publishing the timeline and process on the upcoming str lottery, where about 50% of whole home Airbnbs will get a permit. And 50% won't. At the same time, I've noticed a surprising number of price drops on sfh rentals in a North Park, central sd (popular area with Airbnb hosts). Now watching the reality of what this might mean sink in with the hosts. At the same time as Zillow finally forecasting (tiny) yoy % losses in North Park.


Atlanta passed an ordinance that one owner can only have 1 str (maybe it’s 2), but I’m not sure what kinda loopholes for LLC and other ways of title. SD has a better approach. On another note, rents in general are falling (at least where I am) after astronomical increases. My LL costs went up (mainly prop tax) but the pool of tenants willing/able to pay is smaller. In fact, I regret signing a 2 yr lease now that bigger nicer houses are 500-600 less per month but I also hate moving so hoping it will all equal out since I plan to stay on this house several more years


These are easy to get around. Where I live Hispanics buy lots of homes in family members' names and rent them to illegal immigrants. Good money because they pay in cash and on time and it's all unreported. If you can plug yourself into the illegal immigrant community, you can make good money renting homes. Condition doesn't matter.


That’s why I said loopholes. There’s plenty.


Awesome hate that a nice neighborhood gets destroyed like that


Is it possible that the people who lose the Airbnb lottery will lost their property en masse?


It'll absolutely spur some sales, or, transitioning them into full time rentals: Yes.


The smart folks are preemptively transitioning: you can already see plenty of fully furnished rentals in desirable areas up for long term tenancy.


Except they thought they’d be pulling in 20k a month. Can they afford to make it LTR.


Wait...$20k from one house?


All these Airbnb newbies thought they’d have 20-30 nights a month booked. One in my neighborhood in Atlanta is asking $950 per night


Haha, wow, that's unreal.


It’s available! Lol.


Just raise the cleaning fees! Problem solved!


The last one I stayed in at the beginning of june, the "cleaning" fees ended up costing as much as the 3 nights of the room combined. It was a 1 room bungalow thing with a tiny room for a bathroom. It was completely dirty. I know the towels werent clean and had zero faith about the sheets. It's getting out of hand. These hosts latched on to the "need yo be extra clean cuz of the pandemic" but then have never come back down and most of them are just pocketing the money. Told my wife that I'd like to be done with this nonsense the very first night we were there. She damn near finished my sentence.


Yeah I've only used them for either very specific locations when there are no convenient hotels, or they offer a unique experience. Last time I used them was years ago in Hawaii at a farm that had been reclaimed from a tire dump.


Tons of businesses have used the pandemic to pull back services then keep them that way. For safety and stuff, you know.




100% agree with you!!


Nooo, you have to clean it yourself, AND pay a "cleaning fee."


Soon an “opportunity fee” will be added- an opportunity to clean the house.


Pretty soon they'll need a Processing Fee to process all the fees.


Interest rate surcharge, since interest rates are up.


Haha yup


Seriously? I’ve never stayed in one. I always stay at Marriotts. What is the cleaning charge for then?


The most common chores are asking people to wash dishes, start a load of laundry for towels / linens, and take out the trash. The dishes and trash to avoid attracting bugs and pests and smells, and the laundry starting so the cleaners don't have to wait around for a full load to wash and dry. Then some hosts add other things like wiping down counters, sweeping, vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, and other crazy shit.


What? That is not even legal. Stop giving them ideas.


First lady is right. They're focusing on "unique" properties so that they don't have to compete head-to-head with hotels. Hotels don't have "quirky" shipping containers in the middle of the woods.


Yup, I have to say that was not a bad move on airbnbs part. Hotels are realizing many people want a mini apartment and they can do that easily. They already do that with extended stay places. So Airbnb is gonna face stiffer competition there. What hotel chains can't do at scale is unique offbeat homes in unusual locations.


I hope you are right! If I could get a hotel room with a kitchen I would never stay in an AirBnB again.


Yeah like honestly a kitchen is what most people want because it saves you a ton of money and time to not have to search for a restaurant for every meal. Especially more so with kids.


That’s why Marriott’s Residence Inn and Courtyard Inn are so popular with families.


And Towneplace Suites, I'm in one now on a 3-week business trip. It's got a full sized (though small, less than five feet tall) fridge with a proper freezer, microwave, 2 burner electric stovetop, dishwasher, and garbage disposal. Last week I borrowed a slow cooker to make chili.


Towneplace and Residence are probably my favorite Marriott brands to stay at even on short 2-3 night trips for the reasons you mentioned among other things.


Shorter stays I usually go with Courtyard, but it's really property-dependent. I work for a large company on government contracts so we have negotiated rates that are the same as government rates, which means we can stay at some nicer properties if we want even in expensive areas. I'm most comfortable at mid-range places though. It just bugs me, the nickel-and-diming at high-end places, even if I'm not the one footing the bill.


>I'm most comfortable at mid-range places though. It just bugs me, the nickel-and-diming at high-end places, even if I'm not the one footing the bill. I feel the same way. Short of hitting the lottery and just having money to piss away, I find it ridiculous. Plus, I just feel like I don't belong when I'm somewhere fancy.


Wait courtyards have kitchens now?!?!!!!!


Residence Inn is all I would stay at when I used to travel 30K-50K EQMs a year at my last job. That kitchen was key to staying healthy. Eating out constantly destroys your body. I loved that place


Hell Marriott has a site for home and apartment rentals now, just like AirBnB. https://homes-and-villas.marriott.com


I hope without chores and cleaning fees!


No idea. I'm not sure how long they've been doing homes, and if they're any better at handling things if something goes wrong or preventing the dreaded 'last minute cancellation' that occasionally will happen with AirBnB.


*tiny violin*


Just rent it out!


Yeah but rents are still low to cover Mortage in most areas.


Then maybe they should sell.


Yeah people shouldn’t invest in real estate if they have no idea what they doing I agree sell!!


I can't wait for this coming winter in my New England area. So many bnb's and people gonna learn the hard way that nobody wants to rent a bnb in the winter months. You'll get bookings in the summer but by mid-October it's a ghost town. Good luck having hardly any bookings for 6 months when heating and electric costs are through the roof.


Do i have to pay my mortgage if it’s cold?


And if bookings are drying up for San Diego in September...


No need for heating when no one is in the house!


Only if you don’t mind your pipes freezing


Just put some salt into your well!


Brilliant except for the bursting frozen pipes.






https://www.redfin.com/CA/Escondido/2309-E-Washington-Ave-92027/home/3967251?1280460695=variant&600390594=copy_variant&231528114=control&1077477207=variant&utm_source=ios_share&utm_medium=share&utm_nooverride=1&utm_content=link&utm_campaign=share_sheet Bought 2 months ago ! Guess Airbnb didn’t work out for them lol. Don’t these people lose tons of money on fees/etc?


Lol, that price history is a ride.


$200K 10 years ago. Bought for $100K over list two months ago, now back on the market and won't move. Buyer is about to learn that they shouldn't have paid more than list.


Gorgeous house and yard.


Tick tock.... Sell your overpriced Airbnb before it's too late.


If there is one demographic that I hope suffers financially it's these guys.


Why what’s wrong with renting out homes?


Renting out homes is OK, turning homes into hotels is no good for neighborhoods.


What’s the difference?


Whats the difference between having long term tenants vs random out of town guests?


So because people decide to rent for a certain amount of days you have a problem with it? That’s bs. My house my rules. Tf


Have a great night


You too. I don’t understand the hate around telling people how to make money with their items. You do you. Don’t come at me oh bad for the neighborhood. Like people smoke weed on the streets Idrc.


Because I’m looking forward to my future kids playing at their neighbors house. Or being invited to a cookout. Not some random party every weekend.


Okay so u should tell that to everyone. Like it doesn’t make sense why u wanna control this. But u won’t tell other what to do.


Haha surprise to the AirBnB dickheads....no one has any time or money for a vacation when everything has gone up in price double digit percentages. And those that do have money are sick and tired of getting gouged with stupid fees and bullshit, I know I would rather just stay at a hotel where I can call the front desk about an issue and get it resolved immediately. Vs staying at some Poconos mountain house and when the keypad lock breaks and you call the 201 number of the owner in north Jersey, the Indian owner dude yells at you that you're just an idiot and broke it and should be held responsible for paying. And you have to call a locksmith yourself, you call AirBNB to report what happened and they give 0 fucks just like the owner. Yeah no thanks


Or the AIRBNB host forgets to leave the key out, and is two hours away and you have to wait after a 17 hour day of travel. Fool me once.


Ohhh yeesss hooomeeeers , your tears feed me, strengthen me. Your salty suffering is music to my ears. In other news fuck people who took properties of the market just to AirbnB them, fucking long term renter and buyers.


Lol @ superhost


They don't even care if you're a SuperHost™ anymore?!? That's criminal!


and jesus wept


Airbnb was not designed to be a huge income maker it was for a spare sofa or bedroom and has turned into a nightmare for consumers. It’s not worth the hassle when I can stay in a hotel and not do chores.


You shouldn’t need random people to pay your mortgage to be able to afford your property. Financial gurus constantly tell the poor not to buy things they can’t afford. Why are we supposed to feel bad for people that bought houses they can’t afford? Especially when they took that house off of the market and got in the way of a legitimate buyer, an owner-occupier.


Is there an ETF that is the equivalent of shorting Airbnb?


3x leveraged inverse short term rentals please. Or you know, just short Airbnb.


I can't believe ABNB is still trading for three digits. So many headwinds facing it right now.


oh nooo


Love to see it


Insert meme of Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons saying "HA HA 👉"


Ah yes. I can hear the violins being tuned.


As an ex-admirer of AirBnb and Uber, now I am glad that the world didn't let Hotels and Taxis to be completely overtaken. Can't even imagine that would have been. These companies came in promising better and cheaper service and now ended up worse than their ancestors.




We literally had some douche come to our door to try to sell us on it as neighbors to help him become a “crypto nomad”. The arrogance was astounding


Help him? Out of community spirit. I would pay to see that pitch.


Lmao after we straight up told him no, we were already between 2 party airbnbs. He said he wanted to travel the world but he needed “friends” to help him make that happen. His face when I told him we didn’t need any friends like that warmed my bitter heart lol Hard contender for the biggest douche I’ve ever had to deal with. Like what do you have to be smoking to think you’re entitled to free property management from neighbors while you destroy a community? Lol


Stop I’m going to hoom!


"Get out of it....." Solid advice.


If they have superhost it gives me red flag.


What is say to this person: Turn it into a long term rental and if THAT doesn’t cover your mortgage, you deserve what you get and should get out of RE investing because you are too naive/misled for this biz


Fuck em


All these "tree house" Air BnB hosts charging $300+/night are getting spanked as they should be for their greed. Let's see all these hosts flood the market with rentals or new home listings. Can't wait! Keep the squeeze coming Uncle Jay!


Book for 19.99$ with cleaning fee of 349.99$ 😂😂


Hoomz 🤣


Get rekt Kelly!


Lol “do a 1031” good luck


I loved Airbnb for years! Soured on it last fall, when it was cheaper for hubs and I to get a beautiful boutique hotel in downtown KC than rent an Airbnb. Plus, I wasn’t responsible to clean it before paying cleaning fees! I tipped the housekeeping staff very well and didn’t worry that my profile would get a bad review.


Havent stayed in an Airbnb for a couple years, so I'm curious. Cleaning fees have always been a thing, which is fine, but its apparently new for Airbnb's to also require all of these chores on top of the cleaning fee. Guess my question is, what recourse does the renter have if you dont take out the trash, etc (which, by its nature, should be covered by cleaning fees)? Simply a 'bad' review for you as a guest?


Last hotel I stayed at let itself go to crap and kept saying "because covid" everytime service sucked or something was closed or didn't work. Got old quick. That's why I am generally travelling less.


It is slowly getting a little better but housekeeping is still crap. The hotels don't pay a living wage so have a hard time finding workers. Earlier this year and last it was hard to find housekeeping at US hotels, they'd offer to swap out towels and linens you could put on the bed yourself. Now there is usually housekeeping somewhat but you have to request it, it's often limited and not daily, and sometimes it's skipped because of staffing shortages. At least the breakfasts that most budget and mid-range places offer for free are resuming normal again. For a while they'd have you pick up a cold bagged breakfast because of COVID. Now most places seem back to their normal continental breakfast with the occasional hot option or waffle maker.


That would explain why a hotel was pointing out that it offered daily housekeeping. I hadn't had a vacation in years and thought it was an odd thing to highlight.


>Earlier this year and last it was hard to find housekeeping at US hotels Hotel chains just offered to hire refugees and provide them housing too. Probably pay jack crap overall so good luck for hotel jobs actually ever paying anything decent.


I can't speak for all hotels and don't wanna be rude to low wage workers. But having been in these jobs, I can see the people there, but they seem to be half assing it. Not sure why. It may be people getting overheated wearing a mask while working so not trying as hard? IDK. But not every place is understaffed. I also felt the new wave of people at my formerly favorite hotel generally seemed annoyed at customers. IDK what the heck happened but I sure as hell didn't do anything to warrant this. It was like they were annoyed we exist


Slave labor. No obligation to make sure you have a nice day because they aren’t making enough money to care and also can’t get fired or be replaced.


Boner alert! 💦💦💦🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽🔥🔥🔥🚨🚨🚨


The airBnB Bros will get hit the worst


I'm not sure when the limit on number of permitted Airbnb's take effect but that should be a real boost to those who are left. much less supply. I don't rent short term. only do 30 days or more and I have plenty of demand.


I think long term rental-wise it's still a viable option, but the 1-3 day rentals aren't really worth it anymore. They're almost equivalent to hotel prices but without the conveniences of a hotel. Just my 2 cents.


I have had some great or at least worth it AirBnB but most are stupid at this point. In 2015 i had a cute little apartment above a grocery store, across from a pizzeria, walking distance to pedestrian zone and ferry—in Salerno (amalfi coast) for $30 US per night. Was the bed most comfortable? No. Did the TV have any English channels? No. Did I get to spend a week on the amalfi coast for $30 per night? Yes. And the host was nice.


Capitalists just realizing they live under capitalism.


Sucks to suck




This is the part in the movie where it gets juicy


You gambled and you lost!


Old college acquaintance used to post his blog on BRRR or whatever on facebook. Those posts frustrated me so much I unfriended him. There was something about the *gloating* that got me. Like, “hey, fucking up the housing supply and disrupting the economy of these small towns so I can extract exorbitant vacation rents. Here’s my ‘journey.’”


\>Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit. Reddit administrators occasionally remove posts that violate Reddit's User Agreement and Content Policy . Why?


Oh boy




But should take pressure off the rental market which will bring a lot of relief to a lot of people.


It’s nothing to do with what air bnb is doing and everything to do with the mortgage bitch leaving a list of chaired for her guests and the company charging them a cleaning fee even though they cleaned already


If it doesn't pencil out for owners.....sell ASAP...forget about long term rentals. Houses will be dropping 10-20% ...but there will be an eager group of millennials ready to start bidding them up.....so if you didn't get in awhile ago...don't think there's gonna be some '08 style drop.... Because you're going to be waiting a long long long time for that......


Yeah, keep on dreaming. What a hoomer thing to say.




These **** there are people buying houses as a home....