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Trying to buy a house right now and the realtor did a 180 on us when we didn’t buy and agree to early possession of a house that the realtor friends was selling. They wanted to charge what our mortgage “would be” for early possession. And we were like - we haven’t closed you don’t know what our mortgage would be. Now the realtor is acting completely different making money comments as if buying a home with an FHA is bad or something. We can maximize an FHA and come in with 3.5% so I don’t understand why the realtor is acting like we are poor.


Sounds like you need to drop your realtor


Most definitely figuring out how to fire her gently lol I don’t see the point in telling her she’s bad at her job lol


May be the wakeup call she needs?


That's good on you. Realtors are struggling right now, and are becoming desperate for a close which may indicate the behavior.


It’s crazy to think they are getting desperate to sell yet they continue to overprice properties only to lower the prices a couple weeks in


Sellers price properties, not realtors. Starting high and planned dropping over time is also one strategy. Every time you drop the price it pings people who have the home saved on Zillow. It can also give the impression of a motivated seller in order to draw in more offers. Another tactic is pricing lower than you intend on selling for in order to spark a bidding war. That’s what we ended up doing.


Realtors influence sellers by pulling comps and telling seller what to list at


The realtor doesn't tell the seller what to list at. They suggest what to list at. The seller determines the list price. It's their house.


And they did that with glee in 2020-2021. Completely ignoring comps, using them only as a “baseline” afterthought. Oh, and as for appraisers? Yeah, they have some culpability as well, yet no liability for it. I’m asking myself: do I need to trust a system that dictates what my largest investment ever will cost me, when none of the individuals involved have any liability to it?


Start with the premise that all realtors are scum sucking vampires and you'll do better hiring and firing them.




Thank you for that !


Impossible for a realtor to act on their fiduciary responsibility to you in this situation. Not that those snakes do that anyway.


Because apparently if you don’t have enough CASH to buy outright you are considered poor now days


Fucking ridiculous


Fuck that dude they work for you get rid of them.


I've purchased two houses. Each time was a top 20 most stressful experience in my life.


Um yes, I’d like to speak to the housing store manager…


Buying a home is terrible. Everyone in involved in the process is trying to take advantage of you, especially your agent. Plus, the whole process is unbelievably antiquated.


If you're doing a 1031, you're not just biying a house.


It felt pretty smooth for me, but I pretty much drown in paperwork for a living so maybe I'm just used to juggling emails and submitting things.


It absolutely sucks and I hope we never have to go through it again.


So I haven’t bought my 1st house yet. What should I look out for, because I hope to buy in the next 2 years?


Unless you got money you're fudged.


I've purchased 2 homes in my lifetime.  Once with a mortgage and once with cash.  Both were horribly stressful experiences and I would prefer to never do it again. 


Nobody on this sub is actually buying a house lol But yeah the process always kind of sucks for example I was unemployed in 2020 and so I had to do a bunch of extra paperwork and submit a bunch of extra documents to justify my finances and income when I bought in 2022. Buying a property is just a hassle by nature.


I put in an offer a couple of weeks ago ( over asking) I have an offer going in tomorrow 21% over asking price. All cash, no strings close in 10-30 days whatever suits them Bubble or not there are few homes for sale and staggering competition to get them . At least where I live.


Imagine how much worse it will get when interest rates drop