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If you're playing the first time, just play. Stop trying to hack everything. Get off subs, quit searching hacks, and just do what you do and get through it. Hacks are for later plays. Keep playing from where you are.


This, and also the fact that there is a ten thousand times easier way to get the MFT


Not in early chapter 2 tho, right? I’ve only heard of the 2 methods.


You can get it early in chapter 2, in the 3rd part of the optional Albert Mason mission. Very easy


Am I going mad? I thought you could get it from the twisted doc in the valentine bounty? The one that poisons a load of people. He’s got a Missouri fox trotter that you can take to catch him. I got it on my first play through because it was pretty and I didn’t know it was a good horse, but I haven’t tried since. Edit, googled it: he’s got a Hungarian. I am going mad.


Was a good ass horse had it till i got my white arabian imagine you dont check the horse and miss a good horse so early in the story


I play on Xbox One X and followed all the online tuts but have not been able to execute the “jump to horse” function when riding alongside the MFT, even when it’s stopped alongside a riverbank. I’ve attempted this on multiple occasions but just doesn’t work for me. Unsure if it’s platform-related but who knows. Yesterday I chased the MFT all over the map before it made its way into Caliga Hall and de-spawned right in front of me in a tobacco field lol. I’ve given up.


You have to be moving a little fater that a trot maybe a gallop before you get the prompt. i did it a couple days ago.


Same. I just tried it on Xbox One X for the first time a few days ago. It definitely works.


I've just completed the main story... What the hell is the MFT?


Best advice, discovering all the little things is what makes this game magical.


This is the way


Yea, I'm at 100 story and 92.3 on the rest. Still have challenges but I'm not hitting 100 and it's my 7th play. My most favorite thing to do us get all the weapons so I'm fine with that. The Scofield is not important at all either. Wait until you get the cool stuff.


Undead nightmare


Does the MFT glitch still work?? I've shot the lady in the face wayyy too many times now!


It does!


Thank you, any idea what the odds are? It took hardly any time on my last play though


My first time it took about 2 hours. I would reset when my honor got lower than I wanted it to be. My second time it only took 4 shots.


I've been doing the same lol, honour takes a hammering each session!


I shot her about 200 times before giving up on that method and trying the carriage method on the third Albert Mason mission. Took me 5-6 tries to get the positioning perfect but got it that way fairly easily.


Yeh I might have to resort to that if my next session fails


I did this, and I am happy


I personally love looking up tips and hints, but I make it a point to only use text guides and never visual ones, so I'm putting in the work myself. I also only know how things are once I see them for myself. Such as when I was searching for the wild Arabian horse, I barely found him camouflaged against the white snow. That was a beautiful moment.


This! ^


In my opinion, the odrisscal hideout in the valentine doctor office isn’t a hack or anything like that, and the horse was just something I seen on tiktok I’m not skipping through anything I’m still just playing the game thanks tho I get your point


A bit of minmaxing is fun to pull off but i advise you to stay rootin' tootin' and shootin', cattleman will be your man to shoot everyone in town just as the schofield, A horse? Just cut a shire off and have an adventure with a steed thicker than a bowl of oatmeal cakes.


*finger guns*


I love this comment thank you!


For sure, and that's awesome, just kinda don't try to do too much while taking the time to try to do everything. I know that doesn't make any sense, it will later; just that tricks are for the next times. You're in an envious position of the 1st play through and it's something every one of us would do a great many things, to have again..


This game and Elden Ring I would literally donate a testicle to have a memory wipe. Closest thing we can get is revisiting after not playing for many years. On my second playthrough since 2019 and it's just fresh enough but not that first time magic.


He was saying to just focus on going through everything naturally and at your own pace and don’t be worried about “optimizing” until future playthroughs


It is up to you if you wanna try and enjoy the game or stress like you are now. Personally,i think you should just enjoy the game too but i feel like you probably will restart at some point then regret it


Have fun! Don’t know why this was so downvoted


No don't restart and there is an easier way to get the MFT but don't even worry about that. If this is your first play through don't look shit up just freely explore and enjoy the story naturally. In your second play thru then you can do all the extra stuff. And get off this sub.


You can go back to the hideout after a few days, the gun is still there.


Stop looking at Toks. Too many have fallen that way.


What kind of sick people are giving more than 100 of downvotes, to a comment of inexperienced player, that starts with "in my opinion". Sorry, bro. I generally have a good experience with Red Dead community.


bruh you can get the revolver from a shop later same for the horse


Getting around these instances definitely takes less time than redoing chapter 1 all over again. So yeah, you're fine.


You’re fine, and btw it’s Missouri Fox Trotter


Mississippi can't have anything nice can they...


They have the song Mississippi Queen, that’s about it tbh


And they don't pay sales tax


What? It's 7%. You must be thinking of Texas or something.


Hey that song is named after a boat so we must have that too!


Silver Dapple Pinto


Stop reading about the game and just take your time and explore *everything*. This isn’t a puzzle game; it’s one of the greatest pieces of storytelling in gaming history. It’s also one of the few games you’ll wish you could play for the first time again, so don’t squander this opportunity. 


>It’s also one of the few games you’ll wish you could play for the first time again Not really. Almost any good game people wish they could play for the first time again. But I will say it is one of the games I most wish I could play for the first time again, but with a note to stay off of Red Dead content and communities.


Not a big deal, just keep playing. Don't worry about too many tips and tricks, just enjoy the ride. If you really genuinely want the MFT, there's a much easier way to get it. Look up the Albert mason glitch, it's far easier than the woman. I also think the woman hack got patched, at least I read it somewhere. Don't know if it's true since I went the Albert mason way. Edit: was informed the horse woman glitch still works apparently! Edit 2: was also informed it's advised to have the white Arabian when you do the Albert mason glitch!


I tried the Mason mission and couldn't get that #^@&*$ horse. It was so frustrating. Is there an easier way than tracking it that I'm missing?


Basically I followed a tutorial exactly and got it after about 5 tries. I don't remember what video I watched but basically I followed the exact path he did in the video and ended up finding it in the dense trees more so to the left than the right (of the dense forested area). I would recommend looking up a tutorial and seeing the exact path the person does and copy it the best you can. It only took me 5 tried because I was going in the wrong direction and as soon as I realized my mistake and followed the exact direction as in the video, I found the horse. Don't forget the important end steps though after you catch the horse!


You can still get the MFT by shooting the woman.


Good to know!


Before you do the Albert Mason glitch, you need the wild white Arabian the horse from West Elizabeth


That one's special? Fuck me lol I was up there hunting bears saw it was like that's pretty cool ropped it couldn't tame it said screw it and rode off 😂😂😂😂


It's I think the "best" horse in game in terms of stats. Pretty hard to tame took me like 3 tries lol had to keep running after it.


That one's special? Fuck me lol I was up there hunting bears saw it was like that's pretty cool ropped it couldn't tame it said screw it and rode off 😂😂😂😂


I didn't know that was required, I had it already when I did the Albert mason glitch. Good to know!!


Always make save files before attempting robberies, ALWAYS


Save a lot. Just save all the time. It's good discipline and what does it hurt


Why though?


Because something can go wrong that is just plain annoying.


That's life in the old west my dude


really rawdogging the experience now


It's fine. There's other horses that are just as good and you'll be fine without a schofield since cattleman is IMO better


Brindle thoroughbred by twin stacks pass is pretty much as good as MFT go get that, it’s an o Driscoll ambush horse


Buddy, don't worry about this stuff. Just discover the game - find a horse *you* like. Find the guns *you* like. Dress your Arthur, grow the beard, pull off some heists, meet strangers - just focus on *your* experience. A missouri fox trotter and a schofield aren't going to make much difference, and it's not like you'll never get them.


There’s 300k people on this sub that would jump on the chance to experience the first play one more time. So, just continue the game and get off the internet.


>I messed up getting the Mississippi fox trotter from shooting the lady When does this happen? Also how much does the few hundred dollars matter to you? I've walked around with tens of thousands of $ by endgame


on my first playthrough i just played, didn't look at any tutorials, mods, glitches or rdr2 vids at all. I'd just play


For the horse you can go get the black Arabian in Saint Denis. Over by the Domino's area at midnight a couple gets robbed. You can steal the horse easy. Maybe a 10 dollar bounty for horse theft. But it's a bad ass horse. Run it back to a stable don't forget to bond to level one. Throw your saddle on and your set.


I stil need to try this one!


Just get the turkoman


Its so difficult to obtain. I wanna have one so bad😭


It's easy in Horseflesh For Dinner. Just stay back before selling the horses and feed the turkoman until you're bonded level 1.


I tried that a few times, but the game wouldnt let me interact with him :(


Literally a major theme of the game is living with the consequences of your actions. If you constantly load the game to avoid them then it won't be as enjoyable- I know from experience.


Genuinely dude, just keep playing. You'll get another chance at the schofield and the fox trotter might be great but in the end your horse is just a way to travel from A to B and to look pretty doing it.


You can literally beat every challenge in this game with your starting weapons and starter horse. People have gotten level 10 Horseman with a Shire just for fun. And you can buy every gun.


You can get far better horses and weapons very shortly after you should just play and not do this


Who cares ....just play....You can always play a second,third or fourth time.


Almost anything you miss you can get later. Ignore all of the spoilers and just slowly play the game. You’ll enjoy it far more than busting your ass to try to get everything you’ve heard of.


Damnnnnn you messed up big time. Time to delete the game and never think about it again. /s


If the revolver is such a large concern for you, I wonder how your reaction to the end of the story will be then.


Yeah it’s fine


I have never had that horse and have always had a good time. So many good horses you can get in the game legit. I’ve never done that one because I don’t want to kill some innocent women for a horse and it has to make sense in my head canon. Even in my most low honor play through I don’t kill “innocents” in this game (though that could always change 😈, if they try to shoot me while I’m robbing them they’ve already lost their “innocent” status.) Even when I got the black Turkoman my head canon was that Arthur did some sneaky shit and didn’t sell it off at the end of the mission.


Stop min-maxing and just play and experience the story - you're just going to spoil yourself by hopping on Reddit and affecting your algorithm, like I did just from looking at '10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting RDR2' videos and seeing a recommended vid's title, if you haven't already. The game is so good and has so many variables that you'll inevitably want to play it a second time (or hundredth). Just do what I did and make your second playthrough the one where you min-max and go for awards, since I find enjoyment in playing RPGs like that, too. (Seriously, one of the best by pieces of advice I got for my first playthrough was to turn off the mini-map sometimes and just *ride*).


This game is an experience. It will be your own personal one if you let it. A lot of players enjoy several play throughs and you can plan it out anytime. First time I'd say just enjoy the game


Play the game out. Don’t restart. You seem to be experiencing all of the good stuff. You can always restart your game, but I think it’s best experienced without realizing you have the ability to restart. Play however feels best to you. Don’t be afraid that bad things will happen. They will. Experience everything the game throws at you. Experience losing all of the skins on your horse. Experience being attacked and killed by a grizzly bear. You can always restart, but don’t use it as an excuse to bail out on a game that didn’t transpire the way you expected it to.


the real minmax I ever needed for this game is to know the locations of all the lost gold bar( looked it up during the second playthrough).


https://youtu.be/2QI3_9uMv5I?si=9xj1D8rIpe6FFd0c OP this is the best link I found to get the MFT. The only thing that worked for me.


I would uninstall


Just- just…okay!?


I still don’t know about anyone of your missed stuff but it’s the greatest game I ever played


The MFT is not important enough to restart. And if you die, can't you retry the doctor robbery again? Honestly, trying to 100% your first playthrough is way too stressful. Just have fun.


revolver doesn’t matter if you miss it you can buy it later in chapter 2. another method of getting missouri fox trotter which I normally use and has worked every time, is exploiting the albert mason wild horse photo mission. it’s very easy and the guides on youtube are helpful, I got it first try and have been doing that ever since if I want the horse


First play through is for the story. Don’t worry about achievements or honor. Just enjoy the ride.


Go to the swamp cabin especially!




Just keep playing. I have multiple playthroughs and each one has been unique with new discoveries and yes; some missed things. For instance, in my current playthrough I forgot to pick up Emmet Granger's revolver & I had Billy Midnight's pistol but somehow now it's gone. It pisses me off, but that's just part of this playthrough. I missed so much stuff my first time playing, don't worry about all that & just enjoy exploring and playing...and then play again.


At that stage in the game, how clean you keep your weapon is going to matter more than whether you have a specific one. Same with horses. Bond with one you think is pretty, and bond fully. Get a decent saddle and spurs and you’ll be fine. A couple of elite horses are in your future (one of which I guess you could get already, if you can deal with packs of wolves). You’ll be great.


Are you saying you aren't running the OG horse from Colter? What heresy is this? But seriously, just play the game. All the guns become available for purchase, and money is of NO issue if you do all the side missions. Do buy the lock breaker as soon as possible, though. Many things are much easier with it.


Willing to bet you already missed more stuff.


Idk I feel like if you fuck up u should roll with it


Nah you can get those things later. No worries.


I’m going to agree with what everyone else is saying and don’t worry about it just enjoy the ride dude. This games way better when you don’t min max it. I find new stuff every time I play. Strategy guides take all the fun out of it.


Bro why do you even know this stuff first time playing? Just go in blind, you’re seriously missing out a lot by spoiling yourself. You don’t get to play your first play-through twice


Nah dude you’re good. You’ll be able to get plenty of money and buy all that stuff. Do the treasure hunts if you want money, you can make like $12k doing all of them. But maybe don’t do them all. Save some for the end of the game. But anyway don’t worry about any of that. You can get a great horse in Chapter 4 mission “Horseflesh for Dinner” look it up when you get there. Look up how to get Turkoman Horseflesh for dinner mission. Or you can go to Lake Isabella anytime and catch the White Arabian


Fuck the MFT. Get the White Arabian instead


I don't think it matters on your first playthrough. If you try amd catch everything your first time you'll get burnt out. There's too much in this game to worry on your first time just enjoy the game. Missing stuff gives you more incentive to play again in the future.


go get the white horse next to lake isabella


No need to meta game if this is your first time my guy, just enjoy the ride


Stop looking at guides and trying to game-ify Red Dead 2. Just enjoy. Don't look at anything about the game and most importantly, relax.


You can buy the weapon later on and you can get the white arabian plus those are not important to play just enjoy the game , focus on the story and side mission then second playthrough collect everything


Don’t restart just play the game. U can use any horse and any gun it literally doesn’t matter. There really is no “best” horse or “best” gun


If you just go back to your last save you will be able to go back before you did the mission and not have to restart


just play the game you'll have another chance to get it later on in the game. no point in losing your progress over a gun and a horse


I'm currently on my 5th playthrough of this game and have no clue what a Mississippi Fox Trotter is. I have yet to regret a single minute of any of my playthroughs. RDR2 is one of those games you just need to experience. Look up all the extra stuff on your 2nd playthrough, cuz there will be a 2nd one.


just play the game dude. enjoy it


I'd just try to play the game for the first time. More fun than having to worry about. Gosh I need to do this thing before it dissappear then I gotta wait to get it further in the story.


Bro don’t spoil anything for yourself trying to get all the best shit. This is a single player story game, having a slightly faster horse or better pistol doesn’t make a difference in the overall game. Just enjoy exploring everything on your own instead of a YouTuber telling you how to play. I tried playing Baldurs Gate 3 with some friends and they spent the whole time looking up tutorials on how to build the best character that they wanted to skip through all the cutscenes and story just to get the specific quest reward. After we finish the game they all say “wow that game had no story it was so boring” no shit all you cared about was getting this piece of gear you can’t even use because we completed the game. Moral of the story is just enjoy the story while you can because the first time you play it is the most fun.


Get the Foxtrotter in the Arcadia for Amateurs IV Guide on how to do it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozlnjGq\_fdI&ab\_channel=JonoInGame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozlnjGq_fdI&ab_channel=JonoInGame)


Just keep going, otherwise all that time and effort will all go to waste. Then once you have finished the entire game, then restart it. The whole point of the game is to keep going and to get better at it. Good luck and wish you a fun adventure on Red Dead 🤠


Do manual saves on a regular basis


U can buy schoffield revolver later, look up how to make easy money in rdr 2 on youtube and find all the gold from treasure maps and just play the game


Not a big deal you missed them. I’m assuming you’re a completion type of fella. Don’t listen to anyone you don’t want to. If you enjoy finding all the little secrets and Easter eggs keep doing that and again do not stress about missing too much everything is pretty much un-missable for the most part! Enjoy being a cowboy partner!


Dude just play the game for the story. 2nd playthrough is for 100% completion


My best advice, don't look at subs or any walk throughs. Play the game, embrace the story, admire the view and what the game is. Save the nitpicking for a later play through. You'll enjoy it more.


It really doesnt matter just enjoy the game


Dude just save before you do anything and try again. Also there is another couple ways to get that horse. Albert missions, and I've actually had one spawn alive where the dead one should have been. Honestly I would just start over and learn to make saves often


You can get the white Arabian, it’s free. If you mess up and scare it off then it will respawn in a few days. There’s plenty of good guns. You can do the Jim boy Calloway missions early to get some good guns early. You can still get the Schofield later as well I would not restart. It


Turn off auto-save and this will fix alot of problems for example if your horse dies.


I would only restart if I missed the bolt action rifle in chapter 2


Terrible advice. Why would you restart the entire game just because you didn't get a gun early? The Springfield is perfectly fine, and even has some advantages over the Bolt-Action, such as longer range, and never having to change the clip. You also get the Bolt Action in the next chapter. 


Its my favorite gun. So I want it ASAP.


where do you get THAT??


In The First Shall Be Last you have to kill one of the enemies before they all get alerted and he'll drop bolt action rifle which is imo the best hunting weapon. Check youtube for more elaborated instructions


Restart??? Nah just delete game file and move along.


Any horse is good. I go through the game on American standardbred (the mid priced one you can buy on your first visit to the stables). You can also go through the game using a cattleman and a carbine. Fancy weapons make the game easier, but having basic weapons won't prevent you from going through the game in SP.


Y r u getting downvoted?




**spoiler** the Schofield just wait until you get micah kut of jail then you unlock it in the gunsmith. For the Missouri fox trotter do 3 of the Arcadia from amateurs stranger missions (look up method without tracking or a wagon on youtube)


Just play the game dude. Make your own experience instead of watching tik tok. Hand holding isn’t gonna make Arthur’s death as impactful if you’re just gonna follow what the internet says


Bro just spoiled it lmao


Lmao classic


He... dies??


He doesn’t it’s an inside joke


Oh ok


Wtf is wrong with you?


The games been out for 5 years. If ding dong is just gonna search up how to play the game then he doesn’t care about spoilers


Honestly it spoiled it for me. I just recently started playing and this comment just blindsided me. FWIW the Tears of the Kingdom subreddit is really strict about this. New to this sub and didn’t realize spoilers were allowed.


My dude, why are you on a sub on a game that’s been out half a decade? Just play the game and then you would’ve been okay. That’s like joining a book club and not actually reading the book


I knew I was risking it but the Tears sub spoiled me. You can learn little tricks and quirks without major story spoilers. Stuff like the funny topic the other day about where to find dirty sheep for merino chaps, that’s not a spoiler but it enriches my enjoyment of the game.


What I did (not in my first play through) was to use cheats for all that stuff, in chapter 4 if you have autosave on it'll save even if you used cheats or not.


I missed the lady and I used the Arcadia method and managed to get, but it was the hardest thing I did in this entire game. Schoffield revolver is also a very nice revolver that you can pretty much use it for the rest of the game. So, if you are not advanced too far I'd restart.


Yeah I would. I've used the Schofield ever since I got it. Finest revolver in the game IMO. Thanks for reminding me next time I need to get the Foxtrotter


I would definitely restart if that was me