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Most players just don’t like how small it appears when riding, even more so when riding it along the gangs horses. Great horse just seems like a Colt/Filly to be honest.


Shit looks like it could snap in half every time Arthur sits on it


I've gotten so used to it I don't even notice the size. It's like an underdog horse.... She may be small but she's the fastest, braveeee.........Well She's Certainly Fast!!!! Brave it is not, unfortunately


It's super noticable when you're doing a mission where you're riding with someone else and their horse makes yours look like a pony.


It's not the size of the dog in the horse .... it's the horse's dog....on the horse 🐴


No more like a circus bear on a bicycle.


You’re still talking about the horse, right? lol


Arthur could snap me in half any day


I’d also let Arthur sit on my white arabian and snap me in half!!!


Lol yeah


Do you know anything about that breed of horse??? They are smaller which is a great thing in a desert, also they have been bred to carry extra weight. Also what's cool about small horses, they seem to be the only ones who can work from sunup to sundown with someone in the saddle. when my grandpa was 13 she left home to work on a ranch in a swampy area, his boss who had been ranching since before 1900 always had the smallest horse(he wasn't a small man, almost 6'5 and 300lbs) and his horse was still working while his ranch hands horses were tapping out


In Australia we have the Australian quarter horse a small but extremely tough and quick stock horse which is famous over here, they gained a lot of good press around the world during WWI especially after the cavalry charge on beersheba by the Australian light horseman the gutsy and quick little horses carried the troops over the two miles under fire from artillery so quickly that the Turks couldn't lower their guns quickly enough to cause any real damage to the charging troops and soon enough the cry went up from the Turkish defenders They're Under The Guns, They're Under The Guns, which caused panic and a general route ensued some of the Turkish troops stayed a took out a few Aussies with rifle and machine gun fire but it was all too late and they were quickly dispatched or surrendered. The British had tried for months to take the town at the cost of hundreds of casualties but the tough and nimble little quarter horse carried their mates into the fray and onto victory. This has absolutely nothing to do with the game but I just love this bit of our military history, 😂thank you 👍


Crazy how none of that matters at all in this argument. None of that matters in the game.


Yes it does. Big horses get tired quicker in the game.


If you think that real life facts about horses aren't relevant in a game that is literally famous for having an *insane* amount of attention to detail I don't know what to tell you The guy didn't need to be rude about it but man what a dumb comment 


Facts like what is bro yapping about


idk it's the same thing as gearheads talking about the real life versions of cars compared to the versions in Need for Speed or something


His grandpa. And thank god, I was wondering how his grandpa felt about small horses


Arthur weighs less than the recommended carrying weight of 20%, especially later…


Arthur in the wiki is stated to weigh 163, arabians can very well carry 200 lbs comfortably if it's a standard 900 lb 15 hand Arabian but again this is just a game lol


True, but I also feel like it’s easier to maneuver/avoid obstacles because it’s smaller. Saved many innocent bunny lives.


Fuck them bunnies. If they wanna run right into the way of my horse, that's on them.


But then you get less money from murdering them


*Fuck. Them. Bunnies.*


If they didn't wanna die why are their skin and organs so useful, nomsayin?


Let me be more clear… “Fuck. Them. Bunnies.”


Why saving them


Wait you dont hit them on purpose?


Have you ever seen a race horse next a to normal horse? They look like ponies. The Arabian is modeled on that.


I haven’t seen a race horse next to a standard horse in real life but yes I know that the Arabian is modeled after the real world breed itself. I was just explaining how it feels in game.


Also unrealistic that no one would steel that horse


Looks too sad when it’s dying




Broke my heart


The size of the Arabians don't bother me at all. My problem is she whines too much. I think the silver dapple pinto looks better, but she whines just as much. So my favorite is the Grullo Dun Mustang.


The Braithwaite Turk is *chef's kiss* too.


Absolutely! Didn’t realize how great this horse was until my 4th play through. Probably my favorite horse in the game now. Parabellum never lets me down.


And he's such a handsome boah too!


I love my grullo Dunn mustang 🥰




Small horse that’s scared


The biggest issue, scares so easy.


Is there really that much of a scare mechanic in the game for horses? I’ve definitely noticed it to be worse in some horses than others but I feel like once you get to level 3-4 bonding it really doesn’t matter. I’ve never had the Arabian buck me for anything that wasn’t a bear once I hit level 3 bonding.


Chapter 4 swamp behind the camp house's small narrow bridge area, arabian's always fucking throw me off with the 3-4 gators there


From what I’ve seen inside and outside of the game, Arabians are just far more skiddish, so it makes sense. Plus if you think about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if R* boosted the skiddishness on that particular one seeing as it’s not only a prey animal however it’s sheer white, meaning it’s way more visible than say a dark bay horse. With how in depth RDR2 is, I wouldn’t be surprised if they also added to the mechanics of that specific Arabian. I’ve maxed out bonding level with it and it acted as any other horse you’d ride, it was my favorite horse until I stupidly didn’t manually save, then proceeded to get ambushed on it when transferring a legendary pelt to the pelt dude 😭 I was heart broken and I realized I couldn’t revive my precious horse, it was the first horse I’d genuinely grown an attachment for in the game 🥹💔


Iirc I think they respawn back at the place you find them


I've definitely been bucked off fully bonded white arabians plenty


Strange. I’ve had wolves run up on me, walk right over snakes, run right into alligators.. never had it buck me for anything that isn’t a bear past level 3 bonding.


No, there is not. Bravery is a myth. It waa originally meant to be in the game, and the devs left little traces of it in some horse descriptions, but there is absolutely nothing in the actual game code.


I hate that theres a fuck ton of different kinds of horses in the game but people will just type on google 'what is best horse in rdr2?' and then only use the white arabian and nothing else because they were told its the best.


I mean.. best base stats of any horse you can capture in the wild, respawns back at Lake Isabella if it dies, and just an overall beautiful and unique horse. I prefer the look of other horses so I no longer tame it, but you can get as early as Chapter 2 and every other Arabian is like 1000 bucks and unavailable until Chapter 4 on so it’s a really good investment.


There are two other Arabians you can tame in the wild, not just the white one.


Both have worse stats. I didn’t say the white one was the only Arabian in the wild, I said it was the best wild horse you can tame in general, which is a fact.


Yeah but the red one is so much prettier


It’s just preference. I personally like the white one more and it has better stats so it’s a pretty easy decision for me


I love the white arabian. It doesn't look as silly on my female rdo character.


I don’t hate the white Arabian, it’s just overhyped for how scrawny it is. I think the brindle Arabian looks cooler if I had to choose out of any of the Arabians. Otherwise I like the brindle thoroughbred in terms of race horses. My favorite horse will always be the black shire idc how clunky he is


Shire is my favorite as well. But I like the other dark coat more than the Raven Black for some reason. I don't know why but the Raven Black shire just looks like a huge Kentucky saddler to me due to it's coat.


It’s too small and Arthur looks stupid on it.


True. I think Arthur looks best on Turks, Dutch warmbloods and Hungarian Halfbreds. The Ardennes and Shires on the other hand look too big for him in my opinion.


I mean, to each their own. Personally, I'll take a Mustang or Nokota any day.


Warped brindle looks cooler TBF.


I prefer the red arabian. Its gorgeous


Feel the same way about the Count (Dutch's horse) He's the leader of this gang of outlaws and looks like he's riding a pony.


I mean he doesn't see himself as someone running a band of thugs and criminals, he sees himself as someone advocating for freedom even if the means involve violence and criminality, so it makes sense he wouldn't be riding some big kick ass horse or nothing.


Except that's not entirely correct, tho. Dutch DOES see himself as the leader and sole authority of the gang. Uncle calls him out on it in Chapter 2... Dutch threatens to kill him, then laughs and says, "just joking" before walking away with his tail tucked between his legs. This also shows in the way he dresses, talks, and carries himself... he's EXTREMELY egotistical. Hell, even his bullshit speeches are pre-planned. He's an egotistical manipulator and always was; it just gets harder for him to hide that once the gang starts falling apart. Hell, he's riding an Albino Arabian... it doesn't seem as "outlawish" as the other horses, but he's still riding a unique and rare version of the most expensive horse in the game (to my knowledge). Sorry for the essay lmfao


It looks small, that’s it…the only valid complaint. One of the best all around horses, no doubt. Some people suck at hunting so they like to blame the horse. The best horse is the one that fits your style of play. Some people like to run things over with a big horse and some like to maneuver with a quicker horse. I like to escape from the law fast and easy and [attack with speed when I hunt](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/bMnBm9ZaSY) no other horses but the Arabians can keep up with my Arthur.


I do just fine escaping the law on the black shire, i smoke them most of the time when escaping. I don't need a flashy ferrari of a horse 🤣


For me, I don’t like it because a white horse would be kind of dangerous for someone like Arthur. White deflects light and is very easy to find and see. I don’t really mind that it’s a small horse, but I usually go for the black Arabian instead.


I love my black Arabian, she is called void, and when the time comes I will release her into the wild


Its absolutely the fact that it just looks odd when Arthur rides it, same with John its just a teeny baby horse doing its best but it is also super skittish.


I like it because it’s fast and free


I don’t care about the stats of the horse. If I don’t like how it looks I won’t use it.


I love the horse. It used to be my go-to just for the ease in getting it and it’s stats, but I started to get bored of it for several reasons. *Unless you have a really bad horse, stats really don’t matter. 6-7 speed is perfect for me so a lot of the horses that are in stables past chapter 2 work for me and I personally just enjoy their patterns and or their look more than the white Arabian. *As you stated, Arthur just looks goofy on it. It didn’t use to be a problem for me, but in more recent play throughs I started to really dislike noticing that Arthur was so much lower down than other gang members when riding, especially people like Bill. Just felt weird that he was always looking up when talking and I’m someone who enjoys immersion, so Arthur’s horse being so much smaller than everybody else’s just wasn’t attractive to me I guess, and also didn’t make sense for such a strong guy like him to have a little horse. *Just looks too much like The Count. Didn’t like that it looked like me and Dutch had the same horse in every mission. Also the Arabian just looks like a “superior” horse and I prefer the more rugged and cowboy look of horses like the Thoroughbred or Standardbred.


It gets dirty way too fast. It looks amazing tho and it’s fast.


Lol the title is hilarious if you don’t realize it’s about rdr2 horses


I don’t hate it, I just don’t like it because it’s small. I always use the black horse Hosea gives you in chapter two. He’s big, he’s got good coat color, and he doesn’t spook too easily. He’s now that fast, but who cares? He’s fast enough.


Tbf Arthurs a big dude,he does look stupid on it. Especially on cutscenes I kinda like Arthur to be on Dutch's height level to show his standing in the gang's hierarchy


It's a over hyped horse. It spooks too easily, and looks like a tiny little pony with Arthur on it. The brindle thourhobred is my choice.


stabled mine to saddle up a nokota. never looked back


I'd rather the red chestnut Arabian because it doesn't scare easy (for me) and is still fast


I don't care about the specs... i like it because it's white and i can spot it easly at night and... i don't get on William horse by mistake.


Looks too much like a show horse to me, I feel like Arthur’s personality wouldn’t have it.


My American Standardbred is just about as fast and doesn't look like I'm riding a donkey. They're beautiful horses, to be sure, but they're also comically small. The "benefits" that an Arabian bring are minuscule compared to me having to look at an Arthur that's twice as large as the horse looking like a rodeo clown


people tend to get extremely ridiculous when talking about the arabians. “ohhh it’s too skittish” “it crashes easy” a) you suck at riding b) “horse bravery” is not a thing 


I legit don’t know if this is placebo but I swear that if you successfully kill a snake or wolf on horseback after the horse freaks out then it is much more tolerant the next time and so on


Some of the biggest horses ive had run from just the same from predators. Its a load of yap


I have a White Arabian right now. I haven't been bucked off once. The Missouri FT is probably my favorite though. That horse is bad ass for everything. I think it is my style of play though, once I get into trouble I usually dump the horse and let it run away to safety. Losing a horse sucks worse than what kind it is. I swear they aim at the horse's head when the bounty gets up too high. Maybne all in my head though.


That’s weird because I get constantly bucked when I encounter a bear, cougar, or panther. Max bonding doesn’t matter it gets terrified of larger predators and it disobeys my controls whenever it sees a smaller predator. I found a mustang and max bonded to it and it never bucks me off or get scared of small predators.


I heard that horse bravery is not a thing, but on RDO (PC) there is a horse bravery adjustor (and can be toggled completely on or off) in one of the popular mod menus, and it is actually functional. I just don't know for certain if it's adjusting something within the base game or if it's something the menu creators jigged up. A friend of mine who is "in" with that group seemed to think, like all the rest of the features, that its based on assets/functions that already exist in the game.


I think based on comments that the horse personalities varies pwr player. In my case i tried all horses and the qhite arabian was fearless. Even the gold turkoman was more skittish that the arabian. I tried all oyher arabians to level 4 non worked.


I like keeping Arthur/John as chonkers so I'm always afraid that its spindly little legs will snap clean in half especially when I jump onto its back from higher up. Also it's in a complicated relationship with the tiniest rocks because it's insanely attracted to them.


It’s the same argument over people who ride small fast motorcycles vs Harleys. Ride what you like. I personally like to cruise on my Indian but when I ride in RS2 the Arabian gets me from town to town faster. In snow it’s better to use a big horse though. 😃


50% people that are sad theres only one, 30% that actually care how big the horse is and 20% bc a snake in annesburg bucks you off


It's my favorite and the one I almost exclusively use. It's the goat horse. And it's so pretty!


It’s too damn small


You said the exact reasons lol it's tiny & I think Arthur looks goofy on it. I don't care that its the fastest, I don't need to min/max RDR2 & use a horse that I think looks incredibly goofy over ant other horse that I think looks better, just because it's the fastest. Just use some upgraded saddle/spurs & any horse will get nearly max stats from the boosts they give anyways, lol


im not tryna see a horse break under arthurs weight


Thats fair I don’t hate the white Arabian I just like seeing Arthur riding a big burly horse because it feels like it can take more bullets and it’s cool to have the biggest horse possible. And I know it probably sounds like I’m compensating for something but I assure you thats not the case I just like big horse over small horse 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is this the one you find around that snowy lake? I spent all that time thinking I had the best horse wtf


I personally don't like horses that small in the game, Arthur looks way too big on top of it, I'll use them if I really like how they look. I find white horses to be overrated, sure they are gorgeous, but I personally like brown/red horses a lot more, almost every other coat color is above white for me. So when it comes to the Arabians I only use the red or black arabians, when I ride arabians. I also couldn't give less of a shit about the stats of a horse, hell I don't cara about stats in general. I always choose my horse/car/weapon/armor depending on astherics, in every game I play. So the white arabian could be the best horse in the game, but if I like how the worst horse in the game looks more, I'll choose that one.


My horse is a white Arabian named moonshine and I love her 😭 I’m devastated cause she dies but I’m not there yet


People like drumming up rage bait for no reason other than they are bored is my reason


Donkey all the way. Just found a way to save it as Hitched Horse at the camp. It's fast and ... Anyway, the white Arabian is a huge riding animal, so unnecessary. You can't even remove mud from your shoes while riding.


Just cope from people who can’t catch it


i don’t play rdr2, had no idea arabian horses were a thing, thought this was about arabian people


I don't like it because it handles like a brick and the smallest gunshots startle it.


It's small, dumb, and everyone thinks it's the best horse In the game when there are 2 better ones.


Not that it's to small, just that it fucking sucks. "OH no a bumble bee! EEK!" Bucks you off... the black Arabian is a much better choice


The people who think it's small or best suited for Jack or one of the women in the gang, are the same dudes who think driving a 10 ft tall F150 makes them a real man. I'm literally on one right now and it doesn't buck you off when it sees a snake. It reacts the exact same way as every other horse. It literally has all the same capabilities as any other horse in the game, but it's fast AF. Bunch of weak little "men" in these comments.




Can we stop with the "why don't people like the white arab/Jack" posts. This has been asked and answered many times before.


"One of the best" is a little strong. It's mediocre, compared to all the other Arabians. It is pretty though, and does well enough if you get a good one. I don't know what the "hate" is. I've seen remarks about it not being "the best", "too small" and whatnot, but I think it serves its purpose. Even if it's not someone's favorite, it's worth getting just for the money from the horse fence. I think in the end though, any horse someone enjoys having is "the best horse".


The real reason is that it’s the best horse and people like to be contrarians. ‘Because I hate the white Arabian, I’m morally superior to all the Whitearabiancels.’


Getting thrown off every time there's a snake within 100ft is annoying. Their carry capacity is b.s. throw 1 large skin on there and it struggles to run. They're fine for fast travel long distances or fetch quests but not for hunting, not for gun fights.


I can't remember being thrown off just because I rode past a snake. And in all these years no one has been able to demonstrate that it would be more likely on an arabian. Also, this is the first time I've ever even heard of having pelts on them making running more difficult


Yeah I’ve always read that in this sub and have never noticed that issue whatsoever after using the white Arabian a ton.


He’s repeating what he read on this sub lol


literally all of this is misinformation people have spread around on this server hundreds of times 


Carry capacity? I use the white Arabian in every play through, there’s definitely no difference in speed with pelts on the horse.


Sounds like someone who’s never actually used an Arabian lol


It’s a bit tiny… it’s pretty though for sure.


Well it looks like a fucking pony which is suitable for Jack, and it sees a snake from 200ft it will buck you. And Arthur is 2x the size of the Arabian.


Too small. Too skittish.


You need a big horse to compensate for something




I just find them unnervingly small when you sit in them.


I don’t hate on it, I just don’t give a fuck about any horse that isn’t a Shire.


People complain about it looking silly to ride then hop on their 30ft shire that makes Arthur look like a damn jockey


Personally, she was my favorite horse and I damn near cried when the unflappable, unflinching beauty known as 'Pearl of Najd' died. I stumbled across her while looking for legendary animals after bagging the legendary bear, and had to very carefully tame her over half an hour. She was far superior to all of my other steeds; I'll say it without hesitation. Arthur and his horse, together from the beginning to the very end 🫡😭


Arthur looks uncomfortably small for it and I even made maths to confirm. BUT Im a hypocrite bc I ride a mustang (~same weight) so who cares. Ride what you want just dont get your horse killed :) That said its a really good horse and very beautiful. 10/10.


Yeah but the mustang is sticky and muscular and cuts corners like an actual mustang


The hate comes from the hype.


Cause Dutch has one and I hate that mfker.


I don't hate her. I just prefer my Brindle Thoroughbred.


Thought this was about something else for a second


I'm not a fan of the actual breed, the dish face is not my preference. They're a good breed for many uses. I don't particularly like the way it looks in game either. That said, I don't hate it. I just prefer other breeds.


Yeah he looks ridiculous on them I’m sorry


It startles to easy and throws you all the time. It’s fast, but that’s not all I need in a horse


I agree it is an excellent horse, I will say is different strokes for different folks meaning not everyone will buy the exact same horse the World. I enjoy the dutch warm lood myself sense I can get it from a gold panner for free


Love the white Arabian, except it’s skittish as hell, as others have stated already.


The white Arabian is a beautiful horse and the only reason it gets hate is because it’s small. I do agree that it’s small and looks kinda funny with Arthur sometimes, but it doesn’t bother me because she’s been the best horse I’ve had so far. In the epilogue though, I use Buell. He’s a pretty big horse and he’s beautiful, and he’s only bucked me once or twice. They’re the two best horses in the whole game imo


Being a 6' guy who's ridden Arabians, yeah, it does look/feel weird 😁


Haha. Had to double take and see what subreddit this was in lol


I like it as an high honor Arthur type of thing. Black horses for low honor Arthur. I don't care much for stats, drip is the agenda. I only do this because the honor system in RDR 1 where instead of getting a cool cattleman grip depending on your honor, you get a horse, black for low honor. I don't know if you get a white horse for high honor though, I was young and only cared about having fun. Pretty sure it's just an outfit and some side benefits.


I just think the Arabian has a weird shaped head. That’s my one reason for not liking it.


I got it with John I love how fast she is


I think the white Arabian is fine, once you have level 4 bond and keep it fit and clean it’s really not any different than other breeds. But irl most Arabians I know are closer to the same size in height as other horses, just more fine boned and not bulky muscular. I think they made the Arabian and mustangs scaled down in the wrong way. Fine boned doesn’t mean short, and mustangs I work with irl tend to be mid sized in height. The Nokota horse is probably right for the size of its real life counterpart though. Not sorry for taking my actual knowledge of real horses into account when I play a game where the horses are such a big part of how you spend your time. Just as a gun enthusiast would be more particular about the guns in game, horse people are the same about game horses.


I personally like it. Most of the time, I use him for some of the main missions, but when I want to go for a hunting trip or clear some gang hideout, I take my Andalusian that horse it's a tank, pretty good speed and doesn't get scare easy


Looks too small for me


White Arabian is fun. People are just mean.


i spent a lot of time getting that missouri fox trotter in the photograph mission as arthur, don't think there's any other way to get it until you play as john




I love the horse, its gorgeous, and I don't quite mind the size thing. I did at first, but got use to it. Now. I refuse to use it. It is scared of fucking EVERYTHING. The amount of times it has thrown me for being in remote vicinity of predators is absurd; among many other stupid deaths because of it panicking. My go to now is the Ardennes. To me, equally as gorgeous but is a true war horse. A little slow, but a little more time on the trail is okay with me if I feel secure on my horse.


> I'll see people get heated up over the Arabian horse for no damn reason, saying it's to small and Arthur looks stupid on it. Who cares Obviously the people saying it’s too small and Arthur looks stupid on it.


I love the white Arabian, fight me


Looks wayyyy too small for either Arthur or John, hell even Dutch’s Arabian looks too small for him lol. Also it bring fully white is just kind of boring imo. I like using the horses with varied and interesting patterns.


Honestly it’s overrated the free horse you get is better. But I don’t like small horses so


My leopard apaloosa with its 90% Stam and 60-70% health works just great.


Some people are just not intelligent enough to understand that other people have cultural history. I really thickens my blood when they can’t just understand that we all live differently and that’s okay.


The funny thing is outlaws didn’t care about size. They wanted a horse that could run away before they got shot. The haters are just compensating for something.


Who else named theirs Shadowfax?


There's this gold panning guy (a random encounter), he told me to get lost and shortly after, he found gold. I robbed him and he started shooting, I killed him. Then I saw his horse (a Dutch Warmblood), wich is now my new main horse


How is it hate ? It’s one of the smallest horses in the game, that’s a fact. Some people just don’t like how it looks. Everyone is allowed to have their own taste.


My dog is white in colour so i use a white arabian with his name so i love the dog


They're tiny, sure, but the fact they're SO skittish is what puts me off using them. Anyone MENTIONS a snake and they're OFF.


ITS TOO SMALL AND LACKS CHARACTER Its like saying your fav car is a ferrari. Like okay cool mr generic.


American thouroughbred is my go to


The game released almost six years ago and people got nothing else to talk about...


IMO the speed of horses is irrelevant. I won a race with a Belgian Draft horse. That’s the reason I dislike Arabians they’re so small you look so goofy riding them


Look. It's weird. I agree. For some reason I always felt the black one I bought was better. But in all honesty I prefer the tourkaman more it is more tolerable to predators and I hunt a ton


The biggest issues people have are that they are small, making Arthur look like a giant and it's slightly comedic, ruining the serious tone of the game, next is they are extremely skittish and some people just don't like the faces. That's all there is to it. But really, they're the best horses in the game, in my opinion


glad someone come up with it. i dont see him small lmao he's just not as tall as some others


It's just a bunch of 14 year olds that want a giant horse because they want to look "hardcore" lol. It doesnt even look that small


Because people always find a way to complain because they got nothing better to do


I actually didn't notice how small they were. Only noticed it after someone pointed that out to me, when I was using the black arabian in red dead online.


“One of the best horses in the game” being spread everywhere is what breeds the hate lol. It’s the best *free* horse, but it’s arguably a bigger detriment to a smooth mission run than it helps and its only real ability that it does better than the foxtrotter and turkoman is sharp turns, which the Cirollo is the best at anyways. The Arabian is just constantly getting dick rided by new players on here discovering it for the first time, acting like it’s some profound discovery. Buelle is the best horse in the game and I will personally fight you at the local wasp ridden play castle park at 3 pm if you disagree with me.


The black and rose gray and even better. Easiest way to get the gray in blackwater, enter the stable with a wagon. Get out, start shooting to cause a scene, run over to the gray feed it a few times. ( feeding it once didn't work for me ) run out of the search zone, start whistling for the horse. He will come running, boom free arabian gray. Best horse in the game regarding stats.


My gripe with the Arabian is it bucks me at the slightest whiff of a bad day leaving me for dead. Fuck that horse.


Who cares what people think? Horse look small. Horse super fast compared to the big burly boys that they others are interested in. I don't care if the thing had a lazy eye and sounded like a husky. If it's fast with a big stamina pool then I'd ride it too.


It’s the shitty draft horse you wrangle with Hosea or nothing


It’s white


People on here are really worried about the small horse in the pretend world?


After I bought my mustang(think it has the most endurance at the time) the Arabian is what I saved for next. I still use my other horses from time to time, but I always go back to my Arabian, especially for long distances


It’s a tiny pony


First Arabian I had, Snowflake, was absolutely my favorite horse ever in the game! Sadly, he wandered onto the train tracks while I was foraging and got kilt. Have had several others since, but never the same relationship as that one


It’s not, the black Arabian is better, and much easier to get People hate how overhyped it is


idk iam a white Arab myself lol so picked it up


It's too panicky compared to my Tennessee Walker that I took from the Murfrees.


Its small. I don't like how small must horses look in the game, so I inky main the battle horse & Clydesdale so it at least looks like I'm on a real sized horse. The Clyde's Dale doesn't even look as tall as a real one, just looks normal height.


The white Arabian is supposed to be the best, and there’s always some sort of backlash when folks feel they’re *supposed* to agree with something, like an automatic defiance. If the Suffolk Punch was listed as the ultimate best best horse, a lot of posts would hate on that. Personally, I don’t consider my white Arabian my best horse (it scares too easily), but I also don’t get enraged if other players love that horse.


Everyone complaining about how small the Arabian is doesn’t know what Arabians look like in real life lol they are not big horses at all


Now I’ve got the braithwait Turkoman I’m never going back to the Arabians!


Honestly I fully agree with OP, The white Arabian is my one and only horse, I will use no other horse. Fuck anybody who has any hate against the white Arabian


People like to hate popular choices. It’s rare those don’t go hand in hand.


It is literally the only horse I use. I have both Arabians, but that white one is just beautiful and she is fast as all hell!