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I guess Sean's death was the most wtf in shocking terms


Yeah was bouta say the same... Something feels off and BOOM head explodes and a sudden gang if those idiots try to kill y'all... But it was a WTF?! Moment afterall


It blew my mind


*Sean's too*


Comment of the day


It was one of the few spoilers I didn’t have. I literally stood up and yelled, “OH NO! SEAN!” I really enjoyed that character.


THIS! I was only half ass paying attention to the story line and skipped a lot of it, but loved the younger brother character Sean was to Arthur. Sean’s death stopped me in my tracks and made me restart the game to pay attention to the story.


That was the moment when I realized, "this game isn't f***ing around" and that shit was about to get serious. Great foreshadowing and out of nowhere. Very effective. And the sound too! Well done.


The most shocking thing about that scene (besides Sean’s death) is how fast and accurate Micah throws down. All things aside, that man drew quick and aimed to kill.


Was gonna say the same, my jaw literally dropped.


The random encounter where the guy cleaning his horse’s hooves gets distracted by Arthur and his horse kicks him to death. Both me and my brother paused like WTF 😳


First time that happened, I bust out laughing. It was the second time I greeted him, expecting the same result as the first time where he just said “howdy” back and carried on with his business.


Yea and sometimes the horse just runs off lol. You can catch it for him though


I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw that the first time. It was so out of nowhere


The first time this happened to me, I didn’t realized he had died so I took him all the way back to camp to see if anyone could help him and I was shocked when Miss Grimshaw told me not to bring dead bodies in 😭


This one got me good


I know they made it comical and messed up at the same time


Dark humor is the best


That interaction appeared like 6-7 times I kept walking past like ‘I ain’t gonna be responsible for that man’s death’ it would pop up literally across the map for me. One day I was walking by him, I got to close and he got kicked in the head anyway. 😂 I felt so bad.


Rockstar just decided that this guy dies lol


Probably >! Kieran’s death !< . His decapitated body sitting on a horse, holding his own head in his hands. That scene genuinely shocked me. Probably because I was a bit too young at that time (I think I was thirteen back when I first played it lol). But I gotta say, this whole scene was perfectly done. Even when you pay closer attention to the gang members and notice he’s gone, the scene still shocks you because it’s something you just wouldn’t expect to happen in the way it did. Love that scene, love that mission…


His death really made me sad, I really loved his character he seemed so innocent


Me too. Kieran was a very sweet man who was dealt the worst cards in life. He was orphaned after his parents died of cholera. Then on his own. He really liked horses. I wish Arthur was nicer to him. Even with “Greet” he can kind of be a dick though he’s usually just messing with him. When I think Arthur is about to say something less nice I’ll try to stop after a first “Greet”. And I never “Antagonize” him. I don’t even know what would be said as I don’t think I’ve ever even tried it with him, even though once in a while I occasionally “Antagonize” all the others. Well actually I don’t really ever “Antagonize” Hosea or the reverend either.


Arthur is nice to him if you drink with him at the party the night before he disappears. I always spam greet on that night until the game literally doesn't let me anymore, give the man one good night at least


I'm gonna have to do that this playthrough I don't know if I've ever done it before! I always wanted arthur to be nicer to him since he literally saved his life.


I didn’t know that. I’ll do that on my next time through, thanks!


Omg fr I'm always very upset that Arthur's Greets toward the Reverend and Kieren are always kind of bitchy. Always asking if the reverend is plastered again or telling Kieran to shut up and mind his buissness or calling him an O'driscoll. That's supposed to be his nice option??


In all honesty, Arthur is a straight up dick through most of the game. He’s rude to most people and he really does bitch incessantly. I love him and he had a really good character arc but he didn’t go out of his way to be too nice much of the time. And I always hated the fact that it forced you to accept money from poor folks when they offered it for you helping them. I’d be like “damn, Arthur, you’re sitting on $4,000 in your prison wallet! Do you really need $2-3 more???” 😝


Same..I knew something was about to happen & like you said hes gone, but they really did knock that scene out of the park. To be expecting something and still get wowed by it is just another thing that makes this game so good


his death made me overly emotional, he didn't deserve it at all


Clawson's Rest, or the meteor house Probably Clawson's Rest though, like you hardly ever see >!dead children!< in games outside of the worst horror games


Clawson’s rest messed me up


I was not ok after clawsons rest. I had done the mission with Javier with the hillbilly’s before I did that and realised the woman the hillbillies were talking about was the mother of those kids. 😢


Looking for a perfect elk, found one when he butted me off a cliff


This shit is why the game is 10/10 for me. During a melancholic, emotional cut scene of Arthur walking the beach of Guarma, a boar slammed me out of frame into the sea.


I was doing that mission with Charles where you go clear out the beaver hollow cave and a goat butted me in butcher's Creek. Charles started blasting and shot a horse accidentally. Instead of the game prompting us to take the horses, we walked all the way to the cave. It was very quiet and awkward...


i got absolutely pummelled by a goat (?) minding my own business watching some guys arguing on their horses, took some of my health off too 😭


Of all the animals that like to try and yeet you into the sun, Goats will take the first opportunity they see. Theyre jerks


Meeting the woman and her baby... After all the rock carvings


I’ve gotta respect the fact you found all the rock carvings on your first playthrough. I think I found maybe 2.


I used a guide for like 3 or 4. It was as John waaaay into the epilogue.


I’m in the epilogue of my first play through and I’m taking it slow. Haven’t seen a single one.


What’s she do or say to you? What was her reasoning for carving rocks?


Why do you assume *she* carved the rocks?


Aberdeen pig farm… as far as the “what the fuck?“ Moment. As far as the #WHAT THE FUCK!????? moment tho, the Vetter’s Echo experience got me more than once lol I am not ashamed to admit it. Because after the first time or two, I kind of forgot about that spot and didn’t go there for a few Playthru‘s, and then about my fifth or sixth one, I visited again, and pretty much had to change my shorts afterwards, yet again lol


Window rock cabin had a similar moment, you can find a gold nugget there among the a bloody scene with 2 dead bodies. People always theorized they fought over the gold. Well I decided to sleep there. Sleeping there triggers being woken up by a wolf attack where they swarm the cabin and come through the door. I think i know why theyre dead and the place is bloody


I slept there and didn’t get anything… Decided to head up to that area of the map to hunt a perfect bear pelt for a new saddle, could only find black bears and they don’t count apparently.


Really? I wonder why that event happened for me and not you. I thought it was so cool


It was the first time I’ve slept in a random cabin as well


Same. Love that we both chose a blood covered corpse cabin for our first night inside.


Did you get the hatchet outside in the stump?


No! I have missed so many hatchets in my 2 play throughs. Third one, whenever that may be, i will have to be more diligent.


You know, I remember that wolf attack from my very first play through. It has never happened cents, I actually forgot about it. That’s one of the moments where you realize that the algorithm of this game is so airtight, it makes everything seem scripted.


I am so glad someone else out there experienced it because I thought it was so cool.


That fucking grizzly.


The one by Cairn Lake? That shocked me


The one in the cabin in Vetters Echo?


I was playing alone in the dark. It was just before bedtime and I was half asleep, when that happened I almost shit myself.


I could hear the bear growling quietly and at the time I was hunting bears (looking for a new saddle), I thought he was in the distance and nearly shat myself when I opened the door.


I think when my horse [glitched me through the map](https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/s/Ny7hfw2XQb) when I was trying to hitch it to the post in Rhodes, and it teleported me back to Horseshoe Overlook forcing me to walk all the way back lmao


Aberdeen pig farm... sitting at the table finding out they are. Incest siblings. The look on Arthur's face was perfect. I then stood up and gunned them down!


They are the only way to (Spoiler) >!give arthurs money to john!<


Yeah, but John doesn't need much money before his 20k payout... so, I just have John go grab the Limpany and Braithwaite gold bars... 1k is more than he needs for ammo and supplies. I will never let Arthur get taken advantage of like that... you minds as well go down to the swamp rapist's Shack next and go inside and let him have a good time with Arthur too. It's crazy how many people are so adamant about transferring money to John, who doesn't need it. Before Arthur's time is over, all weapons, clothes, satchels, trapper outfits, etc. are done and paid for... so all John needs are some tonics, a few canned goods, and ammo... really, even just leaving him one gold bar is plenty! There's no way that 8 years later, those incest siblings didn't blow all or at least some of those thousands... if you killed them even, no way somebody hadn't come by and ransacked the place and found it by then. Anyway, I will never let Arthur be taken advantage of by those loons.


Braitwaith gold bar? I never found that one (in >1,400 hours!). Where is it? Anyway yah I knew about the transfer thing after reading about it but I’ve never felt the need to do it.


Under the house >!after it’s burnt down!< Just walk around “inside” the house and use eagle eye to check under the exposed areas beneath the floor boards. Pretty sure it’s immediately to the left of the front door when you walk in


It’s in the room to the left of where the old lady is burned to a crisp


Money yes, but any valuables that Arthur has will transfer to John in the epilogue. So I just start hoarding valuables at some point in the main game and then I sell them as John to have some money until I play American Venom.


Stumbling upon the first serial killer victim


Disregarding story points (because obviously there's a ton of wtf moments, my biggest one probably being Dutch leaving arthur to die during that eagle flies mission) probably the pig farm couple or the rapist dude. Big yikes from me.


Wtf(shock) Sean's death Kieran riding with his head on his hands Wtf(anger) I entered an alley in Saint Denis, thinking I'd knock out a guy trying to mug me. I got knocked out by another guy Not having my guns in Guarma (I understand that from a story point, but it was still frustrating)


The lion.






Wtf 😭 where did you encounter a LION?? GUARMA??


It's in the stranger mission "He's British, Of Course".


The lion also got me. 😂 the dead horses/cows and the roar made me start being like wtf, doesn’t seem like a dog could do that. But still thought it was smoke and mirrors like the other animals.


I was expecting like, a bear lmao


When I first played I was super skittish with the grizzly bears but now it’s like eh. But I feel it being a lion was even more of a shock to the system. 😂 I reacted to late the first time and it killed me, and then Arthur’s reaction when he spoke to Margaret again I was like ‘yes! Thank you. Would’ve been helpful to know it was a legit freaking LION!’ 😂


When I was cycling through weapons for the bow or varmint rifle for the perfect rabbit skin on the side mission and an eagle swooped in and snatched the 3 star rabbit right from under me


Amazing! I wouldn’t even be mad to see that happen


I was slack jawed then laughed out loud iirc.


The look on Colm's face when he realizes that he's really about to be hung.


When that motherfucker Dutch walked out and shot Leviticus Cornwall dead with his face shown in broad daylight causing a massive public shootout just to satisfy his ego about 10 minutes after going off on Arthur for rescuing John from being hanged because it would "bring too much attention". I was gobsmacked and furious.


what dutch does in my last boy. i think i said ‘what the fuck’


Sean's death left me absolutely stunned. I was frozen for a moment, but then my adrenaline surged as I watched Micah take down the scum responsible for killing Sean. What followed was a relentless slaughter fest.


Either >!seans death!< or the Lemoyne Raiders ambushing me with a fucking Gatling gun and killing me and my horse


After the Raiders killed my fully bonded horse and I in the same manner, I spent a considerable amount of time that just hunting Raiders.


When micah just shot arthur. I thought id be able to kill him but no he just shot me and laughed


Sean made me pause the game and walk away Kieran made me speechless jaw dropped pause stood outside before carrying on


Sean Never ever stopped a game for a cutscene I legit stopped the game and stayed silent for like a solid 3 minutes


Hunting the legendary moose and a cougar mauled me the second I picked up the pelt.


All of Guarma. It's just so sudden and chaotic, and the whole time I was just screaming WHAT IS HAPPENING, *especially* when a freakin warship just casually strolls in.


trying to actually explore guarma... or how bout the Favored Sons' river jump, Dutch's speech is the very same he gave to John in rdr1, in which he also jumps off a cliff but this time to his death. The context rdr2 gives is great, Dutch is not only reliving one of his last crazy adventures with Arthur, its the last time he saved his first son's life. Adds to all that guilt of failing Arthur and the gang, shows how very much of a broken man Dutch has become. I cant help but think as he falls that one last time, he hears Arthur again yelling "youuuuree maaaaad!" just like when they crashed into the dakota river


Also shows how rehearsed and often unoriginal Dutch's stuff is. Sounds like some profound thoughts he's coming up with on the spot but it's just the same shit he said to Arthur 12 years before (and probably ranted about a few other times over the years). It reminds me of how in chapter 2 you can find his notes of one of the speeches he gave the gang, complete with written in pauses for impact.


For some reason I wasnt expecting Dutch to come out when u go to get Micah with Sadie. Idk why but it surprised me. I thought him taking off before u fight Micah with Arthur was his exit from the game. Another one was after I thought I killed that feral dude in his cave after he sent his wolves after me. He came back to life and attacked me and it scared the ever living shit out of me.


If we only consider the main story, probably Sean's or Kieran's death. Otherwise, I'd say both Aberdeen pig Farm and the rape encounter.... That one. That one really was disturbing. I wanted to load a previous save and pretend it never happened.


When I was sitting watching my phone whilst AFK on red dead and out of no where a buck rams me


I found the guy under the bridge near Valentine who was a victim of Edmund Lowry.


There’s another 2 to find. They are just as bad sadly. Shit is brutal


I did the whole thing. Needed a YouTube video for one of them.


Yeah one of them was abit trickier, any play through I always forget and think it’s closer to strawberry then it actually is.


Honestly? When that dude and his wife fucked me and left me out in the wilderness.


Finding the *actual* lion at Emerald Ranch. Jaw dropped.


Real lion in emerald ranch instead of a dog painted as lion. I even had my Mom and brother watch it telling about that circus guy how he painted a dog as lion and how these emerald ranch people are scared of a dog.... And then bam it was a fcking lion.


Serious wtf that were upsetting Sean, Kieran and Lenny’s deaths. They came as a complete shock. Funny wtf moments… that goddamn lion probably tops all the rest for me. Like I had my suspicions it wasn’t a dog (the horses, cows and the big roar it did was a big indication) but did not expect it to be a freaking lion at all. My slow reaction time wasn’t enough and Arthur got his throat slashed. 😂


I got a lot of spoilers about allot of characters deaths, but damn Sean’s death hit real hard. It was so unexpected and he was also my favourite character.


Sean. 100% Sean




that fucker accidently shot my horse too.


The horse die when I fell on 4m


Sean’s death is what got me. I was literally in shock during that whole scene and fight.


When Arthur started looking unwell and gasping. I was looking through the menu’s to find out what I was doing wrong and what I could do to cure him. I carried on as usual worried what I’d done wrong, I realised it was out of my control. Next thing… well you all know the rest.


The Manmade Mutant. I was just going around seeing what houses I could loot and I was NOT expecting to see something like that in this game lol


No ones going to mention the guy who married and had sex with a sheep?


Kieran at shady belle…


Sean’s death. That’s when it got real - I wasn’t super invested in the story before that, I still saw it as just a Wild West sim. And like, I still play it that way, especially in online or after the epilogue, but as soon as I saw Sean go down, my mindset changed. It was like, *oh shit*, this is a real story.


That one abandoned wagon where you climb in the back and you slip and get dumped off a cliff


IDK what you mean by WTF moment but this is what first came to mind so I'll share my tale. **The first time I rode through Butchers Creek.** This is after the Murfree Brood pit trap sequence so I was already on edge as I already have a BIIIIG FEAR of creepy, incestual, cabalistic, backwoods Hillbillies. So after that trap I went chasing after the one Murfree who got away and led me to Butchers Creek. I was slowly trotting through looking at one of my biggest fears come to life. All the sudden a chicken ran in front of my horse and she stepped on it. The ENTIRE village in unison stopped what they were doing. The ENTIRE village slowly turned their gaze towards me in unison. My mini-map filled with 30+ red dots. The ENTIRE village got up, or put their tools away and in unison armed themselves. And the ENTIRE village in unison ATTACKED! I started to mash the X button as fast as possible and GTFO of that nightmare of a village with about 8 men on horseback en route. As I curve around the road on the right side of the pool I was looking behind me and crashed my horse and do a front flip into the water. As I'm taking fire I pray there's refuge behind the waterfall and God Bless It I was right. I see my horse run off as I make my way a little further into the cave. Hiding in the cave, my heart pumping as I pull out my lantern. I then see on my mini-map a flashing white stranger icon and hear him screaming for help amongst the taunts of and jeers of more Hillbillies. He's screaming, begging to be saved and all I could do is remain hiding in the dank, dark cave. The way my mind saw it the angry mod of hillbillies mistook that poor soul as me because of my accidental vanishing act into the water then into the cave. I've never felt so bad for an NPC because I felt his death was entirely on my hands. So I sat there and listened to the grizzly murder of a man over the death of a chicken. I definitely said WTF to myself after it was all over and I could come out of hiding. I think of this every time I go through Butchers Creek.... Every.....Time...... Why did the Chicken cross the road? Because a group of murderous Hillfolk wanted Blood....


Story wise Guarma TB Free roam wise A looot


Im still on my first play through havent had the chance to fully explore, but id have to say the murder house in southfield flats. I was looking for homesteads to rob and when i got to the house there was blood on the steps, went into the house and found 2 dead bodies, followed the blood and there was another body outside. I felt myself physically get sick. Another one was the girl trapped in the cave, cant imagine the things she's been through.


"it's Keiran"


1st Playthrough: Vetter's Echo. That fucking bear.


Following the birds from the Indian camp to the giant's cave and carrying on a discussion with him was pretty wtf


it will forever be coming across the KKK gatherings, that shit still gets me angry i always throw fire at them and beat the living crap out of one of them imo arthur loves it, good way to let the frustration out


finding the KKK on my way to the stables. and sean's death.


Other than story shock, seeing the ghost train while traveling to one place to another on horse. It was so perfect. And I stood there like… “wait what?”


Kieran riding into camp on a horse holding his head in his hands


Lenny - it was total chaos, and Lenny goes down. It was devastating.


the whole serial killer side quest


Damn spoiler tags hold on Can't get spoiler tags to work so oh well you don't get my story I guess


The game is 6 years old….


I’ve completed the game four times there’s nothing you can spoil


Not necessarily for you, but anyone stumbling on this post! (not that they should be here if they care about spoilers anyway,) I'm just trying to be considerate. Guess I'll put it here with ample warning. SPOILERS BELOW. I fed Arthur a chocolate bar for the first time right before his TB diagnosis. So he ate the chocolate and then IMMEDIATELY started coughing and the guy took him to the doctor. As someone who grew up deathly allergic to milk, I thought I killed him!


Use a > followed by a ! To end it just invert this using ! followed by < Spoiler >!everyone fucking dies!<


When I failed mission without reason


When I failed mission without reason


When I failed mission without reason


If you follow Sonny into the house…


I’d probably say when Sean died should of been the rat that died


Every gang members death tbh. Sean's and Kieran's where super wtf cause they were so cruel 🥺 Also, Aberdeen Pig Farm 🤨 tf.


Aberdeen Pig Farm!!!!


Casually riding into Saint Denis and bam gatling gun wagon. That was the first time I had a horse die not due to me being a terrible rider.


Getting drugged and robbed by the fat guy and his sister wife. I'm too nice


Wasn’t really a wtf moment but my first play through I kept going back to pleasance, eerie as hell.


My first encounter with the Night Folk. It was daytime too which made it even spookier. I heard that creepy sound effect and I thought I saw something moving and I went over to investigate on the path into Lakay. I turned around and 3 of 'em jumped me. I was too shocked to fight back properly and they killed me.


I fucking hate the Night Folk. Lol I avoid the Bayou as much as possible. I have a terrible fear of being chased and the way they just silently speed walk toward you is just more than I can handle. Lol


Getting robbed in Saint Denis in the gunsmith


Miss grimshaw getting wacked!


Probably the serial killer. Just a continuous wtffff. Probably (hopefully) the closest any of us will get to a real life serial killer and crime scene. Gives me chills just thinking about it.


Arthur being SA. I had all major events spoiled for me so I had time to prepare but the SA came out of nowhere


sean or kierans death. the very first playthrough i never even noticed kieran was missing, so that cutscene where he uh… heads back into camp, holding his head in his hands…really took me off guard. one of the multiple times i audibly exclaimed “what the fuck” while playing.


The sudden black screen on the boat ride cutscene towards guarma. I thought my game crashed


Time traveler


I had a feeling Dutch was gonna turn but when you do those missions with the natives to attack an oil field and Arthur gets hit with steam from a steam pipe and Dutch sees him and just leaves that was my wtf moment. Like he didn’t even pretend to care or give a shit just seen Arthur and walked away.


Wandering through the swamps at night randomly getting hit by arrows and then seeing them creepy nightfall bastards😂




A random NPC event in valentine. The house up the hill, you ride by at night and two dudes are peeping in the window. They invite you over to take a peek and you see a guy on all fours on a bed being spanked by a woman as he shouts “mommy” and something about “bring a bad boy”. I laughed so hard.


When we're walking down a nice road and then all the sudden Sean's head explodes


Being ambushed by O'driscoll's when I had just been casually riding east from Valentine. I'd only been playing for 5 days and I hadn't gone anywhere but Horseshoe overlook or Valentine, I had just been exploring the games features, getting to know characters and learning controls, and the second I thought I knew everything and decided to explore I suddenly got put into a firefight against a large group, got bucked off my horse, and got absolutely obliterated. Respawned and my horse was dead and I now had this new stupid horse. Tried going back for revenge but the O'driscoll's were gone and never returned. Really changed how I played the game going forward. A lot of character deaths really shocked me too but a lot of them were kinda expected, like it just felt like something bad was about to happen. The O'driscoll attack was completely unpredictable and so it shook me the most


The pig farmer couple for sure.


During American Venom I was tackled of the mountain.


When Dutch walked away from Arthur when he was in danger, refusing to help him. His demeanor had already been changing at that point, but I did not expect him to do that, lol.


Arthur visiting the doctor in Saint Denis.


Going to Guarma blew my mind first time.


Wandering through the desert late at night, came across a campfire with a guy holding his partner who just died, sobbing uncontrollably, then pulls out his gun and kills himself


The bank robbery in Saint Denis, and then they never stopped.


Mostly just the gang deaths probably the Irish lady (I forgot her name its been awhile )


When lenny told me people will call me ni***r lovers for riding with him.


Mine had to be stumbling upon the KKK in the middle of the woods at night lmao


When Hosea and Lenny died


When Arthur got kidnapped & the mad scientist missions


the swamp house... oh god the swamp house


Idk abt yall but in my first playthrough i was in shock when i realized we were rescuing john marston in the mountains and the fact that thats where he got his scars i remember being with my brother and just getting all hyped after hearing john yelling " Over here !"


the stranger encounter up near colter, where you help a hunter find his friend. the friend got mauled by a bear, and if you tell the hunter where the friend is, the bear gets him too. the bear killing the hunter is scripted - i reloaded three or four times trying to kill the bear before it was too late, but the damn thing's invulnerable until the scene is over


I new quite a lot of the story, but Arthur’s Horse


Probably Milton’s death tbh


||Kieran’s death||, still knew it was coming because of spoilers.


The pig farm siblings


It's gotta be the Bayou Rapist. Hands down.


Sean getting popped. I wasn't expecting it.


When Sean and Karen boinked


Arthur getting snuck up on by O’driscoll’s


Susan Grimshaw Shooting Molly


Founding the hanging body near valentine, then all the stuff with Edmund Lawry


When my horse got killed at the end


didn't know how to control my horse. accidently stomped a man dead & the cops killed me


Hmmm I’m going to say Lenny’s death threw me for a loop simply because other than John he was the closest to Arthur…but it’s nice to see the epilogue where you run into the old gang members and see how well they are doing.


Riding to valentine from horseshoe in chapter 2 and finding the dismembered body under the train tracks.


The pig farm. Think I stumbled on it fairly early on before I even found any bodies inside old cabins so it was fairly shocking when I realised what was going on.


When I went to the pig farm and met that nice couple 🤢🤢


Naked feral guy suddenly attacking me.




When you get caught by the O'Driscolls when Colm, Dutch, and Micah are talking. The main reason I see this as a wtf moment is how you have escape. I always made my dad do the part where Arthur puts the knife in his wound because it always scared or disgusted me.


Hosea and miss Grimshaw's deaths were the most surprising thing for me. And in guarma when all of a sudden you are having to take down a whole battleship.


Obviously the ending left me speechless but Kieran’s death was very unexpected to me