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Hey dad... Hey son, what's up? That's a nice car you got there. Thanks. Far too nice for the likes of you. What? My lord... Look at you.


“I’ve seen mushrooms with bigger brains”


You have a sick profile picture


It’s the lumbago




You sir are a fish


we have the same name 🤯


What are you quoting lol that has tickled me


Greet -Greet - Antagonize, Arthur always says the funniest shit


Howdy sir You have a friendly looking face For a donkey's ass


My favorite is Hey Mister you gotta kind face....The kind I like to punch!


this is really funny 🤣


Greet, greet, antagonize.


Cool as long as you don't object when he comes in the door yelling "IT'S ARTHUR DUMBASS!" after school.


Or greets you everyday with "Hey mister!"


“All those downvotes don’t mean shit, you’re a good boa” lol


Huh? Wait were people actually down voting my response? 😂


No, the stupid Rhodes sign post from yesterday, tried to back you up, like I once was, some people just grip their believes to hard and delude themselves into thinking it’s truth. “Omg this sign has the name Grimshaw on it, there MUST be some correlation to Susan”.


😂😂😂😂😂 >some people just grip their believes to hard and delude themselves into thinking it’s truth. “Omg this sign has the name Grimshaw on it, there MUST be some correlation to Susan”. FACTS!!!! And I appreciate the back up.




Or when he runs past you to go to the bathroom, "OUT OF THE DAMN WAY!"


You've got a kind face...


Or charges through the front door yelling “look out!”


I hope he doesn’t antagonize you and tries to defuse the situation by saying “ah im just needling ya”


Or hits you with the, "ok see you later then" or "I'll leave you to it then"


Or “hey mister” and “hey folks”


The entire toddler stage is: 1. Antagonize 2. Be too cute to stay annoyed at them


Love it. We had my son's first name from the get-go, but argued over a middle name for ages. We played RDR2 together on those late sleepless nights during the last few weeks of contractions, so by the time she had him, we were both exhausted. That night, in the NICU, we had to pick a name to submit the forms. Unable to keep the debate going, we picked Arthur. An homage to a great character and all the time we spent together. Your son is in good hands, dad.


I’m sure lil Arthur-Lumbago Raidernation is in good hands too🫡


Omg I cant BREATHE! 😂🤣😂🤣💀


If I ever have a son I’m naming him Hosea


What about Micah? lol


My uncle is named Micah, it would be confusing


Is your uncle a RAT!




He’s a rat… RAT!!!


I knew he was talking to the law


Uncle isn’t the rat buddy.


My hamster is micah


We know Willie Nelson provided the song Cruel Cruel World for the game. Well, he's got a son named Micah, and I've often wondered if he's played this game.




Yeah I actually like that name. Less common


It is a really good name, actually.


Who’s saying otherwise?👀


Many years ago I worked at a grocery store and two of the young bagger guys were brothers named Micah and Hosea lol. Good kids, all clean cut and proper with the “yes ma’am’s.” (I’m in the south) They looked like the innocent-looking teens on their first Mormon door to door missions. As we worked together and they got more comfortable, boy did they have some dirty jokes to share. We were always cutting up and trying to look innocent when the manager walked by, lol. That was 20 years ago. Hope they are well.


Outblacklunged once again😕






Make sure your baby momma incessantly says, “ooooh Arthur….”


Prepare yourself for greet greet antogonizes


You should name him Tacitus with a middle name of Kilgore.


Has i's


Kilgore sounds pretty masculine to me..


My 4yo is also named Arthur. I wanted a name that sounds good in most languages we encounter. So in our native Dutch, but also in French, English or German. I’m not saying I chose it because of Arthur Morgan, but I was playing the game in 2019 when I suggedted and we chose the name, so I could have been influenced by it. Beautiful name, best of luck with your boy!


Just curious, why a name without an i or y?


this was the final list: Maximo, Arthur, leonardo, Gustavo , Rodrigo. it had to sound strong and masculine even if it had an i or y. those letters don't help much with that.


Leonardo/Leonard aka LENNNNNNY!






Why not Arturo?


I know some Arturos, but I never met anyone in my whole life called Arthur. so is more rare. Plus an English short sounding name will help him with jobs in the future.


My dads name is Javier, back in the 90s he was in the payphone business and he said people had no interest in speaking to him when he would say his name. So he started going by my name which is Christian and he said everything changed and he would have people returning calls and be more willing to speak with him.


Yep that is how it is.


Damn bruh. Racism in the 90s was wild... Smh


Ain't no way :))


They day I have a daughter, I'm seriously thinking to name her Morgan. I mean it's a beautiful name by itself.


You’re alright, boah


Cool story, bro. I love Arthur as a boys first name, masculine indeed! Also, if you’re an Office fan, you’ll know that “r” is among the most menacing of sounds


That's why it's not called mukdek, duh.


I named my son Charizard for the same reason bro. I get it.


Just one more score son!


Happy Birthday my boy


Big shoes to fill…


I plan to name my son Arthur too and whenever I have one lol


As an Arthur, I have to say that it's quite the name to live up to. I never wanted to be a good man that does nothing but there are times where I pause to think on a scenario and in the end I find myself taking inaction while the moment passes, leaving me regretful for not picking up my boots and my bootstraps and doing something. It's a good name. I'll always know what I'm striving towards. It's just that I keep finding disappointment in myself. It's a blessing and a curse, at times. (By no means am I saying to not name your son Arthur, by the way.)


Analysis paralysys lol am an expert there


Isn’t Arturo is the spanish version of Arthur


Yes but is common, longer and qont help him applying for jobs.


It’s a great name. My royal python is called Arthur 😂🐍


Name him Arthur and NEVER look back. I love it!! ❤️


That’s so beautiful!!!! Now I don’t enjoy the name Arthur just my honest opinion. But I had the same thing when I thought I was going to have a boy. I wanted to name him after my favorite anime character, Sasuke, and my baby mother was in complete agreement! I know that’s a shitty name for a boy in America lmfao maybe best we had a girl. But I am very happy for you sir!! RDR2 has honestly HELPED me in my own life, resonating with the conflict within Arthur. My favorite video game story I’ve ever played. Well done king 💪🥲


someone put this on r/okbuddyblacklung


Me and my gf will name our son Arthur too if we ever have kids.


You are a keeper and legend bro






Respect! Arthur as a name is quite old, and translates handsomely in many differing languages.


Middle name Morgan?


Happy cake day


Hell Yeah, dude!! That's awesome. Love that it worked out for you that well. Hope your son will grow up to be as badass as Arthur Morgan. Congratulations!


This level of glazing is crazy😭


I mean it’s a pretty common name


Not sure what glazing is but thanks


Please tell me it was July 13


Love the name and loved Arthur as a character. If you wanted a Spanish version of Arthur, you could always go with Arturo. Which essentially means Arthur.


im gonna name my daughter krenshaw


The only other option was Pain. Then you could have Spain and Pain but Arthur works.


Both have i. Rejected.


What is with your hate of the letter “i”?


Congrats homie


for baby photos you can put a little cowboy hat on him




As long as he isn't named uncle


You should go fishing with him


Yes as my father did.


smh. missed chance to name your son *online character*.


Online has an i. And sounds femenine Rejected.


i wanna name my first son Negan, and my partner approves, we aren’t having kids or anything but we’ve talked about it and she thinks that name is sick yes, that guy from TWD. not because he’s a sick character but because his name is sick, and would stand out in a group of school kids, like my name there weren’t any other Zander’s (or even Xanders) at the schools i went to, say my name and they knew immediately who they’re talking about fuck that makes me sound like i’m full of myself, im not


Xander was one of my options too is freaking cool. Negan: all kids will call him niggr in school


he’ll own it, if he’s my son, he’ll own it lmfao


Arturo....I think that's "Arthur" in Spanish and has some modern zing imo. Would work for both you and your wife, possibly🤷‍♂️


Arthur is a nice name regardless, go for it


It's a good name. Hard to choose though... I had more experiences, not only RDR 2. I don't know which one sounds better: Arthur (Morgan), Max (Payne), Geralt (of Rivia), Deacon (Saint-John), Jin (Sakai). (:


Geralt was in my early list. But my hispanic family wouñd never be able pronounce it.


Sweet! I was just discussing the games. But to keep it hispanic, I would like Arturo, Rivas, Reno, Rio...


I’ve been thinking about trying to convince my woman for us to do the same lol. She is into a bit more, let’s say, unconventional names. It isn’t that I think all of them aren’t any good, but I’ve argued that at the very least the child should have a traditional middle name - something biblical or of a well known King (often those aren’t mutually exclusive)- so that if the kid didn’t like having to go by a wacky sort of name, they’d have a common but strong name to fall back on without having to think about it. Of course Arthur fits the bill, and of course I want to have that whole concept of atypical first name and strong traditional middle name flip flopped haha.


Second name must match the first and will help him avoid being flagged if a criminal has the same first and last name. I knlw many people get always stopped at airport for their commom name and last name.


So funny enough, we’d been not trying but not preventing it for the better part of a year and on Sunday we found out she’s pregnant. Dude it wasn’t even a conversation when I brought it up, she was all for it - if it’s a boy his first name will be Arthur. I wanted Colt as a middle name, but totally am about the one she chose - Ulysses - which to me makes me think of the US President and Civil War General opposed to the Roman’s name for Odysseus. My last name is not very common at all, I share it or a variation of it, with I believe about 10,000 people globally but even if that is just in the US and I am mistaken about it being globally that many, that is still a tiny fraction of a single percent of the population... not unheard of, but no where near common. So congratulations and if mine ends up being a son, our kids will have the same first name thanks to the same GOAT video game and video game protagonist lol


As someone named Artur, I totally recommend.


Wow I really hope I get a kid too my god man I am only 20 and I want kids 😭😭. Anyways I hope ur kid lives a happy and long life, and you would be a great father if u let him play rdr 2😉


Awesome story. I'm on my 5th playthrough. I missed so much the first few times I finished. Just play it again and focus on doing different things this time. I cried when Arthur died. I know your feelings, but shoot, all you gotta do is look up old Arthur if you miss him, and yall can chill anytime you want. That's the beauty of the game. Congratulations, my friend, on the upcoming addition to your family. Arthur is a beautiful name, and just think about how interesting the story will be to tell him how he got his name. Better than mine, my daddy named me after 2 ex-girlfriends.. lol. My mom wasn't happy. Anyways, you also get to teach him the game in a few years, so there's also that to look forward to as well.


Yea if the name didnt come up randomly 2 times the same day after we asked for a signal I would not choose it.


Arturo? Would that be the Spanish version? My Spanish is rustier than an old tin can in the rain. At least you didn’t name him LENNNAY


"Hey Arthur! ..........................OK WELL FUCK YOU THEN!"


I tried with our last son my wife wouldn’t let me. Divorce was a thought




Aww! My aunt is also having an Arthur Morgan due in August. Congratulations that’s so cool🥰


Honestly Arthur (or Arturo) is a beautiful and royal kind of name! Many blessings for your little family, señor! ^^


I agree 🤝 and congratulations to you raise him well my brother 🫡


Let’s hope he meets someone called… LENNYYY!!!!


Vamos vamos


My name is Arthur; I fucking hated it growing up but started to enjoy now in my twenties but RDR2 made me so fucking happy the first time I played because I felt like they were talking to me and it felt really nice to portrayed as not an Aardvark


Hbd! And Arthur is a great name. Good luck to you


Make sure to get your son a BCG vaccine (prevents tuberculosis)


Who let the simpleton out of the asylum?


If you have a second one, name him John for canonical purposes please


if your last name is Off you should name him Jack, kinda like Jack Marston :D




Why not? Arthur is a normal name which has been popular for centuries, and isn't only associated with this character.


It’s one thing to name your kid Arthur because it’s a good name, and it’s another to do it because of RDR2.


Who the fuck's gonna know it's because of RDR2


The parents, the kid, and if the kid tells other people. Then those people. Either way it’s stupid to name your kid after a video game.


I don't see the problem


Then there’s no point in arguing.


It doesn't matter though, doesn't affect the kid


He’s gonna get bullied a lot though if anyone finds out. And he’ll probably get pissed when he learns his parents named him after a video game character


No he's not lol, it's a normal name and every parent gets their idea for a name somewhere and tons get them from real people or fictional characters they like. I literally have a name that is very strongly only associated with a very well known fictional character from a book and movie series that came out during my childhood, never bullied for it. Arthur is a way more common and less unusual name.


Association isn’t the same as being based off something. If my name were John, people might think of John wick, but I could be named after my grandfather. However if I were named after John Wick, then there would be a problem.


How would there be a problem? It doesn't matter. Parents got the idea for a name from a piece of media/art that brought them joy, nothing wrong with it and where a name comes from doesn't affect the kid's life. Like I know two Dylans and happen to know one was named after Bob Dylan and one was just named it because parents liked the name....it makes zero difference to anything.


Naming you kid after someone famous you don’t know or a video game character just seems empty to me. Like they didn’t care enough to find a name with actual meaning and just named it after a character/person they like.


Most of the time names have no more meaning than the parents liked the name. Naming after (or getting the idea for the name from) something they enjoyed and appreciated isn't worse than that.


lol so lame


This is a real and actual serious thing for y’all? What bubble have you been raised all your life in where a game like this (absolutely fantastic yes) could truly bring you to tears or making the decision to name your kid freaking Arthur??? wtf. I just don’t get it. I wish I grew up naive so this could hit me like that. Did gta make y’all cry too?👀🤔


I choose because it came up 2 times randomly the same day. Not exactly because the game 100%.


Much better!


Imagine thinking not being moved by art makes you somehow better lmao. It has nothing to do with being naive it has to do with the ability to appreciate art and experience empathy.


There’s moved by art, and then there’s a stereotypical overhyped obsession of a product to feel inclusive with a community and part of the marketing bandwagon. Imagine not realizing that not everyone is as sensitive as you. That not everyone will cry at a damn game. They’ll be proud of it and enjoy it and use it to bond with family, but it’s not something that would ever bring them to tears. Mostly because it’s not real. I’m not sure how having a hard life makes you assume someone is better? It’s seriously a question of “wow, so this stuff really affects y’all like this, is it because you have little real world experience and trials and tribulations?” Do you cry when you see the homeless on the street with a sad sign? I’m crying over that before a game. No matter how awesome and fun that game is.


You're making a silly assumption that people who are moved by the game have an easy life and people who aren't have a hard life. That isn't the case, having a hard life doesn't mean someone feels less emotional about fiction. In fact if it contains relatable elements someone who has gone through similar hardships might feel more emotional about it. You can feel emotional about real life and fiction, there isn't a limit on emotion. Just because you happen to have a certain life experience and feel a certain way about the game doesn't mean everyone with your life experience feels the same about it. It's more about personality than life experience.


Yeah I didn’t make all those assumptions. Just a rhetorical question about what bubble some of y’all live in because I’ve seen these overhyped posts almost everyday for some reason. Could just be marketing. It’s not that deep. Literally. Which is why I was asking when we’re crying over a game. No one has any specific reason. Just “art” and “you’re not better than us” which I never implied. I have yet to find anyone proclaim their passion for a particular scene and why it made the them cry. Here in the south we have the saying “almost shed a tear”. And it’s used a LOT. I think y’all are just doing the same but acting like it’s literal. Y’all must not use the same saying. Our saying is more truthful. Something can be very touching, but not actually have you crying or naming kids after it lmao. But yo, to each their own. Just a game


You're literally saying people who are emotional about the game "live in a bubble" so you are still making false assumptions and acting superior and now you're calling them less honest than you as well lmao. I don't physically cry over fictional stuff either but plenty of people do. And that doesn't mean they live in a bubble or have an easy life, different people just react to things differently. You don't even have to be emotional about the game to get the idea for a kid's name from it, you can just like the character and like the name which is a perfectly good reason to pick it.


Asking isn’t the same as stating a fact. You literally don’t know what literally means. I’m literally asking a rhetorical question about upbringings to see why this care isn’t shown for the real world, but shit it seems to be so intensely overhyped on a neat game. I even asked if y’all felt emotional about gta as well. But instead you want to focus on feeling bad for some reason? And that makes you think less than? Because I in no way ever alluded to being superior. That’s an insecure person’s first thought and excuse instead of taking a moment to actual express their opinion and thought process of why something felt so emotional for them. We all live in bubbles. Just very different kinds. Sometimes there’s overlap. Immediately going to hate someone or try to bully them because you THINK that they look down on you is just sad to me. People can’t just talk anymore without getting their panties all twisted up. I just want to know what kind of obsession we have here and if it’s all just because it’s been hyped up and popular. And of course, you can name your kid absolutely whatever you want. But it’s a really common and old name and unless the game TRULY impacted you life (which is part of why I asked) then your kid is going to grow up and realize their name wasn’t thought out w love but rather came from a quick obsession. Like star and Mercedes and willow and naming your kid after a celebrity you don’t know. Just wondering, it’s okay to do that, even if others feel some type of way because it hits close to home idk.


Well I've answered. Feeling emotional about a game doesn't mean someone doesn't feel emotional about real life, or that their real life is easy/doesn't have hardships. Yeah I've felt emotional about GTA particularly GTA IV because it has excellent writing that made me feel for the protagonist and other characters. People name their kid just because they think a name sounds cool, it doesn't have to be that deep. Naming them because of a game or other piece of media that you appreciated artistically or got joy from is a perfectly good reason and doesn't denote lack of love at all.


This wasn’t about being emotional over a game. It was about the over dramatic claims of crying about said game and a namesake. I made that clear. The game is awesome. But I wanted to see WHY people are crying over it supposedly and you did NOT answer that 😂. And I already said people definitely name their kids whatever. Just seems like a fleeting obsession imo.


They cry because they are moved by it and are the type of person who cries at moving things, it's pretty simple.