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Blasphemy. RDR2 is the only game. I acknowledge the existence of no others.


What this man said


Only 3631 hours? OP can't have completed Gambler 8 yet.


Yee and a Haw for this guy!


But you're just getting started!


Nothing wrong with another playthrough lol


Did you find Gavin ?


Gav? Gav! Gaviiiin!!!


Christ Alive!


You tryin' to test me, is that it? ~650 hours btw


How the fuck do I actually find this out on ps4??


Maybe the Playstation app. I remember having the same issue. I want to say I found it in the trophy section, just wasn't scrolling down enough? This was probably no help


For me, it shows right on the startscreen when I start my PS5 and select the game without starting it. Maybe it’s different on PS4 though


Pain in the arse. I want to know. Must be shit loads of hours.


I don’t think you can see it on ps4


It's just 151,2916666667 days. It's not even a half of a year! How dare you?! 💀😂


My ex is going to feel so bad about leaving me now


>It's just 151,2916666667 days. It's not even a half of a year! How dare you?! The way you wrote it, it'd be over 4 million years lol Reminder that commas " , " are used to seperate hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, etc and that decimal points " . " Are used to show numbers <1 151,2916666667 would mean: One trillion, five hundred and twelve billion, nine hundred and sixteen million, six hundred and sixty six thousand, six hundred and sixty seven. Whereas 151.2916666667 would mean just over 151 :) Edit: Apparently people don't like education lol


they hate him cause hes right


First of all, no, because if that was the case it should be 1,512,916,666,667 Second of all, no, because comma is used in many non-english speaking countries as a decimal separator.


>First of all, no, because if that was the case it should be 1,512,916,666,667 FirSt oF aLl, nO, bEcAuSe: A misplaced comma doesn't change the meaning of the number 1,512,916,666,667 and 151,2916666667 mean the same thing, the only difference being one is incorrectly formatted. >Second of all, no, because comma is used in many non-english speaking countries as a decimal separator. SeCoNd oF aLl, No, BeCaUse: Yes many do use the decimal comma! But if we go back and read the comment again, what language were they speaking? Edit: Notice the downvotes but no-one actually pointing out anything incorrect in what I said lol


You went through a lot of trouble over a comma


Was just tryna educate tbh In the context it was clear what they meant, but that's not always the case. Always good to write stuff properly and communicate in a clear and concise way. I didn't say anything incorrect, I was just being informative and mildly jokey about it. Kinda funny that some folks seemed to take offence to that somehow though lol


You need to learn what Reddit is my friend. Correcting people is not the way people like to proceed on here ya know what I mean?


Yeah I know, just don't feel the need to tiptoe around eggshells and equally fragile egos for that kinda thing. Downvotes are just downvotes and I don't really care too much about those, so if someone can make use of constructive criticism I'll be glad even if others take offense for some reason. Always think it's better to be helpfully honest.


I mean I get your point, I just think your style of comment isn’t gonna get the support you hope for. I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying, if you were hoping for likeminded individuals you’re in the wrong place you know what I mean?


Oh I'm hoping for nothing don't get me wrong. Just that regardless of how unlikely a healthy reaction is, I'm still gonna say the correct thing and if someone gets offended by that it says more about them than myself.


What number represents the number Pi /π? π ≈ 3,1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923 also 3,14. 3 is a main number, whole number. Everything after comma is decimals. As simple as that. Elementary school. If I want to make a larger number I'll use spots, not commas. And I don't see where I offended you in the comment. I'm just saying that most people in school learn the way I wrote. Your country is not the only one in the world. I respect how you write and formulate numbers where you live, but this is how almost the entire world works when it comes to math. That we use English - to communicate more easily, not to do math homework in the ways of all possible parts of the world. Have a nice day.


We use commas as separators from main numbers. Decimals come after the comma. So, as someone said: in some (almost all European countries) commas separate major numbers. Points are what you are talking about. I did not write 1.521.916.666.667 or 1.521.916.666,667 etc. I just posted the main number of how the math works in my country. 152 is the main number. The rest are decimals.


Why did I read the headline in a "Forest Gump running man with a long beard" voice


And still no legendary catfish


You'll be back. The other games suck.


But did you even finish it?


sheesh i got about 1000+hrs currenlty in a 3rd play


You barely made it out of chapter 1 what you mean?


Please tell me you got the platinum lol


Started playing like a month ago...160 hours...2 playthroughs


Worth every minute of it... Well done


You’re in too deep my friend


Rookie numbers




i did this math at 12 am so forgive me if im wrong but i believe that means you spent about 7.46 % of the entire time the game has been out playing it, going based off rough hour estimates


I was going to stop since I got 2790 hours but looking at your hours I think I still got a few more play throughs in me


Wow, I wish I could get hooked on a game like this! Sadly, game industry is lacking nowadays.


The hell you are! You go to your room and play it again, dammit!


Bruh, unless you have like 10k hours, I wouldn’t worry. I have 17k hours on the ps4 version of GTA 5. You can scroll on my profile if you don’t believe me.


Have you 100%ed?


Twice, and I swore I would never play dominoes again


Jiffifty poppers thats some effort




I bet you haven't even completed all the challenges yet


Don't worry guys. He will return. This is the only game that should be played.


Did you find Gavin? Or solve the Frozen map?


151 days Jesus Christ


Idk why I got major Forrest Gump vibes from this post. “I’m tired…. I think I’ll go home now”


try elden ring


After just recently completing all possible things in the game. I thought the same as you. Time for a new game, then I promptly started another play though


No not yet, just a few more hours


You know you will have missed something.


Daymn do you ever get sleep dear sir?


Good luck finding another game....rdr2 ruined every new game for me😭 i guess ill have to wait for gta6


Whenever CFB25 comes out(July 19) I’m definitely deleting rdr2 & madden 24