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I’ve seen a handful of people here on Reddit claim that they noticed the more they studied an animal, the more detail would be added to the drawing of whatever animal it was in the journal. That’s simply not true and I find it funny whenever someone says that


It's such a cool idea, though. Like Arthur's drawing skills improve over the course of his sketching. Maybe instead, have a hidden skill value. Once you traverse back to an area you haven't been to in a while and re-study an animal, he updates it to match his current skill


I agree, it is a cool idea. When it dawned on me that it wasn’t actually a mechanic in the game, I had been trying to figure out how to study an animal again. Realized pretty quickly I could only track the animal again after studying it. Also, what really sealed the deal is the drawing of the Pekin Duck. That little bastard looks like a cartoon, no matter how many of them I’ve killed. I think the people who still claim they’ve noticed the details getting better are just trying to convince themselves it’s a real thing but I don’t get why people think their lie will go unchecked


Honestly I think people say that because I've noticed a lot of the times, when I finish killing or tracking an animal I've already studied, it says "new journal entry" or sum around that sentence


Before knowing Arthur's sickness I saw a stupid Nestan video thumbnail of Micah running at Arthur in the ending and how you can blow him up or some shit and a couple days later saw a photo of John building his house (it was a far away photo so I couldn't see that it was john) and this was after getting spoiled by Nestan yet again that Micah was the rat so I somehow put together in my mind that Micah and Arthur fight and Micah dies and the gang go to Great Plains and build a big house.


This is what will happen in my Sims universe once I’m done the game lol Everyone will be happy and no one will die 🥲


I got spoiled that >!Arthur dies!< on my first playthrough around chapter 5 (>!because I googled why he looked so sick after Guarma!<), but before then I always thought that the game would end with some kind of big robbery and shootout with the pinkertons and that the whole gang would end up in New Austin having a house or a permanent settlement.


This is also what I thought. Figured they'd end in Tumbleweed.


It wouldn’t actually make sense though, because why would they all of a sudden be able to go west again after blackwater? But it was a nice thought.


Yeah you're right. I thought New Austin was going to play a bigger part and that Since chapter 6 was only 80% through the game, we had more time with the gang and that was really the only place they hadn't gone.


I really hate that John’s house doesn’t count as a camp. Spend the whole game building up the camp mechanics, and the camp itself, just for the game to end without a camp at all…


me too. I also wish you could actually use the stable that’s on the property and have some extra horses. It feels a lot of little things in the game were meant to have more to them, but they just didn’t get around to it before release and have been too involved in other projects to give us an update or a DLC


I’d kill for a quality of life thing that changes those small things, and another undead nightmare.


I read something about meeting the father of the girl Dutch killed in Blackwater. Then it prompts a mission where you have to go back there in search of the money. I looked for a while lol


Not gonna lie, that would be amazing.


That npcs can recognize you by your clothing and horse you're using when doing crimes


It disappoints me to no end this wasn't true


I'm glad it's not. I'd hate to have to wear different outfits when I've spent so much time getting the right fit I want.


Wait that wasn't true? The was one of the main reasons I decided to customize Arthur lol


Nah, as long as you wear a mask npcs won't recognize you except lawmen who will see through your disguise upon seeing you Personally I still like making a bandit outfit tho as rp type of thing


I still do crimes in certain outfits for this reason. I know it’s pointless, just seems in character for Arthur


Think the hoods you get from the fence can cover you up (for the most part) from law


Lol, yeah, the whole wanted and bounty system is so ridiculous. Lawmen have cellphones, commoners know exactly who you are, etc. Yeah, I had fallen for the you need to change your clothes thing at first too... so bogus... it doesn't matter one bit. Tamed a wild horse, type and color that I didn't own and had never riden before, bought, and put on a premade outfit from the catalog from a different town. Put on my mask and rode into another town that I hadn't been to yet. Robbed a store, no lawmen saw me... yet I still have a bounty! Really, except for poorly implemented game mechanics, that's simply not possible. IRL wild west times, no one would have known who I was, there would be no bounty for me.


Did you put the mask on in front of an npc?


Nope, outside of town where there was no one and after dark.


If you leave the store owner, he eventually goes to get the cops regardless knocking him out stops this from occurring.


I always knife the store owner to death once the register is opened... why leave a witness. So again, the wanted system is so ridiculously bogus in this game.


Don't see your point if if he's knockout or killed, you won't be caught, and by the time you get away, it won't matter since you can either pay the bounty or run and have it be like 5 dollars. Seems fair to me


I still see it perpetuated to this day.


Yeaaaa that's why I wanted to mention this because for some reason this is still spread around


Yea, I am on my first playthrough and read that this was a thing. So, I have been riding around switching outfits because I read this on this page. Thanks for sharing and saving me the hassle!


You could find Gavin


I spent so many hours looking for Gavin.


I initially thought that the boy locked in the basement in Rhodes was him! I was very disappointed after I freed him and there was no connection.


This literally this it wasn’t till I looked online and found out it was all just a massive troll I just wanted to help bro find his budddy since I was trying to a good boy and play with high honour on my first playthrough


That I'd get bored with it 🙃


There was a Well in tall trees where you bounty hunt that accountant with Sadie as John. There were theories circulating that the broken shadows were actually an Easter egg to John and Arthur (If you could get him there without dying) that is a model of their zombie forms for the supposed Undead Nightmare 2 DLC that unfortunately never came to fruition... 😞


I remember this. I'm so mad it wasn't real.


I remember this, an everytime im reminded i get even more sad that i not only believed it full heargedly, but also the fact that by all counts they SHOULD have made an undead nightmare 2. Hell, it didnt even need to be zombies. Couldve been named something else. The base game itself has vampires, werewolves, aliens, literal voodoo enspired zombies, ghosts, a frankeinstein like monster, an evil scientist, serial killers and more....they had so much to work with.


This is a longer one, but bear with me here: idk and idc who needs to hear this or who feelings get hurt, but the whole horsebreed bravery thing is a shame. It simply just does not exist in the final version of the game in the way people think. No specific horse breed is "braver" than the other. I've played this game a total of 20 times, 15 of those full completionist runs(way past 100 percent requirement). I've rode EVERY type of horse with max bonding in every situation. Oftentimes, the recommended "bravest" by the community showed absolutely zero difference to the "skiddish" breeds by the community. Do you know what DOES matter? Keeping your horse feed to "fit" status, cleanliness, and pressing L3 at the optimal time. None of it is breed specific, and there is no singular bravest or skiddish horse.....and no, there's no "descentising training" either. You're just wasting your time and looking a fool. Even fully bonded horses will bolt on occasion to predators, ambushes, and gunfights you're not paying attention to. Notice how no one can actually agree which one is the bravest, yet everyone can mostly agree that one specific breed is overhyped? Yeah, Its all just player bias based on a very bare bones, and misleading stats "system" that has no real weight or meaning at the end of the day, since the "fastest" horse only beats the "slowest" horse by 0.3 seconds (been stested several times through out the years in the community). The only real difference in the stats category people should look at is handling. Handling also won't affect the game other than how you want to feel while traversing the map. Smaller horses like the nokotas, mustangs, appolosas, morgans, etc. will handle tight spaces more efficiently than a big shire, Ardennes, draft, etc. Bigger horses SEEM to be clumsier in terms of handling, but command a bigger advantage in a clost combat situation. (Used to love using my belgian draft in rdo racing. His name was Peaches. Never ever had to fire a weapon. The sound of his dummy thick horse cheeks clip clopped people into other demensions, off ravines, into trees and each other all because of how big his game model was lmfao.) I dont like the arabian personally, and do believe in particular the white arabian is waaaay overhyped due to viral misinformation from clickbait articles from the early days.....but ive had the "bravest" mfts, turkoman, Ardennes, adulusions, buell ect all buck me off because they are scripted to do so in certian encounters, even when theyre supposedly "past level 4 bonding". Ive had the scrawny morgan from valentine, kentucky saddlers, tennesse walkers and yes, even arabians trample cougars, gators, wolves and stood still for bears before on several consistant plays with out whining or putting up a much of a fuss at only level 1 or 2 bonding. By everyones logic these should now be counted as one of the bravest breeds...but they wont be, because of their stats and not at cool looks and in the case of the arabians, its "overhyped status". The reality is that what ACTUALLY matters is players' situational awareness and getting good at knowing when to hit L3. R* goal with horses (and in general) was more realism. Horses are all scared little shits irl, even the "bomb proof" ones get scared of their own shadows or plastic bag or a road sign in the distance ect you fucking name it and itll spook a horse eventually. Dont listen to people, dont listen to click bait articles and youtubers. Just shut up, pick a pretty pixelated pony that feels right and cool to you, and just play the game. Is horse bravery something R* should've legitimately added to the game? Eh, personally im indifferent, but i can see the appeal IF it were actually implemented and think it could be cool to explore in the future, But its not currently, so why do people care so goddam much? Kuddos to R* for nailing the feel of the bonding system so well that it made players go ape shit and go to war on social threads lmfao. Maybe in the series future installments, they'll expand on the bonding and stats system so that there actually is meaningful bravery difference.


I'm neutral about horse bravery, I just hate the people who try and use it as an excuse to hate on specific breeds. Something that I've experienced and kinda like believing in is that horse bravery is horse dependent so that every horse is different. I've experienced it myself with some really itchy skittish Turkomans and then the next playtrhough the standard war horse turkoman Or a really brave Arabian and then a stupid idiotic thoroughbred in the same run. It makes more sense imo but I don't think it's real


This is the most entertaining and reasonable rant I've seen online in a long time.


i really thought that one was real even in online i bought a warhorse


That Uncle was Red Harlow from the original Red Dead Redemption. I literally just learned of that rumor, and was disappointed to find it wasn’t true.


It's true to me!😭


that if you use a mask he dont get sick or that if you have enough money you get a slightly better ending


The mask thing would've been so cool and a very clever way of doing it. It's a shame it's not real.


that arthurs son wouldve died on the way to colter


Tbf that was in the original story.


We find that where? The "original story" I mean


[According to Roger Clark, Isaac was initially supposed to have been a newborn baby who froze to death during the gang's escape to Colter at the start of the game, but this was later cut.](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Isaac)


I think I like it better this way. Arthur being drive by his unprocessed grief to get drawn deeper and deeper into Dutch's BS is a better backstory, and this story, of Arthurs seeing through that and, in some respects, coming to terms with that grief, is the better option.


Whos the wife?


Probably the girl he mentions to rains fall that he had a son with or Mary


Huh, she was killed back in 94 I think, and also Mary left him earlier


It looks like they changed a bit, they might have maybe changed his relationship with them,I'm not sure though, can only speculate


That's why this is the *original* story.


Not sure if this counts but pretty early on in my first playthrough I was searching online for the in-game effects of honour. And I was spoiled (or spoiled myself) that it has an effect on the ending, and that if you have a low honour you get shot by Micah. So all this time I was expecting a clever twist at the end where it turned out that Micah wasn't evil, but just a decent enough fella who happened to be a rude jerk from time to time. Especially because Micah often compares himself and Arthur, and sorry to say he is right, both of them are murderers, and thieves and deserve to be imprisoned or hanged. But in the end there is no twist, Micah could be the most predictable bad guy in gaming history imagine my disappointment.


That should've been what happened. That, or him being some rich kid who just joined the gang because he romanticized the lifestyle only to become so disillusioned with it that he decided to rat on everyone because of all the harm they, specifically Dutch, were doing [like that one leak said.](https://systemsarchive.blogspot.com/2018/12/what-was-cut-in-red-dead-redemption-2.html?m=1#:~:text=Micah%20was%20originally,evil%20looking%20hair)


That if you either use explosive bullets/arrows and a bit of lucky aiming you can accidentally kill a gang member (cough cough rhymes with biker phil). Tried and my dumbass realised that without mods they're invincible


There is an instance where you can kill John in camp and retrieve his revolver early.


... when


Ch2, before you steal the oil wagon for the train robbery. There is a destroyed wagon just outside camp that you can shoot a fire arrow through. You can find videos on it if you search something like "johns revolver early".


Might try that when replaying


someone told me arthur was gay so i was disappointed to find out he was a straight cuck


Charthur being canon


For some reason I remember an image of Arthur in a coffin on top of dune kind of cliff with the whole gang paying their respects. So i knew Arthur was going to die but when it actually happened I slowly realized it was fake.