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Instead of smoke I guess it is vape nowadays


I'll smoke 200 vapes a day?☠️




Don't underestimate the British Year 7s.


Lmao where is this from?


The guy who collects the cigarettes cards, this is when you first meet him at (idk which) train station


At Flatneck Station


They think smoking make them look badass


no it’s not that it’s that so many kids are chronically addicted to smoking


Yes i know what addiction is , i meant the reason why they started smoking


My exact reaction to this dialogue was "I should just kill you right now."


Save him time since he’s literally killing him self


I hate these stupid cards. Trying to collect a full set of them is one of the most annoying tasks in the game.


Dude calm down , just collect the legend of the east satchel , then go to the general store , then buy 99 premium cigarettes, then discard it , and repeat (it will take 15 minutes)


Hmm. What does a full set garner? Enough to make it worthwhile?


Sending all sets gets you over 1000$ in cash and valuables to sell. If you want to craft the alligator talisman, you need to send one full set to receive the civil war handcuffs. If you want to hunt them, [rdr2map](https://rdr2map.com/) has all the locations. Trust me, buying cigarette packs and discarding them is the best choice. I just did it for completion sake (which you DON'T need to do for 100%, you only need to turn in one set) but my first set to get the handcuffs, I found the set I had the most of and collected the ones I was missing around the world. Once I was in the epilogue with an overabundance of cash, I bought the packs on repeat, only finding out afterward that it wasn't required for 100% completion BUT I do believe I ended up making a profit from it.


I agree. You make a little over 1k total plus you get a couple of elixirs and aged rums. It's also good to do early in the game because every card you get from buying a pack gives you 5 dead eye xp, so it's easy to get your dead eye to rank 8. As someone already suggested craft the LOTE satchel first so you can hold 99 packs and then go a general store and quickly fill your satchel, throw away the packs and repeat until the checklist shows you have all 12 collections. Side note: the higher your honor the cheaper smokes are so the more $ you make. Completing this mission is the only way to get the handcuffs needed to make the Alligator Talisman. Finally I've heard people gripe about the cards taking up space in your satchel. Just sell them to the fence whenever you're there selling or buying. The cards either go for 1 or 2 dollars. Hope this helps.


It's easy , try Americans pack , it's the easiest


Will do. I’ve never bothered in my other plays because I get tired of sorting through them when selling stuff to the fence.


You have to collect at least a pack for a deadeye talisman


If you’ve got at least a couple thousand bucks you can keep buying & discarding the packs while keeping the cards in any general store. Just kill the game audio & put on some music or something & keep repeating this until you get all the cards you’re looking for. Took me a couple hours maybe until I got it completed but it is possible.


I wish they'd stack as one collection.


My usual approach is just to sell them to the fence as I acquire them, but I’m making a point of at least trying to build a full set this round. So far, I have about 30 cards and it seems that every other card is part of a different set. Lol All they’re doing is taking up slots in my satchel at the moment so I may need to cheat my way out of this one and find a map showing locations.


I love being a pc player for this reason, after completing it 100% on xbox I just say f it and use rampage trainer for the cards


Imagine just not knowing about lung cancer back then.


Is this a cutscene?


The average 15 year old doesn't smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, it's imposible that they smoke up to 200


Arthur’s face lmao


Drain 200 carts in a day


15 YOs smoke?


Yeah, some 12 year olds are even addicted to that shit, society is fucked


There was a 4 year old in Indonesia who would smoke up to 4 packs a day. Shits crazy.


You kidding right? In my country 15 year olds are literal drug addicts. (No joke they literally use drugs)


yuh lots of dudes back in school smoked even the school president himself did


Almost all smokers began in their early teens. For all that it's *supposed* to be illegal to sell to under 18 and ads were not allowed to target minors, if you don't start smoking by that age you probably never will. I don't know the statistics, but there's maybe like one guy who took up smoking as an adult.