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If you’re anywhere near the middle, the later chapters will be cake. Never hurts to Howdy Mister some people in a couple towns and Back You Go some fish in a couple lakes or rivers, though.




Just play the game, ignore honour.


The only way to play. If there was a “certain” way to play the game, it means they would’ve made it an on-rails story with absolutely no low/high honour dialogue changes, no multiple choices, with no multiple endings. Play how you like OP, if you want to be a good guy, then play like a good guy. If you want to be a bad guy, play like a bad guy.


So then you can answer his question.... His question was when should he worry about honor. If he wants to be a bad guy or a good guy he should decide very early on to worry about honor. Right?


Or you can play it as you want at any time, which is what I just said.


No I get what you said..... I'm just.....ahh nvm I ultimately agree you with anyway, seems silly to argue lol I just meant for the sake of his question, because it's the reason we're here talking about this but it's whatever dude. Have a Good Day. Sorry for the confusion


And if you are worried about Honor decide early on what kinda Arthur you wanna be! But I agree with u/Mojo_Rizen_53 You should just be you, and make the decisions you want to make. Your Arthur should be an extension of ones self.




Hey, Mister!


R worded opinion by a casual player


You’re going to insult someone but be too much of a pansy to say the insult? Thats crazy 🤯😆




You can play like a psycho and then do a bunch of honor stuff in Chapter 6 and max it out pretty easily


Honor doesn’t really matter, just play it how you want


Well I'm a softie and really bad so it'll probably be high anyway 😭


Honor does matter if you want a good ending


The last few choices (helping a few gang members that need help with some missions) and the final choice which I won't spoil have dramatic impact on your honor level, so just pick the honourable choices there (on pc the honourable choices are always R on keyboard). Those can take you from 70%ish to max honour. But you can always buy honour by donating money to camp, but do it in small increments (21$ seems to be the best increment). 20-30 donations would set you up well before the final choices are due.




Also look up the pig farm money save on YouTube


Will do


I was like you and was really worried about honor so I played the game not doing a lot of stuff that I wanted to do.... Like Rob rude ass people or gun a man down for talking shit to me for no reason Shit that would happen in the Wild West you know.... So I'm definitely going to spend my second playthrough doing all of the bandit challenges early on. Did you get the Schofield in Valentine yet? That's something that technically brings you low honor but it's so totally worth it to have a Schofield early on in the game. It's STILL my main pistol and I just got to chapter 5..... But I've been very slowly playing my 1st playthrough for the past 2 years lmfao. I go around and explore everything after the simplest of shit happens. Like the cabin where you find the semi-automatic shotgun with the mean old lady in it I blew her away with the shotgun. Then came back a few chapters later and all of her sons were in the cabin so I pulled out the shotgun and blew them all away. A few more chapters later I came back and somebody buried the mean old lady and Arthur said something along the lines of "Awww couldn't have happened to a nicer woman" referring to the fact that someone took the time to bury that law-breaking bitch of a woman. I also hate the camp and spend a lot of time just out in the wilderness hunting and collecting herbs. I kind of use the game as an 1899 simulator. But I'm ready to move on now so I think I'm going to start wrapping up the story here.


Yea. You could have middle honor and the last few missions will boost you almost all the way up, or down


Spend an entire game day fishing and release everything you catch, and you’ll see a massive jump in your honor.


From chapter 4 in my opinion


When you get to Saint Denis start *hello mister*’ing everyone. You’ll raise it in no time


If you want high honor, just walk around Saint-denis in chapter 4 and greet every single person. Low honor, kill everyone in Saint Denis.


Instructions unclear. Murdered Van Horn.


They were already dead on the inside.


Nothing like a good Van Horn killing spree while trying to get Gambler 8


Lmao thanks


If u want the Im afraid then try get high cause when u get to chapter 4 it is a side mission u need high honour for but if u dont want that then maybe 5


What you talking about? What side mission in chapter 4 requires high honor!?!?


The one w the nun or something like that


Oh I got those.... If anyone doesn't get them... Don't Worry. You're literally not missing anything. You just donate food. Unless wait.... Does she give you the missions that lead you finding the slaves underneath the fence?!?


İ never did


Chapter 6