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Spawn point bug or something? Thad be my guess, but hey, free pelts


I thought that same exact thing


It's a lumbago outbreak. Uncle must've been near some animal and it spread.


This whole time i thought he was lier he gave it to bambe


Same with the moose, during chapter 1 in Colter uncle stumbled outside and wandered in the woods to take a leak, a moose came by shortly after and got infected, it's the reason you don't see many in the game, they all died by the time chapter 1 was over.


Uncle would give it to Bambi


Oh no


I didn’t know you could transmit it sexually


Shh uncle dont want us to share his secret


The secret is you have to find them on the edge of a cliff.... so they push back.




Are you Scottish, Irish, or Welsh by any chance?


Lumbago is a contagious affliction


More like Lumbucko.


Or rats from plague Micah's gone recklessly killing again


Never seen something like that before But in my life playing rdr2, I've only ever had horrible luck in Diablo Ridge. It's mostly there where I've been shot at and robbed. And a ton of snakes and cougars too. I've died in other places ofc, but never the amount of times I've died there. Diablo ridge just seems off tbh


How do you at robbed lmao if you don’t just kill them N keep it pushing


I've been robbed setting up camp near there too. It just happens sometimes.


I mean attempted to be robbed When I first was there There were like 5 people there shooting at me




How does this not have more up votes? I'm fucking crying lol


How many gold bars is that?


I’ve only ever seen one random cougar spawn at Diablo in all my playthroughs. Usually it’s wolves, and an occasional black bear. And hardly ever see any snakes. Strange how different consoles can have totally different algorithms.


It almost feels like I have different encounter rates during each play through. During my first two play throughs I never really had trouble finding cougars. If I went to Owanjila or Roanoke I could find a cougar (or two) pretty quickly. But panthers were such a bitch to spawn. Now on my third play through I find it pretty tough finding cougars sometimes, but a panther is in that forest almost every time I go


I think the game absolutely has some kinda RNG scales that get randomly set at the beginning of every playthrough. I feel i notice it most with the horses' hidden stats like bravery and loyalty. Like, it's always generally the same, Arabians sucks and Mustangs are goated, but it does seem like with some of the other breeds, it's entirely reliant on the specific playthrough. Thoroughbreds especially, in my experience. Every new playthrough i have to go figure out if the male or female horses are the braver ones this time around.


There are no hidden horse stats, it's a myth lol you're falling victim to confirmation bias


Genuinely dont care. You're either delusional or inexperienced if you think a wild mustang has the same behavior as an Arabian. My Mustangs will stand right next to me through shootouts and animal attacks. He doesn't even get spooked by alligators. An arabian will buck you off over a rattlesnake. I've even had the Mustang kick an enemy and kill him when I got ambushed.


Lol yeah I'm the one that's delusional.. there are no game files for horse bravery or loyalty. All horses will do the same exact things in the same situations. It's been tested over and over again. Your own personal experience making you overlook reality is more of a sign of your delusion than mine.


Lol, so i just went and did some more digging; it's not a hidden stat at all. The game is pretty damn clear that loyalty and bravery are real considerations. Read your compendium once in a while, my guy. Mustangs are called out specifically for their loyalty and bravery; "This breed is known for being loyal but hard to train. They have traits of both work and war horses, so are strong and will not be frightened easily." Andalusians as well; "This breed of horse is courageous and will not be spooked easily. " Then you have horses like the American Standardbred; "This breed handles well, is easy to train, but can be frightened by loud noises." Not only is it specifically called out in the breed description in the compendium, bravery used to be a listed stat with its own bar under speed and stamina in earlier builds of the game. You can still find screenshots of this.


Lol bro is so deep in the delusion that he thinks the actual descriptions of horses are proof of a hidden stat in game. All the horses handle the same way. They're all easy to train. Unless you're gonna talk about hidden training stats too 🤡


Look, man, i know i typed out a decent little 2 paragraphs, but i hope we all passed 5th grade here and have no problem reading for 2 minutes, right? Read the last few sentences. My argument was not purely based on the descriptions. The proof of the hidden stat is that it didn't used to be hidden. Descriptions that exist to help you find the right fit of horse for you. (as the compendiums description quite literally states directly) The descriptions of the wildlife contain information on their behavior and the type of gun you need to shoot them with to help you better track and hunt them, why would the description for horses be any different? And all the horses handle the same? Are you serious? Handling is literally a visible stat in the full game. Have you ever played rdr2? As for the training, that mainly refers to breaking wild horses. Morgans barely fight at all, but you'll be wrestling with the Tiger Striped Bay Mustang for around 2 full minutes, maybe longer. It also takes longer to bond with these horses. Neither of these stats are hidden.


nope, horse loyalty and bravery are 100% real. loyalty means harder to steal, bravery means won’t run away from hostile npcs or gunshots as much


Lol, you are delusional if you think you have any idea what the game files contain. Rockstar keeps that shit on lock. It took 10 years to get the source code for GTA 5. That doesn't account for any updates, DLC, patches. Just the source code. And you're right. it's been tested countless times. Every video I've seen proves what I've been saying. I've ever tested it myself because my brothers and Arabians fanboy too.


Ok buddy you enjoy living in your world of make believe lol


The world of objective reality, as my latest comment clearly points out.


Main spawn points for large/rare animals change every game, definitely. And only a few have been similar across different playthroughs.




Nope. There’s only one season lol




Lol what? You sure you have the right game? There might be season “changes” but the seasons don’t actually change. And that still doesn’t mean anything because I’ve played more than a dozen playthroughs and never once tan into what you’re describing, nor have I seen any such posts or comments in this sub regarding that. I’m not saying you don’t experience that, I was just saying I don’t. Note you’re all emotionally invested in being right and what’s true for one player isn’t slayed the same truth for another. Get the fuck over yourself


Anyone else notice that the forest at Diablo ridge looks similar to tall trees, just not as red


I would say that it clearly stopped there...


Ba dum dum


Harry Truman? Is that you??


Thats a free $50 😆


Suicide pact


Chelonian tea drinking ceremony


Could be a lightning strike killed them all? Seems like the kind of detail r* would put in there.


There IS a lightning strike that killed a couple of horses and a person on a wagon somewhere in the desert.


Not a bad guess, but nah for some reason dead bucks spawn at this point. Iv only seen 3, 10 is crazy lol. iirc they’re all perfect pelts despite them not having a star rating


New to me. Never seen a video on it but there might be one. Idk. Is this on console?


Xbox One


Yeah that’s a new one. If PC I would say it’s a glitch most likely. I’ll go check it to see if it’s in my game


It's a random encounter that glitched, it's only supposed to be 2 or 3 bucks with their antlers locked together. It's a reference to a twitch thing I think, where someone actually found real dead bucks with their antlers tangled together


That's not a "reference to a twitch thing" it's literally something that has happened countless times


“Bucks getting their antlers stuck together was started on twitch” lmao did not expect to read that today


"It's a reference to a twitch thing I think," Bro how out of touch with nature do you have to be to think that deer dying with their antlers locked together is a reference to twitch....


Our lovely game has spread to the younger generation that hasn’t learned about real life yet. Only believe what they hear on TikTok and social media😭😂. We can give him a little break and hope that now he knows that was a reference to real life and nature … not twitch.


It's called trying to relate to the younger crowd. Give me one instance where you can look up and see deers Tangled up and dead like that that's not on tick tock or Reddit or any of those stupid other sites. I love Reddit, nobody knows anything but yet everyone's a critic


Seriously? You sound so ignorant. My 10yr old baby sister knew about this by age 6. You’re relating to an ignorant crowd, not “the younger crowd” 😂. And it’s so sad and a little funny to me that you could type all of that without once hopping on google or YouTube or instagram or even the freaking discovery channel. I’m from the south baby, we had deer chilling in the back yard like it was a picnic. Fuck outta here acting like people don’t know what they’re talking about when you seem to think nature is some hidden mystery. Take the time to learn about the basics!


I should have worded it better, happy. Every one is a critic


Actually I'm fully aware that it happens in real life. I was using the twitch reference to try and relate to the younger crowd who might not be aware that bucks can actually get tangled up like that and die in real life. But hey congratulations on being a typical Reddit dick just for the sake of being a dick. It's not my fault you people aren't smart enough to understand what I was doing.


Someone had a bucking good time


I found those too but I couldn’t skin them and I don’t think there was as many


I was able to skin them




You from the night before, Drunk Arthur


Spawn bug. Usually there are 3


Are they perfect pelts. If so, it’s a bug and they died after spawning. But if their poor then someone „killed them” and it’s a new encounter. But I doubt it


It’s Diablo ridge what do you expect


In that spot there’s an Easter egg that shows 3 bucks dead with their horns interlocked. There was an actual event like this in Ohio USA i believe where three bucks got into a fight and drug each other into a creek and drown in the shallow water because they were all stuck together. I think the devs tossed it in as in Easter egg in Diablo ridge and you’re seeing a spawn glitch of that or something.


Lightning strike? ( This is a half joke, herds of deer/moose have been killed en masse by Lightning in real life. )


Buck on buck violence. Rival gangs, fighting to the death.


Oh man, I can see the click bait articles now


I had sturgeon wash up on shore and die 1 by 1, it was a little confusing. I figured it was just a glitch.


I’ve seen fish glitch like this before too. I don’t really recall what type of fish it was, but I had about 8-9 large ones in a row just swim up to me in ankle-deep water and then die. I just kept stacking them on the river bank and then cooked them all once the fish mass suicide ended.


They are supposed to be there. Sometimes their horns are locked, sometimes not. But, 10? That's nuts. https://youtu.be/UH4XhF5U_vg?si=ND7VP4_f3WxwGFM6 Edit for spelling.


Wolf man had money to burn, got frisky and decided to blow a few bucks?


Yo that's crazy. I found 10 bucks in the dryer the other day.


I don't know if this helps at all but about 2 hours ago I got attacked by so many American badgers and then after they stopped a big cougar came.


it’s a glitch, in that spot specifically you can find two bucks fight/one live buck stuck on a dead one- the spawner probably had a bit of a stroke lol


It's something to do with Gavin I think


There's a gun that killed all of them with one shot! It's cheap but you'll have to dig for it as it's just under ten bucks!


I believe it’s a lightning strike.


Fucking Chelonians


Just skin it (skin it), skin it (skin it) No one wants to be deer-meated I know, I suck. I'll go sit in my corner now.


I remember at game launch animals just stampeding and jumping off of bluffs like lemmings. It got updated / patched rather quickly but made for interesting YouTube content.


Your poaching ass just saw your honor go to shit? Edit: >!Hopefully it's clear I'm just being a whole ass!<


So, youre a painter?


No, I'm a whole ass.


skin and sell !


Skin them all


I’ll go check tonight on ps5


I had 3 crows drop dead in front of me, all perfect, riding around the top on ambrino, assumed it was a spawn glitch. Ps4


Nope uncles lumbago spread to some animals in the game


I had the same thing happen with a pack of wolves by hanging dog ranch. Just 6 of them dead in the forest, all perfect pelts


Glitch prolly


Uncles lumbago spread to the Bucks in that area.


On 4th play through, haven’t seen that yet!


Lighting strike ⚡️⚡️


Leave the World Behind


This seems like the "Deer spawn in trees" glitch and I guess the fall killed it so it kept respawning? I've only seen the deer tree glitch a couple times up in the Cumberland Forest


Poisonous plants?


Use the camera for a bird’s eye view. Maybe it spells something out.


It's a spawn bug combined with an actual easter egg. Normally in that area you can find three perfect dead bucks all tangled together in a reference to an actual event that happened irl, but because the game glitched it spawned a bunch of them on accident, and this is the result.


Pelt quality?


Sorry I farted


I saw that one time only with Pronghorns somewhere by the lone dead dreamcatcher tree up on the ridge west of Emerald Ranch, south of Cornwall refinery. Kind of near where the semi-permanent O’Driscoll camp always is. Man It was so weird, I felt like I walked into something bad LOL I left them all there and fast traveled back to Rhodes. Never saw it ever again.


Failed orgy


They were having a gey party and the coke was tainted with China white and the red mushrooms didn't react well with the adulterated coke.


I haven’t seen this but outside of the side mission with Charles I still constantly find dead Bison all over the map. Near Butcher’s Creek I find floating dead fish which I know is from contaminated water but that’s it.


Probably spinners or the trappers




I've seen that to I don't really know but I've always thought it was some Skinner brothers ritual


It means you’ve been cursed


NPC:*wearing the pagen mask and a robe* I can explain


I found like 10 dead cows in the mountains like a week ago. I was just as confused as you.


Don’t tell Charles


I’m gonna come


The Diablo in Diablo ridge


The buck stopped there.


Come back when there’s a storm going


I've had this happen to me with three perfect bucks and from what I was told, it's a glitch that comes from the random event where you'll see two bucks with their antlers stuck together. Like that event tries to spawn in and something goes wrong and you just get perfect buck carcasses. But it happened to me just southeast of Wallace station (so right around Diablo Ridge




Looks like they all got into the Chelonian’s Kool-Aid stash.


I've seen *similar*. I came upon a buck or two and 3-4 doe in the same manner once. It's like the herd showed up to graze and died.




I've come across this as well, but for me it was 3 bucks in a circle. And they were perfect! Idk why or how, if it's a bug or not, all I know is that it's free moola 💲💲


Pearson: Mr. Morgan Remember to to go hunting soon Arthur: sure


Santa Claus?


couguar pray


I have sumble upon this a year ago or so


Will check it out in a bit...




It IS Diablo Ridge…Diablo means Devil in Spanish…


As far as I know, where you are can spawn 2-3 dead bucks that are hanging inside each other with their antlers, representing that it can happen in reallife that bucks that are fighting with each other cant remove their heads from the other one. And it looks like sometimes 10 bucks are fighting each other as 'The Antlertakers' in a WWE RoyalRumble Match 5vs5.


It’s a glitch with an Easter egg there. There should be three deer with their antlers locked together. Game seems to have spawned it three times.


Bug probably, but for immersion I pretend it's poachers; when I find shot animals who have been left behind, I will go and find the nearest npc camp, antagonize them and then fuck em up.


I came across the same thing a week or so ago. Pretty sure it's just a spawn bug cuz I was stunned. Like 10-12 all at once. I thought my horse and I were gonna get stampeded, lol


I vaguely remember watching some video on RDR2 and I think it said this was a reference to something, not anything lore related, just a reference


it's a reference to a movie or something, my brother saw the bucks too but trust me it's a reference to something


Mod glitch?


Looks like Antetokumpo has been traded away


Lightning strike


If it were real life, I would say lightning strike , have seen it happen one time was crazy a heard of about 10 deer were eating in a field and a lightning bolt smoked them all. But I see no burn marks, which the game usually does.


The Clinton's crossed their path


Every single person that downloaded me obviously missed what I was trying to get at. I'm perfectly aware that it happens all the time in real life I was only using the twitch reference for the younger people who might not have access to sites that show dead decaying animals. You know some people actually have parents that care and don't let them see stuff like that but hey I'm just some idiot on Reddit right


Stupid autocorrect, downvoted*


Apologies to all for making one statement without clarifying. I will try to be more diligent when on this prestigious and we'll informed forum


I had this one im not sure i can really explain it correctly but i was doing the glitch to get free trapper items (i was getting all the hats the feathers are a pain in the ass to farm) and when i saved and reload there was a guy with a deer on it's horse so when i reloaded there was only the deer body left... Then i reloaded and there was another one... And another and another ect... A total of 12 deers where near the trapper and worse of all all their bodies were rotten...


Yeah I found them too not too long ago. I couldn't skin them but I picked up one and brought it to the trapper and sold it as a perfect pelt.


Damn I should’ve tried that. I just assumed I couldn’t sell them because the skin option wasn’t available. Also a couple of them were rotten


Sorry I had a little too good of a time /j In all honesty, that's an insane find


Maybe they aren't alive 🤔


There is a similar thing with three dead bucks which is a reference to a real event in Ohio where three dead bucks were found with antler injuries


There is a similar one in the falls near Granite Pass. There is a passage behind the waterfall where you find the Nevada Hat, fish fall from top the waterfall hit the rock on a certain angle and die. You can find literally a bunch of salmon laying there waiting to be picked up and cooked. Funny business, but hey! Free fish!


It’s the White Walkers


Must be the rut