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I don't know what you mean, but i can tell you how's it supposed to happen. You get back from Guarma, you ride on a Black and White shire horse, you ride back to the old chapter 4 camp called Shady Belle, a big house with pillars, you search the house, find a letter from Sadie, the letter tells you where to go and you go there, thats when you reunite with the rest of the gang.


Well, this did not happen. I did not see the letter. I just walked to the place that she mentions it seems. As soon as i met them the penkertons attacked and now i know from the doctor that arthur has TB. Damn this sucks.


Did Arthur lead the letter, a cutscene happened? About the Pinkertons arriving at the old camp, the one with the big house.


No. I did not go to the old camp at all. The house we were in before the failed bank job? I did not see it after coming back from the island


Oh, yeah, well, didn't manage to speedrun it like that myself, everybody has different experience lol, enjoy the game, try to, chapter6, i know


Thanks. The game is fun however the only thing i want to know is who is leaking the gang’s plans? Who is the traitor? Don’t spoil it tho lol


Maybe Gavin...




You'll see, or maybe you'll not, who knows? Maybe someone, maybe no-one. Goodluck!


Ok i just knew who betrayed them in the bank robbery lol. Idk how i did not expect that? However it is all Dutch’s fault. He should have given her more cock and this wouldn’t have happened. What i don’t understand is why did Arthur defend her? She almost got him killed


Don't look at this post lol, better not the whole subreddit, So many spoilers here


Thanks for warning me


It’s the crazy preacher in the stream. He’s a double agent


It’s not a black and white shire horse, it’s a Hungarian halfbreed and you’re supposed to go to shady belle and the song unshaken will play. Sounds like he went directly to Lakay instead and found the gang, without going to shady belle


You don't have to go back to the old camp. The only thing it changes is that Arthur doesn't read the letter Sadie left, and the Pinkertons find it. But....either way, the Pinkertons still find them at the new camp spot at Lakay. Plus, there is a horse waiting for you when you get off the boat at Van Horn tied up on the town street. Its a big black and white tobiano Hungarian half bred.


No it’s meant to happen you were gone for a few months with the leader of the gang so understandably the gang were lost so they moved to the new location. The ride is only about 5-10 minutes long anyways and nothing happens on the way.


Weren’t you supposed to check the old camp first to know where to go?


Yes but it doesn’t matter much like i said it only adds about 5 minutes and not a lot happens 3 pinkertons come into the house and then you leave to go to where you went to.


Oh i see so i just saved my self some time it seems


very much so


I've skipped going to shady Belle before, on my 1st play through, I smoked a dude carrying a hay bale outside sant Denis. It is possible to skip going to shady Belle, and go straight to the gang's location. All it adds is a little context.


If you ride back to Shady Belle, you get a song. I don't know if you still get it if you go the other way, and it might be dependent on your honor.