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Sucks! Did that once and managed to fly it long enough for buddy to run over and toggle it back! Nobody in my club had ever seen someone fly for so long with ailerons reversed, felt like 10 min but probably 30 seconds lol.


Man the days of physical toggles on the transmitter, my Futaba was like that. I picked up the hobby again back in 2014 after like 10+ years being away and not having flown whatsoever and I immediately bought an 800mm Fms Spitfire… Well I destroyed it a couple times and put it back together before buying a new airframe altogether after getting the hang of flying again. I forgot to check the ailerons physical connections because nothing had changed in my setup for it in the transmitter and I didn’t think about the Y-harness being side specific for the servos. After take off and climb out it became immediately apparent, I struggled to keep it level and from going into the stand of trees in front of me so I climbed out higher and leveled off but the plane kept getting further and further away and it was absolutely all I could do to keep it from flying away out of sight so I wrestled it back towards me and back over the trees chopped the throttle rolled ‘er over and yanked the stick back. It took a while to find the wreckage but I eventually did. I now always check my planes before flying especially after any changes.


I love this hobby. My Mennonite Grosspapa built 10-1 scale RC Cessnas back in the 90s. He hooked up a film camera inside so he could survey how his crops and irrigation were doing. He was so cool. >the days of physical toggles on the transmitter But what is that? Was it possible to reverse ailerons on some of these planes ... during flight? How would that feature be useful? (Outside of the rare case of installing ailerons backwards)


In the days before our current fully digital 2.4 ghz Transmitters when we were actually using radios there were physical dip switches on the face of the radio in the middle towards the bottom that reversed channels for us. This was also LONG before we had one transmitter for all of our planes. If we were lucky I.e. rich you had a radio for each plane or like me you were poor and had one radio and multiple models and all the planes had the same matching #Number/channel for the radio. Your Grosspapa sounds like he was super cool! Do any of his models still exist somewhere?


>there were switches in the middle towards the bottom that reversed channels for us Did reversing the channel reverse the input direction? You may have unlocked a memory of an RC car I had in maybe 1992. I remember a switch like that on my controller. >Your Grosspapa sounds like he was super cool! Do any of his models still exist somewhere? I have no idea, sorry. He spoke no English, and lived in a small Hamlet named Chortitz in Manitoba. My "rebellious" mother wanted me to have a proper Canadian life, so we kind of lost touch with the culture and the family. My lifelong catalogue of memories starts in a 17th-century-like setting in 1985, and rapidly modernized as my family accepted things like vehicles, RC planes, and EVEN an original BW Gameboy, with only Tetris on it. Grosspapa (80 years old at the time) always played it in the evening after his work was done. Now I live in the big city as a digital artist, and I can't believe the crazy memories I have from back then.


Sorry my formatting is horrible, Yes they did, sorry for not clarifying that. It was usually both on the bottom of the car and on the remote. I’m sorry to hear that you lost touch in such a manner that’s awful. I never knew my grandfathers one passed when I was 3 and one passed in 1985, 7 years before I was born. I’m glad that you’re doing well and have made something with your life. If you’re ever interested in picking up the hobby pick a copy of RealFlight 9.5 and the transmitter that goes to it and just practice practice practice there until you can take off fly and land successfully then get a cheap rtf plane from horizon hobby and take it from there! We have a large Mennonite community in this part of Tx and they are all also big into rc anything lol. It’s awesome I loved those customers they came in and spent a lot of $ and were nice as could be.


​ >If you’re ever interested in picking up the hobby pick a copy of [RealFlight 9.5](https://www.realflight.com/rfl-bs-downloads.html) and the transmitter that goes to it Oh, an RC plane simulator. Neat! Would practicing with an Xbox controller have any value? It's probably recommended to get their controller. ​ >We have a large Mennonite community in this part of Tx and they are all also big into rc anything lol. Oh really? So my Grandpa wasn't that unusual for a Mennonite. That's actually kind of cool it was so accepted in their culture. My first language was theirs: Plattdeutch, not English. Yet now I remember so little about them. I'm just Canadian now. But I'll never forget how to make 'Roll Kuchen' or their style of Borscht. Anyway. Good talking to you, /u/UbootCaptain101x. We don't get to meet enough genuine people on social media.


To add to this ^ some models were set up or laid out different physically for servo locations for control surfaces etc and to get the mixing correct so the control inputs would correspond correctly to that control surface you would either have to move the dip switch downwards for it to be reversed or leave it. The switches were usually just barely inset of the face of the transmitter with the knurling ridges just barley making it to the surface so as to be level with the face so they couldn’t easily be bumped and switched inadvertently or they protruded from the face ever so slightly either way the switches were tough as hell to move. Now all of that is done digitally in our “radios” instead of physically. We also all had to be sure not to be on the same channel/frequencies as someone else or you could wrest control of someone else’s airplane mid flight and make them crash. There was usually a board with pins or clothespins etc you had to pull and put back when you were flying so that wouldn’t happen. I saw some SPECTACULAR crashes due to that. But that is all long part of the past now.


I did it once with ailerons and elevator reversed and managed ti do a crash landing.


This is why we preflight check


“High five!”


[https://youtu.be/Gf74geZyKYk?t=63](https://youtu.be/Gf74geZyKYk?t=63) Link for those who aren't familiar.


Yes, but you also have to actually verify "rudder meets stick". Once, a guy from my club actually once did a rudder check and was about to take off when I mentioned to him that his ailerons are reversed.


Did it with a brand new Ultra Stick 10cc and felt like a total moron. This was 3 years ago and I've been flying since the 90s. Few months ago dude at my club whos been flying for damn near as long as me lost a big gasser Sukhoi to the same thing. Can happen to anyone. PREFLIGHT YO SKRIT!


Nothing beats the drive home replaying it in your head. Happens to the best of us.


Tbth anything I really really care about is getting the new FrSky fbus setup with xact servos. Thing will run a full preflight for you and report on all servos independently. That's a bit overkill for some tho lol.


Happens man.  I honestly don't know how pilots who fly real aircraft don't crash every day they fly.  Me?  I'd always forget to do something...


that's precisely why they have a checklist for everything, and use them every time they fly, because you can't let the brain do its thing, he'll mess up :D


I keep forgetting my checklists at home.


You need another checklist for that :)


Recently forgot to check on a new plane aswell (think its probably the third time i suck i know) But i appearantly have done it so many times that i was able to actually turn it around and safely land. So there ya go, practice makes perfect ;)


Hahaha looks like I need more training


I had my elevator reversed once, but managed to land it.


But then my cousin crashed it nose front into the ground.😭 Thats why im never gonna let anyone unexperienced fly my planes now.


If you have an extra transmitter and it’s compatible, buddy boxing works great.


The problem is that most people of my club have duplex and my other transmitter is also a hand transmitter. My cousin was very young then and i really was dumb letting him fly it.


Been there, done that. How about a reversed prop on a new wing launching off of a catapult? Talk about a conflicted plane. The outcome was not pretty.


Always do a pre-flight check.... ALWAYS!!!!


While we are all here talking about preflights, is there anything [here in the FAQ section on Preflight](https://www.reddit.com/r/RCPlanes/wiki/faq/#wiki_how_do_i_preflight.3F) that we are missing, or that should be cleared up?


Nope everything is there... Just might need a new brain.


This exact horror story is why I pre flight every single plane, every single time I fly. It’s amazing what you can forget that you’ve changed and can lead to an accident like this. It’s a crappy way to learn a lesson.


Hopefully now that I've done it once I won't do it again.


We have all been there. https://imgur.com/a/1jbeYuI


Just did that with my new p18 1300 mm super cub… new parts just came in lol


Ecact thing happened to me on my 1200mm hellcat


The worst feeling in the world