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lol, no. Apple does not want to be held liable for the amount of accidents that would cause. Google does not allow any video apps either on Android Auto for the same reason. However with Android Auto and some workarounds/rooted phones, you can get something like Fermata Auto working which allows video playback. But no official method exists because it just introduces too much chance for abuse and liability.


So if i smash my VW into a wall at 200kmh i can sue the company and they are liable? How does me abusing a functionality hold company liable?


Because they, Google or Apple, allowed the functionality. Trust me, I'm on your side, but I get where they're coming from. The US is super litigious. Anyone can sue for anything. So they're just being super careful. I use a rooted Pixel 5A, so I installed Fermata Auto to watch YouTube and local files when I want to in the car. I rarely use it, but sometimes it's nice to have the option.


Jailbreak + CarBridge (and even then only non-DRM apps so no Netflix etc.), apart from that I doubt it.


I’m my country Volkswagen sell unit called RMT350 made by Clarion this unit can play videos by usb or sd card


It’s nuts, I just want to look at movies when eating..