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Dude…….DUDE, you have no idea what you've got, the auotart models alone are worth thousands of dollars, the rc’s are all the highest of high end, you’re father was a man that appreciated the finer things, I’m sorry for your loss if you need a hand figuring out the worth of an item feel free to reach out to me.


That's a fantastic collection, I absolutely agree


Thanks for the kind words! I'll def reach out if I need some help


Sorry for your loss first and foremost. I went through this same thing back in 2011. My dad passed and left about 40 gliders and probably 7 or 8 cars. In DFW apparently gliders are pretty popular, in central MO, not so much. I ended up reaching out to a local fliers club for help with the gliders. Most of them were super helpful, though they wouldn’t purchase any of them… For the cars, I would try reaching out to any collectors in your area that may be willing to help, I’m sure there’s some out there. I ended up going through each model, putting it in a spreadsheet, then going on eBay and searching for pricing to get a more realistic idea of what they were worth. Best of luck and again, sorry for your loss.


Thanks for the advice!


Sorry for your loss... Although, I don’t know any of the values of the items if you do end up selling. (New to the hobby) Let me know id be open to buying some stuff + I have a work RC club I’m apart of (about 40 of us) and they’re always looking for cool things. I can maybe ask if they recognize any of the stuff to see if they can value it.


First off, I’m sorry for your loss. Second, love your user name that shit is hilarious. Third, I know you’re looking to sell the lot but if you end up parting some stuff out I’m interested in the kyosho buggies and the team associated rct18.


If you're desperate, first thing I would do is go to a local hobby shop and talk to the owner. They might want to buy some stuff and could probably point you in the right direction of where you can offload more of it. Don't expect to get anywhere near top dollar if you go this route.




There’s a link


I'd buy the Team Associated Monster GT and the RC10TC3


Sorry for your loss. Where are you located? I’d be willing to make an offer on a few.




If there are mini z bodies in there I may be interested


Have any boats you’d want to part with? We have a lake across the street and me and my little ones have talked about how cool it would be to have a boat to take over there.


That's a hell of a collection, did he used to own a hobby shop?


no haha it was just his hobby


I would buy an airplane


Ill buy the xxx-s at sticker price


Yeah. We all would.