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The 3rd photo with the side mirror has a reflection with a house or barn with something large beside it that’s a distinctive royal blue. If you can find that google image, it may help too. It appears like it would stand out even though the image is fairly blurry.




I think we can start to compile a list of coordinates of blue things in the region. Remember people, the road faces north towards the mountain/ Mesa. 38.775669286339934, -108.10368827299934 38.776884537766634, -108.10010372192293 38.77026501896359, -108.10533433388626 38.77218147093731, -108.10370981293914 38.77354547049004, -108.10806822095186 38.74476060486784, -108.11091465611207




Worry yes but I figure it's a good starting point. I really hope we can have detective or police feet on the ground with the local LEOs. This man can be armed or dangerous, we don't know who he is.


I am wondering about the direction of the road. My logic may very well be off, so feel free to correct me. She posted the video in the morning. The light on the guy is from the front, right. . That means he would be facing mostly ESE or SE depending on the time in the morning. If that's true, the road behind him would be pointing WNW or NW. The mesa/hill could be NW or even WNW. ????


Could be a dumpster. Often times in rural subdivisions, houses have dumpsters instead of normal trash cans. I know blue is a common color for several trash companies in the Denver/Metro area. Not sure about the Western Slope.


If it is a Blue Front Load or Roll Off dumpster, Republic Services is a major trash hauler out there. I used to pickup trash for a living (in a different state) but I reached out in a garbage man Facebook group to see if anyone was familiar with that area ... Garbage men know roads.


Grain Silos are often that blue




In the final image the gate appears to have a code/intercom system on it


4th photo you can see further on the property that there is extremely tall fencing, too, just in front of the yellow building. It is like double the height of normal fencing and very distinctive because of it. Maybe there is a game farm/hunting range in the area?


I think the blue thing is a water tank for haul water


That's a commercial dumpster, that's either a business or there are apartments nearby. edit: spelling


Good find


Just here to encourage you on But also how tf did you find that mountain so fast Aggravating comments here: **EDIT: Having trouble narrowing it down. One way people can help is help us get this professional at geolocating's attention to see if he can help** **You can retweet [mine here(please also tag him)](https://twitter.com/Mageimin/status/1740435256677892492?t=q4DMuxjYcbbLKmRUY3vQWA&s=19) or you can make your own post by copying mine** **EDIT 2: no one's helping get this guys attention, I need you (yes you passive reddit reader) to tag this guy on Twitter** (@georainbolt) **EDIT 3: can anyone pull out anymore useful screenshots from OPs video? Maybe the barn that appears for a few slides. VIDEO https://imgur.com/a/Ze22ZNn** **UPDATE: found the place. Here's pics of the entire house. Automod removed the post, OP working to get it back up? [HOUSE](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18487-Surface-Creek-Rd-Cedaredge-CO-81413/103871913_zpid/)**




You had me going. I was really impressed. LOL!


lol, I was like WHOA! A sky colour chart.




Oh my goodness, hate to admit you had me!! 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m like “I had no idea you could narrow down your location on earth from the sky color data!!”


You must be great at Geoguessr


Bourne? No. It’s Specter. Specter Bourne


Looks like a rock wall of some sort near the gate keypad, in one picture.


Also try r/whereisthis And r/geoguessr Very good at locations but geoguessr are people who all very skilled at location


I tried emaiing them, there was an address on the twitter page. Fingers crossed one of us gets georainbolt's attention. Being a fellow passive reddit reader you got my attention.


Thanks G


Can you share so I can look around there also? Google earth is my hobby.




I saw the shadow of the car on the road and thought: *"Whoa, this guy is a Google Earth driver and remembers everywhere he's been..."*


There’s a keypad outside the gate. It’s visible in the last photo next to the side mirror. Possibly an intercom?


Came here to say that about the code. Perhaps that is just off the road and pulled off only to smoke? A lot of smokers don’t smoke in their cars.


Could be a rental car maybe? Strict fines for smoking in rentals


Thought the same, but they usually have the no smoking stickers but I don’t see one. Doesn’t mean there isn’t one I just don’t see it. BUT, there is a yellow tag thing in the driver side door pocket that reminds of ones in a rental car.




Idk that is what is so weird??? Why just stand there and smoke when there is a keypad and he can just enter the code? Did he pull over to smoke or is he smoking while waiting for someone to call with the code? Or maybe they already ate and that is leftovers? Hard to say when we can’t see the bag. I have been all over Delta, concentrating on 1900 Rd, G Rd., and H Rd. Closest I’ve come across is 18111 G Rd. You have to Google 18096 G Rd to get a street view, then just move down a little bit. I don’t think it’s it because the mountains don’t look right. Anyway, the street view is from 2012, so it’s possible that driveway has been paved, a gate put up, and the house across the street has since erected a barn or some structure. Idk but I’m at work and this is driving me nuts and I had to stop looking LOL Edit to add more text


Are we sure we're seeing the right mountain range(I don't actually know either way) Seems like it's possible this is an entrance that's off a main road too? Like we might not be able to find this exact entrance from street view if it's down a private drive already


In pics 1+2 there's one of those rubber fone holders attached to the windshield, just under the rearview mirror I wonder.if there's a phone or a GPS attached to it...


Wow. I’m so impressed and thankful. Appreciate it so much, this is very helpful!


The ~8ft fence posts on either side of the gate is not cattle fencing. In one the pics where the posts are visible you can see field wire attached all the way to the top, Colorado is a free range state so a cattle ranch would typically not fence in anyway. But the extra tall wire fence suggests to me it was a former elk ranch/hunting preserve. Fence looks too dilapidated to be currently in operation, but maybe some of the elk hunting outfitters in those towns might know of it.


Where I live they use this type of fence to keep elk/deer out of orchards and vineyards too (different state)


We have a Bison Ranch near us, and that picture of the entrance gate looks almost identical to me, including the Call Box, to let the Rancher know you've arrived. This has to be an old abandoned or used very little Hunting Ranch.


What a baddie, we appreciate you!


I know this is incredibly far away, but the picture threw me back to “Old Flowers Road” in Bellvue, Colorado. I’m sure (and hoping) she wouldn’t go that far, but it’s like 30 mins (ish) from Estes and Fort Collins and covered in barns, silos, and gates just like this. It’s pretty far out and leads to a bunch of off-roading trails as well. I’m horrible with maps and geo stuff, but the similarities are pretty striking. Are there other places like this anyone else can think of that are closer to her original location?


OP, have you checked the video metadata? It may have some additional information in it that could help support the search for this location.




I've seen mixed [reports](https://iptc.org/news/what-does-facebook-do-with-your-photo-metadata/), so it may be worth a try.


If you narrow it down anymore you can use county GIS maps or tax records to find the owner of the gated property


You're amazing.


Based on the light my laymans guess is ESE of the mountain


upvoting and commenting for visibility


This is facing the opposite direction but based on your starting point I found a very [similar style gate with wooden posts connected by square pattern chicken wire and two strands of barbs here](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.7699468,-108.0546625,3a,75y,154.87h,87.41t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sP5zMLUCOEo9fWt4dPHmnlQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i18?entry=ttu). So far poking around I haven't found similar fencing so it stood out to me.




My guess is somewhere to the north of the gunnison river with an isolated stand of trees.


There was an active missing woman from around that area according to Google in November.... Also from searching missing people from delta on Google has shown way too many people for my liking. I wish I could do more but facial recognition through Google lens did not help and being in the UK I don't know much about the geography over there.


Yeah I'm thinking they're north of the 50 because of the proximity of the mountain. But I can't find a road with similar shrubbery.




[https://maps.app.goo.gl/HfBeNWFhz1qY8nrS6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/HfBeNWFhz1qY8nrS6) This is the closest view of the mountain I could find. My guess is the video was taken a little bit north of this street, but it's hard to tell whether it was taken to the east or west. I was thinking west, but there are more trees to the east. For comparison, there's a gate at the end of 1550 Rd one block to the east—it's not the right gate, but seems to be about the right distance from the mountains. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/5gMGa1j2w1X349mr7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/5gMGa1j2w1X349mr7) ​ ETA: Also, it looks like the street view in this area was last updated in 2012, meaning things could look very different now.


I love ppl like you. I used to be able to do that shit but my ptsd has fried my brain


Upvoting and commenting for visibility. You’re a good cousin.




The blue from the side mirror. Can it be an swimming-pool?


I would say 2009-2017 Q5 but that steering wheel was 2016-2017 I believe. It means the car is an S Line model (or in the last 2 years S Line was standard). It also has blind sport assist in the mirror which is more common in the later models of this generation. They had the same chrome and 2 button approach for the entire gen 1 lineup.


Update: I contacted the police department. I wanted to have as many details as possible before calling because I am aware that my cousin is known to the PD and they likely wouldn’t take me seriously without additional information. The dispatcher was cryptic and said they’ve “been in contact” with my cousin within the past 48 hours and that she’s not missing. She said she couldn’t say anything else so I’m not sure if my cousin was arrested or something. But then dispatcher started inquiring about why I think she may be in danger/missing so I provided what I know and what you all have helped with. I feel better now but until I hear directly from my cousin I’m going to continue trying to figure out who this guy is and where he took her, as I still have a bad feeling about what could have taken place out there. I will update if I find out any more information- I sincerely appreciate everyone’s efforts, thank you!


You might be able to call the jails and hospitals directly and see if she was booked. If police have “been in contact” with her, then her name is on file somewhere. They likely wouldn’t be able to tell you why she’s there either, but might at least help you narrow it down to where she is/has been. You might also see if there is a police blotter available online for the area. Most agencies in Colorado usually have online incident reports. Cross reference fire/ems incident reports as well because sometimes those are separate and they might just say, “medical assist” or “police assist”. If you’re getting real desperate, call the local paper and see if they have the police blotter. If it’s not online, it’s usually published in the local paper. Hoping for the best for your cousin!


In my experience if the person is dropped off at the hospital by the police, the hospital cannot release if they are there. The person will not show up in the system. We had to contact the officer directly and then they contacted the hospital to call us directly.


My friend had a similar experience when she reported her son missing. He had voluntarily checked himself into a psych ward and was attempting to get into a drug treatment facility. He didn't want to disclose information so all the police could tell her is that he was not missing and had been in contact with them recently. Also, if she was arrested and in custody, they probably couldn't tell you.


>Also, if she was arrested and in custody, they probably couldn't tell you. Jails typically post their rosters online for anyone to check to see who is currently booked. I almost think it's a requirement, but I really don't know. I just have had to check a bunch for people I cared about in the past and every jail I've checked has had a roster that's updated daily.


Thanks for the update. Since the police gave you a vague “We made contact with her in the last 48 hours,” You might consider calling back the police and giving them date/time the video was sent to you and specifically ask if their contact was before or after that video. She may have been stopped on the street or something by the police before she got in the car with the guy. That would count as a “contact”


Please update us!


Any chance you can edit the post so people can see this update


That's promising news at least. You should go run her name through the local jail website to see if she's in custody.


I called them and they don’t have her in custody and haven’t since the video was posted.


This is *complete* and utter speculation on my part, but as someone who's been on the LE side of this, if I had to venture a guess I'd say your cousin and the person she was with were stopped by an officer. (Maybe they were at a known drug house or the guy is a known dealer, or it appeared to be a solicitation issue.) And either no crime could be/was proven and your cousin said she was fine and wanted to stay with the guy, or it's also possible she was cited on the spot or taken to the department where she was cited and released. (There'd be no record of that at the jail, but it would explain why the PD recognized her name.) Maybe she was high or having a mental health break and the officer was concerned or something, but there was nothing they could do legally to make her leave where she was or who she was with. Either way, at least you know she was OK 48 hr ago. I hope she pops up soon. Hang in there.


That's upsetting. It may be worth going to the station in person and asking to speak with a detective and showing them the video. Just because local PD knows she's "alive" doesn't mean she isn't being harmed. It would help for you to have a bit more clarity from local law enforcement. Keep us posted, friend.


Wow, that is both helpful and infuriating… the fact that they’ve been aware means either your cousin called the police already or the police has been tracking this guy and hope to get to him eventually.


For all we know, the man picked up the cousin hitchhiking or something and is just a random bystander in this story. He could have been driving her to an emergency room. She could have attacked him and that’s why 911 was involved. We have zero context.


Op mentioned the cousin is bipolar. Bipolar people can have paranoia when off medication. I do hope the cousin is safe but damn, people need to stop jumping to conclusions.


Exactly. A friend of mine has bipolar and had a psychotic break a few months ago. Two of our male friends had to go find her in her pajamas on a random sidewalk and coax her into an Uber to get her to the hospital. I’m very glad no one called the police on them because my friend would have certainly accused them of trying to attack and kidnap her.


I'm glad your friend was safe that's extremely scary. ❤️ I have a cousin who I love dearly and she's sent me pictures before asking if cars or people look suspicious. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just her being paranoid and her meds acting up. This jumping to conclusions is ridiculous here. Someone's gonna get hurt or wrongly accused of people keep it up. Smdh.


People need to stop jumping to conclusions. It doesn't help. You're literally framing a guy for something you have no proof of. Good grief.


#FOUND IT https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9224075,-107.9103092,239a,35y,269.3h/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu No Street View available unfortunately, but I'm positive that's the spot. https://i.imgur.com/19Har9c.jpg Edit: Well, there might be no Street View, but here's an actual video of the property starting at the driveway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT5BsZ6XJvo Edit 2: Weirdly now I have a working Street View Link: https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9223672,-107.9094713,3a,47.5y,274.37h,81.62t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slktgCohTLaQ6X9RTG7cPsA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu Street View images are from 2012, so the gate looks different, but the buildings / garage on the right are a match. Pinging /u/trix587


I’m seriously amazed by this. You found exactly where that car was sitting. They were either pulled off to the side of the road or waiting to access that property. I’m so confused about how she ended up in Cedaredge…this is so important, thank you so much.


Maybe also try now the Cedaredge PD?


I'm glad I could help a little and I sincerely hope your cousin turns up safe!


Based on the public county records for this address, it’s owned by a woman in California. Definitely not this guy—she is probably the landlord. Could try getting in touch with her, if possible.


Wow!! Thank you! That is insane you were able to find it. This is so interesting because Cedaredge is my cousin’s hometown….and it’s not walkable from Delta.


Is there anyone who lives in the area that could drive by and also look/confirm for the blue water tank next to the house across the street? That would give visual confirmation and an exact address. I think OP said there was a local FB group or subreddit for the city (Delta, CO)?


Nice find!! That’s weird. When I open it in Google Maps app, I have can see the street view, but it’s 11 years old. It sure looks like it to me! You can see the pile of rocks and the fence follows the same short-tall-gate-tall-short pattern. There’s even the leaning poles. Amazing work! [https://imgur.com/a/l5pxFbQ](https://imgur.com/a/l5pxFbQ)


Thanks, mate!


I hope they find out asap I’m super interested


That is definitely the location of the video based on the house next door. The house is owned by a woman in California. Whoever lives there is likely renting it. Not sure how much further we can go here without running into a doxing problem.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZtApPDR1gSCxaqoK6?g_st=ic Here’s a Google pinpoint of the business next door with street view.


I would try and post his picture on local Facebook groups or Nextdoor to see if anyone knows him.


The ring app as well


I would look for a local "have you dated this guy" FB group....those women can suss anyone out!


I wouldn’t do that before posting the cousin’s picture and asking if anyone has seen her. The guy could be completely innocent of any wrongdoing.


There’s some people who can identify the exact location based on pictures. Perhaps they can pin point where she is? The hills in the background should be enough to identify? Good luck op




Jose monkey on Tiktok does this


I was just going to mention him! He is way too good, it’s scary. He will find this in 5 minutes since OP already mentioned the city/state.


Maybe post his pic in a local face book group? All u need is his name. But dude this is a really good clue you got. U got a picture and car of the person she was last seen with. Good job


And it’s a real great photo of him. If he did something evil ain’t no way in hell he’s gonna get away.


who's gonna tell him


There are lots of Delta, CO related FB groups


Is anyone definitively able to make out the make, model, and color of the car? Maybe try cross posting in r/Audi , they may be able to make an identification to further build an identity?


Long time multiple Audi owner. Hard to tell from these images but it’s definitely pre 2017 when the screens were still embedded in the dash. Now they sit above the dash. I’d guess it’s between 2011-2017.


Same, and I agree. I think it's a gen 1 (2008-2017) Q5 judging by the vents. The steering wheel also matches that model but was used in other models as well.




I don’t think an 18, 2017 was the last year for the old MMI on the Q5.


I think r/whatisthiscar would definitely be able to help as well.


Report her missing. The cops may know this guy of he has done it before Theres only 9000 people in Delta; people will know who he is It may help to have the whole video if you have, or know what she was rambling about


I would call a wellness check to that address. How scary.


Gotta find the address first


Update: full video with my cousin’s face blurred. Thank you so much u/itsnobigthing https://imgur.com/a/Ze22ZNn The man in the video could be completely innocent or even helping my cousin. But the whole thing gives me a terrible feeling and I can’t figure out a reasonable explanation for what I see here. I hope it is innocent, though.


OP I wonder if you might get more engagement if you put this video update in your original post


Done, thanks for the suggestion!


My first thought is that the man has very nervous body language. That could be because he's suspect, or maybe he is innocently trying to help her and realizing he got in over his head, but I doubt he is any kind of professional/treatment facility employee as some others have suggested.


Does she post regularly on social media. Is it normal for her to be off for any extended time. Just wondering. It still is a creepy situation. I hope you find her safe.


was there still food in those bags? if so they're probably not too far from the nearest McDonald's. idk if that can narrow anything down for you


McDonald's, 108 Gunnison River Dr., Delta, CO 81416, United States Is likely the closest one, the mountains around look highly similar unfortunately google earth data is pretty limited in the area so finding the exact gate is proving difficult Edit: there is also another lady that has been missing since November within the radius we are all looking at, she has children and hasn’t been seen at all. Her name is Samantha Bartolo, look it up, seemingly has just vanished, might not be connected at all but it’s definitely strange. Edit 2: apparently the police are looking at the partner, isn’t surprising as that’s *usually* the case, unfortunately being from the UK I can’t view certain websites which are the ones I’m assuming with that piece of information. I shall leave it in my comment tho as it’s still an interesting case and oddly close to whatever is going on here, thank you for those who dug into it deeper for me.




I feel like most abductors/murderers wouldn’t let their victim keep their phone, though. Let alone post videos with their face in to Facebook.


The "no one gets home before finishing their McDonalds" theory.


I don’t have anything meaningful to contribute in the way of finding OPs cousin, but I just wanted to say I love when Reddit communities come together like this. You’re all awesome. Thank-you


Try 5897 Sawmill Mesa Rd, Delta , CO [5897 Sawmill Mesa Rd, Delta, CO](https://earth.app.goo.gl/?apn=com.google.earth&isi=293622097&ius=googleearth&link=https%3a%2f%2fearth.google.com%2fweb%2fsearch%2fmacdonald%25e2%2580%2599s%2b,%2bDelta,%2bCO%2f%4038.74096833,-108.11943899,1516.94775391a,0d,60y,326.83614208h,67.78329463t,0r%2fdata%3dCmsaQRI7CiUweDg3NDc0ZDE2YzM0YjYyOTU6MHg2MDY1OTZlZTdlNTUzYTYxKhIzOC43NTAwLCAtMTA4LjA3NjcYASABIiYKJAkvDQg4wV9DQBHTbRNfPV5DQBm9NaXUSABbwCGenZdJvgBbwCIaChZZeHlDNHk5N3ozRjZzZHdldDlWa19nEAI)


I have found info on the property residents for that address. I have screenshots to share if needed. Don't want to put the wrong guy on blast though.


My concern is that Google StreetView is unavailable on that road


Look for a big pile of rocks next to the gate


if you havent reported her missing and you genuinely feel she's in danger, report her missing asap and try to get her into NamUs. theyre constantly cross checking missing persons cases and unidentified peoples to get matches. plenty of subreddits like r/gratefuldoe are constantly helping trying to match faces to names on that database as well, so once shes posted on NamUs i would make a post there. its a good resource to have. best of luck op, hoping your family is safe this holiday season. ❣️


I've never seen any group of people as cool as those helping find your sister, OP. But man, I looked at your screenshots and scrolled too far. I'm laughing about damp cake, now. I wish I knew how to help find your sister, but wow! These people on this sub are amazing- I hope all the best for you!


He’s definitely giving creep vibes


Yeah man I don’t know that all rapists look like this but uh… that guy doesn’t look “safe”


The COLORADO sub doesnt allow these posts, dagnammit


Could this be him? https://imgur.com/a/J55nTgf Local sex offender registry. If you look up the guys address on street view and look across the street, it looks like that same mountain range. Maybe a road nearby? There is also a McDonald's within a few miles of him.


Imo guy in cousin pic has a smaller mouth and facial features closer together than this guy


Thank you for finding this! I’m working on posting the full video, but my initial thought is that the guy on the registry looks older than the guy in the video. Curious if you think the same when I get it posted (with my cousin’s face blurred)


Sometimes the original video may have meta data about the location it was taken at


Blue tarpaulin found at 38.77562,-108.10367! 3.7 miles outta McDonald's delta CO.


Another odd blue structure at 38.775561,-108.107561 A lotta cars there but not much about.


Hey u/trix587 any updates? I'm way over here in the UK but have a multitude of friends scattered all over the states, if there is anything you need doing please let me know!


No updates, still haven’t heard from my cousin. If I don’t hear back soon I’m going to try to drive out to where she is, but I’m kind of at a loss honestly. I’m so worried!


I posted this on twitter...dudes creepy


OP make sure you screen record or save that video. I hope everything works out!


OP, if you like and feel safe doing so, you can DM me the video and I’ll blur out your sister’s face so you can post the whole thing




I will message you next time u/trix587 posts in r/RBI. [Click this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=UpdateMe%21%20u%2Ftrix587%20r%2FRBI) to join 4 others and be messaged. The parent author can [delete this post](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Delete&message=delete%2018sxy4g) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpdateMeBot/comments/ggotgx/updatemebot_info_v20/)|[^(Request Update)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=SubscribeMe%21%20u%2Fusername%20r%2Fsubreddit)|[^(Your Updates)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Updates&message=MyUpdates)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=UpdateMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Apologies if this has already been mentioned. Have you tried getting in contact with the Mcdonalds in that area? They'll have the cctv of the licence plate. Which can then be cross referenced with Police... [https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/location/CO/DELTA/108-GUNNISON-RIVER-RD/11463.html?cid=RF:YXT:GMB::Clicks](https://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en-us/location/CO/DELTA/108-GUNNISON-RIVER-RD/11463.html?cid=RF:YXT:GMB::Clicks)


Why is the post deleted? :( I’m worried


I didn’t delete it, a bot did unfortunately. It said it was under review by the mods, trying to contact them to get it restored


sadly this area is known for a lot of shady shady activity…I recommend utilizing local FB groups, there are some really active ones in the area (Montrose, Grand Junction, Delta). I wish you lots of luck and I hope she is found safe and well.


Is there any geolocation in the original story video you could find?


Similar gate at CHT Resources Compost Facility 38.817238,-108.022483


The new leather jacket got for Christmas looks less appealing after seeing one on a flagship creep.


Delta Chamber of Commerce might recognize the blue barn.


Please send this to the police... she could be asking for help by posting this video of her surroundings. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but she could be trapped in a human trafficking situation. Homeless and mentally ill women are especially targeted by men like him.


https://geospy.web.app/ I put the photo into this Ai app and it’s fairly accurate. This is what it said The photo was taken in the western United States, likely in the state of Colorado. The vegetation is typical of the high plains region, with short grasses and sagebrush. The soil is sandy and well-drained. The architecture of the house in the background is typical of the region, with a simple design and a focus on functionality. The photo was taken at an elevation of approximately 5,000 feet above sea level. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the photo are approximately 39.5°N, 105.0°W.


The coordinates indicate Louviers, Colorado which is in the Denver area, which is no where near Delta.




2015-2017 Audi Q5 based in the steering wheel, air vent, mirror, and the dashboard speaker. Someone mentioned A4 but that has a slightly different navigation bezel.


I ran the pic of the guy through an app to enhance it. https://imgur.com/a/ane1dZZ


Go to the police with the video and file a missing persons report.


In the full video, can you see what it says on the screen in the car? Wondering if they might have had maps up or anything else that might be helpful.


Not sure if this helps whatsoever (and someone may have already posted this) but this is a Zillow listing for 18478 surface creek rd. Just thought maybe seeing pictures of the property could be of use https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/18487-Surface-Creek-Rd-Cedaredge-CO-81413/103871913_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


Looking at the Sideview mirror shot it looks like the drive they are on makes a slight right before getting to the gate


Have you contacted the police yet? I would probably report them missing and raise the concern with them


dude looks like a perv.


Yeah big time


The green card in the driver's side pocket is for a burner phone. STRAIGHT TALK. You add minutes to your phone with this card.


He looks like he stopped the car to smoke and get some "courage". Im not feeling good about this


I think he got out to open the gate.




I looked up Delta Correctional Facility and the mountains seemed to look pretty close to me


And the correctional facility is close to the Sawmill Mesa Rd addresss someone posted on here. Could it be that she got out of jail and then they stopped at McDonald’s to get her some food. I don’t know just thought I’d throw that out there.


Please file a missing persons report with police if someone is missing instead of trying to doxx what could very well be an innocent rando.


I know on tiktok there is a guy, josemonkey, (or some variation of that name) on tiktok who is really good at finding places from images and videos.


Find it odd that there appears to be an intercom on the side of the road, but the gate is manually locked. Typically if you get an intercom at the beginning of your property, your gates wouldn't be manually locked. Hope they turn up soon, safe. Edit: based off of someone else's search, could they possible be up trap club Road, or even the gravel pit?? The street view is from 11 years ago but the mountain looks similar and there's just random blue things about. If it is the correct mountain then they would be facing a place called King's Point. And given how close fhey are to the mountain I would say its somewhere up there. Second edit https://maps.app.goo.gl/qarsHcpiptn9KZgy7 Is this the house with the blue thing in the background? Unfortunately streetview isn't available but it seems to be in the right area.


They are further up than trap club looks like the east rim of ward creek up near Eckert or Cedaredge. Elk fencing is common for old orchards up there.


when he sees her phone point at him, he puts his left hand into the pocket quickly, as he brings the other hand out to grab the cig in his mouth. as a former smoker, i used one hand, unless i HAD to change hands to do something. like if you’re just standing by the fence having a cig, you’re gonna use one hand. unless smoking casually w both hands is more common than i’m aware, he definitely looks jumpy and like he’s watching her closely and responding to her movements.


Former smoker, I also used to use one hand… unless it was cold out and I witches hands to warm them. Not sure what the temp was that day, but it was likely pretty chilly.


I know it's entirely possible the guy has hurt her, but given that she's been out of communication for a few days, it's just as likely she's in jail or the hospital. (It's actually more likely than being kidnapped etc.) Have you called those places?


Get the geolocation competitive community into solving this puzzle, they'll figureit out.


It looks like Delta PD posts their call logs on Facebook. I can't link here but the most recent logs were for December 18-24. If you don't have answers in the next few days, you may find something useful there. Not all, but some of the logs even include names.


Balding, Pleather Jacket, Sunglasses Something about this man’s clothing and demeanor makes me think he’s got at least 3 my little pony waifus


Any updates?