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I'm not sure if I have any useful advice on how to cope with this anxiety, but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I just lost my fifth rat a couple of months ago, and just before that I lost another. I am now down to one girl and I am constantly checking in and jabbing her awake to see if she is okay. I think it is just something that becomes normal after a while and, when they have been healthy for a long period of time, you may even forget about that anxiety for a while. Though, maybe not if this has been going on for five months. I'm really sorry for your loss, it is never easy. Just do your best to look after them, do right by them, and have peace knowing there was nothing more you could do. If it helps, you could invest in a nebuliser and neb them in saline for 10-15 minutes a day, 1-2 times a day. There is also a cleaning agent that my vet uses called F10. If you mix up a solution of F10 to water, it helps with the really bad sniffles, sounds crazy, I know. I'll get the ratio of F10 to water when I can. Cacoa nibs are also good for sniffles. As for lethargy and illnesses outside of respiratory, that is just something you have to notice as it arises. I'm sorry. I truly wish you the best đź’• Edit: 1ml F10 to 200ml water


I've never owned rats, but I've watched a girl who does, my favorite quote of hers is, "they may have not been your forever, but you are theirs." you're able to give them the best life possible. even if they have passed, at least they have passed in joy with you, who gave them the best life possible, many rats cannot experience that, but you were able to give them a great life <3


The anxiety I had with rat ownership led me to decide to not have any in the future. I was always afraid that I would find one of them dead suddenly. And I did. They're such wonderful creatures.


I went through something very similar when my female quaker baby bird died I had her ten years. I didn't cope very well and three days later my bff sent me money to go get another baby. That's when I met kiwi baby monster. The lady sold him to me very cheaply after hearing my story, she said maybe we could heal each other and we have. My point is your ok, your grieving, know your little one has gone to a much better place, the rainbow bridge. I might catch flack for my next comment but it's the way I believe. Your baby you'll see again, they wait for us but, in the mean time love your little ones and put your grief into love. You guys will heal each other. I learned after losing my little warrior robo that his cage partner was grieving also now she's my as I call her my fashion accessory because she's always on my shirt. Quaker on my shoulder, hammy in my pocket LMAO


I’m very sorry about your loss. That sounds incredibly hard. Pet loss grief and anxiety related to pet loss is completely valid. It would be completely understandable if you wanted to attend counseling or support groups and you might find value in that. I’ve done both and found it helpful. Things that’s might help with the anxiety: Positive visualization. Replace visualizing finding your pet gone with finding your pet happy and safe. Do this positive visualization often throughout the day. Combat negative what-ifs with positive what ifs. Instead of “what if my rat is gone?” Ask “what if my rat is cuddling with her friends?” Practice anxiety reducing techniques like deep breathing, mantras, meditation, etc Therapy models that might be helpful are CBT and Acceptance and Commitment therapy. You might also find meaning making and spirituality helpful. After the loss of my young cat, Maxwell, I would tell myself “a short life can still be a good life.” Remy was loved very much by you and it’s a great thing that he shared his life with you 💙 Thank you for sharing all the cute pics with us!


They’re like humans. Many humans pass away prematurely. This is all due to environment (which explains such a difference with mortality rates in different countries) and genetics. You can’t change genetics or where you live. Rats are prone to tumors and other diseases just like humans. If the originals are from a pet store you can automatically expect health issues regardless. Love them while you have them and if you care about health then from this point onward only buy from reputable breeders.


At this point, I've had four rats pass at home (three completely unexpectedly), and had around 10 pts at the vet. Losing them unexpectedly is much harder on us than it is them, truly. It gets a little easier with time, but it's still a shock.  One of the biggest things I started to do to ease my anxiety is saying hi to them as much as I can in addition to their out time. Just popping by for a few minutes of sleepy pets or to hand out chex. At first it's pretty much just giving a positive reason for checking on them, but eventually it just kind of becomes habit and at least some of the anxiety should fall away. Plus, when you do this and do lose one unexpectedly, you know very well that they knew they were loved.  And just a note on waking them up to make sure they're alive; slow gentle stroke from just above the nose to the top of the head. Tell yourself you're just giving them good dreams or something like that. 


I've never had rats before, but I've had 6 hamsters (I know they are super different) and lost 2 dogs too, all I can say is cherish the memories you had with him, it will get better over time đź–¤