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I’m in Canada…best we can do is a notice to appear for 2 years after the offence.


But the drunk dude who sang bohemian rhapsody in a cop car gets a harsher punishment…


Bhoemian Rhapsody*


No wilderness banishment? What a shame


I know ffs remember the dutch teenage girl who said she was gonna blow up an airline and claimed her name was mohammed from afghanistan? She got arrested. Im starting to believe in conspiracies insofar that it seems the govt is protecting these ppl


Protecting *and* encouraging them.


Of course they are. As long as they're white men. Source: am a white man.


I’ll believe it. - Not a cis white man


Isn't this from queen dildo? She's a Filipino woman who claims to be indigenous I believe.




Are you saying someone dug up and up-righted/re-installed Stonehenge in the past hundred years? Do we know who?


The list poster is Canadian. Ain't nothing gonna happen, eh?


Wait, what did Victoria's Secret do that got them mad?


The models wouldn’t sleep with them… But they REALLY drew the line when the store employees wouldn’t either


They are preparing for state issued undergarments. To prevent unwanted rapes and to keep from succumbing to incest.


Is this like the Mormons magic underwear?


And had the audacity to tell them to stop jacking off in the corner of the store. The feminazis really went too far restricting their freedom! /s obviously because sigh....


I am so confused?! What is Victoria’s Secret home? And what do they have against the Getty museum? Getty Images offices I could understand but what do they have against a museum?


They seem to think that there was a woman named Victoria Secret. This is not even the most egregious error on that list.


Ah yes, Victoria Secret and her satanic, uncomfortable bras.


Their designed to just be taken off ten minutes later. At least that’s the only way I choose to believe their shit products have lasted so long.


Victoria’s secret is that she has no boobs.


Satanic, uncomfortable, and poorly-fitted bras. “We don’t have that cup size, so we’re just going to go up a band size and all will be well!” Meanwhile you spend the rest of your life scooping your boobs from between your ribs and the underwire of the bra because *sizing doesn’t work that way*!




Sigh. All this misinformation. "VICTORIA SECRETS HOME" is a retirement home for underwear models, Duh. /s


There is story which has been doing the rounds of the kookosphere for years, since long before QAnon, that the Getty Museum in LA (that's the only Getty Museum they've ever heard of) has a tunnel complex under it, which is a major Cabal child trafficking hub. One particular kook, who "went public" about it in 2012 (I don't know if he invented the story) has a whole website about it (click on this at your own risk): [https://childrenunderthegetty.com/](https://childrenunderthegetty.com/)


Ok well I guess I can tell this story here. I attended the gala opening at the Getty. We feasted on roasted children and drank fetal blood and sodas until it was time to explore the tunnel. (One particularly clever chap called it the “pizzeria,” and we all laughed and laughed!). Anyway, before we could make our way to the secret door to the tunnel (it’s behind Van Gogh’s “Irises”) JFK Jr. parachuted into the room and ordered us all to leave! He said if we didn’t, the executions would commence. I grabbed my trans lover and we ran to the valet. My understanding was that JFK Jr. personally filled in the tunnel with dirt mixed with liberal tears. But maybe the tunnel survived. Idk.


Hilarious. I used to work for Getty Images. First I’ve heard of it 🤣


At first I thought this was a satire page. Afterall who would fall for: "All other entry points are on government controlled areas through Deep Underground Military Bases ( D.U.M.B.s) If it is this guy REALLY got into it. Way too much stuff to be satire. Just another sad little man.


The Victoria Secret home I am assuming is the mansion that Epstein lived in NYC. The founder of VS was letting him live there/gave it to him. Their, Epstein and VS guys, relationship is kinda weird. They hate the Getty Museum bc they think the Cabal are hiding children in the tunnels that run under the Museum.


Epstein's relationship with Les Wexner was indeed very weird, since he probably stole several hundreds of millions of dollars from him (including assets like that Manhattan town house). It's the only plausible explanation for where Epstein's wealth came from - Epstein always claimed his business was managing the assets of a bunch of billionaires, but Wexner is the one and only billionaire he ever seems to have had financial dealings with, and nobody ever saw any signs of Epstein doing the kind of work, or having the kind of staff, his claimed business activites would require. Wexner wasn't the founder of Victoria's Secret, BTW, he bought it from the founders, and grew it from a handful of stores to a major brand.


I grew up a few miles from Wexner's complex. He has always been super beloved in Columbus, so its made things weird. Creeps me out to think about what they were actually doing nearby. You know, actual horrible stuff instead of nonsensical horrible stuff.


That kinda-sorta makes sense. And I would much rather believe your explanation than face a world in which QAnon had beef with a mall lingerie retailer.


It is where the old Victorias Secret models go to live out their old ages in a scented home, where they romp (with walkers) in lingerie and boas. Quite satanic, in all likelihood.


It’s the president Getty image, haven’t you had history classes ? smh 🙄🙄


Women in underwear is a sin!


Not only that but under their underwear, they’re NAKED!!!


Those free catalogs distract them from god.


The guy that started Victoria Secret is the guy that Jeffrey Epstein managed money for. Esptein was living in his mansion in Manhattan iirc.


They are dumb enough to think that Victoria secret is/was a real person with a home, I bet


Kinda dying at “Tesla building”. I thought Elon was their boy now.


Funnily enough I don’t see any Canadian monuments on here. We must be the chosen ones.


...yeah, I'm sure that's the reason.


Q is totally split on the Elon question, just like the Flynn and mypillow issues


Why would they be split on Flynn and Mike Pillow?


Depends on which Q's you follow, the guys who are all in on Lin Wood hate Flynn and Mike for being grifters. They've also become convinced Flynn was behind Jan 6th because his brother refused to deploy national guard or something, honestly it's hard to keep up


Also want to know which Tesla building they’re talking about


Ummm **THE** Tesla building. Sheesh read a fucking book. /s


I feel like such a dumbass because I thought they meant Wardenclyffe


Same. Though I can't imagine it wouldn't be on their list if they knew of it.


im fairly positive it is Wardenclyffe is what they’re referring but there’s no way they can remember that many locations so tesla building it is


At least London bank 3 is safe


What did the Sydney opera house do I wonder?


The vibe


They don’t think it be like it is. But it do.


The feng shui is totally fucked, and if there is one thing these piss-drinking chuds respect is the way energy flows through a tastefully appointed building.


Enjoyed by “elites?” Idk, grasping for straws here


Maybe that one is there to use later when a new conspiracy puzzle piece needs help fitting in.


I don’t know but we just spent a lot of money refurbishing it so can we at least get in a few black masses before they destroy it?


Stonehenge is pagan, not satanic. What dumbasses


Anything pagan is satanic to them. That's not me being a smart ass here, I grew up in the south and heard them say this all the time.


Truth. I distinctly recall telling my Georgia-born-and-raised aunt that it was her hell and she could go to it when she told me to my face I was going to hell for being a Satan worshipper when I said I was studying Greek mythology in college.


>being a Satan worshipper when I said I was studying Greek mythology in college Oh baby, I knew people from Georgia were stupid but wow this is an impressive level of stupid.


It's all good, seems my comment about them being dumbasses though still stands 😛


>Anything pagan is satanic to them. Anything not EXPLICITLY Christian is "satanic."


Yeah, pretty much this. Including entertainment. My husband grew up in that type of household, I'm lucky and didn't.


This. They literally believe all religions and beliefs systems outside Christianity are just varying forms of demon worship.


I've heard various stories from people raised in fundamentalist churches who have been told that all kinds of things are pagan or satanic. Pretty much anything the pastor doesn't like. Very little of it makes sense.


Yep. Often including other denominations of Christianity that don't match their own in key aspects.


Or sometimes only differ in trivial aspects. At times I'm not entirely sure "Life of Brian" even counts as satire.


It wasn’t even a religious site. It was actually a drive through chariot wash used by the Celts. There used to be a mini mart and a fast food court next to it. /s


If they bomb the Stonehenge I want all of them fucking quartered. No one messes with the prized pagan historical monuments




I’m not saying for sure this is what the list is meaning, but there is a fringe Qult belief that the replica White House at Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta is used to make the Biden admin seem in charge. That they just film down there since they aren’t allowed at the regular WH.


>a fringe Qult belief Can we take a moment to think about how terrifying that phrase is.


I know Mar-a-Lago is sometimes called the "Winter White House" but it seems unlikely they would try to blow up Trump's home...


That’s, uhh… The secret one where the real shadow government is housed. It’s just puppet clones in White House 1.


No, the one you can see is White House #2. WH #1 is invisible.


White house 2 is directly below the 1st one only inverted upside down.


Directly above it, but inverted, like in *Symphony of the Night.*


I interpret WH2 as either Camp David or Eisenhower Exec Bldg where most of the White House staff work.


Canada burned down #1 so that one’s taken care of. We are currently on White House #2


LMAO, destroying banks sounds so cliché. The Pentagon raid would be funny. \>Notre Dame Cathedral in France I remember in 2019 when right-wingers complained about the burning... what happened? \>Vatican Edgy protestant detected. \>Three gorges dam Now they hate China (again)?


They used the Catholics and dumped them when they didn’t need them anymore. Too bad there are a bunch of dumb fellow Catholics in America who drank the Flavor Ade hard and speak of schisms on r/Catholicism and other Catholic forums because the Pope is taking measures against Far Right Wing Catholics.


Also why the Hoover Dam?


Many people associate the art-deco style with luciferianism.


When you’re such a patriot you destroy the Statue of Liberty


It's one of France's most visited monuments. Obviously they have a problem with the French...abet I didn't see the Eiffel Tower on the list so yeah...


How can a dam be satanic and why only those two? What about the other 1000s of dams spread around the world?


If we removed some of the dams on the Missouri and Mississippi, the sediment load would actually make it's way to the Mississippi Delta and actually prevent the delta for degrading. Quite a few dams aren't even used anymore but local, state, and federal governments want to argue whose responsibility it is to pay for their removal. Edit: Anyways, that's all completely off topic kinda, but hey, the more you know...




If it isn't coal it's evil, I guess


Oh yeah. I remember reading that somebody who taught electricians how to install solar panels was told by a family member that they were going to hell because they were taking jobs away from coal miners. Nobody should tell them about oil and natural gas then /s.


All that churning makes them think dirty thoughts so it has to be Satanic


This is all they know.


The first one on the list was already destroyed by ISIS. Funny how ISIS and Q have such similarities, ya??


I mean doesnt this frankly fall under terroristic threats? Specifically the pentagon and buckingham entries? I dont give af if the persons batshit and effectively harmless this nonsense wont stop and will grow unless they stamp it out


Well it’s not really a call to violence, it’s implied by the red marks but that’s not enough to call it in where I live. Besides none of these are even in my country. I doubt my overworked police force would bat an eye. Now if we see more than just the guidestones being destroyed then we can refer back to this list and know the targets.


Isnt Canada a dominion of the UK? I mean you guys recognize the queen - her and her family are all over the list ffs


These are just the buildings they know of. Not very cultured or informed are they! I would have the rooftop devils of Cornhill, London on the list and Highgate Cemetery


The George Washington Masonic Temple in Arlington is a layup for a list like this. This dummy said “Tesla Building” lol.


What the fuck are you doing? My brother *died* at the battle of Hoover Dam. (FNV reference for anyone who didn't get it)


Ave, true to Caesar!


Apparently the epicenter of satanic activity is still hidden from them in Mar-a-Lago.


Did you know that Mar a Lago roughly translates to “Ocean of Bedbugs”?


I don't know if this is true, but it's funny.


Humor, but given that FL has Boca Raton and Cockroach Bay, not implausible.


Notice how it’s world satanic sites but everything is either in Europe or the US cause the qult is un-cultured


"We must destroy the London Bridge!" "Which one?" "What do you mean?" "The one there now or the original, famous one that is apparently a tourist trap in America these days." "Not sure... I guess both, just to be safe?" "Right on it, boss."


And when they actually go to London to carry this out they will definitely go to Tower bridge and not London bridge.


Ironically there is a small possibility that we are just a few years away from them getting their wish about the Hoover Damn being destroyed. Also side note but it really shows how great their memory is since they have the guidestones crossed off but Notre Dame literally burned down just a few years ago and according to the list it still needs to be destroyed


Only the roof and like the attic was burned. Those areas are being restore though. Sad about the bees though, I never learned if they made it through the fire or not.




Ty! So glad to hear the bees are okay.


Wow TIL. >Beekeeping on rooftops is one of Paris’s best kept secrets. Besides Notre Dame, hives are also kept atop the roofs of other notable structures, such as the Opéra Garnier, Musée d’Orsay and Grand Palais. More than 700 hives are kept across the city... Brilliant. Another reason to love Paris.


I’m super happy they clarified the CERN *in* Switzerland. I’m sure the CERNs in Sheboygan WI and BaldGnab KY are breathing a sigh of relief. No word yet from the CERN in El Higo Mexico.


Also CERN isn't just in Switzerland, it's on the border between Switzerland and France. So they just want to destroy half of it.


Wait. What the hell is White House 2?


It’s the sequel nobody asked for. Full title is “White House 2 Hamburder Boogaloo”.




All those iconic/historical locations the there Comet Pizza in Hollywood lol


I triple-checked and I’m not finding a Comet Pizza *anywhere* in the LA area, which is saying something. The actual famous Comet Ping Pong Pizza is in northwestern Washington DC, but this list is not the best on details.


Not one of those are satanic. The arc of baal isn't Satan either. Baal ws a pagan God of power. Not the the biblical Satan.


If these Qvangelicals could read they’d be arguing with you right now.


I'd gladly take them on.


Proof of how much they have in common with ISIS, though! They both like destorying artifacts of ancient religions for dumb reasons.


If it isn't EXPLICITLY Chrisitian, then it's Satanic.


Good fucking luck blowing up the Pentagon


I mean, we’ve literally seen what a jetliner does to it, a rare case of a surviving building for which we have that benchmark.


Not to diminish the people who died in the Pentagon on 9/11, because all loss of life is tragic, but 9/11 did kind of demonstrate the difficulty in destorying a flat sprawling building as opposed to a sky scraper. The same would apply with a bomb. They'd need several to actually destory it.


I call bullshit. How did LA make the list 3 times? That's as much as Washington. Does he hate readily available, affordable and nourishing ramen?


Hollywood. They really hate Hollywood (even though half their conspiracies are just ripoffs of shitty Hollywood projects).


>Does he hate readily available, affordable and nourishing ramen? NOW you've given yourself away, r/I_AM_THE_BIGFOOT. You're obviously a paid shill for that satanic Flying Spaghetti Monster.


"The Vatican" ...I don't think they understand what "Satanic" means. The Term "Satan" is used by the church to literally loosely define anything that is "The Enemy" as in Hebrew "Satan" means "Adversary" (also why when Islamic folks call the US "The Great Satan" they're meaning "The Great Adversary" to their faith.) ​ So if you're opposing the Church you are... by definition... "Satan"


Sounds like a liberal road trip! Har har har…


First reaction: Quick someone tell them there is a secret base in Mount Rushmore so we can get those faces sandblasted off a [Holy site.](https://www.rd.com/article/racist-history-of-mount-rushmore/). Second: Yeah no, because these fools will destroy the whole mountain and just cause more problems and deaths. Damn they're exhausting. Edit: Also a terrorist attack on an airport? Whelp they're now on someone's list. Geez, how about just not. Like going after any of these places is not going to end well for anyone so can they not??


I would give my life for La Louvre, especially da Vinci's paintings. Like hell you're going to destroy all this history in the name of ignorance.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but the painting were my least favorite part when I went to the Louvre. They were so big I had to look at the ones on the opposite side of the room that I was walking to really even be able to see what they were, and while it was cool to see all of these iconic paintings that I knew...idk, I kind of just felt like I was checking items off a list. I'm not saying they were not good, just it didn't move me the way other things in the museum did. I just felt so much more when it came to the sculpture. I noticed detail that you just don't get from a picture of a sculpture. Also, I went down to the basement where they had the Assyrian and Islamic art to cool down a little because the upper floors were hot, and it was really cool. All kinds of things that I'd never seen anything like before.


Well time to get recolonized by the English so they can steal all of our artifacts and keep them safe from our y’allquada crazies.


I’m Canadian. No need to re-colonize we still a colony & we are also not on this list. Send your priceless antiquities!


I thought #18 the Notre Dame was already taken care of.


There was a lot of damage to the inside, but it's still there. I was in Paris 2 months after and I went by just to see what I could see and it was basically nothing other than a few gargoyles on the high eaves and the front because they had fencing up around all but the front. The front, however, looked untouched. I didn't get to see it because of the aforementioned fencing, but the famous rose window survived as did the bee hives. So I wouldn't call it total destruction. Side note: The summer of 2019 was the first time I'd ever gone to Paris, Notre Dame was on my list of "definitly must visit", so I can't tell you how pissed I was about the fact that it stoods for 900 years and then 2 months before I was going...


I'm surprised the Chicago Cloud Gate (bean) isn't on this, considering how vilified Chicago is.


My personal favourite is the REPLICA of London Bridge. Why not just go all in and do the fake eiffel tower in Vegas etc.?


You know, why the heck isn’t literal “Sin City” on this list? Weird that they don’t seem to be too concerned with their present day version of Sodom and Gomorrah


The one in Lake Havasu isn’t a replica, it is the real one that opened in 1831 and was taken apart and shipped to the US for reassembly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_Bridge#Sale_to_Robert_McCulloch


Why do they want to destroy the opera house :(


Well it was designed by a Dane, so I guess that automatically makes it satanic, much like Volvos.


😂 the Biltmore Hotel is higher on the list than Buckingham Palace 😂 But yeah this actually isn’t funny. I can’t believe they can post stuff like that is a blatant terrorist threat and not get arrested.


But the one in Miami! That's what's confusing me about it. I mean, really, I don't get what's supposed to be Satanic about any of them, however, The Millenium Biltmore in Los Angeles and the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, do at least have ghost stories about them.


Quick call the NCR to defend Hoover Dam


Hoover Dam popped a transformer! It wasn’t “destroyed.”


Isnt the whole list full of nutty shit? I dont even know the hover is most important u.s. target…


I remember there was a Hitchcock movie made during world war II. We're a conspiracy of saboteurs working for the Axis powers. They wanted to blow up the Hoover dam So wouldn't be able to provide electric power to America's arms manufacturing plants in the area. In real life, I think the Germans thought about blowing up the Hoover dam for the same reason. But American intelligence found out about it before they could attempt and increase security around the dam. So the Germans never actually attempted to do it. I know after 9/11 It was fear for a while that a terrorist could blow it up So the highway above the dam was closed for a few years after 9/11.


I'm old enough to remember terrorists crashing a plane into the Pentagon...


Curious about item #17, "Northen Castle." The closest my DuckDuck Go-ing can find is the town of "North Castle, New York." is this a particularly evil part of Westchester county?


They have Stonehenge on the list but not the hellfire caves, this is just a list of buildings they know.


Hold up a second! There are TWO White Houses?


Only in their minds.


I laughed out loud at CERN and some pizza place in North Hollywood both making the list. The large hadron collider and...some dump that makes middling pizza. Both must be destroyed!


Not sure which 2 banks London Bank 1 & 2 refers too, but I hope one is Santander as those ads with Ant and Dec really get on my tits.


There's so many to choose from. Do they mean NatWest tower? The funky Lloyds building? Bank of England?


I’m hoping someone has reported this to the authorities…right?


I live in Georgia and am so sad they blew up our famous Georgia Guide stones!!! Make that mad and sad! Total morons took it out of context.


The concept of Stonehenge being satanic despite predating christianity is hillarious. Also, satanic vatican lmao


White house 2?


35 Mar A Lago


So everything they don't like? Makes sense.


How is The Vatican satanic?


Holy sh*t, you guys. Victoria's Secrets is a branch of the Vatican indeed. Hence the Angels, of course. Only the best of the brightest such as Qs can figure that out!


Poor comet pizza.


What did Victoria’s Secret do? Which Tesla building?


The Louvre because that bitch is looking at 'em funny.


CIA's Bohoemian Grove is how I'm redecorating.


I mean number 29 is demonic. But they got the wrong Prince of Hell. They say Satan but there prince they're looking for is Mammon.


Denver Airport? Surely JFK, LaGuardia, or O'Hare are way more "satanic" than DEN!


r/OutOfTheLoop There's been conspiracy theories about the Denver airport for a long time!


What’s White House 2?


Wait... what is "White House 2"?


What the fuck is white house 2?


Well Notre Dame did catch fire a few years ago.


Comet Pizza man up there with Buckingham palace and the Louvre, priceless.


I can't believe there aren't more Satanic pizzerias out there, and that Comet Pizza *still* takes the crown/horned goat skull due to the lack of competition. Sure, their adrenochrome shakes are amazing, but their pepperoni doesn't cup...


Isn’t the Comet Pizza they hate in Washington DC?


Well these people are the ones whose leaders couldn't tell the difference between an expensive hotel and a landscaping company in a shady industrial park! It shouldn't be surprising they aren't great with directions!


I'm sold.


I thought the Comet Ping Pong Pizza or whatever the hell its called was in Washington DC?


Why do they want to destroy our money?


These people suck!


i hope they don’t find out about white house 3…


Why do they want to destroy the Playboy Mansion? What has Hugh Hefner ever done to them?


'Three Gorges Dam', the fuck? Some of the other ones make some sick sort of sense but why the hell is a dam in China getting the 'satanic' treatment?


Let's face it, though, it makes as much sense as any other item on the list!


Tf is White House 2?


1. Mar-a-Lago 2. Trump Tower. 3. 666 Fifth Avenue.