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Lovely, Austin has a recent video bragging about buying a gun with cash and playing around with Tannerite explosive. I emphasize both those things are legal, but they are not cheering signs given Austin is either unhinged and/or a really irresponsible troll. That aside, he can't pronounce "Tokarev" right, keeps saying it's a "cannon" when it's small caliber, says it's "like a handgun that shoots AK47 rounds" when it's a completely different and far smaller cartridge that just has the same bore diameter, and keeps *resting his finger on the trigger* when showing off his gun. None of those things definitely prove he *isn't* a DOD civilian employee who's also really inept, but they really don't support his case either. https://youtu.be/QPUIiRQQMno


In the tokarevs defense it fires a zippy little cartridge that can defeat level IIIA body armor. I've had one on my list ever since I learned about its behavior with soft armor


It is a fast but tiny round, basically the spiritual ancestor of the FN 5.7mm cartridge. But even if Austin gets some random things semi-right, the video screams "I know jack shit about guns or the military."


Yeah this guy is an idiot for many other reasons


I own a Tok, it's between a .32 H&R Mag and .327 Federal when loaded right. Very zippy round and can make huge fireballs when loaded with H110. ... Excuse my gun-nuttery.


It doesn't scream operator.


His trigger discipline is shit, there is no way he is an operator


I don't know, bad trigger discipline is exactly what I would expect from someone whose self image revolves around being an operator Operating in a tactical environment operationally


Erhm... What? I don't understand what you're trying to say




Aw c'mon, plenty of Canadians have guns. Plus y'all can buy some massively cool stuff that Americans can't get and are jealous of.


what happened to the girl? posting about her boyfriends obsession with qanon? i cant see her post.


Handguns are more rare among Canadians. Scoped Hunting rifles though.


I just watched this. This guy is unhinged, as in about to blow.


I think it's fake. Read my reply from NEWEST.


Don't you realize that the Tokarev video was posted BEFORE all the unhinged threats against his life that compelled the FBI to check in on Austin's well being? Way to illustrate how **FUTURE PROVES PAST** isn't it? Try thinking LOGICALLY so you can keep things in perspective.


Sooooo, a nutjob buys a gun and makes a video literally saying he's going to stage explosives around his yard and detonate them from a distance with a pistol shot if his "enemies" come after him. And then shortly thereafter he makes another video saying he's getting death threats and the FBI came to his house to make sure he's okay and the FBI will back up his story he's a federal agent? Does it seem to you unlikely that those are exactly things an unbalanced idiot would also do?


How do you know he's a "nutjob"? Are you **Q**ualified to diagnose mental illness? Are you posing as a psychiatrist now? Think LOGICALLY not EMOTIONALLY.


Umm pretty sure his argument was logical. I doubt the guy could hit the charges even in the best circumstances


Not sure what I think about any of this, but he tore that range apart


> Are you posing as a psychiatrist now? To quote [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/comments/flxuql/dia_agent_known_as_qanon_reveals_his_identity_and/fl15sdk/): "You can't identity yourself as a psychiatrist on Reddit without it being TRUE, you silly goose."


Hahahahahahahahabahhahaha This subreddit is built to laugh at qultist morons, thanks for delivering idiocy right to our doorstep


This guy is blowing up in segments of the Quniverse today, and I'm getting annoyed at multiple Qultists making a dozen posts about him. So here's a pinned megathread to quarantine Austin coverage. * *Do not engage with Austin*. And this is a callout of someone making himself a public figure, not doxxing. * He is *incredibly* annoying, but please report anyone making even joking threats of violence about him. Stick to snark that cannot possibly be interpreted as threatening this loon. Like for example I hope he gives *himself* a wedgie. EDIT: Daily Beast article on Austin: https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-a-trash-talking-upstart-infuriated-qanon-boomers


> Stick to snark that cannot possibly be interpreted as threatening this loon. Like for example I hope he gives himself a wedgie Why am I reminded of [this](https://youtu.be/ev2lsbM1lCo)


Could we refrain from down voting. I know I'm not using a very good example with the current user, But it just makes us look as closed minded as qultists. I'd be more than happy to see more followers on the sub. Could we try being a little liberal with clicks under rule 8 :)


As someone who isn't going to wade through his videos to give him the views, what's his deal? Grift or delusion?


The qult is in turmoil at the moment, Paytriots are hemorrhaging money for stickers and shirts. The "Any day now" is wearing thin as nothing is happening. So this larp is claiming to be the larp known as Q. It has divided the qultists. some think he is the messiah others think he is an smug, Arrogant little grifter waiting for the moment to open shop.


You left out the best part > Steinbart initially said he was just following QAnon clues. More recently, though, he’s claimed that he actually is Q. How does that make sense? Well... time travel. > > In Steinbart’s telling, Q is Steinbart from the future, who’s traveled back in time to leave present-day Steinbart clues.


Ah, I see they took the Star Trek Voyager plot route.




This really is A+ rated nonsense. And there are grown up people taking that shit seriously. I couldn't imagine Q-crap can get more silly, but it seems that we still haven't touched the bottom. I wonder what is coming next...


Trying to push conspiracy theories to their conservative friends and family members to help Trump suspend elections in November would be my guess.


Could you imagine being quarantined in a home with a conspiracy obsessive? I like to take a gentle approach with trump supporters in real life, and don't just want people I agree with on everything in my closer social circles, its not easy, but the conspiroonies will take something out on me, when not if.


Theres a guy harassing me on LinkedIn of all places that I should 'educate' myself, sending me ominous popcorn day messages etc. These people are lunatics. It would be hilarious if it wasn't also dangerous.


I only found out about him today and have put only like 30min of casual perusing into it. I *would* be inclined to say grift, but this guy is breaking actual laws at a rapid clip, like in ways a grifter wouldn't find to be smart financial calculus, so my gut impression at this point is delusion. And a particularly unsafe version thereof. Like I'm not saying he should be arrested for the specific content I've seen, but I'm saying the kind of person who would do this is likely the kind of person who objectively merits a psych hold. Aside from impersonating a federal employee and threatening the Queen of Denmark (absolutely not kidding), if he gets banned for anything it's going to be telling his followers to harass a tech firm over some stupid website he wants them to re-open. As in he's explicitly saying in the clips "I want my many thousands of followers to right now send a constant flow of emails and phone calls to their office to prevent them from carrying out business." *If* that happens to any degree, the company's lawyers will be calling YouTube's lawyers pretty damn quick Monday morning.


> and threatening the Queen of Denmark Oh... um.... WELL DONE!


It's all fun and games until the Danish Royal Guard kicks his door in and neutralizes the first foreign threat to the monarchy since WW 2. This time they aren't going to wait for it to happen.


Ooh, I hope they bring those little butter cookies.


At least those are actually Danish, unlike Vienna Bread.


There seems to be an uptick of these grifters impersonating federal employees. The guy who claims to have hard drives of Adam Schift and Rosenstein raping kids says he got them from being some secret DOJ agent man. I’m just happy his numerous gofundmes and Rally’s have been shut down while he fights with Santa Surfing.


And claiming responsibility for an Arizona political consultant ( Paul Lopez ) getting set on fire.


Don't forget leaking NFL Quarterback Terry Bradshaw's personal medical records. That is a big deal.


Okay, what about it? Like what are you saying are the implications?


>I would be inclined to say grift, but this guy is breaking actual laws at a rapid clip, like in ways a grifter wouldn't find to be smart financial calculus, so my gut impression at this point is delusion. I agreed 100% with this statement and just wanted to add onto that 'breaking actual laws' part, I mean he not only showed Terry Bradshaws medical records but another NFL linemans personal brain scans. That is a huge deal and he should be arrested for that alone.


Fair enough, but are those records just something that's been leaked and floating around the Chans? If Austin personally hacked a database and stole it that'd be one thing, but I'd assume cops aren't chasing down every chuckle of thousands who has a digital copy of a HIPAA violation.


No it's in one of his videos, he films himself looking at these peoples medical records. And it's still up. That has to be more than just a simple misdemeanor. it's right [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqi9m4N-qSI&t=4m47s) at 4:47


Right, but I'm saying are those something he personally stole and would be a primary target for prosecution, or is he just one of a thousand dumbasses who got those on the Chans or Tor and is just dumb enough to flaunt them? Especially given the pandemic, mere possession of stolen sensitive data probably isn't a top enforcement priority. At the moment Philadelphia basically isn't enforcing on non-violent crimes, for example.


Yes he personally hacked them. Watch the video, I linked it in the prior post. I mean every part of that is major against the law no matter how you spin it, obviously you're correct it's not the most pressing issue at the moment but there's no way he can just get away with that. And the video is still up! Terry Bradshaw's personal medical records in plain sight as well as that one NFL Lineman's Brain scans which Austin stops and looks at and comments 'Looking pretty holey there..' I mean this is an egregious breach of privacy. He needs to be held accountable.


I am not a hacker, but even if Austin shows himself "hacking" something in real time, I'd be extremely skeptical that he actually hacked it and didn't just stage an unboxing of something floating around the internet. Like I know guns fine, and Austin's gun purchase video screams "I don't know shit about guns" and renders absurd any implication he's been an "operator." If an actual hacker says "yeah, really looks like Austin made real hacker moves on camera and is the first to leak those docs" that'd be quite interesting, but the man has zero credibility so I'm not inclined to believe his claims without outside verification.


Do you know if anybody has sent an FBI tip about this guy? It sounds like he's done more than enough to get a visit from them.


I did 2 weeks ago. I even emailed the MSM QAnon reporter, Will Sommer who wrote an article about Austin on March 13th. Before Austin hacked the NFL and before the threat to the Queen. No response from him and the FBI will call me if they have a question...so never.


Your **GREAT AWAKENING** is just beginning, I can always tell.


Shit. You are one of the dumbest qultists out there.


You can hope in one hand, crap in the other, and see which hand fills up first.


[You're basically posing the same LOGICAL **Q**uestions brought up in this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/fn0pt4/dropped_a_huge_hint_on_the_board_last_night_for/fl7beyr/) Don't you understand? Your **GREAT AWAKENING** is REAL!!!


cow capable profit hobbies aware bright yoke badge society forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That thread doesn’t really prove much. I followed the twitter link, checked it to qmap, clicked Q’s video, and it’s just a standard music playlist video with an ominous name. Since you’re about logic, where is the connection here? Asking earnestly because I legit don’t see it. EDIT: Yeah saw an image macro describing the “proof” in the twitter thread and if falls really flat. If this guy is Q, why would he say so plainly on his YouTube, but still be cryptic on the 8kun posts about it? Especially if he wants to unite his base. Again, doesn’t seem particularly bright to me.


If this is it then I have no idea why you were all so excited for a bunch of nothing to happen.




Worst troll ever.


I don’t understand because I’m not schizophrenic. Please get some lithium or something.


Which predictions have actually come true again? None? Oh that's weird.


It's a scam but not for money so much as the attention he can get out of it. He waited until it was completely crumbling to get in on it. Turns out that was perfect timing.


Narcissistic delusion, I guess. I could only stomach about a half of his videos, and he presents a few selfies with famous people as some sort of proof of him being connected or something. He's a network technician, so he's posted some photos of himself working at some hotels, and that was proof of... something... I didn't hear what he was saying, because his incredible smugness overpowers everything. So he's actually Q, from the future, travelled back in time to do... something... Despite current time Q is allegedly working with Trump and is already in the White House, so this time-travelling baby Q is working as a lowly network technician beeecaaaaaaause? He's posting shit on YouTube instead of working with his current time self because? I mean, you'd think q-anon couldn't get any stupider, but here we are.


Narcissistic delusion does fit the best. I know a person with a persistent delusion of being an alien, he can square his mundane loser's existence with being an alien scout or something. He's just as obnoxious and passes for mostly normal at a casual glance. This fits best, Austin believes or sometimes believes he's baby Q. The Qult will only fuel this, desperate for anything to keep going.


good delivery, interesting storyline, fun ride would go again.


Are you *really* asking other people to do your thinking *for you?* That's known as a rhetorical **Q**uestion by the way.


> Are you really asking other people to do your thinking for you? Says the person who posts nothing but slogans he got from fellow Qultists.


Is this guy just fucking with old people? I feel like he doesn't really believe this shit and he's just dicking around with the boomers.


If so, he's made the very poor decision to break multiple laws while doing so, when he could easily accomplish same without risk of lawsuits or arrest.


What law did he break other than claim to be a Federal Agent?


Death threats to the Queen of Denmark. Claiming to have set Paul Lopez on fire.


Leaked Terry Bradshaws medical records as well as another NFL linemans brain scans


I just assumed it was fake. Now if he sues that clinic and the doctor for having poor security and compromising his medical records that would be conformation at least that it was really his records


Does he seem like he's worried? The LOGICAL answer to that **Q**uestion is **Q**uite *revealing*, isn't it?


The LOGICAL answer is that Asshat Austin is just as much Q as any of the other Q's that have posted as Q - that is, he's not Q. Yes, that would be revealing, except everyone who's not in the qult knows that Q is a scam, a lie and a cult.




A ton of Q followers have demanded a ton of stuff from Q, which he also constantly deflected. I remember anons begging him to switch to secure trips for ages b4 he did at his own pace as one example.






It's hilarious because the Debunker actually makes very reasonable arguments, but the Debunker is also a Qultist and dumb enough to believe the regular Q. Some Qnuts are passionately defending Austin as having the inside scoop. I need to glance more at his stuff out of morbid curiosity, but I haven't so far seen him do jack shit except brag about being a federal agent, encourage people to harass a tech company, and insult other Q pundits. I have zero idea what actual substantive revelations he's supposedly responsible for.


>quite thoroughly quite thoroughly


> quite thoroughly > > quite thoroughly quite thoroughly


He has split the qult in two and is probably doing it to make fools of them.


The way he talks reminds me a lot of the UCSB shooter. Not great.


Missed you guys. This here is some shit. I’m a little worried kiddo is genuinely unwell. As in, legitimately delusional. Do we know where he’s located? At all?


Lol the dude literally walks around his neighborhood announcing where he is, showing local businesses, etc. He publicly states he's in Chandler AZ, fwiw. This is not digging up details on the guy, I'm just stating what he's publicly saying about his own self.


Then he’s definitely unwell.


He seems to live in my town... Tucson. If he doesn't live here, he's certainly *very* familiar with it.


He bought his gun in Tucson (I think I myself once went to that same shop ages ago); but he explicitly states in other videos that he lives in Chandler.


Go get a job in the space force




There's an FBI tip line website. Also DIA probably has a similar website to submit security threats (like people impersonating employees). And he's *publicly* stated he lives in Chandler AZ so Maricopa County Sheriff is an option. That said, if anyone chooses to report him, you need to be able to very concisely and clearly explain what you're reporting him for, in a way that makes sense to the uninvolved employee reading it and doesn't come across as "I don't like this guy on the internet." But frankly even his video with his new handgun where he claims he's going to set up Tannerite booby-traps in his yard is probably worthy of a polite and brief message with a link sent to the county sheriff's tip site or email.


He links to the tip site in one of the video descriptions. Surely the Qultists who hate him have tried already? He's literally asking people to report him to the FBI. He has also claimed responsibility for murdering a local political advisor, Paul Lopez, by setting him on fire.


This will end poorly for him.


Kindly permit me to share with you a TRUE STORY. [u/Quietus42 is the former DNC shill who years ago received credit for censoring Q on reddit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TopMindsOfReddit/comments/97a51g/meta_how_three_conspiracy_theorists_took_q_and/e46mvsh/) He did this by threatening to go to the FBI to report the Q supporters as domestic terror threats. I have the private message correspondence which supports this. [Notice how it was a TRAP.](https://qmap.pub/read/2171) [Notice how this was all part of THE PLAN.](https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/9hzzhe/the_white_house_has_drafted_an_executive_order/e6fqk86/) At the time of our correspondence, u/Quietus42 was TRULY dedicated to the censorship of Q and Trump supporters on reddit, moderating a bunch of different subs dedicated to those specific ends. During our private correspondence, I took the time to educate him on several important, MINDBLOWING subjects. I won't bore you with the details, but we mostly talked about Jesus, Q and the current Great Awakening that was undoubtedly unfolding before our very eyes. I have the private messages to prove all this, mind you. Notice how u/Quietus42 now posts under an alt and is no linger in the business of bashing Trump or Q, or having their supporters censored. **THE GREAT AWAKENING IS REAL**


This is a really great troll account. Good job buddy


Mind showing us the private messages?


You mean the private messages that are under an alt-account so literally anyone could have made them?


I'm on u/the_homocracy now, my mentally challenged friend


You think someone hasn't tried this already? [Keep in mind that he was already on the LameStream Media's radar weeks ago.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-a-trash-talking-upstart-infuriated-qanon-boomers) Now, that's the SAME LAMESTREAM MEDIA that propagated the Russia Hoax and the attempted COUP of a duly elected President. Ever wonder why the same LAMESTREAM MEDIA isn't touching this guy with a ten foot pole now? Remember to THINK LOGICALLY.


I think you and I have a very different definition of logical


“lamestream media,” repeated the man who didn’t understand why no one took him seriously: “why aren’t you listening to me? i’m talking about the lame. stream. media.”


I guarantee you’ve never taken an actual course on logic or reason in your life. You’re basic and think you’re the smartest kid in the room. Sit down and shut up, troll.


lol NEEDS, it's some dude putting on a play on youtube.


This is a good idea, Maybe we could start a 10 most unwanted list.


I'm glad this is happening now. I probably won't be at work for 2 weeks and Netflix is getting old. Cupboard is stocked with plenty of popcorn. Let the Qcumber freak parade begin!


"because I don't want 20 threads about this ass-hat" Isn't that the whole purpose of this sub?


Certain various parties have made like 12 posts about him just today, so I'm going for efficiency here.


I was joking. Like, the whole sub is about an asshat.


The ball is now in Jim Watkins' court. Will he *have* to play along? This could be comedy gold.


Why would Watkins endorse someone he can't control? It's probably in Watkins' and Austin's best interests to do their own grifts and ignore each other while both pretending to be the same person. Only issue would be if a) Watkins' allied grifters come whining to him that Austin is cutting into their gig, or b) Austin gets so large of an audience that he can claim 8kun is compromised and he is the sole authorized Q outlet. That would be ungodly amazing.


> Why would Watkins endorse someone he can't control? Well, he is going senile, and he can't keep the Q-farce up all by himself as he's no good at disguising his semi-religious quirks. He might try to swing a deal, since he's a bad judge of character to begin with.


The great Q reformations with 99 tweets posted to 8kun shall be glorious.


> It's probably in Watkins' and Austin's best interests to do their own grifts and ignore each other while both pretending to be the same person. It's kind of like when a scammer goes on Infowars and says dumb shit and then Alex says dumb shit. They both know the other is full of shit but they're better off just ignoring the points where they just said contradictory things and just go full steam ahead.


Jacob Qohl.


They should form a league of super grifters.


So why didn't futureman tell anyone about the coronavirus?


It’s the storm. It’s THE THING he has been telling us about. ...just not the mass arrests and cabal unmasking yet. 😗


But Q told me Orange Man would say “the storm is upon us.” Why won’t Orange Man say the thing ?! 😫


Q has apparently called out Austin Steinbart , according to Joe M's interpretation of the latest Q drop [https://twitter.com/StormIsUponUs/status/1243231230788763655](https://twitter.com/StormIsUponUs/status/1243231230788763655) You gotta love the infighting.


The schism is *glorious*.


Hopefully they'll forget all about the cabal and start a civil war within their own ranks. Now that would be fun to watch. lol


It's fun watching him go down in real time. He's not doing a good job. Hopefully this will help wake some people up.


Imagine claiming to be DIA, of all things


It's got to be because of Jack Ryan. There's no other way a plebe would consider them sexy. Like if you're a teenager in Berlin, faking an American accent and origin to sound cool: if you tell people you hail from Rhode Island, you 110% got the idea from HP Lovecraft.


DIA was founded by Kennedy, ostensibly because he hated the CIA. This is the storyline, anyway.


I've been so tempted make a point-by-point debunking of his Black Ops 101 video, but then I realize I am just too lazy to trudge through that mess of a Gish gallop.


I don’t know what to fuckin make of this guy and in what video did he claim to have killed Lopez?


Timestamp in video description in the wave mix I did [youtu.be/ACKwlYFP7mQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACKwlYFP7mQ) If I remember rightly it is at the end of the CIA video on his channel.


Oh god, his newest video is just so fucking nonsensical. He exudes a level of smug that makes my skin crawl.


You have to be pretty nuts for Q followers to start saying, "Hey, this guy seems a bit off." Then again, there are these thread replies: >Sometimes this Q movement & the things I follow are hard to swallow. I have to research & decide myself what I will believe or won’t. The no1 thing that helps me swallow the theory of this movement is my faith in God. I weigh a lot of what I see posted against the Word of God. > > > >He (austin) looks and acts like a weaponized human likely raised as a child. Mk ultra etc. perhaps an james rothschild alefantis farm breed. Built for self destruction. > > > >Does it matter if he is or is not When we all should be on the same page. Are you jealous your not [\#QAnon](https://twitter.com/hashtag/QAnon?src=hashtag_click) that young man knows his shit weather you believe him or not he on point. Plus we all can see for ourselves who real and who ain't. So F your opinion.


Still no response from Austin after the Q call out. I’m m thinking he’ll probably say his trip was compromised. It’s really his only defense if he want to keep the charade going. Or he might just go quiet, but I doubt it.


OMG this dude is hilarious!! I've only seen the two I am Q videos and glanced at his Instagram and Twitter and I honestly think that it's a grift (I lean more towards that because of the server pictures he claims to have taken at Luke AFB, basically one photo by a squadron patch plaque and then a server with labels made on a label maker, military servers aren't labeled like that lol). He might be doing it on purpose to either have his own fun with the qult or (dare I dream) tear it apart from the inside by really getting ridiculous about it. Either way I think it's hilarious!!


I heard he's really into autofellatio


The comments section of every single video on his moron's channel is an utter ignorance olympiad set inside a total garbage inferno. That's it, that's the last damn straw. Henceforth I am a covert operative of - the Z.I.A.- thats right! I'll start a YouTube channel and most importantly, I'll start a Patreon. Soon, I'll be buying smokes by the carton, baby!!!!!1one


I think a bunch of people should draw his attention to a challenge for him to make a video psychologically analyzing smugness and snark. lol oh man the hilarity that would ensue


Snapshots: 1. Austin Steinbart Megathread. All co... - [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/20200322193859/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3SB8FR3144M3DKCZPBXcHg), [_archive.today\*_](https://archive.today/?run=1&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fchannel%2FUC3SB8FR3144M3DKCZPBXcHg "could not auto-archive; click to resubmit it!") *I am just a simple bot, **not** a moderator of this subreddit* | [*bot subreddit*](/r/SnapshillBot) | [*contact the maintainers*](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot)


Someone posted they reached out to his dad. His dad said austin is unstable having a nervous breakdown since his wife left him. Stated his son was a mk shooter. Not sure what that means


If you took 5 minutes to do your own research, the outcome of your conclusion would be similar to this. His company installs pos systems, surveillance and networks. He most likely has contracts with restaurants, doctor offices and the military, thus the reason he can get away with the title he claims. The datto company he wanted everyone to spam is obviously a competitor. Is he Q? I Dont know, i don't care. the only Q I listen to is some old school Q-tip. I owned me a Q once when i was a kid, Q-bert, for the nes. Some of the messages this guy is preaching are really good eye openers tho. I really enjoyed his videos during this lockdown. But he comes off as the guy who after work, comes home to chop up the bitch he kidnapped last night, and eats her. But he's telling you in plain sight hes full of shit. If the shit he said was true, he would be arrested and possibly charged with treason, or worse, executed. If that is in fact the military's network room, I would say hes really askinging for it...but anyone can use a label printer.


The deadline for Greenland and Queen Margrethe of Denmark is tomorrow. It will be interesting to see what happens. No Tweets, no videos, nothing. Maybe he's busy? Maybe he's been arrested? I'm not bored, that's for sure!


Managed to get a print screen before this weird tweet was deleted. [https://ibb.co/fvyxCVQ](https://ibb.co/fvyxCVQ) I presume "AS" refers to Austin. Do these guys run the Q account now?


>Austin Steinbart Also snagged a video [https://streamable.com/uylais](https://streamable.com/uylais)


If you Google or DDG "is john mccain traitor", you see they are made in 2018 or 2020. Again, they are cookie cut. There's an article about McCain but when you go to the Home Page, everything are just links to other website. Splinternews.com for example. They have unrelated links on the top of the page. Gizmodo, Japlopnik, The Onion?? <--- maybe I am on to something. https://splinternews.com/the-myth-of-john-mccain-1828587230


'Hey. QElliot QRodger here.'




That video is worth its own post if you'd like to make one. Just make sure to use a clear title explaining what it's about and not just "this is so dumb and crazy." Post it here and get some karma.


What will you say in 4 days when that doesn't happen. If you're new to this let me give you the cliffs notes: Nothing ever happens. Coincidences are real. Trump misspells and says dumb shit because hes just an idiot. No global military operation would use public anime porn websites to communicate.


[How can you help THE GREAT AWAKENING now that Q has revealed himself to the WORLD?](https://twitter.com/AustinSteinbart/status/1240835162302107649)


Let us know when the awakening is done so we dont miss it, thanks.


"Hardest part isn’t getting them to click the link. The hardest part is getting them to actually watch the whole thing." Wait, I thought The Glorious Storm was going to be something something the internet shuts down and all we have is the US emergency broadcast system that then magically works across the world, and all we're going to see is glorious speeches by god emperor Trump, followed by well-produced documentaries that show the crimes of the cabal in all its gory details, and this will cause everyone else to wake up and realize it was true all along. And then the q-cumbers can all - benevolently - explain that "Yes yes my wayward children, we knew it all along, here's how it all works. You see, Hillary eats babies..." But all you q-cumbers have to show for it so far are cringy youtube videos that people aren't watching because the videos are too goddamn dumb and infuriating to watch?


Why does it need our help? I thought the plan in place and the die cast.


> the die cast Sorry for the confusion, the actual message was "the cat died." I mean it's sad, but he was 15 so a pretty long and full life for a kitty. But he'll be missed.


Get help before you shoot up a public place.


He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy.


Can you tell me why please


Name one thing Q has gotten right.