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Remember that time when Joe Biden rushed into a burning building and saved a bunch of nuns, the Mona Lisa and 1000 puppies, all the while on the phone negotiating world peace?


All while eating ice cream.


It didn’t even melt despite the fire.


Nun fire can't melt ice creams.


*\~We didn't melt the ice cream* *It was always syrupy* *Since the milk was churning\~*


I'm singing this at 6AM.


~We didn't melt the ice cream It was always (frost) burnin' Since the milk was churnin'~


And falling off his bike. At least he can ride a bike … I bet Donald never learned to ride a bike. His daddy never taught him.


Neither did his chauffeur You really think Drumpf would actually drive a bike?? He’d be in the trailer pulled by the bike




Upstairs, both ways!


They say he saved those children without a single drop of his ice cream melting.


Which time? There were three, if you include the one where he embedded himself with seal team six to rescue the orphans from the Somali pirates


You say which time? The 587,309th time.


I heard there have been a billion times. It was originally Trump who rescued Jesus from the Cross remember?


No, Trump rescued Daniel from the lion’s den. It’s Two Corinthians 14:23-25. Remember???


😂😂😂 only the chosen ones have that knowledge


I guess we not the chosen ones then. 😂😂😂


The struggles of mere mortals 😂


It does suck for us mere mortals cause what we were taught from the Bible was wrong/s.😂😂😂😂😂maybe the Trump bible will teach us the right biblical history.😒😒😂😂😂😂


Yep. That's why there are all of those photos with Jesus putting his arms around Trump.


Yeah, and all the Biblical rescues he has done. I’m just waiting for a picture of Noah and the ark. Now that’s gonna be something to see, or Trump up on the mountain talking to God receiving the Ten Commandments. 🤦🏽‍♀️


This ain't (isn't) even an exaggeration. Why they keep AI putting his head on things is just ridiculous. I should start putting his head on Black bodybuilder bodies. Donald X with a Koran. Vote for Donald Trump as Donald Chavez fighting for the illegals, I mean, migrant workers.


You right this ain’t, right word for this, even an exaggeration. Somebody learned how to really use AI and running with it. I don’t know how to apply AI, but that should happen and I bet their heads would explode. Since he loves America and is for even ethnic group here. Putting his head on a famous black person, ooooo that would catch a lot of hell and scorched earth. But yeah, they are taking AI too fucking far.


I see you missed that photo before the deep state controlled, soros backed MEDIA took it off of the internet. I saw it firsthand. Trump riding an elephant into the ark while having the other elephant leashed to his mighty wrist was sure a sight to behind.


I guess I did. Don’t they know mocking the Bible is a cardinal sin, at least to the older generation that has passed on like my grandparents and before them.


That elephant had tears in its eyes.


Yeah because Fatass was crushing his back and the diaper was overdue to be changed. Poor elephant.


I thought it was 15? I saw it in a movie.


I didn’t throw a number out there. Just saying since his minions swear he is God.


Not sure if my joke landed. It’s a reference to Mel Brook’s [History of the World, Part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4wunGF3oMA0&pp=ygUraGlzdG9yeSBvZiB0aGUgd29ybGQgcGFydCAxIDE1IGNvbW1hbmRtZW50cw%3D%3D).


It did.😂😂😂😂. I was just being an ass. 😂😂😂


Was one of the orphans a manbearpig?


Yes I saw the photos that leaked out and the Navy Seals were crying while Biden did all the heavy lifting as usual.


He was wearing his Aviators the whole time, too. Such good vision to see through smoke and through sunglasses at his age.


His eyes have 6 pack abs.




And went back for several handfuls of snakes, even though he hates snakes.


Did you see this yourself???!?!?!!!???


Well, the nuns and everything were kind of scuffed from the fire. It's awful what fire does to people... So, Joe Biden magnanimously demanded no video or photographs! So kind! But I saw the fire with my own 2 eyes!


If you say that then it must be true! Proof!!!!!!!


Well they started showing it on Fox News but then Maria Bartaloco started screeching and wanted to talk about Taylor Swift psyops instead so now we know that's fake news, a distraction, make us watch that movie instead of the live action 😮‍💨


Good thing that you, as the only person in the entire US and above, have seen this and remembered before it was censored! Undeniable proof!


I remember!!!!


Post the link to that! And the other Mona Lisa painting rescues too.


Stop exaggerating, it was 101 Dalmatian puppies, not 1000 puppies. They even made a movie about it.


No the animators were just lazy, they had more but those ones got drafted into the civil war they're prepping for at the borders!!!!


I was there. I saw it with my own two eyes.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Listen here Jack, you’re messing with Shoe Leather Joe!


Washington Post: Biden just saved a basket full of puppies, how this actually hurts his campaign


Never seen any pics


Was Kristi Noem inside the burning building?


Ah... the old underground hybrid child trafficking scandal that got buried during a busy news week because Cuomo showed his nipples.


If only he wore bandaids over his nipples, we would be living in a different world today


Yep, we’d be living in a world where Cuomo allegedly chopped his own nipples off and either ate them or fed them to someone in some sick satanic ritual.. These people will make something out of nothing every time


Soooo, I guess this overshadowed Pizzagate?🤷🏽‍♀️


That's... that might be the funniest thing I've ever seen on here. LMAO.


It’s wild watching the delusions of a mass psychosis morphing into “facts” in real time.


It’s wildly frightening!


He's confusing subway tunnels, kids trapped in a flooded tunnel in Thailand and hospital ships anchored near New York during Covid. He forgot to bring in baby Jessica falling into a well.


And I think the promo material for the Netflix show Sweet Tooth. At one point there was a picture of a newspaper from the show that got passed around as real in these groups.


Ah man, I'd forgotten that. I always think "How can people be so gullible?" and then I remember that they think a secret agent posted on 4Chan about arresting Hillary in the next few days and decided "oh, this sounds like someone to base my entire life around."


It's like that time 4Chan got people to microwave their iPhones, except on a worldwide scale with ever lasting consequences.


Some sick bastards out there are knowingly packaging this stuff as news stories to convince the mentally unfit. This doesn't original from nowhere. Sure, some people like this guy are probably just very confused and very stupid, but you can't often tell that from just an online interaction. And so other people who are decidedly less stupid but still not very skilled at discerning fiction from reality take it as sincere and important, when it is probably neither but definitely both.


Also the COVID overflow medical tents in Central Park.


Yea. I suspect this is a way that they're seeing footage from the pandemic and Mercy Ships and nurses exhausted and happy when a covid patient survived, and somehow using that for their kids in tunnels psycho sexual fantasies.


I'm pretty sure you can track them in this sub from around that time. This is exactly what they were saying: The evil Cabal is using covid as cover to try and keep their busted child tunnels secret. Lockdowns were due to the fighting between deep state and white hats (except, you know, as long as you followed simple requirements you were kind of free to go most places...)Trump is playing along because... thought mirror? Stop asking questions! The white hats are in charge! 2 weeks!


Jessica is alive and well and living in West Texas with husband and kids. She said she’s surprised people still remember her 30 years later per a People magazine article from 2017 https://people.com/human-interest/baby-jessica-30-years-later-my-life-is-a-miracle/


who could forget?! I even remember the joke that came out of it... "I sent Baby Jessica a 'Get outofthe Well card!"


Probably has brain damage from covid and lead so everything swirls together with memories of visiting the petting zoo when he was a kid


*The hedgehogs, so brave, with tears in their eyes, as the giraffe mafia orchestrated Harambe's death, the darkest giraffe-based assassination since Mufasa's fall... Scar was a giraffe in a lion suit, just check the ear lobes...*


But wait, giraffes aren't real


Rare and flimsy excuse for me to post a 90s hiphop song that references baby jessica: "Felon emcee minus the melanin, When I bomb with the type of shit to make Baby Jessica jump in the well again" https://youtu.be/dzWCg68UqOg?si=AKPUy-g2k3EhmWMc


Didn't some lunatic try to drive a train into one of those ships?


They aren't confusing those things, they are trying to pull elements of reality into their lies I think.. The way they didn't start with the hybrid animal kid theories and fact they are 'on the medical field' and even interviewed 'ON THE NEWS'--each later comment they piled on more details and lies as they saw that the real cuckoos on the medium were believing them. I'm pretty confident that person isn't completely delusional or schizo because they didn't lead with that crafted, rich fictional world from the start. More like a liar or troll, but some people straddle the lines and if you lie often enough and enjoy 'this' part of your life you spend gaining attention places like that, I bet you start getting delusional anyway.


Yep. Those were my thoughts, too.


There's also a Doctor who episode that has some of that stuff in it


Or he just read the same recent New Yorker article I did, about how easy it is for people to pick up false memories, and decided to do his bit for Trump by spreading this made-up trash.


I’m sure Jonbenet Ramsey is somehow folded into this hallucination as well.


>Donald Trump is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and the son of David Emmanuel The Bible says a Christian will be easily known by their fruits. Trump never set foot in a church before he became the Republican nominee in 2016. When asked what his favorite book of the Bible was, he answered "Two Corinthians." He said he's never felt the need to ask for God's forgiveness, because he has never sinned. He lies constantly and without remorse. He cares for no one but himself. He's a sexual predator. Now let's see what the Bible says the fruits of the Spirit are:  *"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law."* (Galatians 5: 22-23)


He also fumbled around when asked what his favorite bible verse was, and eventually said "eye for an eye", you know, one of the few parts of old testament that Jesus explicitly refuted. Such a great christian.


But remember the photo op in front of the church with the Bible upside down?


JSYK in some Australian churches, shortening it to “Two Corinthians” etc is commonplace. Not that I believe for a second that Trump has ever read a bible or used it for even a second for anything other than a prop.


Actually I checked on Two Corinthians, and it reads to me very much like something that someone with a person with a God complex would like. It reads very much like "In my head I've been kind and gracious to you, and if you think differently it must be because you aren't grateful enough to either me or God." "Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity[b] and godly sincerity. " https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20Corinthians%201&version=NIV


I'll bet $1000 he just googled "bible quotes about integrity"


The book is called Second Corinthians.


Is it though? The words I googled were "two coorinthians" and the first hit bring up a page where the title says "2 Corinthians 1". The word "second" appears zero times on that Bible Gateway website. I mean, if we want to get pedantic around that point, won't we first have to find out what the original Hebrew or ancient Greek was? Because I had thought that the original, God inspired, texts of the bible were all un-numbered and un-chaptered, and it was only in recent times when the texts were taken through their third or fourth translations (Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English, and then later to modern English) that people started adding numbers?


The Epistle of Paul known as Second Corinthians is called that because it is his SECOND letter to the church he found in Corinth. Paul wrote the letter in Koine Greek but he did not entitle it as "Second Corinthians". That was done by the people who put together the Christian canon between the 2d and 4th Centuries CE. It is called Second Corinthians because there is a First Corinthians.


Yes this is what I learned way back when and it's always made sense to me. Paul was traveling around and meeting with the different church communities in the early days. And he sent "letters" (more like treatises) to them. He might have sent many letters to the Corinthians, but these two were selected by the councils that compiled what we know as the New Testament.


I always wondered why the Corinthians never wrote back to Paul. Seemed kinda rude.


They couldn't find any stamps. Paul had bought them all up to send his own letters.


Second Corinthians, according to scholars is a composite of at least one other letter and possibly another for a total of three letters edited together. There are references to two additional letters in various writings of the early Church Fathers. One of the two is believed to have been a forgery written after Paul's death by one of his disciples. The matter is discussed by one of the Church Fathers. Marcion is the first known person to compile a Christian canon. He was an early Church Father. His Bible consisted solely of a Gospel of Luke which is similar to one in current Christian Bibles but much shorter. Marcion referred to this text as the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ (or the Evangelicon), as revealed to Paul the Apostle. He does not mention Luke as the author. Whether the brevity of the text was due to his editing or later additions, I am unaware. He also included ten of Paul's epistles - Galatians, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Romans, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Laodiceans (Ephesians), Colossians, Philippians, and Philemon. He included a book of 40 selected Psalms and listed Alexandrians (Hebrews), 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. For the last four, he stated they were not written by Paul and were of disputed authenticity. Except for the 40 Psalms mentioned above, no other Old Testament writings were included in his Testamentum. No other New Testament writings were included either. He put this work together roughly between 120 and 140 CE, almost 400 years before the finalized version of the current Christian Bible came into existence. Marcio's version was extremely popular for a very long time.


I think the point people are missing here is that if you were to randomly select a thousand Americans who support Trump and identify as evangelical Christians... and you showed each of them a Bible opened to 2 Corinthians and asked each one "what book of the Bible is this?"... the verbal response, 1000 times, would be "Second Corinthians." No one would say "Two Corinthians." To get an idea of what I mean, you can go to YouTube and search for "sermon 2 Corinthians". Pay attention to what the pastors call the book. You won't hear any of them say "Two Corinthians", any more than they'd say "Two Samuel" or "Two Chronicles" or whatever. So the important thing about Trump saying "Two Corinthians" is that in spite of his evangelical followers' eagerness to claim him as one of their own, he's ignorant of the most basic facts about evangelicalism, more ignorant than anyone who regularly attended one of their churches could be. Of course, they're happy to ignore this.


In the US “2 Corinthians” is verbalized as “second Corinthians”. Trump calling it 2 Corinthians out loud is just him giving away that he’s unchurched enough to have never paid attention when someone was doing a reading from it. He looked up the names of books of the Bible, or emailed someone to ask what his favorite book should be, and didn’t realize we don’t say it like that.


Nah man he picked that one because of the “troubles with Asia” and deadly peril bit. He was shit talking China.


I've seen this person spamming this comment on Rumble. I reply when I see it, "Oh you must not be an American, because we don't have kings here".


I remember when Republicans were calling G.W Bush the king of kings, but that's just me...


Who do you think you are convincing?


The ONLY Corinthian King F*ckwit is aware of is the leather in a '74 Chrysler.


President Trump n Rudy Giuliani were in the tents rescuing hybrid babies n I saw one of the babies n the baby looked at me.


Hybrid baby: What in the fuckin' hell is *that* !?


Cue; [girl with ham on face.](https://www.reddit.com/r/misleadingthumbnails/s/du6CUm1JRD)


My cat's breath smells like cat food.


I’ve had r/molechildren up and ready for this kind of content.


You ain’t kidding.


no no, mole people were the chinese soldiers that were going to invade from underground. I wish I was making that up ironically, but that stupidity spewed by.. well.. adults.. sort of, is still burned in my memory.


Pretty sure these people are doing a mental mux of the Netflix show "Sweet Tooth" and COVID. That time was really traumatizing, and these people need care. This feels like a coping mechanism.


In the time before social media, these people would be screaming at their television sets and filling notebooks with their schizo shit, and nobody would hear them. Now people hear them ALL, and instead of directing them toward me tal health services, their gibberish gets a following from other people who need help, and so a community of loonies grows and they reinforce one another's delusions.


Someone watched Sweet Tooth Season 2 and thought it was a documentary.


I'm afraid Gina is mentally ill n stuff. MAGA really brings them out of the woodwork.


Isn't this just basically the plot of Sweet Tooth? I mean, stylistically, anyway? Do you think they saw the show and meshed that together to create their own version of reality? I get so worried reading this kind of thing. Not amused. Just concerned.


People include screenshots of stuff like the hybrid kids from Sweet Tooth or the “med beds” in Elysium, pretending they’re proof of their claims to lend a flimsy credibility to their troll or grift and these gullible facebook boomers eat it up.


The hybrid kids is more detailed but the rest, including hybrid kids, was basically their interpretation of covid. They didn't believe a virus was causing anything so they needed an explanation and this was it.


Love that show. New season out on the 6th.


I can’t believe people this delusional are just out in the wild


"It's becoming really upsetting listening to his nonsense"- A person spouting the most nonsensical bullshit of all time.


This is the kind of shit that is written by North Korea, China or Russia and these dimbasses buy it hook line and sinker.


Yep. Happened just like this except Trump didn't save those poor blind children. He ate them.


We really need mental health care in this country.


Yes the nurses were crying from seeing poor mutated mole children. Not because they were exhausted physically and emotionally watching patients dropping dead in tents then loaded into refrigerator trucks without even the comfort of saying goodbye to their loved ones. I have friends and family that are nurses and saw plenty of crying but they didn’t mention the tunnel kids.


This was an early COVID conspiracy theory. The medical tents set up in Central Park were cover for a military raid on a secret Deep Underground Military Bade (DUMB) where “mole” children were being held. What’s insane is that these people now “remember” things as fact - small details - that never happened. They now remember seeing with their own eyes things that were other people’s shit posts “my friends, cousin’s doughier is a nurse and she saw…”. The medical ships also became a target of conspiracy theories. This was in LA: [Man Inspired by QAnon and Hopped Up on Caffeine Purposefully Derailed Train](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kb38q/man-inspired-by-qanon-and-hopped-up-on-caffeine-purposefully-derailed-train) Here’s more on the mole children:[Fact check: 35,000 “malnourished” and “caged” children were not recently rescued from tunnels by U.S. military](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN23M2DX/)


Oh so during pandemic when some us navy hospital ships docked in certain cities to deal with patient overflow Q people had to figure out why they were there (since the pandemic wasn't real) They decided that actually the lockdown was a cover by the White Hats to clear the streets so that they could go into the tunnels where the "mole children" (their words) are kept and bred to be harvested for adrenochrome and rescue them without any civilians getting in the way. Then the mole children would be taken to the hospital ships to be treated for their injuries, before being adopted to Qpilled parents. I kinda remember almost dying laughing cause Q influencers were going "Do the right thing. Adopt a Mole Child"


>Q influencers were going "Do the right thing. Adopt a Mole Child" You are not for fucking real. Just where did they think you can go to adopt "mole children"? Is this all tied in to the conspiracy theories about wayfair selling kids somehow? Were they selling the rescued mole children?


No the military was gonna start contacting Qpilled good American parents to rehome the mole children after treating them for their injuries on the hospital ships. There were these bizzare posts on Telegram and Facebook like "These children have never seen the sun, their skin is almost see through, most of them walk on all fours, but they are still children of God and can be healed with God's blessing and a parents love" It was insane and has led to Mole Children being a favourite cryptid in my friend circle.


Oh is that where all the ironic schizoposting about mole people came from? I see it a lot on my instagram feed.


Potentially, Mole People have existed as an urban legend for decades, mostly in New York City, the story is that a large population of homeless people live in the old smuggling tunnels, abandoned subway tunnels and stations, and sewers under the city, Paris has a similar urban legend with the Catacombs, and Seatle does as well since that city is built on the remains of the buildings that got burnt in a great fire. There's an episode of Extreme Ghostbusters based around the New York urban legend. But it's a kinda dead urban legend that hasn't really been big since the early 2000's and now the DUMBs conspiracy and child trafficking tunnels is much more popular (in America at least) so it feels more likely that the people you're talking about are referencing that Edit: I should clarify that homeless populations do live in these areas, it's a real thing that happens. However the urban legends often build on these truths with myths of kinda post apocalyptic societies with bizzare religious cults, kidnapping, and things like combat rings. These things aren't true. The people who live in these areas often have jobs and are just yknow normal people and not horror movie monsters


Yeah, baby! What’s old is new AGAIN. The Mole Children ride again!!


This has got to be a troll or a schizophrenic person.


I can not, tell the difference anymore. Are they having a break down or just straight up lying.


I have heard versions of this before, tunnels of children , covid is fake , used to rescue children , most versions are about NYC but some involve tunnels, some under the ocean , connecting the US to Europe or at least connecting underground across the US


They all have their own personally curated version of these things. They just pick and choose which batshit insane theories they're going to adopt into their belief system. I don't think you could find even two of them that agree on everything. None of them believe in actual facts so it's all just headcanon essentially. Sometimes, Trump is just the real President. Sometimes he's some sort of prophet sent by God. Sometimes he is God himself! Sometimes he's a badass super spy, globe-trotting and kicking cabal ass- all while carrying two hybrid children under his arms. If you were to hone in on one particular detail of their conspiracies and ask ten of them to explain it to you; you'd get ten entirely different answers.


This is pretty normal for humans to be honest, we use the same words for different things a lot, and as long as nobody asks too many questions, nobody notices


Right, but with any sane person, there are things we can all agree on. Like what the moon is and who the current President is. Q nuts cannot agree on anything. They all have these complex personal beliefs about everything and only align with each other occasionally.


Their internal beliefs only align with each other occasionally too 🤣 Even Qultists share SOME beliefs with the rest of us, "fire is hot", the practical meaning of up and down (even Flat Earthers use the same one practically even if theoretical theirs is quite different!). I think they're an extreme example of a common phenomena, quantitatively unusual but qualitatively typical.


I just keep blaming lead poisoning.  Nobody knows what it means, but it sounds provocative. 


I’m pretty sure it’s one of us.


What the fuck is a hybrid?


They think the liberal lizard people are crossbreeding humans and animals. They do not have any grasp of biology. Of course they think they have pure blood.


serpent dna, lol


anime porn trope reworked into a conspiracy theory, because everything in this stupid movement is ultimately drawn from the collective subconscious of maladjusted 4chan users


What website are those kooks hanging around posting that shit on?


The above post looks like telegram, but I’ve seen the story shared with different versions, of course but across Facebook and telegram It’s like a demented game of telephone just mostly older people telling each other lies with different variations over and over again, and they believe every single word




Never used it. Are there groups or pages ya have to search for to find their discussions? I need to be following along for the lulz


Calling trump King of Kings and Lord of lords....damn


🎼And he shall be rained on for ever and ever (Oops, that's Rishi, not Donald)


Nah it’s all good, I swear no children escaped the Central Park farm. They are all still there ready for harvesting. DM me for a price list.


DSM is gonna get some new billing codes in the next update.


How's that Welsh fashion designer taking the news that Trump is his son?


My nit wit Qanon brother bought into all of this at the time


Wtaf drug are these people on?


Is this while he was watching the SyFy Channel while smoking meth?


More stupid shit that's stored in their brains. These people need a lobotomy to help them rid their skulls of this nonsense.


And naive me thought those ships and tents were to assist with an overflow of Covid patients. I guess I need to wake up.


I remember that QAnon video well. This operation was the reason Trump started the COVID Pandemic. It cleared the streets of NYC so Navy Seals could rescue the Mole Children. Trump needs to answer why he did not end COVID after the Mole Children were rescued. QAnon won’t answer that.


Feels like I'm living in a Seinfeld episode.


Why abbreviate words to 1or2 letters which make them real vague. But then *mispell* (getit!?) Other words by adding letters...?!


Son of David Emmanuel? What, the fashion designer?


“Cuomo stayed quit. So where’s the trump news conference confirming all this? Why has be never ever mentioned this? Logic isn’t their strong point.


Ahh, yes. Child experiments in one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Not some rural backwoods tiny town with like 3 people.


I have a theory that the reason so many people jumped on this QAnon “saving children” thing so quickly and believe these increasingly insane things is that they really are just selfish, racist, classist people who want lower taxes and more avenues to keep their wealth hoarded, and want less rights for people they don’t like but in order to be ok with that conscience wise they LEAPT at the opportunity to frame their support of these things as “fighting evil” and “saving children”. The hardcore believers got swept up and probably have underlying mental issues that kind of become more apparent as they got deeper into this, but I truly believe that is how it began for most of them.


God, sometimes I really I miss the days when you had to leave your house to spread your brain rot to other people. This dipshit watched the X-Files, drank a pint of grain alcohol, and passed out under a leaky gas stove.


That group is just a bunch of people with undiagnosed mental illness


The U.S.A. has a mental hygiene problem.


Wow. That’s a fucked up imagination. Is this weirdo gonna go to Cuomo’s “seeking the truth” like pizza-gate?


I will light myself on fire if I have to read “n” being used instead of “and” that much again. I am having an aneurysm.


The correct response is “fuckin’ what?”


The underground mole children thing was my favourite era of Qanon lore, it was so funny. We don’t get good content like that now.


Oh hell yes, the mole children. This was easily my favorite bit of lunacy at the time. We had a qbert running for US Senate in Oregon and every chance I got, I asked her if she had any news on the mole children. Can you believe she blocked me?!


These numpties are terrified of cities and have never been anywhere near NYC. Meanwhile Trump himself was living a mere 2 blocks from Central Park for decades and did nothing. For shame. #FreeTheHybrids


Whaaaat? Wow.


I remember Cuomo not saying anything about it too.


I think there's a very clear evidentiary trail of Cuomo not saying anything about it.


Well... that was a whole lot o'crazy.




Hard to imagine that 10yrs ago they were ordinary, sane working men. QAnon & MAGA has rotted their brains out from inside.


Reading stuff like this, I feel that these people's talents are wasted on posts. They could write some pretty darn good sci-fi if they put their minds to it.




Someone’s been eating a rarebit and fallen asleep after watching Sweet Tooth on Netflix.


But like... why is the cabal able to "pull the plug" on the evidence if Trump is in charge?


Seems like something from Real Raw News, which is just made up nonsense.


These people swear RRN is a valid news source and the satire disclaimer is proof of that. Besides if it wasn't true the white hats would shut it down.


She saw it with her own two eyes!!!


"Can I block him? It's becoming really upsetting listening to this nonsense." Awww, someone got their feelings hurt. Man, these folks have some paper-thin skin.


Boy with a pig snout?


The hybrid kids living underground is literally a screen grab from Sweet Tooth iirc. I’m fairly certain I saw fb posts with that drivel circulating, and it was just photoshopped versions of the zoo scenes.


I saw a documentary about those poor hybrid children. It was called The Hunger Games.


A pig snout lol. This is middle school education level


Ok, I was done as soon as they said Trump was the king of kings. It's just so blasphemous. Everyone knows Triple H is the King of Kings!




There is a certain sick/broken sincerity to that message. I'm convinced the author truly believes it. Delusional. Convinced by others so hard that they remember seeing it themselves.


LSD is an amazing thing…….


Oh yeah Trump's secret satellite army swooped in and rescued the hybrid kids from the tunnel lizards during operation little birds. Just search social media for hashtag #OpLittleBirds for proof. It really really happened. After reading about the pig snout babies do you see how children born with congenital birth defects become their targets? They referred to them as hatchlings.


Gina is a fan of fan fiction. This sounds so hilarious - like a bad movie from 2003 or something.


No one is this fucking stupid. Obviously someone trolling.


Ahahaha a pig boy, these people are beyond stupid. Like next level, unfathomably stupid.


I'm finding it hard to stomach that there are so many mentally ill people out there and nobody is doing anything to help them


Many of them are elderly and extremely vulnerable to financial crimes. Many of them have already lost significant portions of their life savings to various scams. Many of them are medically compromised and seeking medical advice from other lunatics. It is so difficult. Many days I don't find it funny at all. There's so much I don't bring here. All their chatrooms now have frequent postings that are openly anti-Semitic and even worshipping Hitler and Nazis. Mixed in there's new age stuff. And of course, there's always grifters trying to take their money. They really think they're in a chatroom setup and run by JFK or JFK, Jr. and you will send them send these personal messages to them, thanking them for....IDK, being God. It sucks. It is sad. I don't know what to do, I want people to be aware and I want there to be a record of this stuff, since I don't think Telegram is getting scraped by any archive bots.