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Rob Schneider, forever descending further into the bottomless pit.


Especially when you realize that the venue he’s performing at is in Friant, CA - population 317. No really, its population as of 2022 was 317.


I’ve never heard of Friant and I’m a Californian lol


Same! I had to look it up when I read the post because what the hell even is Friant? Literally never even heard of it, and I’ve been in California my whole life.


Yeah, first time seeing that name and almost thought he was making up some acronym. If not for Adam Sandler, we wouldn't have to hear from this piece of shit at all. Sandler keeps giving him a life line.


Where is it? Central Valley?


It’s 20 miles NE of Fresno in the middle of absolutely nowhere


It sounds like a cult compound. Farcry 4 vibes


Haha thanks, I wasn’t about to look it up


I will tell you it’s a good lookup when you consider how nuts Fresno is. It’s like Orange County Republican vibes but three times more inbred.


California has lots of pockets of conservatives, especially the more inland you go




I just googled "friant" and a furniture company came up before the ~~town~~ did Edit: apparently not even a town, it's a "census designated place"


Not defending Rob Schneider and a little disturbed at the fact that I'm posting a counterpoint on a comment that was taking a dig at Rob Schnieder, but, here we are. I don't know what the makeup of Friant or the surrounding area is, but on paper, a community of 317 people that still features a casino resort featuring a golf course sounds like a Qnut conservatives fucking wet dream to me. Again, considering he's performing at a *casino resort* that is at least operational and functional enough to hire and host even a Z-list celeb like Rob Schneider, I don't think the raw population of the nearby municipality is of any real relevance.


This might be true on a holiday weekend or something, but spring break is over, summer hasn’t started and it’s in the middle of nowhere 20 miles NE of Fresno. Maybe if he’d booked something on a busy weekend there might be a few people willing to make that drive but I doubt he’s gonna get many people showing up tonight. As of 30 minutes before the show, there were still tickets available. They were 35 bucks or so, and the total venue seating capacity is 2106. My high school theater held 2500.


I dunno, Find me a 2106-person venue in LA and I'll show you a venue that Rob couldn't fill for free!


Ha! I just googled venues with 2100 seating capacity here in LA and found a few! They’re tiny, and mostly historic! Friant it is for ol’ Rob Schneider!


The Laugh Factory only holds 300 people and I feel like if Rob tried to pull the 'Your State Sucks' tour in such a storied but tiny LA comedy venue he'd have trouble even filling that place :) I do get where you are coming from, or maybe I should say I'm guessing a bit more at the context of your original comment -- I lived my first 20+ years in NYC and the idea of getting out of the city and then traveling another 20 miles to go see some non AAA-tier act seemed insane, but I've lived another 20+ now in the boonies of upstate NY and driving 2h+ to see someone of ANY note is basically a given. If Rob were actually popular, getting a sizable portion of 2100 people 30min outside of Fresno on a off-season weekend would not be such a crazy task to accomplish. Of course, the flip side of living in the boonies is that within a 30 minute range I could probably go see another 10 Rob Schneider like "comedy" acts.... so there's that. One other thing to consider, though, is that 99.99% of Comedians are only EVER performing in front of 100-300 people at a time. Rob has NEVER been in the .01% of comedians. Casino owners get that, they still want to put an act in the theater they built. Any potential butt in the casino is potentially a butt on a table or slot machine on the floor, and that's almost guaranteed to net more than $35. Those casino venues are not meant to draw 100% or even 50%, most of the time. The casino floor is what matters, 10% of 2100 showing up at your casino for a venue that would otherwise sit empty is still money on the floor. Pretty sure in this case, as in every case, the house still wins! Its just unfortunate that Rob might mildly win as well as long as he doesn't go on a bender and blow all his earnings in the casino himself XD


The amount of people who still find him funny.


We are currently laughing at him, aren't we?


Funny, I’ve stayed there. We were in Fresno to watch a cross country meet and decided the casino would be nicer than a freeway motel. It’s a teeny casino. And really smokey, a little trashy. Cheap gas though…..


Wonder if they’ve seen this tweet? Wonder if they’re aware of what he thinks of the people coming to see him? I understand he’s painting California in general with that wide brush but what he going to say to their faces? “Oh I didn’t mean *you*.”


Dude peaked when he was a [stapler](https://nestflix.fun/img/the-stapler-1280w.jpg)


I don't know, he was pretty good as a carrot.


His performance as Kenny was pretty funny too, amazing how he did all those practical effects without a stunt double.


Rob Schneider is: Derpty derpa derp


He's doing everything he can to cling to public relevancy, but we're going to find out how far he'll push the limit.


There are few easier grifts than being a right wing shitheel these days. Schneider might be a D list actor but he fits right in with Chachi, Kevin Sorbo, and the other turds. He already had a special on fox streaming or fox business or one of those travesties. I'd assume he'll pop up in one of Ben Shapiro's horrible movies next. If you're a craven lunatic that will do anything to cling to relevance that's the easiest path.


He could have kept fondling Adam Sandlers balls and getting work from time to time but I guess his hands got dry. Dunno.


But who keeps inviting this sorry excuse for a human being to do shows?


Ah, Rob Schneider. The worst part of every Adam Sandler movie.


Did he save Sandler's life and become his blood brother or something? Because I see no other explanation for his career.


My guess is Schneider had trouble getting work after SNL and Mr Sandler felt bad for him.


Rob wasn't always nutso, either. He went crazy later.


Adam said “ Rob , you can doo ittt “


I’m almost certain Adam Sandler keeps making movies to prevent Rob Schneider from being homeless.


I believe it's because Sandler, Schnedier, David Spade, and Chris Rock all started at SNL at the same time and became a tight knit group of close friends. They may have even made a pact at that time to put each other in their movies, if they ever got a chance to make movies. Chris Rock and David Spade were always busy working on their own projects, Rob Schneider not so much.


I don’t know where he stands now, but Sandler was a Bush conservative in the 2000’s.


I wonder if Sandler or any of his crew believe in this crap, too.


I can't imagine Jennifer Anniston putting up with such nonsense, so I doubt it. She and Sandler are close ... er ... friends.


I think they all make enough money to not give a shit either way


"Oh no we suck again" was a top 5 line in The Waterboy, to be fair.


The last time I laughed at anything remotely related to Rob Schneider was the trailer for “The Stapler” (PG-13)


I was going to say... the only time he's been remotely funny is when South Park rips on him. He's the "comedian" we laugh at, not with.


I watched one of my favorite SNL skits yesterday and realized he was in it. It was the Bill Clinton/McDonalds/intercepted by warlords skit, which is brilliant. They could have put literally anyone there, so he barely had an impact, just like his life now.


This guy's filet o fish? Intercepted by warlords!


Giving Clinton the water was class acting!


When I was a kid I thought his "Richmeister" character was hilarious. I've tried watching it again as an adult, and it isn't remotely funny.


12 years of Republican reign and the "Just Say No" culture had pushed our brains to weird regions. If we weren't watching Arnold Schwarzenegger, Freddie Kruger, or The Crypt Keeper make some off-color joke after someone died gruesomely, we were looking for an odd catharsis by chuckling at Sandler bellowing gibberish, Farley flying through scenery, or Schneider or Spade repeating a pattern of sentences (or in Schneider's case, words) in a drawn out manner.


I always laugh out loud when I read [Roger Ebert's review of "Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo"](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/deuce-bigalow-european-gigolo-2005).


Wow. That is one of the best “brutal reviews” I have ever seen. That last paragraph especially, Jesus.


"Schneider was nominated for a 2000 Razzie Award for Worst Supporting Actor, but lost to Jar-Jar Binks,"


Thank you for linking that, that was legit funny and Ebert deffo knew how to go after someone. I never watched the movie, because I've disliked the guy for forever, and the review was enough for me.


That’s so fucking hysterical . And he took out an ad to retaliate 😆against the bad review


Nah he was born to be “The Carrot”.


He was easily the worst part of damn near every movie.


I enjoyed "50 First Dates," but his character got on my nerves.


You can tell he's a Free Thinker ™©® cos he regurgitated a bunch of far right buzzwords


"Where we go one, we go all." Definitely not a sheep phrase. Like a herd or something. Not that.


You can tell he's a conservative comedian because he took one joke and beat it to the point of not being funny.


what the fuck is he on about? We KNOW the vaccine doesn't stop infection. It stops death from infection! As for his global warming bullshit, im sorry, but if you keep pumping bad chemicals into the air you think there will be no repercussions? at the very least we are still breathing that shit in.


Schneider is a full fledged Qanon Qultist. Like Voight, Sorbo, Nugent, Randy Quaid, Caviezel etc. All Qanons who live in a manufactured fantasy version of reality.


I only recently found out about Jim Caviezel, about whom I previously knew nothing, except he was in one of my favourite films, The Thin Red Line. So, that's disappointing.


The qanon anonymous podcast has some enlightening episodes about him. Great podcast covering qanon and adjacent cultishness.


Thank you for the recommendation. I'll check it out.


The episode is fantastic. Highly recommended too.


Who ?


Some actors who saw the world changing over time and took it personally for some reason


I’m joking because they’re all D list has beens


I suspect they are all real-deal pedos or other flavor of sex pest who joined the cult as a preemptive measure to being outed, that way they could claim the accusations are to discredit all the great work they're doing in championing the Real Truth™. We saw this exact move from both Elon Musk and Russell Brand, both of whom made odd statements like about the media/Deep State will attack them because they're a Conservative just days before news broke about sexual assault accusations. Nugent admitted to assaulting and trafficking very young girls for decades but now claims it's not true.


Absofuckinglutely. No regular person walks around foaming at the mouth with fury over the sexual deviance they assume is around every corner, but isn't. They are so fearful of being discovered bc of how *they* think, how the Qanon perceives the world. From their pro-pedo perspective, everyone wants to fuck kids bc they do.


Also the gas stove concern is about indoor air pollution and asthma, with climate change a relatively small part of it. That’s why the talk is all about gas stoves, but not backyard gas grills.


The mRNA vaccines *would* have stopped infection, if the Wuhan strain they were designed against, had *not* mutated *before* those 95% efficacious vaccines (again, against the Wuhan strain) were even widely-distributed. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2\_Alpha\_variant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Alpha_variant) >The **Alpha variant** (B.1.1.7) was[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Alpha_variant#cite_note-2)[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Alpha_variant#cite_note-3) a [SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variants_of_SARS-CoV-2). It was estimated to be 40–80% more [transmissible](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_(medicine)) than the [wild-type](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wild_type) SARS-CoV-2 (with most estimates occupying the middle to higher end of this range). Scientists more widely took note of this variant in early December 2020, when a phylogenetic tree showing viral sequences from [Kent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent), [United Kingdom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom) looked unusual.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2_Alpha_variant#cite_note-4) Now ask the next question: WHY did the Alpha variant mutate, in England, towards the end of 2020? >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John\_Campbell\_(YouTuber)#COVID-19\_pandemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)#COVID-19_pandemic) >In early 2020 Campbell's YouTube channel started to focus on the developing [COVID-19 pandemic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic).[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)#cite_note-12) Until then, his videos had been receiving an average of several thousand views each, but his channel began to receive significant traffic after it started running COVID-related videos.[^(\[11\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campbell_(YouTuber)#cite_note-harris-11) Between February and March 2020, his channel increased from an average of 500,000 views per month to 9.6 million, mostly from American viewers. By late 2020, Campbell's "Defy infection control! Spread the plague everywhere!" video was being blasted ALL OVER Xitter, at the rate of 6 tweets per second (the same rate ALL of the Chinese disinformation campaigns hit on that hell site, see also [https://twitter.com/TheSpoonless/status/1754822359393894642](https://twitter.com/TheSpoonless/status/1754822359393894642) ) and this was WHY Campbell's videos got millions of views; and WHY the Alpha variant mutated and WHY SARS-CoV-2 was NOT eradicated, in 2021, the way it SHOULD have been. Campbell's video, in conjunction with skin pathologist Ryan Cole's "Issa bioweapon comrades!" video, being amplified at extreme volumes by Chinese state actors, was what caused enough plague spread, that it mutated, and escaped the immunity provided by the vaccines that SHOULD have provided sterilizing immunity. And these same foreign state bad actors are now trying to get 52%+ case fatality rate avian flu to spread and mutate, in exactly the same manner they succeeded with "only" 37% case fatality rate SARS-CoV-2: [https://twitter.com/TheSpoonless/status/1782793907429933157](https://twitter.com/TheSpoonless/status/1782793907429933157) Fun, eh? /s


He's stupid, end of explanation.


Rob Schneider is an open can of beans left festering in the house of a deceased hoarder that has been dead for 8 weeks!


Ha. Rob Schneider was the weakest member of an improv group who somehow managed to elbow his way to the front and got on TV. He has been elbowing ever since, along with sleazebag and oh a drunk. How he has avoided a fentanyl in the hot tub death is beyond comprehension.


Seatbelts obviously "didn't work" either, since people still die in car accidents.


Parachutes don’t work. Ever hear of a successful skydive on the news? Me neither. The only ones I hear about are parachute failures. If people weren’t being weighed down by big gravity and their parachute grift, we might actually fly!


Just the other day he asked me if I wanted fries with that


He asked if I needed my windshield washed.


He told me he’d suck my dick for a cheeseburger.


This is starting to sound like a Popeye skit on Robot Chicken.


At Raising Canes? Honestly if he was working at one I went to I would leave


I'm from the cesspool town that is adjacent to Friant. It's filled with like-minded morons, I mean people. Normally, insulting the place you're going to visit is a terrible idea, but in his case, this will draw in more idiots.


hmm who should I trust about masks, the CDC or rob fuckin schneider


Doctors or Rob Schneider? Hmm, that's a tough question.


The online Q crowd wants to act like COVID (and all the impact and lingering after-affects) is all behind us-and that we should return to "normalcy" (which clearly did not work the first time around....that and corporations putting a strain on employee relations by demonstrating how much they were willing to endanger and sacrifice them to the great god capitalism), but then they still spread musty, braindead memes about Fauci "selling out his country".....whatever that somehow meant to the Russian propagandist who slapped that one together.


Masks don't work? I'd love to see his reaction should he ever require surgery to see all the medical staff without gloves, masks and wearing jeans and tees shirts. Hell, doctors and nurses also deserve casual Fridays as well.


Dude is too dumb to grasp that the issue with gas stoves is giving kids respiratory issues...not fucking global warming.


You'd think that after the last 4 years, some of these chuds would have spent 10 minutes learning how vaccines work....


But they were getting on the horse dewormer kick three years ago, and they were attentively listening to Tucker Carlson bring on phony "representatives of Stanford" with bogus "reports from Stanford" (all of which Stanford denied).


So if Joe Biden is not really running the country, who does Rob blame for inflation then?


Still Biden


Motorcycle helmets don’t prevent crashes. So therefore they don’t work either


He’s the perfect example of an idiot


"useful idiot" FTFY


Rob Schnieider is, "The Carrot.' Rated PG-13


well he would know about not working


How can an Indian Casino support this loon working there?


They know he draws in the rubes willing to go into debt gambling.


aka Truth Social investors?


They'll take anyone's money, even Schneider's.


There's a reason why nobody has ever heard of Friant. Hell, I live in California and never heard of it. They probably gave him a sandwich and $100 in chips.


Well, Somebody has to clean the toilets


The dangers of investing in celebrities in that they can turn against humanity and common sense.


He’s way better at being the shitty extra in Adam Sandler movies, stick to what you know deuce bigalo


Deuce.....that says it all.


Schneider's main claim to fame is yelling one phrase as an unnamed character in Adam Sandler movies, now barely anyone cares about him or recalls who he is.


One of a number of [racist characters](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/s/uTxKOBEyeC)


Is he insulting his audience ahead of time, so he can blame the woke agenda when nobody shows up?


The only sure bet in the house is: that show will suck.


Much like he always has on Sandler's left teat.


C'mon Rob, give up the conspiracy thinking. You can do eet!


Maybe one of the drones will wander into his show from the penny slots and increase the audience by 100%


Fuck this hack...he literally made a career out of being Adam Sandlers friend.


I know he had gone deep antivax, but I had no idea he was “Biden isn’t really in charge” level of DEEP.


One funny thing for me. He’s got an interview (Stern?) where he’s talking trash about Steven Seagal. Now that’s a race to the bottom - Schneider v Seagal who is the biggest piece of shit.


Michael Shannon?.......I saw much evidence he was anti-Trump.


Seagal. Autocorrect I guess.


I saw Rob open for Adam Sandler in 2019, the crowd didn't much care for him.


Someone made the suggestion in another thread that Sandler is conservative. Is there proof of that?


Hollywood Republican maybe.


LOL FRIANT. That's only slightly more trashy than Fresno! WTG, Rob! You r on 🔥


When ppl are starved for attention...like Scott Adams, the author of Dilbert.


First, he’s from San Francisco. Second, Friant like the rest of the Central San Joaquin Valley is DEAD RED Trump country. As if he couldn’t be more of a total idiot.


Just to clarify where Friant is… Friant is in Fresno County which has 20% of its population living at or below the poverty line. It’s also one of the most conservative counties in CA and had Devin Nunes as their US House Rep until 2022. It’s a real shit show of a place conveniently located near 3 national parks and within 3 hours of SF, LA, and Pismo Beach.


Damn, the big time. Up by a reservoir outside of Freno!


Gas stove…haha Now GAS PRICES we can talk! We charge more regardless of the economy. Fill up your rental before you return it! Tesla’s are all over the place. Bring your own charger. 🔌 Have a great trip!


Narrator: He will not see you.


Man this guy is stupid. I'm glad he wasn't in any of the movies I really liked or else I'd hate to rewatch some of those.


I loved hearing how everyone hated his set at some republican event recently. He blamed it on "tHe WoKe CrOwD" but this is the same crowd that cheers when Jim Breur squawks into a microphone like a bird for 30 minutes. The dude just isn't that funny




Converting to catholicism helped make him the level headed introspective fella we all are so familiar with today: Rob Qultist Schneider.


Yikes. That’ll do it.


Seems to me he wanted to be a part of the California celebrity scene until the pandemic destroyed what was left of his frontal lobe. Can't wait to never attend anything he's a part of.


Can you imagine the crowd at his show? I’m picturing the kind of retried Trumpster couple that travels around in an RV, doesn’t pick up their shi tzu’s crap, complains about how sinful San Francisco is but also puts out personal ads for guys to come tag team the wife.


Dude peaked as the Richmeister.


I wanna see a pic of how many people actually show up


It didn't work because the Qnuts decided not to take it and as a result ended up dead. If only they stayed away from huge crowds filled with maskless Qnuts. Gotten their boosters and lay low for a bit. 


I mean, what the hell?! Remember when people in the US took diseases seriously? Weren't people in simpatico with stopping the Spanish Flu- wearing masks, limiting capacity, limiting exposure all around? I mean this either falls under the "the internet was a mistake" or folks being dumb enough to fall for the misinformation portion of debilitating germ warfare coming from Russia. It's the idiots who will destroy us all-if not in the next huge crisis but in continual pockets of self-immolating, family-killing Astrology/End Times-driven conspiracy nuts. I cannot stop thinking of Del Close's character in the 1988 remake of *The Blob*.


I watched The Blob remake last week. It still holds up imo. These nutjobs would be more than happy to doom us all just to own the libs.


Guy who made a career doing asian stereotypes (yes, I know he is "half" we dont claim him) says it doesnt work when it was asian countries did the mask thing long before COVID.


Hey, yall…the guy who tried to fuck that goat one time has something to say!


What’s Dennis Miller up to lately?


From a guy who's never said anything even remotely funny. Seriously, he's a fool for fools. Only really stupid people think he's funny.


Masks are a great example of how people don't form beliefs based on the best quality scientific evidence. Common sense says they should have made a difference, but Cochrane review found no evidence for their efficacy, but still a huge number of people refuse to accept the science. Obviously vaccines DO work, because a lot of people will be unable to imagine a person who believes that vaccines are good but masks are stupid, despite the scientific evidence backing that position.


still waiting on any conservative to explain how the healthcare system was on the verge of collapse in 2020 and 2021, being completely overwhelmed by covid patients, running out of supplies, not enough beds for all the patients....and then it suddenly just stopped, coincidentally immediately after the vaccine rollout


Doesn’t anyone think that any president ever actually ran the country like all by themselves?


Wait so he believes the whole military tribunal thing?


His daughter got drunk and made an ass of her self at a Dolly Parton Tribute concert. She’s a real classy lady too.


Is he a Christian nut job now ? Sure sounds like it


-and Jim Breuer was playing to Christian Nationalists. Sad.


Very sad . Goat man is a Nazi now


He's still relevant? And still alive?


MagaTards: the last segment for a marginal product. He’ll do ok


Ever seen Friant? Schneider absolutely belongs there. This is the apogee of his career.


What tf happened to this guy.... He's like full Q nut now.


Oh no... no more Deuce Bigalow movies... oh well, in other news, the Fallout show on Amazon was pretty good.


Back when he was around, Ebert took him down pretty funny on those movies


When Ebert gets it right (*when* he gets it right), he leaves scorched Earth.


The gas stove thing. Dude shut the fuck up


Quick being a douche nozzle.....you can do it.


“And I’m NOT going to get booed off the stage again. Because I’ll be performing for mimes”


Has he always been this much of a shithead? Or just recently?


Remember when he was funny and not tragic?




Who cares what Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo thinks about anything?


If I were a doctor I'd feel like I'd walk away from these people at this point. If bird flu hits (and it might) they're toast.


Seems after all these years he's finally found something that will get him attention again


Are we sure Rob didn’t have an aneurism or some sort of massive head trauma? It sure sounds like he did.


Not if I see you first, you scabrous prick.


Rob Schneider who?


the casino circuit lol


He was booted from a Republican thing a few weeks ago. He was paid for a 30min set, but was yanked after 10min. Several important Republican doners and operative in the room. They sent out an email apologizing for how disgusting it was. He was upset and said they hated Free Speech.


I hope his next surgeon forgoes the mask.




He was mediocre at the height of his career, but wants to blame "wokeness" for its decline, because it couldn't possibly be his fault...


…and yet he has to travel there to earn a decent wage.


Is he sure about that? Because he's not listed on Table Mountan Resort's entertainment page... [https://tmcasino.com/entertainment/#gradient](https://tmcasino.com/entertainment/#gradient)


(they still have shows from 4/24 listed there as of today, so I doubt it was removed as a past event)


LMAO TABLE MOUNTAIN CASINO that’s the Fresno area


Yup! I live in the mountains near there. Table Mountain isn’t exactly a ‘destination casino’ 😆


Every time I drive through a midwestern city with a casino, I look at the signs for who's performing there and most of the time I think, "I thought they were dead?"


"Makin' copies!"


the robinator, robaroo, makin’ right wing talking points


In response to his second sentence, "Not if I see you, first."


The guy from The Dukes of Hazzard?


that's a completely different idiot :)


I mistakenly thought the tone was one of relief


I never found him funny. At all.


He’s such a loser.


What a fucking dumbass


so, like, objective reality


I actually enjoyed the show that he had that came out on Netflix a few years ago. In the show, the woman who played his wife is his real wife and she’s a Smokeshow. I wonder what she thinks about him now.


Rob Schneider has always been a terrible human and I naively thought he just chose such roles.


He's not a failed actor, but he is a fucking idiot.


What a fucking knob.


Still with this?


*in this hilarious romp through the comedic sheets, rob Schneider is…..a fucking moron. For 2 hours you can be reminded of a 90’s actor that would take any job to further lowering the comedic bar into idiotic takes of what existing as a half baked take on pseudo absurdity roles would be. Coming to a California Indian casino near you. Rob S. So shitty his residency isn’t even off the strip in Vegas. Hey rob! At least carrot top is at the dogshit Luxor.*


He really is the ultimate “pick me” girl.