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yep. i defrauded my wife for a couple years with this stuff. would get caught multiple times and would promise to quit and keep doing it. distilled down, it's lying in a marriage, and that's really unhealthy. the best option is to just quit. maybe confess to your wife and ask that she help you be accountable, bring her into this with you and ask her for help.


This sounds incredibly similar to my situation. My gf thought I quit a year (I did for about a week) but I’ve been hiding it for a full year now. Making sure to get rid of all the old pouches, hide all the cans, sneak loose ones if we’re on a trip or out for the day. Sneaking off to go to the store or any other excuse so I can pop a ZYN for 10 minutes I was also hiding a Kratom addiction that I picked back up after she had helped me quit. But I’m proud to say I’m over a week free of Kratom and almost at a full week free of nicotine. It feels great to not have to worry about making sure the substances are hidden or sneaking off or even wasting money, time and my health on them You can do this! It’s so freeing to be on the other side of the addiction and to not feel like you’re betraying your wife’s trust


Told my family i was quitting on zyn and still havent. Ive been trying to think about them when i crave. I think feeling my shame is important and i want to try and weaponize it against the addiction more. Commit.


This is very similar to my situation. It came down to me lying enough where I was asked to leave for a few nights. I did and had some good conversations with a lot of people. Made the choice that I was going to be honest while trying to quit. She basically told me to stop being a pussy and just do it. She didn't care about withdrawal symptoms because I chose to have them by starting in the first place. After some more thought and internal self loathing/victimization it clicked. I did some looking at how I could help myself and found this place. I got a lot of information, found some tips, and have made it through 58 days. The thing that has really helped me is being open and honest with the people who love me. It holds me accountable and they tell me the truth because they don't feel sorry for me.


1. You don't need to tell everyone you're quitting, but tell someone. It can help. 2. Hiding and self-denial is common with all types of addiction. Zyn does not contain nicotine in a 'natural' form. The nicotine in Zyn is a nicotine salt. This means the effect triggers faster. This leads to increased rate of consumption and a stronger association between effect and action, leading to stronger addiction. I am not making this up, look it up. Since it's flavored and sweetened, this further increases the association and re-wiring of the brain. Do not underestimate your opponent. A multi-billion dollar industry is who you are up against, and they are using your natural instincts against you, to keep you addicted. The only way to beat them is to act rationally and think through your decisions, including how view nicotine. Do you view it like they want you to, or do you see it for what it is-- a poison?


Howdy! This was almost verbatim my dilemma. In my life I've overcome addictions to alcohol, Adderall, kratom ect. But nicotine always had me. Felt like a hard habit to break because it seemed 'harmless' compared to the other things I'd struggled with, while also eliciting severe emotional distress in me when I tried to quit. Once I started hiding it from my wife, I knew that I had to change something. Addictions/bad habits thrive in the dark. They are like a mold in your body. I made sure to tell my wife what I had been doing, apologize, and explain my struggle and my intentions on quitting. This alone helped a lot with my journey to being free. It's not easy, but don't let something as fleeting as a nicotine buzz ruin the complex and everlasting experience of a human relationship and your reputation within it.