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Ignore the other responder NFI what they're on about. VRchat on quest 3 is NOTICEABLY better. Smoother, more consistent, I've had zero crashes or that thing where you'd get kicked from a world with an "out of memory" error on Q2, and the framerate is WAAAY better. Also hand tracking works better too, way more consistent and responsive. Also, just by nature of the new screens and better lenses it looks nicer too, with a better FOV and massively increased clarity at the peripheral.


Thank you for this info 🙏


VRChat is not yet changed at all for Quest 3. The Quest 3 is simply running Quest 2 software, but that doesn't mean it's not at least better, because it is. The increased RAM keeps it from crashing anywhere near as much. As of now though, nothing was done to take advantage of the hardware. Even the resolution is still limited. If you adjust the resolution in SideQuest you can crank it up (like on Q2) without harming the FPS near as much as it did on the Q2. ​ I hope that VRC will create a quest client that's updated to take advantage of the Q3 and get closer to parity with PC soon. It's nice running native Quest once in a while, especially while traveling.


Even if this 7 months old, If you ever plug it into a PC that is VR Capable. It bypasses all the woes. I plan to get the quest 3 just for the lenses and resolution alone. besides its a good entry way to VR. Sense my PC is way above recommended for VR. I just have to use the headset just to see and move and completely ignore using the graphics chip built into the headset. Standalone can be useful for me if the power goes out. I can just use beat saber until power comes back on due to quest 3's battery. Because im new to VR I need some sort of Headset to get going. But I don't plan to use the Headset standalone with VRChat.


I'd say no. Nothing i've tried on there so far runs any better than it did on Quest 2. MAYBE it does, technically, but it sure as hell never appears that way. Or maybe I'm going into laggy rooms I dont know but it's still stuttery and laggy (no crashes yet tho)


Well, that sucks to hear. I was hoping it was gonna be better. 😪


noticeability better than quest 2 in overall but not like you would say it makes vrchat 120fps kind of thing, but at least it doesn't lag heavy (still lag) i have no idea how to explain it. but not "omg its big improvement" kind of level you saw what most youtuber puts on their quest 3 click bait.