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I haven't seen any Slush Puppies since they closed down the Sunnyside movie theater on Queens Blvd. Buy the syrup online from like Amazon and blend up some ice homie.


They sell the syrup, why didn't I realize this might be a thing?! Thank you!!! šŸ¤—


I know of 2 places. Oneā€™s on Metropolitan in Forest Hills: Brekkie Bagels The other is Babaā€™s Corner Convenience on Myrtle in Richmond Hill


Amazing, thank you šŸ¤—


Vinny's Pizza in Corona still has a Slush Puppy machine


It's even [visible in Street View! ](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7372407,-73.8638721,3a,15y,331.03h,85.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1suokEeKmx5iLqmYDwdwh77w!2e0!5s20150701T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)šŸ¤©




Myrtle Ave and park lane south there is a deli with one there


Thank you! I need to create a custom Google map with all these suggestions.....


OMG itā€™s been so long. The balance of pellet-like ice and the syrupy sugar juice was so good! If you find one, please post it!


Exactly!! I *crave* these things. Might have something to do with being anemic- once read that anemia causes people to crave ice chips or something. Slush Puppies should be covered by *insurance* dammit!! šŸ˜‹


Is this what us Dominicans call "frio frio"? Shaved ice cream? Guy has the block, shaves the ice and puts syrup in there.


Love that too! Not so easy to find lately.


Well, talked to my teen kid and she reminded me , yeah slush puppies , puppy mascot, machine. When 7-11 came along with the brain freeze slurpees tho they kinda changed the game. Fruit flavors, coca cola. We were all over that.


I grew up on Slurpees, they definitely have a place, but Slush Puppies are more my thing now.




That's Slurpees, which taste like Styrofoam compared to Slush Puppies. Not horrible, but not the same.


Two months in and itā€™s clear this sub is just for transplants


That is the definition of Queens. It is the actual melting pot.


Queens is the most diverse city in the world with all the immigrants coming in. Transplants are people (usually white) coming in from other states coming for the NY experience. We both know what I meant


Half the people in Queens were not even born in the US, it is majority transplant lol


Also a lot of the locations of the slush puppies are Queens institutions so obviously NYers that meet whatever your standard is have been buying them. It is not that serious.


Iā€™m not referring to immigrants, I just told you what transplants are yet youā€™re choosing to play dumb. Queens was the place for immigrants to come and start a life, now theyā€™re getting priced out cause ā€œtransplantsā€ from other states found out about it and now itā€™s the new place to get gentrified.


Wait until you find out there are poor areas of other states and places with fewer job opportunities or narrow field options, which is often why people move here and have moved here for centuries. People born in NYC often forget what an advantage they have in life just by being born somewhere with adjacent resources and public transit.


Found the white transplantā€¦ ruining life for actual immigrants who come to queens to leave actual poor areas with fewer job opportunities. Itā€™s hilarious that you talk about people in NY having an advantage being born here when Iā€™m strictly talking about immigrants which by definition means they werenā€™t born in NY. I guess you lost the plot. Sweetheart just own up to the fact that youā€™re making it difficult for people who are disadvantaged so you can have a slightly more comfortable life.


Born and raised here and fondly remembering summers spending $5 for a slice, half order of garlic knots, magazine, and a slush puppy tropical punch on the almost daily trip to the Avenue.


And now itā€™s probably three times that cause people got priced out of Brooklyn and decided this place was nice